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Editing Children of Mana script

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===Illusia Ruins===
===Illusia Ruins===

Player: What a desolate place... Why do I get the feeling I've been here before? Tess... Tess has to be here somewhere! / <font color="green">Tess.. Tess must be here somewhere!</font>

(The player ventures into the ruins.)


(The Mana Lord and Tess are conversing.)

Mana Lord: Now, it is time for you to lend me your powers.

Tess: Powers? I don't have any powers for you!

Mana Lord: Oh, but you do. You have great powers. And I need them.
Tess: Excuse me?
Mana Lord: Call the seed of Mana!
Tess: The...seed of Mana?
Mana Lord: The seed of Mana lies dormant somewhere in these ruins. If I utilize the powers within the seed, Mana will surge completely out of control and swallow the world whole.
Tess: Mana surging, swallowing the world whole... Can you talk of nothing else? You really intend to destroy the world?
Mana Lord: Ha... I only seek to fill the world with Mana. Whatever becomes of vermin like you is no concern of mine. No, do it! Call the seed of Mana!
Mana Lord: You only need to call out to it and the seed will answer. Call to it! Now!
Tess: No.
Mana Lord: What?
Tess: I want you to return the holy sword. Please, you must stop this nonsense.
(The Mana Lord jerks the Sword of Mana toward Tess.)
Mana Lord: I don't think you quite understand your position.
[Player]'s Voice: Stop!
(The player runs toward Tess.)
Tess: [Player]!
(Tess hides behind the player.)
Mana Lord: Well, well. You again. Your tenacity is admirable.
Player: Tess, are you all right?
Tess: Yes.
Player: Where are we?
Tess: I don't know...but I feel like I've been here before.
Mana Lord: This is Illusia. The Sanctuary of Mana, to be precise.
Player: Huh?
Tess: This is...the Sanctuary?
Mana Lord: Yes, in several thousand years yet to come.
Tess: What?!
Mana Lord: In its current chaotic state, Mana distorts time and space. It has drawn the Illusia of the future to the present.
Tess: No... these ruins can't be Illusia!
Mana Lord: But they are. Look around. This is the future of the Sanctuary of Mana. This is the end to what you so dearly love and believe. All things must eventually crumble and perish... Mana is no exception. Everything will be lost. Everything.
Player: ...
Tess: ...
Mana Lord: Of course, some things do return...
(The screen turns black, leaving only the player in sight.)
Player: What–?
(A bright ball of light appears before the player, two shadows emerging from it.)
Familiar Voice: [Player]...
Familiar Voice [2]: [Player]!
Player: Those voices...
(A third shadow appears, except for Wanderer.)
Familiar Voice [3]: [Player]! <font color="green">(Wanderer doesn't have this line.)</font>
Player: N-no... I can't be...
Familiar Voice: Yes, it's us, [Player]. The surge of Mana brought us back. It's brought us back to you!
Player: No... <font color="blue">No way!</font> / <font color="red">No! It's a lie!</font> / <font color="green">That's impossible!</font> You all died! Everyone died in the cataclysm! Everyone!
Father's Voice: But it's me, [Player]. <font color="green">(Wanderer doesn't get this line.)</font>
<font color="green">Sophie's Voice: But it's me, Wanderer.</font>
Mother's Voice: I'm here, [Player]. <font color="green">(Wanderer doesn't get this line.)</font>
<font color="green">Danny's Voice: Don't you recognize me, player?</font>
<font color="blue">Sis' Voice: So you haven't forgotten me, have you?</font> / <font color="red">Brother's Voice: You haven't forgotten me, have you, Tamber?</font> <font color="green">(Wanderer doesn't get that line.)</font>
Player: <font color="blue">Father... Mother... Sis...</font> / <font color="red">Mom... Dad... Toby...</font> / <font color="green">Sophie...Danny...</font>
(The player comes toward the light.)
Tess's Voice: [Player]! [Player]!!
(The illusion stops and the player is in the Sanctuary of Mana once again.)
Player: Huh?!
Tess: Are you okay, [Player]?
Player: Wh-what just happened?
Mana Lord: Did you hear them? Voices from the fringes of memory...
Player: What?
Mana Lord: Look around you.
(Shadows are seen gliding on the ground.)
Player: Wh-what are these shadows?
Mana Lord: Those that were lost have returned. I am a collection of the lost...and a bridge between this world and the hereafter.
Player: The lost?
Mana Lord: The millions of faces, the millions of names...and the millions of voices resurrected through the chaotic swell of Mana... The innumerable lives that were lost and returned to Mana... That's me.
Player: That's impossible! / <font color="red">That's impossible...</font>
Mana Lord: And soon, you will be one of them. Give in...and let Mana consume you!
(The shadows gathers to create a hideous, misshapen monster.)
(The player eventually defeats the monster.)
(The player and Tess are standing beside each other when the shadows from the player's relatives return.)
Shadow: [Player]...
(The shadows give the player a <font color="blue">wooden horse</font> / <font color="red">hairpin</font> / <font color="green">harmonica</font>)
(The shadows disappear are the player picks up the item.)
~Obtained <font color="blue">Wooden Horse</font> / <font color="red">Hairpin</font> / <font color="green">Harmonica</font>.~
(The Mana Lord comes out from afar.)
Mana Lord: Hmph. What a useless mishmash.
Player: You'll pay for this! / <font color="blue">You won't get away with this!</font>
(The player lunges at the Mana Lord but is knocked back by his strength.)
Player: Ugh! / <font color="red">Agh!</font>
Tess: [Player]?!
(The Mana Lord points the holy sword toward the player.)
Mana Lord: I'll finish you myself!
Player: Agh... / <font color="red">Ugh...</font>
Tess: (to the Mana Lord) May I ask you something?
Mana Lord: What?
Tess: What exactly does the sword mean to you? Do you think it's just for hurting and killing your enemies?
Mana Lord: What's your point? The Sword of Mana is a weapon–a tool to slay all who would oppose me.
Tess: You're wrong. It is more than a weapon!
Mana Lord: Hmph. Nonsense! You cannot imagine how much blood this sword will shed...or how many lives it will end!
Mana Lord: Move. Or I'll kill you, too...and obtain the seed of Mana by other means...
(A small red gem pops out near the Mana Lord.)
Mana Lord: Hm?
(Multiple gems come out near him.)
Mana Lord: Geodes?! Annoying little pebbles! Out of my sight! Begone!
(The Mana Lord wipes them all out, then casts a ball of energy toward Tess and the player.)
Mana Lord: I've had enough of you, too.
(The ball of energy gets bigger.)
Player: Tess!
(The Mana Lord hurls the ball of light at the two of them, but is absorbed by another ball of light.)
Tess: Ah!
Player: Whoa!
Mana Lord: Could this be...the seed of Mana?
Tess: What?
(The Mana Lord pockets the seed of Mana.)
Mana Lord: Heheheh... Hahahahaha! O mother goddess, with this we can unleash the ful force of the Mana surge. It's all coming to an end. Everything! Just you wait and see... Soon the world will return to Mana! Ahahahaha!
(The Mana Lord escapes through a vortex.)
Player: <font color="blue">Wait! Stop! Damn it...</font> / <font color="red">Wait! Stop!</font> / <font color="green">Wait! Stop! Curse you...</font>
Tess: The seed of Mana... He said it would unleash the full force of the Mana surge.
Player: We have to stop him somehow!
Tess: ...
Player: It's no use worrying about it! / <font color="blue">It's no use worrying about it now!</font> We should head back to the village and plan our next move.
Tess: [Player]... You're right. Let's go home.
(Back to the Mana Village, Tess and the Player explain the situation to Moti and Watts.)
Watts: So, by yer way of it, Illusia will be reduced to ruins someday?
Player: Yes / <font color="blue">Yeah</font>. Even the Mana Tree had withered...
Moti: So, something in the future will cause the Mana Tree to wither and Illusia to fall.
Tess: But the Mana Tree wasn't dead. It may have looked like it had rotted away, but it had a new life underground, waiting for the time to sprout.
Moti: Then the seed of Mana that you saw must have been the new life the Mana Tree was waiting for.
Player: New life... for the Mana Tree...
Watts: So where did the thief take the seed?
Everyone: ...
Watts: Ach! Where's the goddess when we need her most? Or could she have caused the surge herself–
Tess: That's impossible. Besides, the goddess has not been absent. She surely had a plan in mind when she sent the holy sword to this world?
Watts: W-well... Aye, I suppose.
Tess: Anyway, we must track down the Mana Lord.
Watts: Tess is right. We've got to find out where he is. The question
(Treant's branch and Gaia's stone come into Moti's place, revealing both Treant and Gaia.)
Treant: The Mana Lord is at the heart of the Mana surge.
Player: Treant! Gaia! You're all right?
Treant: Hoho! We won't go down that easily.
Watts: The heart of the Mana surge? What do ye mean?
Gaia: It is where the source of Mana lies.
Treant: What do you think would happen if the Mana seed, filled with new power, were released in a place like that?
Moti: Mana would absorb it and grow completely uncontrollable!
Watts: So that's the finishing touch!
Player: Treant, Gaia, please tell me! Just who is this Mana Lord?
Treant: The Mana Lord was also born of the goddess. But he never understood her true will. He thinks only of filling the world with Mana. He wants Mana to surge completely out of control and swallow the entire world. And he'll accomplish this by any means necessary.
Gaia: The Mana Lord is trying to elminate everything we know and create a world filled with Mana. And now that the seed of Mana is in his hands, it's only a matter of time.
Moti: Oh, no...
Tess: We must hurry and stop him!
Player: Where is the heart of the Mana surge?
Gaia: Deep under the roots of the Mana Tree...
Player: Under the Mana Tree... All right! / <font color="blue">Got it!</font>
(The player flies to the base of the Mana Tree.)
===Path of Life===
(The Tree of Mana towers over the player.)
Player: So the Mana Lord is down below!
(Tess rushes to the player.)
Tess: Wait, [Player]!
Player: Tess?
Tess: This may be the last battle. I'm sur he knows it, too.
Player: Probably.
Tess: I...
Player: What's wrong, Tess?
Tess: Everyone has been fighting for their lives, but I... I can't do a thing. I feel so useless...
Player: You've got it all wrong! What about all the times you've bailed me out? / <font color="green">What about all the times you've helped me out?</font> I would have never made it this far without you. Believe me, you're far from useless.
Tess: Thank you, [Player].
Player: Well, on to the center of all the chaos! If I can figure out how to get there, that is...
(A glowing orb is shining through the player.)
Tess: [Player], that glow...
(The player pulls out the heirloom they got from the shadows back in the Sanctuary of Mana.)
Player : It's the <font color="blue">toy horse</font> / <font color="red">hairpin</font> / <font color="green">harmonica</font> from the Sanctuary of Mana.
Tess: Why was it glowing like that?
(The heirloom moves on its own toward the Tree of Mana and creates a portal.)
Player: Whoa! / <font color="green">Ho!</font>
Tess: Maybe it leads underground?
Player: Only one way to find out!
Tess: Come back safely, [Player]. / <font color="green">Please come back safely, Wanderer.</font>
Player: I will.
(The player enters the portal and is teleported to the Path of Life.)
(The player eventually reaches the deepest part of the maze.)
(The Mana Lord stands in front of the player, the seed of Mana in his hands.)
Mana Lord: Welcome to the Path of Life, the heart of chaos. I've been expecting you. The time as come. Soon, this planet will drown helplessly in a sea of Mana. It will be envelopped in the dazzling radiance of life in its purest form. All shall return forever to Mana! Ahahaha!
Player: What's the purpose of all this?
Mana Lord: Purpose? There is no such thing in this world. It's merely and artificial measure that your kind imposes at will. Why don't you explain the purpose of that to me? What could be more meaningless? It's nothing more than illusion!
Player: ...
Mana Lord: Well, shall we end this once and for all? I'm glad you're here. THe show would have been a waste without an audience. Watch as I crack the seed of Mana open right before your eyes!
Player: Don't
Mana Lord: Mana! Swallow it all! Haaaaa!
(The Mana Lord strikes the seed of Mana with the holy blade, making multiples gems appear next to him. The gems create a protective barrier preventing the destruction of the seed.)
Mana Lord: Wh-what is this? How could geodes have such power? This is impossible for mere crystals of Mana... Could it be... Could it be these geodes be crystals of living memory? Each one a will to live, crystallized and preserved by the power of Mana! So you have come here from the future ruins of the Sanctuary. Ludicrous! You think you can stop me with this nonsense? Get out of my sight!
(The Mana Lord tries to hit the seed of Mana, to no avail.)
Mana Lord: No... Immune to the Sword of Mana?! This cannot be happening!
(The camera pans over the Tree of Mana with red birds hovering beside it.)
Tess (communicating telepatically): The Sword of Mana is not a mere weapon. Don't you hear the voices of the gems? Life must go on. And that is where one finds true meaning.
(Back to the depths of the Path of Life, the screen darkens as the Mana Lord summons bolts of lightning.)
Mana Lord: Silence! Silence!! I shall send you to oblivion along with these meddlesome geodes! Now, you time as come!
(The Mana Lord engages battle, but the player proves themselves to be quite skillfull in combat.)
Mana Lord: Hmph. It appears you have some fight in you. But do you really think a worm like you can defeat me? This is it! Prepare to meet your fate!
(The Mana Lord releases a blinding light, giving him enought strength to keep on fighting.)
(The player eventually defeats the Mana Lord.)
(The weaken Mana Lord rests on the holy sword.)
Mana Lord: Grr... The goddess has just descended into this world and does not yet understand herself. And so her powers, unchecked, spun out of control. This produced an entity with a will of its own...which is now running amok, deliriously intoxicated with its own powers. It is roaming the entire planet, laughing, like an innocent newborn baby. Yes, the force behind the great surge of Mana is a child: the scion of Mana.
Player: The scion...of Mana...
Mana Lord: Give the seed of Mana to the maiden. She should know its true use... And you can take this sword.
(The Mana Lord gives the holy sword to the player.)
Mana Lord: When the first columns of light sprouted on Illusia, it was the goddess who sent you this sword at the tower.
Player: Yes, I know. I had a feeling... / <font color="blue">Yeah, I know. I had a feeling...</font>
Mana Lord: She must have wanted you to stop the chaos she could not. But that was all she could do. By then, the Mana Tree was dormant, shackled by the uncontrollable power of the Mana columns.
Player: You knew that the Mana goddesswas trying to stop the chaos?
Mana Lord: What a laugh. After giving birth to the scion and me, she was struggling with all her might to stop us...
Player: If you knew all that, why did you–
Mana Lord: Because that's what I am.
Player: What?
Mana Lord: I was born to fill the world with Mana. I was merely carrying out my duty. A duty which I have yet to complete...
Player: ...
Mana Lord: But now I see... The gems are a fusion of the force of Mana and the will to live of the creatures of this planet... How far will you and the gems get, fighting Mana? How I longed to free Mana's powers... the powers of the scion! I am the Mana Lord! Dear planet, witness my end! Take my life, my child!
Player: Wait! Don't do it! / <font color="red">Wait! Don't!</font>
(The Mana Lord jumps into a pool of Mana.)
Player: No! This is bad... Nothing can stop Mana's powers now!
(The player flees the premises.)
~Obtained Holy Sword.~
~Obtained Seed of Mana.~
(Back on Illusia Isle, several balls of light sprouts from the ground and merge into a greater ball of light at the top of the Mana Tree. This creates a portal to a cave. The eight benevodons spirits are seen hovering around Illusia Isle. People are gathering at the Mana Village looking at the portal.)
Moti: A rift has opened in the skies above the Mana Tree. It seems the source of chaos–the scion of Mana–is there.
Watts: Aye. Looks like we've got no choice but to charge in and stop this madness ourselves!
Moti: You mean...face off directly against Mana's powers? Is such a thing even possible?
Watts: We can do it. We've got the holy sword on our side. Right, [Player]?
Player: <font color="blue">Well, about that...</font> / <font color="red">Well... I don't know...</font> / <font color="green">Well, maybe not...</font>
(The player shows the holy sword being coverted in black vines.)
Watts: What's this? The sword is covered in black vines... Is this really the holy sword?
Moti: Perhaps this is a sign that we were wrong to expect the sword to bare its fangs againt Mana itself...
Watts: Ye're sayin' the sword has forsaken us?
Player: ...
Watts: Well, let it! I care not a tait! The real fightning begins when all hope is lost and ye've fallen as far as ye can fall. If we don't do something, the world's goin' to wither away. The time for arguin' has passed. This is the time to fight. To fight against Mana!
Moti: Watts...
Player: We'll be all right, Moti / <font color="red">Mayor</font>. The Mana goddess won't forsake us. We won't lose!
Moti: But with the sword in such a bad shape...
Tess: The holy sword is more than a mere weapon, Moti. It's blessed with the powers to set things right, as it did when it turned back the malevodons back into benevodons. As long as we are fighting to set the world right again, the sword will lend us its power. I'm sure of it.
Player: <font color="blue">Yeah. Tess is right. I'm going!</font> / <font color="red">Yes. Tess is right. I'm going!</font> / <font color="green">Yes. Tess is right. I'm off!</font>
(The player summons Flammie and enter the Cosmic Rift.)
===Cosmic Rift===
(While exploring the Cosmic Rift, the player encounter familiar shadows in a hazy dead end. The shadows are revealed to be clones of all the other playable characters.)
Player: What are these things? Apparitions created by Mana!
(The player eventually defeats the shadows.)
(Tess is seen praying near the Mana Tree.)
Tess: [Player]...
(The player enters the deepest part of the Cosmic Rift.)
(While exploring the Cosmic Rift, the player is surrounded by sprouting plants. The Scion of Man emerges in the center, making the ground shake and the path behind crumble.)
(Tess is praying at the foot of the Mana Tree.)
Tess: Whose soul wields it decides our fate...
(Back to the Cosmic Rift, the player brandishes the holy sword.)
Player: Sword! Show me... The weight of my soul! The future of this world!
(The player eventually defeats the Scion of Mana by reverting the holy blade back to its original self.)
Player: This is it! / <font color="red">Haaaa!</font>
(The player plants the sword in the ground, making the whole area bursting with light.)
Player: Aaahh!!
(Back on Illusia Isle, the Mana Tower is seen radiating with light.)
Moti: What a brilliant light... Energy taking the form of matter?
Watts: Look, Moti. That's how miracles are born. Our [Player]'s gone and done it!
(The Mana Tower is gone, replaced instead by a small shower of sparkles. Meanwhile, Tess is seen looking around at the base of the Mana Tree.)
Tess: What's happening to the seed?
(The Seed of Mana hovers in front of the Mana Tree and shines brightly. At the same time in Mana Village, the elemental spirits & the villagers are seen celebrating.)
Tess: [Player]!
Player: Tess! What are you doing here? Wait! Where am I? The Mana Tree... I'm back on Illusia. The powers that shackled it are gone... The Mana Tree is alive again!
(A small baby wrapped in cloth appears before them.)
Tess: Mana's child.
(A group of gems pops out of the ground and start glowing, the merge with the seed of Mana and Mana's child. This produces a blue seed, as Treant and Gaia's spirits appear.)
Treant: That is Mana's progeny. It shall be entrusted to the daughters of Mana when at last the Tree falls one day.
Tess: The daughters of Mana?
Gaia: That's right. The descendent of your children's children, far in the future...
Player: ....
(The Mana's progeny rises high in the sky, creating a ghostly image of a woman holding a child in the Tree's bark.)
Player: Where's the sword? The Sword of Mana?
Tess: It has returned to Mana, where it belongs.
Player: So it's...all over now? / <font color="red">'s all over now...</font>
Tess: No, it's just begun. Welcome home, [Player].
(The Illusia Isle is seen from a distance on a boat.)
Moti: Illusia must be sealed off as a sanctuary. Its powers are too great for any mortal to handle. The benevodons will bear it away where it cannot be reached. Until one day...
Player: ...
(The player reminisces his last time in Mana Village, as people are leaving the isle.)
Player: Do you have to stay here?
Tess: Yes... someone has to stay on the island. I want to stay with the Mana Tree.
Player: Right... I understand...
Tess: The Mana Tree and I will always be watching over you...
Player: Thanks...
Tess: Goodbye.
Player: Goodbye...
(The player is seen on the boat overlooking Illusia Isle. The Benevodons surrounding it come into formation and shine a bright light on the isle, making it disappear.)
Grampa Tony: Ohh!
Granny Hannah: Look at the island!
Player: Farewell...
(For a brief moment, a portrait of Tess can be seen instead of the island.)
Moti: Well, let's get moving. We shall head for Jadd, my homeland, for now. Undine! Jinn! We're counting on you!
Watts: (Seeing that the player is sad.) Eh, what's the matter? Keep your chip up, [Player]. We've got a lot to do in the new world, you know!
Ferrik: Yeah, I guess you're right, Watts.
Tamber: The Mana goddess will always watch over us!
Wanderer: It's the start of a brand new world!
Poppen: Goodbye, Tess!
Watts: All right! Let's go!
(The camera pans over the sea and up to the sky.)
And that's how Illusia Isle was sealed off as a sanctuary and sent to a place far beyond the reach of mortals.
(The book from the opening scene is shown.)
Even now, maidens attend to the Mana Tree and watch over us all with great affection, that we might enjoy peace and properity.
(A still of the closed book is shown.)
And that is the end of the tale. Did you find it entertaining? What's that? You want to hear more of the tree and the sword? Hohoho... Let this be enough for now. I will gladly tell you another story another day. Now be a good child, and go to sleep. I will pray to the goddess that your dreams be sweet.
====A Maiden's Prayer====
(The player decides to go talks to Tess.)
Player: Tess.
Tess: (Sad) What is it...
Player: Say, why the long face?
Tess: Who, me?
Player: if there's something on your mind, I'd be happy to listen.
Tess: Thanks, [Player]. But don't you have other things that demand your attention?
Player: Oh, come on! We're friends, right? Just give me a shot.
Tess: Well, it's about the Mana Tower.
Player: Go on...
Tess: Since the day that column of light appeared, it's become infested with monsters.
Player: Yeah...
Tess: So I haven't gone back... I haven't offered prayers since then.
Player: Of course you haven't! Nobody wants you to go back to a place like that.
Tess: But I want to return.
Player: You do?
Tess: You see, if I could just pray at the tower each day, then maybe the world could be saved.
Player: I don't know...
Tess: All I can do is pray to the goddess. And I want to give her our prayers as close to her as I possibly can.
Player: Tess...
Tess: Please, [Player]... Rid the tower of monsters for me!
Player: All right. I'll do it. I'll vanquish the monsters inside the Mana Tower!
Tess: Thanks, [Player].
Player: Well, I'm off!
(The player heads to the Mana Tower.)
Player: Let's rid the Mana Tower of monsters.
(The player slays all the monster.)
Player: I did it! the Mana Tower is free of monsters once again! Now Tess can come and pray here safely. I've got to tell her!
(The player returns to the Mana Village.)
Tess: [Player]!
Player: I did it, Tess! The monsters in the Mana Tower are gone!
Tess: Are they really? Oh, [Player], thank you! Now I can pray there again!
Player: You sure can.
Tess: Here, this is for you. It's not much, but I hope you find it useful.
~Rewarded with <font color="blue">Knight's Medallion</font> / <font color="red">Moonstone Tiara</font> / <font color="gold">Redmoon Horn</font> / <font color="green">Mage's Gloves</font>.~
Player: Thanks, Tess.
====A Valuable Watch====
(The player pays a visit to Millionaire at the Golden Goods.)
Millionaire: Can I help you...find anything...
Player: What's the matter? Are you all right?
Millionaire: Last night...a burglar broke into the shop.
Player: A burglar? In a junk pile like this?
Millionaire: Junk pile? Watch it! I can refuse service to anyone!
Player: Oh, sorry, sorry.So, what's missing?
Millionaire: All the money in the safe, and a watch.
Player: All you money? That's terrible!
Millionaire: Money is not what matters.
Player: What?
Millionaire: You can always make money, but that what is irreplaceable!
Player: Oh, that's right. You were rich before all thi (But that watch must really be worth a lot to make him this sad over losing it.)
Millionaire: [Player]!
Player: Hm?
Millionaire: The burglar escaped into the Mana Tower. I need you to catch him and bring my precious watch back to me!
Player: What?!
Millionaire: I'm offering a big reward! Please?
Player: Oh, all right. I'll go fetch it for you.
Millionaire: You will?
Player: Of course. You've been a big help to me, you know.
Millionaire: Thank you, [Player]!
Player: Well, I'm off!
(The player heads to the Mana Tower.)
Player: Let's retrieve the millionaire's watch.
(During their trip into the tower, the player spots an Imp scurring at their sight. The player retrieves an item dropped from it.)
~Obtained Old Watch.~
Player: I did it! I got the watch! Hmmm... that fat cat was awfully sad, so I was expecting a real work of art. But this is just and old, worn-out pocket watch! Well, at any rate... I can't wait to see the reward after getting this back to him!
(The player returns to Millionaire.)
Player: Here you go!
Millionaire: Oh! Thanks, Ferrik! You are a lifesaver! A real hero!
Player: I was expecting something more...expensive-looking.
Millionaire: This watch belonged to a friend of minewho died in the cataclysm ten years ago. Even though the thing itself is worthless, the memories it evokes hold immesurable worth in my heart.
Player: Is that so...
Millionaire: Well, I promised a reward, so here it is!
~Received payment of 300 lucre.~
Player: What? That's all? You just said it held immeasurable worth in your heart!
Millionaire: You can't measure the worth of memories. So, I think ten percent of the price of the watch is more than enough.
Player: You've got to be kidding!
Millionaire: That's the way things work, kid.
Player: Aw!
====The Bomb Brothers' Discovery====
(The player comes to see the Bomb Brothers at the Silver Mermaid.)
Balbo: Welcome! I trust you find the gems of service?
Player: Oh, yeah. Thanks to them, my battles are much more easier.
Balbo: I'm glad to hear that!
Player: But, say... How come monsters drop gems when they die?
Balbo: The mechanism is unclar, but Professor Bomb theorizes...that the powers of Mana amalgamate with monster's cells, crystallizing them.
Player: Cells? Cristallize?
Balbo: Things called "genes" reside within the cells of monsters. And they give rise to variances in the properties of gems. Hm?
Player: What's wrong?
Balbo: Eureka!
Player: Huh?
Balbo: Hey, Belbo! Bulbo!
Belbo: What now? Can't you see I'm busy recompiling our documentation?
Bulbo: What, did I mess up again?
Balbo: No, listen! The cells' primordial... ...reversing the split seed...
Belbo: I-incredible!
Bulbo: Unbelievable!
Bablo: That's how we reproduce the chain reaction!
Belbo: If the professor's theory holds, we should see some interesting results.
Balbo: Won't we? By reproducing gems based on primordial cells using the sequence I just illustrated...
Bulbo: We can create gems never seen before!
Balbo: We can prove the professor's theory, and formulate new gems at the same time! Then, all the world will know us as the premier gem experts!
Belbo: But only if the experiment is a success, right?
Bulbo: And how are we supposed to find the cells of a primordial?
Balbo: No need to worry. A dudbear recently told be about a stone beast recently unearthed near Star Lake.
Belbo: A stone beast... they must mean a fossilized primordial!
Balbo: Precisely! And it will be ours!
Belbo: I don't think it'll work on a fossil...
Balbo: Shut up! The proof will be in the pudding!
Belbo: Wh-what pudding?
Bulbo: But Balbo... Who's going to collect the stone beast?
Balbo: Oh, you know... It'll be, uh... [Player]! Do you think you could swing by Topple for us?
Belbo: Why, you could snap up that stone beast in no time, right?
Player: What? Hey... Don't rush me.
Balbo: [Player], please! You'll be handsomely rewarded!
Bulbo: Yes, now is our hour of need! Please!
Player: All right, I'll go. I owe you one, anyway.
Balbo: Thanks, [Player]. We'll never forget it.
Player: All right. I'm off to Star Lake to find the stone beast!
Balbo: Take care!
Player: I always do!
(The player calls forth Flammie and fly to Topple.)
Player: Let's find the stone beast.
(Deep within the dungeon, the player finds the coveted stone.)
Player: This should be it!
~Obtained Stone Beast.~
(The player returns to the Mana Village.)
Player: I'm back. And I've found the stone beast.
Balbo: That's magnificent, [Player]! We've just finished preparations for the experiment. Now show us the specimen!
Player: Oh, sure.
(The player gives the stone beast to Balbo.)
Balbo: All right, we'll begin the experiment. Just a moment.
Balbo: [Player]! The experiment was a success!
Bulbo: We made a gem we've never seen before!
Player: That's great. It makes all the trouble worthwile.
Belbo: However, I am unconvinced that the primordial cells remain inside the fossil.
Player: Huh?
Belbo: I postulate that something besides cells and genes is involved in gem creation. We must report our findings to the professor!
Balbo: Well, at any rate... We did create a new type of gem. And we want you to have it.
Player: You're giving it to me?
Balbo: I told you'd be rewarded! Just let us know what effects it has, okay?
Player: Will do! Thanks a lot!
~Rewarded with Feral Soul.~
====The Dragon in the Journal====
(The player examines the fireplace in Moti's place.)
Player: It's a...key? I wonder what it opens... It's completely rusted.
~Picked up Rusted Key.~
(The player go talk to Moti.)
Moti: What's the matter, [Player]?
Player: I found this over there.
(The player shows Moti the Rusted Key.)
Moti: What was it doing in a place like that? Why, I've been looking for this for ages!
Player: What's it for?
Moti: You're familiar with the haunted house, I presume?
Player: Of course! I was always scared of it when I was little. You mean this is the key to it?
Moti: Yes. You see, that house is where we store our records.
Player: Records?
Moti: Within lie the writings we've gathered from near and far, like field reports from the cataclysm, and studies on the nature of the tree.
Player: Really...
Moti: I had intended to hand that key to you or Tess, for the tomes therein could provide you much insight on the recent events. But despite my brst efforts, it could not be found.
Player: I see...
Moti: So for the time being, why don't you hold onto it? Perhaps you may gain something by delving into the records there.
Player: Thanks, Moti. I'll go and see what I can find.
(The player heads to the haunted house and unlocks the door, then looks around inside.)
Player: Wow, look at all these books...
(The player spots a peculiar book.)
Player: This one looks like some kind of journal.
Adventurer's Log I
Month of O, Day of X
Today I visited Star Lake over in Topple. I wanted to see for myself if rumors of an enormous dragon living inside the caves by the beautiful lake were true. As I made through the dark caves, a tremendous growl from deep within rattled teh earthen walls. A less experienced adventurer would surely had fled immediately at such a sound. But to me, the roar of a dragon and the chirping of a bird are equally enchanting, a comfort to my soul. Undaunted by the bellow, I carried on until I was greeted by the glare of a gargantuan eye, which shone rather eerily and emitted an odor so foul as to sting my own eyes. When I extended my torch to get a closer look, there stood before the unmistakable figure of an enormous dragon. "Have you come to be eaten?" the dragon queried calmly. "On the contrary," I replied, "I have come to slay." The dragon burst into what I felt was a rude fit of laughter. "You think a whelp like you can waltz in here and defeat me?" The dragon let out a big guffaw. My reaction was as swift as I thrust  my sword into his gaping mouth. I had, of course, prepared for such an occasion, armed myself with a sizable and sturdy blade known as the Dragonslayer. The dragon, pierced as he was cleanly through the back of his head, could utter no sound and so lay in stunned agony. I pulled the Dragonslayer from the dragon's maw. Raising it above me, I let loose the full force of my strength as I let the finishing blow fall upon his hapless head. The strike split his skull in two with a resounding crack. Green blood drenched the ground below as the dragon crumpled in a heap. Looking down upon the dragon, I wispered a word of warning. "Exercice caution when you open your big mouth, my friend."
~Obtained Adventurer's Log I.~
(Tess enters the abandoned warehouse.)
Player: A dragon at Star Lake... He killed it with just two slashed? You've got to be kidding me!
Tess: [Player]?
Player: Oh. Hi, Tess.
Tess: What are you doing here?
Player: I got the key from Moti. He said it's where we keep field reports.
Tess: This is all field reports?
Player: Not everything. I found a journal here too.
Tess: A journal?
(The player shows the journal entry to Tess.)
Tess: Wow, a dragon in Topple...
Player: What do you think? It sounds awfully dubious to me.
Tess: You're right...
Player: Maybe I should go and see for myself.
Tess: What?
Player: I'll go see whether a dragon was once there or not!
Tess: What? Wait, [Player]! You can't be serious.
Player: Of course I am! I won't sleep at night till I know for sure.
Tess: What am I going to do with you? Take care!
Player: I will. Well, I'm off!
(The player calls Flammie and flies to Star Lake.)
Player: Let's search for the dragon I read about in the diary.
(Later, deep within Star Lake.)
Player: There's supposed to be a dragon here. But I don't see one. I knew it! That journal was a fake. I figures...
(The player returns to the abandoned warehouse at Mana Village.)
Player: Hi, Tess.
Tess: You're back! Well, did you find the dragon?
Player: No, nothing. No tracks, no skeletons... That journal was completely make-believe.
Tess: Well... Maybe not.
Player: What?
Tess: Have a look.
(Tess shows the player a tough, round object.)
Player: What's this?
Tess: I found this after you left. What do you think it is?
Player: I have no idea. It's awfully tough. Is it a cutting board?
Tess: Of course not. It's apparently a dragon scale.
Player: What?!
Tess: A friend of Moti said he picked it up after defeating a dragon in Topple.
Player: A friend? Maybe the one who wrote the journal!
Tess: Maybe! But Moti said he wanted you to have the scale.
Player: The scale of a dragon, eh? Then it must've been true...
Tess: Yes, and this friend must be quite an individual to be slaying dragons and such.
Player: That's true. I want to be like that someday...
~Obtained Dragon's Scale.~
(The player visits the Bomb Brothers.)
Balbo: Hello, [Player]!
Player: Hey there! How's the research on gems coming along?
Balbo: All right, I guess. Say, what's that you go there? A cutting board?
Player: Oh, this? It's apparently the scale of a huge dragon. I found it in the archives of the research team.
Balbo: A dragon scale... Interesting... Say, [Player], if we fuse that with a gem, we just might come up with a gem with the dragon's power imbued in it!
Player: The power of the dragon I read about in that diary... That would be amazing! Let's do it!
Balbo: You bet! Leave it to me!
(After a short while, Balbo returns to the player.)
Balbo: Here you go!
~Obtained Soul of the Dragon.~
Player: Thanks, Balbo!
Balbo: Take good care of it, now!
Player: Of course I will!
====Big Money!====
(The player decides to pay a visit to Millionaire at the Golden Goods.)
Millionaire: Looking for something special?
Player: That depends. What have you go?
Millionaire: Nothing speicla. Except for a fantastic moneymaking idea!
Player: A what?
Millionaire: With the cost of flying around the world and fighting monsters rising day by day, you could use a little extra spending money, couldn't you?
Player: Um... Yeah, I suppose I could.
Millionaire: Then you can't afford to pass up this opportunity!
Player: Wait, hold on... How do I know you're not pulling another watch deal on me...
Millionaire: I didn't pull out anything! I gave you a reward, didn't I?
Player: You call that a reward? Don't waste your time. I don't trust you.
Millionaire: W-wait! This time you'll receive no less than four thousand lucre!
Player: Four thousand?!
Millionaire: Ah, I see a twinkle of interest in your eye! How about it?
Player: All right, what's your idea?
Millionaire: Well... I want you to retrieve a rare plant that grows in the Fiery Sands.
Player: A rare plant?
Millionaire: Native only to the Fiery Sands, the plant is used in the concoctions of luxury medicine. Ever since the monsters came, no one's harveseted any.So its price has skyrocketed!
Player: Wow...
Millionaire: If you could bring back a specimen, I'll pay four thousand lucre! Well, what do you say?
Player: I'll do it. I can't pass up this golden opportunity. But I'm not sure you'll really pay me in full.
Millionaire: Of course I will. You can trust me!
Player: All right. Well, I'm off!
(The player ventures into the Fiery Sands.)
Player: Let's find the rare plant I was asked to retrieve.
(Deep in the desert, the player spots the aforementioned plant.)
~Obtained Rare Plant.~
Player: Yes! That's four thousand lucre right here!
(The player heads back to Millionaire in Mana Village.)
Player: I got it! I brought the plant!
(The player shows the rare plant to Millionaire.)
Millionaire: Yes, that's the rare plant everyone needs! [Player], you're the best.
Player: I'll just hand it over once I see the money.
Millionaire: No problem. Here's your four thousand lucre!
~Received payment of 4000 lucre.~
Player: All right!
Millionaire: And by the way...
Player: Hm?
Millionaire: I haven't received payment for my idea.
Player: What are you talking about?
Millionaire: Wasn't it a fantastic moneymaking idea? I don't provide my services for free. My fee is a low two thousand lucre.
Player: What?!
~Paid 2000 lucre for information.~
Player: You're a crook! You promised!
Millionaire: I'm no such thing. That's business, my friend. You would do well to understand it.
Player: Aw! This is the saddest two thousand lucre I've ever made.
====On the Wings of Dreams====
(The player go talk to Tess inside the abandoned warehouse.)
Player: Tess.
Tess: Yes, [Player]?
Player: Have you learned anything new about the chaos?
Tess: No. I'm still looking for ways to quell it...
Player: Well, let me know if you find anything. Good luck! I'll see you later.
Tess: Oh, wait!
Player: What is it?
Tess: I need to ask you a favor. Could you take me to Jadd?
Player: Jadd? Why there?
Tess: I want a cockatrice feather.
Player: A what?
Tess: Cockatrices inhabit the Fiery Sands of Jadd. And I need one of their feathers.
Player: What do you need it for?
Tess: It's a secret.
Player: You've got to be kidding me.
Tess: I'll tell you once I get one. Please, won't you take me there?
Player: All right, Let's go.
Tess: Thanks, [Player]!
Player: It's nothing! With Flammie, it's just a hop away.
Tess: Come on, let's go!
(The player class Flammie and flies to the Fiery Sands.)
Player: Let's search for a cockatrice feather with Tess.
(Deep within the desert, Tess spots a cockatrice feather.)
Tess: That's it! A cockatrice feather!
Player: So, what exactly do you need it for?
Tess: Let's head home for now. I'll tell you when we get there.
(Tess leaves the premises.)
Player: Whatever you say...
(Back at the abandoned warehouse in Mana Village.)
Player: What are you doing?
Tess: Just a moment. I'll just tie the feather with a string... There you go!
Player: I don't understand...
Tess: It's a good luck charm!
Player: A charm?
Tess: Have a look at this book. It talks about Jaddian traditions and customs. There's an entry about travelers keeping charms made from a cockatrice feather.
Player: A traveler's charm, eh?
Tess: Yes, they make a pair. One is kept by the traveler, and the other by the one left behind. The Jaddians say that ensures the traveler's safe return.
Player: Wow...
Tess: Here, [Player].
~Received Traveler's Charm from Tess.~
Player: Oh, for me?
Tess: Yes. The traveler's one for you. And I'll keep its counterpart. That way, I know you'll come back safe.
Player: Tess...
Tess: Well, I'd best get back to my research. Take care!
Player: Thanks, [Player].
====A Stone Sleeping for an Age====
(The player visits Tess in the abandoned warehouse.)
Player: Hi, Tess.
Tess: Oh, [Player]...
Player: What's the matter? Your eyes are bloodshot.
Tess: Oh, you know...
Player: Did you get something in your eyes?
Tess: No, I've been poring over this...
Player: "A Treatise on Mana, Volume 1". What's this?
Tess: It's the work my parents authored.
Player: What?
Tess: My parents were authorities on Mana. Both were luminaries in their field.
Player: It's all very difficult. I can't understand a thing it says.
Tess: I never dreamt I'd find a book by my own parents here!
Player: It really broke you up, didn't it?
Tess: Yes. All our books burned to ashes in the fires ten years ago. So I was terribly moved to find one that survived.
Player: Did they write a Volume II?
Tess: No, this is the only one. They we still working on the second when the disaster struck.
Player: Oh, I see...
Tess: I came here to Illusia to continue my family's research. I want to finish the world that my parents could not.
Player: Tess...
Tess: Oh, that's it!
Player: Hm?
Tess: Have a look at this section, "The Stone of Mana".
Player: "As we investigatedthe ruins out on the marshes, we found a mysterious stone emanating Mana." I wonder if they found a gem.
Tess: I thought so too!
Player: But I don't think they had gems ten years ago.
Tess: Say, could you find out if the stone they found was really a gem?
Player: Of course! Where is the stone now?
Tess: I think they're keeping in the castle in Lormiar. The Lorimarians took it from us for study, or so they said. So it's in the castle in Lorimar, right? I'll go see if I can find it.
(The player calls Flammie and flies to the Ice Citadel.)
Player: Let's find the mysterious stone that Tess's parents found.
(Deep within the citadel, the player finds a chest containing the mysterious stone.)
Player: So this is the mysterious stone... It looks no different from a gem to me. Well, Tess needs to take a look at it.
(The player pockets the stone and heads back to the Mana Village.)
Player: I've brought it, Tess.
Tess: Welcome back! So this is the mysterious stone.
Player: Don't you think it looks like a gem?
Tess: Yes. According to the book, anciens shamans used the stone to pray for intervention.
Player: Intervention?
Tess: They would pray for rain in times of drought, or for the curing of the ill. Some would put curses on others in hopes they'd die.
Player: Wow.
Tess: Apparently, as the shamans prayed, the stone became imbued with greater amounts of Mana.
Player: How come Mana got into the stone?
Tess: They were still researching it, so the book doesn't say, but it's possible that the powerful wishes increased Mana within the stone. Maybe another hypothesis will rise when more is learned.
Player: Hmm, powerful wishes...
Tess: I think we can learn more about gems by investigating this stone.
Player: All right. In that case, you should have it.
Tess: No. I won't be doing experiments. So I don't need a specimen. Instead, why don't you give it a try?
Player: Why?
Tess: Perhaps its powers will manifest when you insert it into your gem frame?
Player: That's a good idea. I'll give it a try.
~Obtained Millennicite.~
Tess: Well, I should get back to my studies.
Player: All right. I'll see you later!
====Why He Disappeared====
Player: Hi, Watts!
Watts: [Player]! I see ye've becomin' quite an adventurer!
Player: Hahah! Yeah, I guess. Say, what happened to Panza? He was practically your shadow.
Watts: Who, him?
Player: Come one, he's never left your side.
Watts: Well... He went away a few days syne.
Player: Went away?
Watts: He said he'd not be long, but he never came back.
Player: Really... Maybe it's because you're always giving him such a hard time!
Watts: Hmm...
Player: Um... Hey, Watts... That was a joke.
Watts: Aye, but ye speak the truth! I'm awfully harsh on him. I'm so ill-natured. I tear him to tatters each time he falters, I do!
Player: Watts...
Watts: But I'm harsh for a reason. It's because I know he's got promise... Oh, never ye mind. It's not the time nor place for this. Listen, [Player]...
Player: Yeah?
Watts: Could I ask ye to go and find him?
Player: Huh?
Watts: I know ye've got so muckle on your mind. But I need Panza back. Do ye think ye could lend me a hand, lad?
Player: All right. I'll go try to find him.
Watts: Ye will?!
Player: Yeah. Maybe somebody's seen him. I'll try askig around the village.
Watts: Thank ye, lad! I hope ye find him!
(The player go talk to Granny Hannah inside the Silver Mermaid.)
Granny Hannah: You say you're looking for Panza? I don't know if this'll be of any help to you, but... The other day, he asked me to get to Topple.
(The player flies to Topple.)
Player: Let's find Panza, who's gone missing.
(Deep within Star Lake.)
Player: Panza!
Panza: Why, [Player]! What brings ye here?
Player: No, that's what I want to know! Say, you ran away from Watts, didn't you?
Panza: No, I didn't!
Player: So what are you doing here?
Panza: I've come to rake for this glowmoss.
Player: Glowmoss?
Panza: I grows nowhere but here in this cave. It's the king's favorite!
Player: Watts eats...moss?
Panza: Aye. And it's so very hard to find... It costs a bonnie penny at the shop, so I've come to harvest it myself! But while I searched for the moss, I lost my way...
Player: I'm glad you're okay. Watts is pulling out his beard over you.
Watt's Voice: Havers! I'm doin' no such thing!
(Watts joins the conversation.)
Panza: Y-Yer Majesty!
Player: Watts? Hey, you've followed me, didn't you?
Watts: (To Panza) Ye blunderin' fool! Ye've been here the whole time, daverin' about like a headless gowk, haven't ye?
Player: Hold on, Watts. Panza was just searching for glowmoss for you.
Watts: Lid yer mill, laddie! This is between Panza and me!
Player: Scary...
Watts: Now, Panza... What were ye thinkin' comin' alone to such an uncanny place as this? I never orderd to ye to fetch glowmess to me, did I?
Panza: Er, well, Your Majesty... that's a good question...
Watts: Then answer it!
Panza: In truth... I wanted to give ye a present!
Watts: Aye?!
Panza: It's Yer Majesty's birthday soon...
Watts: Ye're a fool!
Panza: Aaah!
Watts: Who gives a tait about presents?! Ye thought I'd be glad for it, did ye? Did ye ever even think how my work would suffer if anythin' happened  to ye?
Panza: F-forgive me, sire!
Watts: Well... Ye did make a great effort in findin' this moss... So, I'll not refuse it.
Panza: Thank ye, Yes Majesty!
Watts: Now, back we go! There's a mountain of work piled up for ye!
Panza: Yes, Yer Majesty.
(Panza hurries back to the Mana Village.)
Player: You were so worried about Panza, you ran all the way here. You could be a little more honest with him, Watts.
Watts: [Player]! Did I hear ye say somethin'?
Player: Uh, never mind! Come on, Watts. Let's head back.
~Rewarded with Half-Plate Armor.~
====Tess' Whereabouts====
(The player encounters Nana at the Silver Mermaid.)
Nana: Hello, [Player]!
Player: Say, did you see Tess?
Nana: Yes, I saw her head to the Mana Tower to pray.
Player: To the Mana Tower? Oh, thank goodness!
Nana: Is something the matter?
Player: No, nothing specific. I just had a strange feeling that she might be in danger.
Nana: Well... Maybe you should go check up on her then?
Player: Huh?
Nana: The Mana Tower... It's no the safest place to be, you know.
Player: You're right. I'll go see hows she's doing.
Nana: I think that's the best thing to do.
Player: Well, I'm off.
(The player rushes to the Mana Tower.)
Player: Let's rescue Tess. She's in danger!
(At the Mana Tower summit, The Mana Lord chases down a distressed Tess.)
Mana Lord: Now, come! I must have your powers!
Tess: No! Leave me alone!
Player's Voice: Stop!
Tess: [Player]!
(Tess walks toward the player, but the Mana Lord stops her with the Sword of Mana.)
Mana Lord: So, the knight in shining armor arrives. But you're too late!
Player: What?!
Mana Lord: With the maiden of the Tree under my sway, my plans–the will of the goddess–shall come to fruition! Ahahahahah!
Tess: [Player]!
(The Mana Lord & Tess vanish inside a vortex.)
Player: Wait! That villain! What's he going to do to Tess!
(A small item shines before the player.)
Player: Hmm? What's that?
(The player picks up the item.)
Player: Tess's charm...
~Picked up Tess's Charm.~
Player: Tess... I'll find you! Just hang in there!
(After rescuing Tess from the Mana Lord in Illusia ruins, the player heads to the abandoned warehouse in Mana Village.)
Tess: [Player]... Thanks for saving me from the Mana Lord.
Player: I'm glad you're all right.
Tess: I had faith...
Player: In what?
Tess: That you'd come to rescue me.
Player: Tess...
Tess: Thank you so much, [Player].
Player: Oh, that's right. I had something to give to you...
Tess: Ooh, what is it?
Player: Here, you dropped this.
Tess: My traveler's charm! I was looking for this!
Player: You have to keep this so I can come home safely.
Tess: Oh, [Player]...
Player: Well, I'm off.
Tess: Wait...
Player: Hm?
Tess: I want you to have this. It's not much...
~Rewarded with <font color="blue">Hero's Medallion</font> / <font color="red">Ancient Tiara</font> / <font color="gold">Garal Horn</font> / <font color="green">Elemental Gloves</font>.~
Player: Thanks, Tess.
Tess: No, thank you, [Player].
====The Rainbow Garden====
(The player go visit Tess inside the abandoned warehouse.)
Player: Hi, Tess.
Tess: Oh. Hi, [Player].
Player: Any new developments?
Tess: No, I haven't found anything useful. I'm sorry.
Player: Oh...
Tess: But I found something interesting.
Player: Something interesting?
Tess: Have a look at this journal.
Player: What?
Tess: Remember the journal from the man who slew the dragon? It's by the same person.
Player: Really? Let's have a look.
Adventurer's Log II
Month of O, Day of X
It has been about two years since I last saw my hometown of Jadd. The purpose of this visit is to tend to "unfinished business." At this time of year, exquisite rainbow-colored flowers bloom in the Jadd Desert. One area in this broad desert boasts a whole field of these multicolored delights. Unfortunately, the flowers only grow on the far side of the scroching desert. Very few people in Jadd have ever seen them. I had trekked out to see them twice before, but my strength failed me and I was forced to turn back. Now, with several years of experience under my belt, I feel more confident. Not to toot my own horn, but I must say that compared to earlier excursions, I have made significant strides toward becoming a better and more seasoned adventurer. I am convinced that this time the desert shall reveal to me the rainbow flowers' beauty. Yes, it is for this very reason I have returned to Jadd. After a restful and recuperative night's sleep, I completed my preparations and set out for the outer reaches of the desert. The desert was hellaciously hot with its sweltering sunshine and searing sands. I was baked from below and broiled from above, a steak cooked to perfection. So I survived my first full day relatively unscathered. An earlier version of me would have begged for mercy by now. I worked up a little sweat, but if I reflected on the warmth of a good bath, the heat of the sand can actually have a soothing effect. Ah, the second day. When I finally arrived at the far side of the outer reaches of the desert and saw the spectacle before my eye, words failed me. The magnificient flowers were in full bloomas as far as I could see. Rumors had not done justice to the sights of the petals glowing in their rainbow splendor. I have traveled the world over and have yet to see a sight to equal this, as if it were a dream. At the memory of it, hot tears roll down my cheeks liek sweat.
~Obtained Adventurer's Log II.~
Player: A garden in the desert? I don't believe it!
Tess: But, remember the dragon. This could be true too!
Player: Hmmm, maybe you're right.
Tess: Wouldn't be romantic... A rainbow garden in the desert?
Player: I'm sure it would be a pretty sight.
Tess: I wish I could see them... Rainbow flowers.
Player: Maybe I'll head over to Jadd for a look.
Tess: What?
Player: Maybe the rainbow flowers are still in bloom... I'll try to pick some for you.
Tess: I'd like to see them too, but do you have time for that?
Player: It'll be all right. It won't take long to grab some.
Tess: Are you sure?
Player: I'd like to see them too. So, I'm off!
Tess: Come back soon!
(The player calls Flammie and flies to the Fiery Sands.)
Player: Let's visit the rainbow garden I read about in the diary.
(Later, deep within the desert, the player looks around the area to no avail.)
Player: There isn't a single flower here! I knew that journal was a lie!
(As the player heads back, they see a glowing speck in the sand.)
Player: Are these...seeds?
~Picked up Plant Seeds.~
(Back in Mana Village.)
Player: I'm back!
Tess: Welcome home. Did you find any flowers?
Player: No, not a single one.
Tess: I knew it...
Player: Knew what? What do you mean by that?
Tess: Have a look at this journal. I found it right after you left.
Player: Another one?
Adventurer's Log Volume III
Month of O, Day of X
I am back at the desert in Jadd, where rainbow flowers once bloomed as far as the horizon. But now, neither flowers nor weed grow here anymore. All that remains is a sandy wasteland. The calamity that befell the world did not spare even one of those fine flowers. Only by the power of the Mana goddess did the world escape complete annihilation. Damage caused by the disaster is so widespread that it will take the persistent and cooperative efforts of people everywhere for the world to be restored. I cannot say how soon, but I do know one day that flowers will bloom once again in this desert. That is my firm conviction. I'll return to my homeland to organize an investigative team. With recruits gathered from every land, we'll set our sights on Illusia Isle, where we can research the mighty Mana Tree. I am pleased that my old friend in Ishe backs my plan. With him on our side, gathering support from global leaders may not prove as difficult as I feared. What caused such a calamity? A what do we really know of the Mana goddess who saved us? The key to all our questions lies securely with the Mana Tree. Answers await us on Illusia Isle. If we seek, surely we will find...
~Obtained Adventurer's Log III.~
Player: So the flowers of the desert were all bured ten years ago.
Tess: Yes, It's a terrible pity.
Player: There was no escape from such destruction.
Tess: So it seems. The journal's pages are brimming with sadness from such a tremendous loss.
Player: By the way, the journal says, "Calling volunteers from all nations to investigate Illusia where stands the Tree of Mana."
Tess: Yes.
Player: I think the journal's author is...
(The player rushes to Moti's place.)
Player: Mayor Moti.
Moti: Good day! What brings you here in such a rush?
Player: I heard you used to be quite an adventurer...
Moti: What's this, all of a sudden? And who told you that?
Player: I read your journal. I was in the archives.
Moti: So, the cat is out of the bag, I see.
Player: I bet it was a pretty sight. Those desert flowers...
Moti: Yes, they sparkled with all the hues of the rainbow.
Player: I just came back from Jadd myself, but I saw nothing but sand.
Moti: Well, they we destroyed ten years ago, you know.
Player: But look what I did find: some seeds or something...
Moti: Impossible! These are the seeds of the desert flower!
Player: Really?
Moti: Indeed, what a marvelous discovery, [Player]! If they take root, why... The desert can be home to flwoers once more!
Player: All right! That made the desert trip worthwhile!
Moti: I'll look after the seeds for now. Let us have Professor Bomb oversee their cultivation.
Player: Tell me when they bloom, all right?
Moti: Of course I will. That's right! Such determination and curiosity should not go unrewarded! Please accept this.
~Rewarded with <font color="blue">Balmung</font> / <font color="red">Elven Bow</font> / <font color="gold">Meteor Flail</font> / <font color="green">Dwarven Maul</font>.~
Player: Thanks, Moti!
Moti: No, it is I who should thank you. And before long, people the world over will show their gratitude as well.
Player: Aw, you're overdoing it. Well, I'll see you later.
Moti: Farewell, [Player]!
====A Checkered Past====
(The player comes to talk to Seamoon at the Silver Mermaid.)
Player: Hi, Seamoon!
Seamoon: Why, if it isn't [Player]! Doin your best every day, I see...
Player: Yeah... I am the chosen one. It's quite a name to live up to.
Seamoon: And everyone's pinned their hopes on you. Including me.
Player: I won't let you down.
Seamoon: Hey, [Player]...
Player: What is it?
Seamoon: I wonder if you can handle a personal request...from me.
Player: What do you mean?
Seamoon: Here, take this earring. I want you to cast it deep into the lake deep inside the cave in Topple.
Player: Huh? Why do I have to go all the way to Topple?
Seamoon: Please don't ask why. Every grown woman has a checkered past she would rather keep to herself.
Player: A checkered past, huh?
Seamoon: Since it's a personal request, I can't force you to do it... But would you journey to Topple for me?
Player: All right. I'm alway happy to help.
Seamoon: Oh, thank you so, so much, [Player]!
Player: I should throw this into the lake in Topple, right?
Seamoon: Yes, with all haste!
Player: Well, I'm off.
~Received Corral Earring.~
(The player flies to Star Lake.)
Player: Let's go toss Seamoon's earring away.
(Deep inside Star Lake, the player finds a vast pool of water.)
Player: This must be the place Seamoon was talking about.
(The player walks toward the bank.)
Player: So I just have to throw it in here.
(The player tosses the corral earring into the lake.)
Unknown Voice: Farewell...
Player: Huh?
(The player looks around, but doesn't find the source of the voice.)
Player: I thought I heard something. Oh, well... time to head back.
(The player heads back to the Mana Village.)
Seamoon: Welcome home, [Player]!
Player: I threw away the earring just like you asked.
Seamoon: Thank you. I knew I could count on you, [Player]!
Player: So, now you should tell me... All about this "checkered past" of yours.
Seamoon: Oh, I'm sorry. I asked you to brave danger... So I should let you in on it. But could you just...keep it a secret, [Player]?
Player: Seamoon...
Seamoon: I'll tell you, if I must...
Player: No, it's all right. I'm not so cold as to pry in other people's lives.
Seamoon: Thank you, [Player]. You'll be a fine man someday!
Player: By the way, when I tossed the earring into the lake, I thought I heard a voice say farewell.
Seamoon: What?
Player: Well, it was probably just my imagination.
Seamoon: Yes, perhaps you just heard the wind.
Player: Could be. Well, I'll be seeing you!
Seamoon: Thanks for everything, [Player].
~Rewarded with Mani's Plate / Bunny Dress / Nightmare Coat / Brigand's Mantle.~
Player: Not a problem. Feel free to talk anytime!
Seamoon: Goodbye, love...
====Friendship Beyond Words====
(The player visits the Dud Services.)
Dudbear: Gorlurmph! You come in.
Player: Say, you're a short one dudbear, aren't you?
Dudbear: Dudbear go Lorimar get info.
Player: Oh, that's why–
Office Dudbear: Pagarumph! Chicalumph, mangurmph!
Dudbear: Mm? No word three days, grmph?
Office Dudbear: Galabalurmph, mandabumph.
Dudbear: Oooh. Maybe, that balurmph...
Player: What's going on? What'd your pal say?
Dudbear: Lorimar dudbear clumsy, mph. Maybe made accident, grmph!
Player: Accident?
Dudbear: Worry now. But must stay Dud Services... Shagarumph! [Player] go!
Player: Huh?
Dudbear: You go Lorimar, mph. Find clumsy dudbear. You get, we pay. Marlarumph!
Player: Not a problem. I'd be glad to help.
Dudbear: Thanks arumph, [Player]!
Player: So the missing dudbear is somewhere in Lorimar, right?
Dudbear: Right, mph. Dudbear go Ice Citadel get info.
Player: Got it. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to the Ice Citadel.)
Player: Let's find the missing dudbear.
(Deep within the citadel, the player finds a shovel lying on the ground.)
Player: Is this thing a shovel? Hey, it might be a dudbear shovel! If it is, ir means a dudbear was here and might still be...
(The players looks around.)
Player: Or not... Maybe the clumsy dud did have an accident of some kind. Hmmm...
~Obtained Shovel.~
Maybe I should report back to the dudbear in the village.
(The player heads back to Dud services.)
Player: Wha–
Dudbear: Chabamumph, [Player]! I go find you tell you clumsy dudbear home now!
Player: S-so it appears...
Dudbear: Come home–TALIBUMPH! Haha, mph. Balurmph! You say thing to [Player]!
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Philaburph... Chigalumph, burburbalimamph.
Dudbear: He say very, very sorry for worry and for trouble.
Player: I'm just glad he made it back safely. Yeah, glad. That's what I am...
Dudbear: He lose important scoopy thing, libagumph. Look all place, no tell Dud Services...
Player: Scoopy thing? Oh, you mean this shovel?
(The player shows the shovel to the dudbears.)
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Grebalumph!
Player: I figured it was probably yours when I came across it. I was afraid you might have been eaten by a monster or something.
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Philaburph...
Player: Here you go. Just make sure you hang on to it this time.
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Sugalibamph! Bugurmph!
Dudbear: Clumsy dudbear says want thank [Player].
(The dudbear shows a book to the player.)
Formely Missing Dudbear: Gib you dis, mph.
~Rewarded with Duddish Dictionary.~
~Rewarded with Shiny Rock.~
Player: What's this? A Duddish dictionary? Cool, so you've been using this to study human language, eh?
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Tanks, fiend.
Player: Heh. You're welcome, friend. I'll start studying Duddish so we can have a nice long conversation next time.
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Mm-hm, mph!
Player: See ya later!
====Ferrik says goodbye====
(Ferrik goes to see Watts inside Moti's place.)
Ferrik: Watts, do you have a moment?
Watts: Why, it's Ferrik! What can I do for ye?
Ferrik: Have you ever seen this before?
(Ferrik shows the Wooden Horse he got from the shadows back in Illusia Ruins.)
Watts: Well, bless my hammer!
Ferrik: Back at the ruins, the shadow of my father dropped it before he left.
Watts: Aye, that's the horse yer father bought for ye when ye were a bairn! Ye took a notion to it, and always kept it close.
Ferrik: How do you know that?
Watts: Well... I've know yer father for a long syne. Why, every time I came to Wendel, I visited on yer house.
Ferrik: Wow, you did?
Watts: Ye were probably over-young to remember it, but I met ye thrice or so.
Ferrik: No, I don't remember that at all.
Watts: Ye were so fearful of me, aye ye'd scurry behind yer father, holdin' fast yer favorite toy horse.
Ferrik: I would?
Watts: Aye, and ye'd bawl when yer sister thiefed it from ye. And ye father wold scold ye then, sayin' that no lad should cry for such a thing. And that'd made ye cry even more!
Ferrik: So I was a crybaby...
Aye, ye'd cry yerself to exhaustion, and fall asleep in your mother's arms.
Ferrik: Oh...
Watts: Ye had a fine family. If the cataclysm of ten years ago hadn't ever happened... well I'll just leave it there.
Ferrik: Thanks, Watts. I'm happy you told me.
Watts: Are ye?
(Ferrik takes the toy horse back, but notices something when he puts it away.)
Ferrik: Huh?
Watts: What's the matter?
Ferrik: I thought I heard my father calling...
Watts: What?!
Ferrik: I'm going to head to Wendel. I have a feeling that my family's there waiting for me!
Watts: Hold on! What are ye ettlin' to do? Delvin' into the past only will only bring ye sorrow, [Player]. Don't ye go!
Ferrik: I'm sorry. I might never get another chance to see my family again.
Watts: Ferrik...
Ferrik: I'm going!
(Ferrik flies to Brightwood.)
Ferrik: Let's go see my family one more time.
(Deep within the forest, Ferrik come across a deserted clearing.)
Ferrik: Mother! Father! Sis! I'm here!
(No one answers.)
Ferrik: Come, show yourselves more! Please, say something!
(Ferrik's wodden horse starts to move on itself and shine.)
Father's Voice: Ferrik... This is all we can do for you.
Mother's Voice: You must carve your own bright future.
Sister's Voice: Bye, Ferrik! My brother...
(The light disappears along with the toy horse, leaving a single red gem on the ground.)
~Obtained Light on a Boy.~
Ferrik: This geode is the crystal of their souls. Thanks, father, mother, sis!
====Tamber says goodbye====
====Poppen says goodbye====
====Wanderer says goodbye====
(Wanderer pays a visit to Millionaire at the Golden Goods.)
Wanderer: Millionaire, do you have a moment?
Millionaire: Why, it's Wanderer! What can I do for you?
Wanderer: Have you ever seen this before?
(Wandere shows the harmonica he got from the shadows back in Illusia Ruins.)
Millionaire: Why, It's a harmonica!
Wanderer: The shadows of Sophie and Danny dropped it at the ruins.
Millionaire: Sophie? Oh, yes... That widow who took you in.
Wanderer: That's right. I gave my harmonica to Danny as a present.
Millionaire: A present?
Wanderer: One day twelve years ago... I was playing that harmonica when a boy suddenly approached me. He asked me what instrument it was. And that's how I met him and his widowed mother.
Millionaire: I see...
Wanderer: I never stayed in one place for long, but they treated me like family. I only planned to stay for a few days, but one week became three, and the months streched on. Before long, I felt like I wanted to stay with them forever.
Millionaire: Yes, I remember. You sent me a letter asking me for help in starting your own shop.
Wanderer: I was unwavering in my dedication. So I worked like I'd never worked before so I'd have a business of my own. But I couldn't amass enough cash, so I asked you for help.
Millionaire: When I saw your letter, I couldn't believe it. I never thought you would want to settle down anywhere.
Wanderer: I could hardly believe it either. All the other niccolos always made fun of me. But I knew then that I was one, too.
Millionaire: So that's how it happened.
Wanderer: But I lost it all. Shop and family...
Millionaire: Ten years ago, right?
Wanderer: Yes, they didn't survive the destruction. And the house burned to ashes.
Millionaire: I see...
Wanderer: He was only seven. Too young to die...
Millionaire: Terrible!
Wanderer: It all came back at the ruins, when I heard the voices and the sound of my old harmonica. It's something I wish I could forget.
Millionaire: Are you sure that's what you want?
Wanderer: Hm?
Millionaire: Those are precious memories, aren't they?
Wanderer: Well, yes... But it hurts to remember.
Millionaire: It's not all painful, is it?
Wanderer: Well...
Millionaire: Whether good or bad...they're all precious memories from your family, right?
Wanderer: I...
Millionaire: Don't forget them. No, you should hold them close. Those memories are lifelong treasures.
Wanderer: I...I know...
(As Wanderer puts his harmonica back into his pocket, the precious item glows.)
Wanderer: Hm?
Millionaire: What's the matter?
Wanderer: "We're waiting in Wendel."
Millionaire: What?
Wanderer: I think I just heard Sophie and Danny call to me. They said they're waiting for me in Wendel!
Millionaire: You heard them? Then you should head to Wendel and see. It's not healthy to suppress your feelings, you know.
Wanderer: You're right! I'm going to Wendel.
Millionaire: Better sooner than later, Wanderer!
Wanderer: You're right.
(Wanderer flies to Brightwood. Deep within the forest, he finds an empty clearing.)
Wanderer: Sophie! Danny! It's me! It's Wanderer! Come, show yourselves again!
(The harmonica starts glowing and moving on itself.)
Sophie's Voice: Listen closely. I cannot see you anymore. But I want you to have this.
Danny's Voice: I'm watchin' over you from above. Do your best to make the future a bright one!
Sophie's Voice: Farewell, Wanderer. My love...
(The harmonica shines brightly before disappearing, only leaving a yellow gem behind.)
~Obtained Light on a Nomad.~
Wanderer: This gem is a crystal of their hearts. Thank you, Sophie! Danny!
====The Benevodon of Wind====
(The player pays a visit to Jinn in the Silver Mermaid.)
Jinn: It must be tough being the sword's chosen one.
Player: Yeah, but I'm doing my best.
Jinn: I wish I could assist you somehow...
Player: Well, I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Jinn: Wait... I believe Dangaard might be willing to help.
Player: Dan who?
Jinn: He's the benevodon of wind. The mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of wind, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Jinn: Dangaard the Lofty now dwells inside the Mana Tower. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right, I think I'll go seem him!
Jinn: Do give him my very best regards.
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player returns to the Mana Tower.)
Player: Let's go talk to the Benevodon of wind.
(The player ascends to the tower's top floor. A spirits comes flying before him.)
Player: You must be Dangaard!
Dangaard: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Dangaard: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: Tell me what the Sword of Mana is for! (If the player has selected "The Holy Sword")
Dangaard: It was bequeathed unto this world by the mother goddess. As it returned me to my original form, it has the power to make all that is wrong right again.
Player: To make right again...
Dangaard: But you cannot wield the Sword's true power. For that, you need the help of another. Another? Like who? More I cannot say. You must find the answer on your own.
(Dangaard drops a sparkling item near the player.)
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
Dangaard: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
~Picked up Ventilex.~
Player: Bye, Dangaard!
====The Benevodon of Fire====
(The player pays a visit to Salamander at Moti's place.)
Salamander: Why, [Player]... Can you stop the Mana surge?
Player: I still don't know. But I'm trying.
Salamander: I wish I could help somehow.
Player: Well, I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Salamander: Wait. Perhaps Xan Bie could help you something.
Player: Xan who?
Salamander: The benevodon of fire! The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of fire, eh... Well maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Salamander: Xan Bie the Great now resides in the Fiery Sands. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right, I think I'll go see him!
Salamander: Do give him my very best regards.
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to the Fiery Sands.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of fire.
(The player ventures into the desert until they reach the place where they defeated Thaydol. The spirit of Xan Bie appears before them.)
Player: You must be Xan Bie!
Xan Bie: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Xan Bie: Very well. What knowledge do you seek?
Player: Tell me how to stop the Mana Surge! (If the player has selected "The Mana Surge")
Xan Bie: I know not.
Player: You don't?
Xan Bie: If I did, I would have rushed to stop it the moment I returned to my true self. For the benevodons are the wardens of the worlds.
Player: I guess you're right.
Xan Bie: Indeed. You may be closer to finding the answer. If you cannot find a way to stop the chaos, Mana will take us all.
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Xan Bie gives out a sparkling item to the player.)
Xan Bie: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Xan Bie leaves.)
~Picked up Flammalex.~
Player: Bye, Xan!
====The Benevodon of the Moon====
(The player visits Luna at Moti's place.)
Luna: Why, [Player]... Have you found a wait to stop the Mana surge?
Player: Not yet, but I'm trying hard.
Luna: I wish I could help somehow.
Player: Well I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Luna: Wait. Perhaps Dolan could help you something.
Player: Dolan?
Luna: The benevodon of the moon! The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of the moon, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Luna: Dolan the Celestial resides inside the Mana Tower. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right. I think I'll go see him!
Luna: Tell him I said hello!
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player ventures at the foot of the Mana Tower.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of the moon.
(After climbing the tower to its summit. The spirit of Dolan appears before him.)
Player: You must be Dolan!
Dolan: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Dolan: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: What caused the destruction ten years ago? (If the player has selected "The Cataclysm")
Dolan: The cataclysm rose from the desires of mortals. They brought ruin and ash down upon the circles of the world.
Player: So desire was the cause.
Dolan: And then one was chosen to receive the Sword, and he delivered the world from the brink of peril.
Player: What?
Dolan: But I speak only of what was. The world now faces a new menace.
Player: A new one?
Dolan: Indeed. For now, forget the ruin of the past. You time to learn about that is not yet come.
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Dolan lets a sparkly item drop on the floor.)
Dolan: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Dolan flies away.)
~Picked up Lunalex.~
Player: Bye, Dolan!
====The Benevodon of Water====
(The player pays a visit to Undine in Mana Village.)
Undine: Why, [Player]...
Player: Hello.
Undine: I hear you're doing great things.
Player: Thanks. I'm so happy to hear that!
Undine: I wish I could help you somehow.
Player: Well, I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Undine: Wait. Perhaps Fiegmund could tell you something.
Player: Fiegmund?
Undine: The benevodon of water! The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of water, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Undine: Fiegmund the Great resides at Star Lake. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right, I think I'll go see him!
Undine: Tell him I said hello!
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player travels to Star Lake.)
Player: Let's go talk to the Benevodon of water.
(Deep within Star Lake, the spirit of Fiegmund comes near the player.)
Player: You must be Fiegmund!
Fiegmund: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Fiegmund: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: Who is the Mana Lord? (If the player has selected "The Mana Lord")
Fiegmund: That man...was born of the goddess' will.
Player: So why he's doing this?
Fiegmund: He is consumed with one desire: to try to fill the word with Mana. All his thought is bent on Mana's release. To him, all mortal life is meaningless.
Player: Really...
Fiegmund: Unless he is stopped, he will surely succeed. Son of man, you must stop the chaos before all is lost!
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Fiegmund lets a sparkly item drops in front of the player.)
Fiegmund: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Fiegmund flies away.)
~Picked up Aqualex.~
Player: Bye, Fiegmund!
====The Benevodon of Earth====
(The player visits Gnome in Mana Village.)
Gnome: Hello there, [Player]! How are you doing?
Ferrik: So far, so good.
Gnome: I sure wish I could give you a hand somehow.
Player: Well, I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Gnome: Wait. Perhaps Land Umber knows something!
Player: Land who?
Gnome: The benevodon of earth. The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of earth, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Gnome: Land Umber the Unyielding resides in the Ice Citadel. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right, I think I'll go see him!
Gnome: And please tell him I said hello!
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player calls Flammie and heads to the Ice Citadel.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of earth.
(Deep within the citadel, the spirit of Land Umber appears.)
Player: You must be Land Umber!
Land Umber: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Land Umber: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: Where is the Mana goddess? (If the player has selected "The Mana goddess")
Land Umber: Where is she? To that not even I know the answer.
Player: What?!
Land Umber: I sense her power, but only faintly. Or perhaps the chaos veils her grace from me.
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Land Umber lets a sparkly item drops in front of the player.)
Land Umber: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Land Umber flies away.)
~Picked up Terralex.~
Player: Bye, Umber!
====The Benevodon of Wood====
(The player visits Dryad in Mana Village.)
Dryad: How are you feeling, [Player]? You shouldn't take on more than you can handle, you know.
Player: I know! I'm feeling great. But thanks for asking.
Dryad: I wish I could help, somehow.
Player: Well, I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Dryad: Wait. Perhaps Mispolm could tell you something.
Player: Miss who?
Dryad: The benevodon of wood! The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of wood, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Dryad: Mispolm the Ageless can be found in Brightwood. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right! I think I'll go see him!
Dryad: Tell him I said hello!
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to Brightwood.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of wood.
(In the deepest part of Brightwood, the spirit of Mispolm appears before the player.)
Player: You must be Mispolm!
Mispolm: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Mispolm: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: What are gems? (If the player has selected "Gems")
Mispolm: I know not. They are new to us. Perhaps the surge has brought them forth.
Player: Oh...
Mispolm: But gems are more than just containers in which the power of Mana reside.
Player: What?
Mispolm: I can feel a powerful the wishes of mandkind. Perhaps through the rending of time and space, they have some connections with the lost that have returned.
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Mispolm lets a small sparkle fall in front of the player.)
Mispolm: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Mispolm flies away.)
~Picked up Arborelex.~
Player: Bye, Mispolm!
====The Benevodon of Light====
(The player visits Wisp in Mana Village.)
Wisp: You know, [Player]... If you don't stop the surge of Mana, terrible things will happen.
Player: I know, I know! I'm trying to find a way.
Wisp: I wish I could help somehow.
Player: Well, I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Wisp: Wait. Perhaps Lightgazer could tell you something.
Player: Light who?
Wisp: The benevodon of light! The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of light, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Wisp: Lightgazer the Luminous can be found in the ruins. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right. I think I'll go see him!
Wisp: Tell him I said hello!
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to the Illusia Ruins.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of light.
(Later, in the deepest part of the ruins, the spirit of Lightgazer appears before the player.)
Player: You must be Lightgazer!
Lightgazer: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Lightgazer: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: Why did the shadows of my family appear? (If the player has selected "The Family's Shadows")
Lightgazer: The dead return to Mana. There they find peace. But the surge of Mana has stirred them from their sleep.
Player: Sleep?
Lightgazer: The restless dead lost their home and wandered aimlessly. The Mana Lord devised a way to control the shadows of the dead.
Player: But there must be many dead souls out there. How come he was able to bring my...
Lightgazer: It was not the Mana Lord who found your family.
Player: What?!
Lightgazer: The dead a drawn to toward those who long for them. You brought their shadows to you.
Player: So it was me... Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Lightgazer drops a sparkling item at the player's feet.)
Lightgazer: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Lightgazer flies away.)
~Picked up Lustrilex.~
Player: Bye, Lightgazer!
====The Benevodon of Shadow====
(The player visits Shade in the Mana Village.)
Shade: So, [Player]... The final confrontation is at hand.
Player: I wonder if I can manage against the scion of Mana.
Shade: The future is murky.
Player: Really...
Shade: Wait. Perhaps Zable Fahr knows something!
Player: Zable who?
Shade: The benevodon of shadow. The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of shadow, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Shade: Zable Fahr the Nebulous can be found on the Path of Life. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right. I think I'll go see him!
Shade: And please convey my eternal fealty to him.
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to the Path of Life.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of shadow.
(Later, in the deepest part of labyrinth, the spirit of Zable Fahr appears before the player.)
Player: You must be Zable Fahr!
Zable Fahr: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Zable Fahr: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: What's the scion of Mana? (If the player has selected "The Scion of Mana")
Zable Fahr: The scion is also born of the will of the goddess. He is imbued with the essence of Mana.
Player: The eseence?
Zable Fahr: But the scion is young. He cannot yet channel his powers. He does not even know who he is. He is pure but enormously powerful. That makes him very dangerous.
Player: How?
Zable Fahr: Should waves of his powers ever break upon the world, all will fall to the power of Mana.
Player: You mean...destroyed?
Zable Fahr: But that is not the wish of the goddess. Son of man, if you wield the powers of the Sword of Mana, you can restore the scion to its rightful path. Go now, hurry!
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Zable Fahr drops a sparkling item at the player's feet.)
Zable Fahr: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Zable Fahr flies away.)
~Picked up Umbralex.~
Player: Bye, Zable!
====Final Elemental Subquest====
(The player notices a strange light coming from the stone in Mana Village.)
Player: Light from the stone! Could this be another anomaly? I wonder what this means. Well, I'll go have a look!
(The player is warped into the Cosmic Rift.)
Player: Why is it happening here?
(The player looks around.)
Player: Well, I'll go have a look.
(After a grueling descent into the maze, the player finally gets to the deepest part of the cave. Here, they meet with the eight benevodons spirits.)
The Benevodons: You have come far. Indeed, you wield powers unlike any other son of man. So be it! For coming this far, you shall be rewarded. Take it!
(The Benevodons drop a gem in front of the player.)
~Received Mystic Blessing from the Benevodons.~
The Benevodons: We will remember you, son of man.
====Gem Frame Expansion 1====
(The player pays a visit to the Bomb Brothers in the Silver Mermaid.)
Balbo: Hey, [Player]! I was lookin all over for you!
Player: Me?
Balbo: I just got my hand on a really good ore. I can expand you gem frame with this thing.
Player: Expand the gem frame?
Balbo: Yeah. You'll be able to use more gems with an expanded gem frame. That means you'll be able to power yourself up even more.
Player: Really?
Balbo: Hand me your gem frame!
(The player hands him their gem frame.)
Balbo: There you go!
(The gem frame slots expands from four to eight slots.)
~Received expanded Gem Frame.~
Player: Thanks!
Balbo: We're still finding things out about the gem frame. Come and se me often, and I'll give you the latest info.
Player: Got it!
====Gem Frame Expansion 2====
(The player pays a visit to the Bomb Brothers at the Silver Mermaid.)
Balbo: Hey, [Player]! I was waiting for you!
Player: Me?
Balbo: Just got a really pure ore this time. I can give the gem frame an even bigger expansion with this!
Player: Really?
Balbo: Yup. More room for powering up! Here. Hand me your gem frame.
(After a short while.)
Balbo: There you go!
~Received expanded Gem Frame.~
Player: Thank you!
Balbo: This is as far as we can take it with our current technology. But if there was a way to increase the purity of an ore, maybe...
Player: What?
Balbo: Never mind. Tere's probably no chance of it ever happening. Hope you can put the new gem frame to good use!
Player: You bet! Thanks!
====Gem Frame Expansion 3====
(The player pays a visit to the Bomb Brothers at the Silver Mermaid.)
Player: Find anything new from your gem research?
Balbo: Not really... Hm? Let me see that rock you got there.
Player: What, this? I got this from the dudbears. Does this mean something to you?
Balbo: I knew it! It's the legendary smelting rock!
Player: Smelting rock?
Balbo: Yeah! With this thing, I can increase the purity of an ore to its absolute best! I can make your gem frame even bigger!
Player: Really?
Balbo: Hand me your gem frame. You'll see!
(A short while later.)
Balbo: There you go! You can't get anything better than this. You'll be untouchable now!
~Received Expanded Gem frame.~
Player: Thanks, Balbo!
Balbo: You'd better win, [Player]!
Player: Just leave it to me!

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