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Editing Children of Mana script

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Player: I think the journal's author is...
Player: I think the journal's author is...
(The player rushes to Moti's place.)
Player: Mayor Moti.
Moti: Good day! What brings you here in such a rush?
Player: I heard you used to be quite an adventurer...
Moti: What's this, all of a sudden? And who told you that?
Player: I read your journal. I was in the archives.
Moti: So, the cat is out of the bag, I see.
Player: I bet it was a pretty sight. Those desert flowers...
Moti: Yes, they sparkled with all the hues of the rainbow.
Player: I just came back from Jadd myself, but I saw nothing but sand.
Moti: Well, they we destroyed ten years ago, you know.
Player: But look what I did find: some seeds or something...
Moti: Impossible! These are the seeds of the desert flower!
Player: Really?
Moti: Indeed, what a marvelous discovery, [Player]! If they take root, why... The desert can be home to flwoers once more!
Player: All right! That made the desert trip worthwhile!
Moti: I'll look after the seeds for now. Let us have Professor Bomb oversee their cultivation.
Player: Tell me when they bloom, all right?
Moti: Of course I will. That's right! Such determination and curiosity should not go unrewarded! Please accept this.
~Rewarded with <font color="blue">Balmung</font> / <font color="red">Elven Bow</font> / <font color="gold">Meteor Flail</font> / <font color="green">Dwarven Maul</font>.~
Player: Thanks, Moti!
Moti: No, it is I who should thank you. And before long, people the world over will show their gratitude as well.
Player: Aw, you're overdoing it. Well, I'll see you later.
Moti: Farewell, [Player]!
====A Checkered Past====
(The player comes to talk to Seamoon at the Silver Mermaid.)
Player: Hi, Seamoon!
Seamoon: Why, if it isn't [Player]! Doin your best every day, I see...
Player: Yeah... I am the chosen one. It's quite a name to live up to.
Seamoon: And everyone's pinned their hopes on you. Including me.
Player: I won't let you down.
Seamoon: Hey, [Player]...
Player: What is it?
Seamoon: I wonder if you can handle a personal request...from me.
Player: What do you mean?
Seamoon: Here, take this earring. I want you to cast it deep into the lake deep inside the cave in Topple.
Player: Huh? Why do I have to go all the way to Topple?
Seamoon: Please don't ask why. Every grown woman has a checkered past she would rather keep to herself.
Player: A checkered past, huh?
Seamoon: Since it's a personal request, I can't force you to do it... But would you journey to Topple for me?
Player: All right. I'm alway happy to help.
Seamoon: Oh, thank you so, so much, [Player]!
Player: I should throw this into the lake in Topple, right?
Seamoon: Yes, with all haste!
Player: Well, I'm off.
~Received Corral Earring.~
(The player flies to Star Lake.)
Player: Let's go toss Seamoon's earring away.
(Deep inside Star Lake, the player finds a vast pool of water.)
Player: This must be the place Seamoon was talking about.
(The player walks toward the bank.)
Player: So I just have to throw it in here.
(The player tosses the corral earring into the lake.)
Unknown Voice: Farewell...
Player: Huh?
(The player looks around, but doesn't find the source of the voice.)
Player: I thought I heard something. Oh, well... time to head back.
(The player heads back to the Mana Village.)
Seamoon: Welcome home, [Player]!
Player: I threw away the earring just like you asked.
Seamoon: Thank you. I knew I could count on you, [Player]!
Player: So, now you should tell me... All about this "checkered past" of yours.
Seamoon: Oh, I'm sorry. I asked you to brave danger... So I should let you in on it. But could you just...keep it a secret, [Player]?
Player: Seamoon...
Seamoon: I'll tell you, if I must...
Player: No, it's all right. I'm not so cold as to pry in other people's lives.
Seamoon: Thank you, [Player]. You'll be a fine man someday!
Player: By the way, when I tossed the earring into the lake, I thought I heard a voice say farewell.
Seamoon: What?
Player: Well, it was probably just my imagination.
Seamoon: Yes, perhaps you just heard the wind.
Player: Could be. Well, I'll be seeing you!
Seamoon: Thanks for everything, [Player].
~Rewarded with Mani's Plate / Bunny Dress / Nightmare Coat / Brigand's Mantle.~
Player: Not a problem. Feel free to talk anytime!
Seamoon: Goodbye, love...
====Friendship Beyond Words====
(The player visits the Dud Services.)
Dudbear: Gorlurmph! You come in.
Player: Say, you're a short one dudbear, aren't you?
Dudbear: Dudbear go Lorimar get info.
Player: Oh, that's why–
Office Dudbear: Pagarumph! Chicalumph, mangurmph!
Dudbear: Mm? No word three days, grmph?
Office Dudbear: Galabalurmph, mandabumph.
Dudbear: Oooh. Maybe, that balurmph...
Player: What's going on? What'd your pal say?
Dudbear: Lorimar dudbear clumsy, mph. Maybe made accident, grmph!
Player: Accident?
Dudbear: Worry now. But must stay Dud Services... Shagarumph! [Player] go!
Player: Huh?
Dudbear: You go Lorimar, mph. Find clumsy dudbear. You get, we pay. Marlarumph!
Player: Not a problem. I'd be glad to help.
Dudbear: Thanks arumph, [Player]!
Player: So the missing dudbear is somewhere in Lorimar, right?
Dudbear: Right, mph. Dudbear go Ice Citadel get info.
Player: Got it. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to the Ice Citadel.)
Player: Let's find the missing dudbear.
(Deep within the citadel, the player finds a shovel lying on the ground.)
Player: Is this thing a shovel? Hey, it might be a dudbear shovel! If it is, ir means a dudbear was here and might still be...
(The players looks around.)
Player: Or not... Maybe the clumsy dud did have an accident of some kind. Hmmm...
~Obtained Shovel.~
Maybe I should report back to the dudbear in the village.
(The player heads back to Dud services.)
Player: Wha–
Dudbear: Chabamumph, [Player]! I go find you tell you clumsy dudbear home now!
Player: S-so it appears...
Dudbear: Come home–TALIBUMPH! Haha, mph. Balurmph! You say thing to [Player]!
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Philaburph... Chigalumph, burburbalimamph.
Dudbear: He say very, very sorry for worry and for trouble.
Player: I'm just glad he made it back safely. Yeah, glad. That's what I am...
Dudbear: He lose important scoopy thing, libagumph. Look all place, no tell Dud Services...
Player: Scoopy thing? Oh, you mean this shovel?
(The player shows the shovel to the dudbears.)
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Grebalumph!
Player: I figured it was probably yours when I came across it. I was afraid you might have been eaten by a monster or something.
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Philaburph...
Player: Here you go. Just make sure you hang on to it this time.
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Sugalibamph! Bugurmph!
Dudbear: Clumsy dudbear says want thank [Player].
(The dudbear shows a book to the player.)
Formely Missing Dudbear: Gib you dis, mph.
~Rewarded with Duddish Dictionary.~
~Rewarded with Shiny Rock.~
Player: What's this? A Duddish dictionary? Cool, so you've been using this to study human language, eh?
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Tanks, fiend.
Player: Heh. You're welcome, friend. I'll start studying Duddish so we can have a nice long conversation next time.
Formerly Missing Dudbear: Mm-hm, mph!
Player: See ya later!
====Ferrik says goodbye====
(Ferrik goes to see Watts inside Moti's place.)
Ferrik: Watts, do you have a moment?
Watts: Why, it's Ferrik! What can I do for ye?
Ferrik: Have you ever seen this before?
(Ferrik shows the Wooden Horse he got from the shadows back in Illusia Ruins.)
Watts: Well, bless my hammer!
Ferrik: Back at the ruins, the shadow of my father dropped it before he left.
Watts: Aye, that's the horse yer father bought for ye when ye were a bairn! Ye took a notion to it, and always kept it close.
Ferrik: How do you know that?
Watts: Well... I've know yer father for a long syne. Why, every time I came to Wendel, I visited on yer house.
Ferrik: Wow, you did?
Watts: Ye were probably over-young to remember it, but I met ye thrice or so.
Ferrik: No, I don't remember that at all.
Watts: Ye were so fearful of me, aye ye'd scurry behind yer father, holdin' fast yer favorite toy horse.
Ferrik: I would?
Watts: Aye, and ye'd bawl when yer sister thiefed it from ye. And ye father wold scold ye then, sayin' that no lad should cry for such a thing. And that'd made ye cry even more!
Ferrik: So I was a crybaby...
Aye, ye'd cry yerself to exhaustion, and fall asleep in your mother's arms.
Ferrik: Oh...
Watts: Ye had a fine family. If the cataclysm of ten years ago hadn't ever happened... well I'll just leave it there.
Ferrik: Thanks, Watts. I'm happy you told me.
Watts: Are ye?
(Ferrik takes the toy horse back, but notices something when he puts it away.)
Ferrik: Huh?
Watts: What's the matter?
Ferrik: I thought I heard my father calling...
Watts: What?!
Ferrik: I'm going to head to Wendel. I have a feeling that my family's there waiting for me!
Watts: Hold on! What are ye ettlin' to do? Delvin' into the past only will only bring ye sorrow, [Player]. Don't ye go!
Ferrik: I'm sorry. I might never get another chance to see my family again.
Watts: Ferrik...
Ferrik: I'm going!
(Ferrik flies to Brightwood.)
Ferrik: Let's go see my family one more time.
(Deep within the forest, Ferrik come across a deserted clearing.)
Ferrik: Mother! Father! Sis! I'm here!
(No one answers.)
Ferrik: Come, show yourselves more! Please, say something!
(Ferrik's wodden horse starts to move on itself and shine.)
Father's Voice: Ferrik... This is all we can do for you.
Mother's Voice: You must carve your own bright future.
Sister's Voice: Bye, Ferrik! My brother...
(The light disappears along with the toy horse, leaving a single red gem on the ground.)
~Obtained Light on a Boy.~
Ferrik: This geode is the crystal of their souls. Thanks, father, mother, sis!
====Tamber says goodbye====
====Poppen says goodbye====
====Wanderer says goodbye====
(Wanderer pays a visit to Millionaire at the Golden Goods.)
Wanderer: Millionaire, do you have a moment?
Millionaire: Why, it's Wanderer! What can I do for you?
Wanderer: Have you ever seen this before?
(Wandere shows the harmonica he got from the shadows back in Illusia Ruins.)
Millionaire: Why, It's a harmonica!
Wanderer: The shadows of Sophie and Danny dropped it at the ruins.
Millionaire: Sophie? Oh, yes... That widow who took you in.
Wanderer: That's right. I gave my harmonica to Danny as a present.
Millionaire: A present?
Wanderer: One day twelve years ago... I was playing that harmonica when a boy suddenly approached me. He asked me what instrument it was. And that's how I met him and his widowed mother.
Millionaire: I see...
Wanderer: I never stayed in one place for long, but they treated me like family. I only planned to stay for a few days, but one week became three, and the months streched on. Before long, I felt like I wanted to stay with them forever.
Millionaire: Yes, I remember. You sent me a letter asking me for help in starting your own shop.
Wanderer: I was unwavering in my dedication. So I worked like I'd never worked before so I'd have a business of my own. But I couldn't amass enough cash, so I asked you for help.
Millionaire: When I saw your letter, I couldn't believe it. I never thought you would want to settle down anywhere.
Wanderer: I could hardly believe it either. All the other niccolos always made fun of me. But I knew then that I was one, too.
Millionaire: So that's how it happened.
Wanderer: But I lost it all. Shop and family...
Millionaire: Ten years ago, right?
Wanderer: Yes, they didn't survive the destruction. And the house burned to ashes.
Millionaire: I see...
Wanderer: He was only seven. Too young to die...
Millionaire: Terrible!
Wanderer: It all came back at the ruins, when I heard the voices and the sound of my old harmonica. It's something I wish I could forget.
Millionaire: Are you sure that's what you want?
Wanderer: Hm?
Millionaire: Those are precious memories, aren't they?
Wanderer: Well, yes... But it hurts to remember.
Millionaire: It's not all painful, is it?
Wanderer: Well...
Millionaire: Whether good or bad...they're all precious memories from your family, right?
Wanderer: I...
Millionaire: Don't forget them. No, you should hold them close. Those memories are lifelong treasures.
Wanderer: I...I know...
(As Wanderer puts his harmonica back into his pocket, the precious item glows.)
Wanderer: Hm?
Millionaire: What's the matter?
Wanderer: "We're waiting in Wendel."
Millionaire: What?
Wanderer: I think I just heard Sophie and Danny call to me. They said they're waiting for me in Wendel!
Millionaire: You heard them? Then you should head to Wendel and see. It's not healthy to suppress your feelings, you know.
Wanderer: You're right! I'm going to Wendel.
Millionaire: Better sooner than later, Wanderer!
Wanderer: You're right.
(Wanderer flies to Brightwood. Deep within the forest, he finds an empty clearing.)
Wanderer: Sophie! Danny! It's me! It's Wanderer! Come, show yourselves again!
(The harmonica starts glowing and moving on itself.)
Sophie's Voice: Listen closely. I cannot see you anymore. But I want you to have this.
Danny's Voice: I'm watchin' over you from above. Do your best to make the future a bright one!
Sophie's Voice: Farewell, Wanderer. My love...
(The harmonica shines brightly before disappearing, only leaving a yellow gem behind.)
~Obtained Light on a Nomad.~
Wanderer: This gem is a crystal of their hearts. Thank you, Sophie! Danny!

====The Benevodon of Wind====
====The Benevodon of Wind====
Line 4,295: Line 3,825:

Player: Bye, Mispolm!
Player: Bye, Mispolm!
====The Benevodon of Light====
(The player visits Wisp in Mana Village.)
Wisp: You know, [Player]... If you don't stop the surge of Mana, terrible things will happen.
Player: I know, I know! I'm trying to find a way.
Wisp: I wish I could help somehow.
Player: Well, I'm glad just to hear you say that.
Wisp: Wait. Perhaps Lightgazer could tell you something.
Player: Light who?
Wisp: The benevodon of light! The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of light, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Wisp: Lightgazer the Luminous can be found in the ruins. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right. I think I'll go see him!
Wisp: Tell him I said hello!
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to the Illusia Ruins.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of light.
(Later, in the deepest part of the ruins, the spirit of Lightgazer appears before the player.)
Player: You must be Lightgazer!
Lightgazer: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Lightgazer: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: Why did the shadows of my family appear? (If the player has selected "The Family's Shadows")
Lightgazer: The dead return to Mana. There they find peace. But the surge of Mana has stirred them from their sleep.
Player: Sleep?
Lightgazer: The restless dead lost their home and wandered aimlessly. The Mana Lord devised a way to control the shadows of the dead.
Player: But there must be many dead souls out there. How come he was able to bring my...
Lightgazer: It was not the Mana Lord who found your family.
Player: What?!
Lightgazer: The dead a drawn to toward those who long for them. You brought their shadows to you.
Player: So it was me... Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Lightgazer drops a sparkling item at the player's feet.)
Lightgazer: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Lightgazer flies away.)
~Picked up Lustrilex.~
Player: Bye, Lightgazer!
====The Benevodon of Shadow====
(The player visits Shade in the Mana Village.)
Shade: So, [Player]... The final confrontation is at hand.
Player: I wonder if I can manage against the scion of Mana.
Shade: The future is murky.
Player: Really...
Shade: Wait. Perhaps Zable Fahr knows something!
Player: Zable who?
Shade: The benevodon of shadow. The Mana surge turned him into a malevodon, but you returned him to his true self.
Player: The benevodon of shadow, eh... Well, maybe he could give me some helpful clues.
Shade: Zable Fahr the Nebulous can be found on the Path of Life. Why don't you pay him a visit?
Player: All right. I think I'll go see him!
Shade: And please convey my eternal fealty to him.
Player: Will do. Well, I'm off!
(The player flies to the Path of Life.)
Player: Let's go talk to the benevodon of shadow.
(Later, in the deepest part of labyrinth, the spirit of Zable Fahr appears before the player.)
Player: You must be Zable Fahr!
Zable Fahr: Yes, I remember you. What do you want?
Player: I want you to tell me more about what's happening to our world.
Zable Fahr: Very well, what knowledge do you seek?
Player: What's the scion of Mana? (If the player has selected "The Scion of Mana")
Zable Fahr: The scion is also born of the will of the goddess. He is imbued with the essence of Mana.
Player: The eseence?
Zable Fahr: But the scion is young. He cannot yet channel his powers. He does not even know who he is. He is pure but enormously powerful. That makes him very dangerous.
Player: How?
Zable Fahr: Should waves of his powers ever break upon the world, all will fall to the power of Mana.
Player: You mean...destroyed?
Zable Fahr: But that is not the wish of the goddess. Son of man, if you wield the powers of the Sword of Mana, you can restore the scion to its rightful path. Go now, hurry!
Player: Thanks! I learned a lot.
(Zable Fahr drops a sparkling item at the player's feet.)
Zable Fahr: Let not the burden of fate weight you down. Fight bravely, son of man!
(Zable Fahr flies away.)
~Picked up Umbralex.~
Player: Bye, Zable!
====Final Elemental Subquest====
(The player notices a strange light coming from the stone in Mana Village.)
Player: Light from the stone! Could this be another anomaly? I wonder what this means. Well, I'll go have a look!
(The player is warped into the Cosmic Rift.)
Player: Why is it happening here?
(The player looks around.)
Player: Well, I'll go have a look.
(After a grueling descent into the maze, the player finally gets to the deepest part of the cave. Here, they meet with the eight benevodons spirits.)
The Benevodons: You have come far. Indeed, you wield powers unlike any other son of man. So be it! For coming this far, you shall be rewarded. Take it!
(The Benevodons drop a gem in front of the player.)
~Received Mystic Blessing from the Benevodons.~
The Benevodons: We will remember you, son of man.

Line 4,495: Line 3,861:
====Gem Frame Expansion 2====
====Gem Frame Expansion 2====

(The player pays a visit to the Bomb Brothers at the Silver Mermaid.)
(The player pays a visit to the Bomb Brothers in the Silver Mermaid.)

Balbo: Hey, [Player]! I was waiting for you!  
Balbo: Hey, [Player]! I was waiting for you!  
Line 4,522: Line 3,888:

Player: You bet! Thanks!
Player: You bet! Thanks!
====Gem Frame Expansion 3====
(The player pays a visit to the Bomb Brothers at the Silver Mermaid.)
Player: Find anything new from your gem research?
Balbo: Not really... Hm? Let me see that rock you got there.
Player: What, this? I got this from the dudbears. Does this mean something to you?
Balbo: I knew it! It's the legendary smelting rock!
Player: Smelting rock?
Balbo: Yeah! With this thing, I can increase the purity of an ore to its absolute best! I can make your gem frame even bigger!
Player: Really?
Balbo: Hand me your gem frame. You'll see!
(A short while later.)
Balbo: There you go! You can't get anything better than this. You'll be untouchable now!
~Received Expanded Gem frame.~
Player: Thanks, Balbo!
Balbo: You'd better win, [Player]!
Player: Just leave it to me!

{{Children of Mana}}
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[[Category:Game scripts]]
[[Category:Game scripts]]

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