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Editing Keldric

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Keldric is last seen observing the Treefolk Village to a distance before heading in the opposite direction to an undisclosed location.
Keldric is last seen observing the Treefolk Village to a distance before heading in the opposite direction to an undisclosed location.

===''Circle of Mana''===
Keldric makes a cameo appearance alongside many other characters from the ''[[Mana (series)|Mana]]'' series.<br>
[[File:SUR 0349 エルディ 勇者.jpg|150px]] [[File:SUR 0350 エルディ 勇者.jpg|150px]] [[File:SUR 0351 エルディ 勇者.jpg|150px]] [[File:SUR 0352 エルディ 勇者.jpg|150px]]
===''Circle of Mana''===
Keldric makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the ''[[Mana (series)|Mana]]'' series. He appears in 12 sets of cards.<br>
{|width=95% class="wikitable"
! Rank !! Attribute !!width=10%| Name !!colspan=4 width=60%| Classes !! Quote
| SUR || {{hover|技|Jap:Skill}} || {{hover|樹の村にて|Jap:At the Treefolk Village}} || [[File:SUR 0153 樹の村にて.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|幼馴染の二人|Jap:Two Childhood Friends}} || [[File:SUR 0154 樹の村にて.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|樹守人と巫女|Jap:Guardian & Shrine Maiden}} || [[File:SUR 0155 樹の村にて.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹に選ばれし者達|Jap:Great Tree's Chosens}} || [[File:SUR 0156 樹の村にて.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]聖剣と女神|Jap:[Light] Holy Sword & Goddess}} ||これは「マナの女神」と「聖剣」が如何にして誕生したかの物語。イルージャに住む少年エルディが、幼馴染の少女リチアを救うために、大樹から授けられた力を使い、運命を切り開いていく。<br>This is the story of how the "Goddess of Mana" and the "Sacred Sword" were born. Keldric, a boy living in Illusia, uses the power given to him by a tree to carve out his own destiny in order to save his childhood friend, a girl named Ritzia.
| SUR || {{hover|技|Jap:Skill}} || {{hover|聖剣オールスターズ|Jap:Holy Sword All Stars}} || [[File:SUR 0285 聖剣オールスターズ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|マナの仲間たち|Jap:Mana's Friends}} || [[File:SUR 0286 聖剣オールスターズ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|各世界の勇者たち|Jap:Braves of Each Worlds}} || [[File:SUR 0287 聖剣オールスターズ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]聖剣の勇者たち|Jap:[Light] Heroes of the Holy Sword}} || [[File:SUR 0288 聖剣オールスターズ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]異世界をつなぐ者たち|Jap:[Dark] Connecting Many Worlds}} ||様々な世界の勇者たちが手を取り合って、今日も歴史を紡ぐ。聖剣の勇者はあなたが思うよりも、ずっと多いのかもしれない。<br>Heroes from all over the world join hands and weave history today as well. There may be many more holy sword heroes than you think.
| SUR || {{hover|魔|Jap:Demon}} || {{hover|エルディ&リチア|Jap:Keldy & Ritzia}} || [[File:SUR 0301 エルディ&リチア.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|樹の村の幼なじみ|Jap:Treefolk Village Childhood Friends}} || [[File:SUR 0302 エルディ&リチア.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|聖樹の剣士と巫女|Jap:Holy Tree Swordsman & Tree Maiden}} || [[File:SUR 0303 エルディ&リチア.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]再生を託されし二人|Jap:[Light] Two People Entrusted with Rebirth}} || [[File:SUR 0304 エルディ&リチア.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]冥王を託されし二人|Jap:[Dark] Two People Entrusted with Hades}} ||分かちがたき二人であればこそ、すれ違う思いもある。再び巡り逢う日は、そう遠くない。<br>"Because these two people are inseparable, there are times when their feelings may slip through the cracks. It won't be long before we meet again."
| SUR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ[勇者]|Jap:Keldy [Brave]}} || [[File:SUR 0349 エルディ 勇者.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:SUR 0350 エルディ 勇者.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:SUR 0351 エルディ 勇者.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:SUR 0352 エルディ 勇者.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「覚悟はいいか? ランディたちほど、俺は優しくないからな!」<br>"Are you ready? I'm not as kind as Randi and the others!"
| SUR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ|Jap:Keldy}} || [[File:SUR 0621 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:SUR 0622 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:SUR 0623 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:SUR 0624 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「それでも…俺は行く…。いかなければならないんだ…!」<br>"Still... I'm going... I have to go...!"
| SUR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ [クリスマス]|Jap:Keldy [Christmas]}} || [[File:SUR 1093 エルディ クリスマス.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:SUR 1094 エルディ クリスマス.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:SUR 1095 エルディ クリスマス.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:SUR 1096 エルディ クリスマス.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「分かってるよ、デュラン。女性が強いのはどこの世界でも同じだろ。」<br>"I know, Duran. Women are strong everywhere in the world."
| SSUR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ|Jap:Keldy}} || [[File:SSUR 0089 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:SSUR 0090 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:SSUR 0091 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:SSUR 0092 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「そんなことはない!俺にはリチアが必要なんだ!必ずリチアを助け出して見せる!」<br>"That's not true! I need Ritzia! I'll definitely rescue her and show her!"
| SSUR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ[闘志]|Jap:Keldy [Fighting Spirit]}} || [[File:SSUR 0317 エルディ 闘志.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:SSUR 0318 エルディ 闘志.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:SSUR 0319 エルディ 闘志.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:SSUR 0320 エルディ 闘志.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「何が狙いかを探るより、今はあいつの打破を考えよう。」<br>"Rather than trying to figure out what he's aiming for, let's think about defeating him now."
| SSUR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ[竜紋]|Jap:Keldy [Dragon Crest]}} || [[File:SSUR 0709 エルディ 竜紋.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精大樹の村の少年|Jap:Treefolk Village Boy}} || [[File:SSUR 0710 エルディ 竜紋.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|聖樹に選ばれし者|Jap:Chosen by the Holy Tree}} || [[File:SSUR 0711 エルディ 竜紋.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]聖樹の勇者|Jap:[Light] Hero of the Holy Tree}} || [[File:SSUR 0712 エルディ 竜紋.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜紋の戦士|Jap:[Dark] Dragon Crest Warrior}} ||「まだ、だって?忘れる事なんてない!俺にはリチアが必要なんだ…」<br>"Not yet? There's nothing to forget! I need Ritzia..."
| LGR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ|Jap:Keldy}} || [[File:LGR 0577 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:LGR 0578 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:LGR 0579 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:LGR 0580 エルディ.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「フェアリー、止めてくれ。俺の事情なんてどうでもいい。」<br>"Faerie, please stop. My circumstances don't matter."
| LGR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ[激闘]|Jap:Keldy [Fierce Battle]}} || [[File:LGR 0633 エルディ 激闘.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:LGR 0634 エルディ 激闘.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:LGR 0635 エルディ 激闘.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:LGR 0636 エルディ 激闘.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「離れて!ここは俺が引き受ける!」<br>"Go away! I'll take care of this!"
| SLGR || {{hover|力|Jap:Power}} || {{hover|エルディ[2nd.anniv]|Jap:Keldy [2nd.anniv]}} || [[File:SLGR 0021 エルディ 2nd.anniv.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|精霊に選ばれし少年|Jap:Boy Chosen by the Spirits}} || [[File:SLGR 0022 エルディ 2nd.anniv.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|大樹の種子を宿す少年|Jap:Boy Harboring the Great Tree Seeds}} || [[File:SLGR 0023 エルディ 2nd.anniv.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[光]緑光に輝く少年|Jap:[Light] Boy Shining in Green Light}} || [[File:SLGR 0024 エルディ 2nd.anniv.jpg|100px]]<br>{{hover|[闇]竜のアザの少年|Jap:[Dark] Boy With Dragon Birthmark}} ||「ああ、これからも一緒だ。俺はみんなを守りたい。」<br>"Ah, we will continue to be together. I want to protect everyone."

===''Echoes of Mana''===
===''Echoes of Mana''===
[[File:Keldric full EOM artwork.png|thumb|150px]]
[[File:Keldric full EOM artwork.png|thumb|150px]]
{{quote2|A boy who lives in a village at the foot an ancient sacred tree on the island of Illusia. Keldric, whose nickname is "Keldy," can be stubborn at times and a little wild, but his positive outlook and sincere honesty have earned him the trust of his fellow villagers. By a strange fate, the sacred tree's seed was planted into his arm, and with the blade born from that seed, he hurls himself into battle to save the world.|Square Enix Official Website}}
{{quote2|A boy who lives in a village at the foot an ancient sacred tree on the island of Illusia. Keldric, whose nickname is "Keldy," can be stubborn at times and a little wild, but his positive outlook and sincere honesty have earned him the trust of his fellow villagers. By a strange fate, the sacred tree's seed was planted into his arm, and with the blade born from that seed, he hurls himself into battle to save the world.|Square Enix Official Website}}
Keldric was a character and drawable unit. He had one variant.
Keldric is a character and drawable unit. He currently has one known variant.

{{See Also|Keldric (Guided by the Great Tree)}}
{{See Also|Keldric (Guided by the Great Tree)}}
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==Profile and statistics==
==Profile and statistics==
Uniquely among the games in the series, Keldric does not level-up using traditional methods. Rather, his stats are determined by his equipped crests and pickups acquired during the current chapter in play.
===Powers and abilities===
===Powers and abilities===
As host of the Great Tree's seed, the sapling to which Keldric was bonded gives him a sword for his right arm should it be necessary. The blade is wrapped in vines that can extend out as a whip to grab and pull objects toward him. With Faye at his side, he can summon the Mana Spirits to attack foes as well as to solve puzzles in the field.
As host of the Great Tree's seed, the sapling to which Keldric was bonded gives him a sword for his right arm should it be necessary. The blade is wrapped in vines that can extend out as a whip to grab and pull objects toward him. With Faye at his side, he can summon the Mana Spirits to attack foes as well as to solve puzzles in the field.

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