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====Dark Lord====
====Dark Lord====
'You have proven to be quite the worthy ally, indeed. Say, I am looking for a new right hand, what do you say?'
'There will come a day when I will get my revenge. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.'
'You may take me on your pity adventures. But do not get in my way, and do not expect me to help.'
'This towns defenses are a joke. Why, it would take a small Granzian battalion a day to secure it.'
'You friends are not as weak as I expected. They'd make fine slaves, indeed.'
'So the Mana Tree... What at precious little thing...'
'I see Julius is here as well... Hmph. His ambitions are of no interest to me.'
'I have enough of this. I don't care where, take me into battle. I can suffer this boredom no longer.'
'What is it? You finally ready to give me some kind of challenge?'

Revision as of 14:03, May 10, 2023

Echoes of Mana

Max Bond Dialogues


'Anythin' fun goin' on?'

'I swear uponst a knight's blade to be-ith there-ith whenever thou art in need of me! Or whatever!'

'Aw, man, I wish I was the mana swordsman. It's so cool! But I guess you'll have to settle for the even cooler Duffle!'

'Our Last adventure was the BEST! We have got to do that again!'

'Wanna go check out Lady Moti's? Just LOVE that place! So many new things to see every time I go!'

'Yo Watts! Check out my sword! Lookin' real sharp, eh?!'

'Oh. My clothes? It's kind of like a house style, me and my fam are into.They're really easy to move around in!'

'Hey! I was just thinking about a new pose! It goes like...this! ...Or maybe this?'

'Just let your girl Duffle know if you need anything! Protecting the peace is what I do!'

'You see that book Honeycomb is reading? How many pages you think it's got?'

'Yup! Training today, too! those new moves won't learn themselves!'


'You in some kind of trouble again? ...Well just let me know if you need my help.'

'If you need me to do something, just say it. I am one of your knights after all.'

'You should read the legend of the Mana Tree... Because it'd be helpful, and, uhhh, we could talk about it, too?'

'I'm surrounded by idiots. Can't imagine what would happen if I wasn't there... Guess I better stick around, you know, just in case.'

'...Wonder if Lady Moti ever smiles...'

'Watts is a trusted member of this town, got it? Don't go causing him any trouble.'

'Of course you have to try hard at it. Goals just don't meet themselves, you know.'

'I'll have you know these clothes are standard sorcerer attire!'

'Hey, I'm a lot more useful out there than your average adult. So don't treat me like some kid.'

'Duffle is at it again, eh? Where does she find all that energy?'

'I'm a busy guy you know. If you don't need me for anything, I'm goin' home.'


'Feel free to come to me with anything you need. I'm much older and wiser, you see.'

'I beg of you, be more careful. Don't rush into danger alone.'

'You want to... pet me? How to respond...'

'I'm not good at hiding things. You just see it in my face.'

'Say, have you seen anyone around who could be wolfkin?'

'Shopping, eh? Can'r say I'm want for anything especially.'

'My clothes? Someone gave them to me quite a long time ago.'

'Right now I'm in the middle of handling a request. Nothing major, but I welcome the work!'

'Do you have anything you might need help with? All this waiting around makes me anxious.'

'What a nice place this is...'


'Ain't scared of nothin', huh? That's why I like you!'

'Best to spread your wings while you're young. Yeah, I'm talkin' about you, brat.'

'How 'bout we go sell some of that loot, eh?'

'Hey, better keep your distance. I'm getting kinda hungry, here!'

'They say I'm poisonous... wanna find out?'

'Think I'm scary don't ya? Eh, I'm used to it!'

'Sticking around here's only gonna make you soft!'

'Yeah, yeah, we're all peace, love, and plants here, right?'

'Hear anything good lately?'

'Ugh, this is so boring. Why don't we go out and do something, eh?'


'Wish could just vanish together. Can't do it? Boooriiing.'

'The Mana Tree... Source of all things, huh.'

'I say just have fun, forget all the other stuff.'

'No one likes a third wheel. How bout we go out, just the two of us?'

'Looking for something? Or maybe... you're looking for me?'

'My age? Hm, gimme a second. I'm trying to remember.'

'Wanna know more about me, huh? Hee hee, where shall we start?'

'What a small town... Very local vibe going on here.'

'Humans are such busy bees... but I haven't the faintest idea why.'

'Maybe I should take a nap!'

Ebon Knight

'What awaits at the end of this fate once fulfilled is something I want to see through the end...even if it means you're along for the ride.'

'Tell me, where does your drive come from?'

'Leave me be...'

'No matter where I look, all I see is the hopeless futility of it all.'

'I still haven't forgiven you, best remember that!'

'What have I been brought here for...?'

'Who am I, you ask? The Mana Goddess knows very well.'

'Oh why, Mana Goddess...'

'You are an enemy to this world. Don't you ever forget this.'

'Be it this town, or my very self... Everything is but an illusion.'


'Don't think I've ever had, uh, time off? A vacation? No-fight time? Er, anyway, I'm at loss as to what to do with myself. Must be what peace feels like.'

'I'd love to go out on another adventure, see all kinds of worlds. Without my sword, this time though. Just me and someone I care about, seeing the sights.'

'Dwarves are sure a lively bunch, eh? Used to know a Watts. Funny thing though, not the same Watts that's in this town. Seems like a popular name?'

'I can use magic all right, but if I had to pick which I'm better at, I'd say it's the sword. You can thank Bogard for that.'

'Amanda and me have spent most of our life fighting to survive, you know. It's been though, but we survived by the help of all our friends.'

'You know what this town needs? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the atmosphere here, but if Lester was here playing his harp? It'd be perfect.'

'You know what a Chocobo is? They're these big yellow birds you can ride? Anyway, don't think I coulda finish my quest without 'em.'

'Been on the road so long, feels kind of weird to finally settle down. I think I could get used to this.'

'Going out on another adventure? Well, if you ever need and extra sword, I'm always ready.'

'How's it going? Let me know if you need anything.'


'You seen Sumo around? Fine if ya haven't. Just askin' is all.'

'Take me on your next adventure, will ya? Don't worry, I can hold my own.'

'Favorite food? Well I ain't had a whole lot to begin with, so I guess you could say they're are my favorite.'

'Seen a lot of places over the years, and I gotta say, this town sure is unique. I mean that in a good way, by the by.'

'Don't like talkin' 'bout the past, if I'm bein' honest. Ain't a lot of good memories back there.'

'Might not look it, but I'm pretty handy with a knife. It's the only weapon I use, after all.'

'Time goes by reeeal slow here. This kinda slow you wish you were spendin' with somebody else, ya know what I mean?'

'Wanna go on a date? Now look at that, you look redder than an apple. D'ya think I was serious?'

'Ever heard my brother play the harp? He's pretty good, so if ya haven't, you should!'

'Doin' okay?'

Dark Lord

'You have proven to be quite the worthy ally, indeed. Say, I am looking for a new right hand, what do you say?'

'There will come a day when I will get my revenge. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.'

'You may take me on your pity adventures. But do not get in my way, and do not expect me to help.'

'This towns defenses are a joke. Why, it would take a small Granzian battalion a day to secure it.'

'You friends are not as weak as I expected. They'd make fine slaves, indeed.'

'So the Mana Tree... What at precious little thing...'

'I see Julius is here as well... Hmph. His ambitions are of no interest to me.'

'I have enough of this. I don't care where, take me into battle. I can suffer this boredom no longer.'

'What is it? You finally ready to give me some kind of challenge?'
