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Secret of Evermore

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Secret of Evermore is an action RPG published by Squaresoft's short-lived US division for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System circa 1995. Drawing its inspiration and mechanics from the Mana series of video games, Secret of Evermore began as a side project of said American subsidiary, simply codenamed "Evermore". With a tale involving a boy, his dog, and a world gone wrong, Evermore is notable for being one of the few titles developed exclusively in and for the US market. It is also known to contain several small references to earlier Square titles.

For a time, Evermore was believed to be a stand-in replacement for Trials of Mana (then Seiken Densetsu 3), a game that would not see an international release until many years later. In retrospect, however, this rumor was proven mostly false, as the two games were merely coincidentally released around the same time, with neither American nor Japanese developers knowing of the other's progress.