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Template:Echoes of Mana unit

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Unit name
Image needed!
Max HP Max MP Max STR Max CON Max INT Max SPR Max LCK
Special Technique (ST) ST Hits ST Potency
(Lv1 | Max Lv)
Rarity 1st Skill
(Lv1 | Max Lv)
S1 Hits S1 Potency
(Lv1 | Max Lv)
S1 ST Gain
Weapon 2nd Skill
(Lv1 | Max Lv)
S2 Hits S2 Potency
(Lv1 | Max Lv)
S2 ST Gain
Combat Power Passive 1
(Lv1 | Max Lv)
Passive 2
(Lv1 | Max Lv)

This template is for information on units in Echoes of Mana. The variables are as follows:

{{<includeonly>Echoes of Mana unit</includeonly>
|st hits=
|st potency=
|s1 hits=
|s1 potency=
|s1 st gain=
|s2 hits=
|s2 potency=
|s2 st gain=
The section label; Replace "NAME" with the memory gem name.
The memory gem's name.
Used for links [[altname|name]].
An image of the unit.
The unit's max HP.
The unit's max MP.
The unit's max strength.
The unit's max constitution.
The unit's max intellect.
The unit's max spirit.
The unit's max luck.
The unit's special technique (ST).
The unit's special technique number of hits.
The unit's special technique potenty (%).
The unit's first skill.
The unit's first skill number of hits.
The unit's first skill potency (%).
The unit's first skill special technique gain.
The unit's second skill.
The unit's second skill number of hits.
The unit's second skill potency (%).
The unit's second skill special technique gain.
The unit's first passive ability.
The unit's first passive ability.
The unit's rarity.
The unit's element.
The unit's weapon.
The game the unit originates from.
The unit's combat power (sum of all stats).