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Template:Film infobox

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Film infobox


|title= Title of the film (only necessary when the name of the article has text other than the title alone, such as "Title (film)")
|image= Visual of the film
|jap= Japanese name (original script, romaji, and translation)
|creator= Creator of the film
|director= Director of the film
|writer= Who wrote the script
|music= Who composed the score
|studio= Who animated the film
|network= Where the film was originally aired on
|run= When did the original film aired
|genre= What genre the game is in
|ratings= Official ratings of the game (use {{ratings}})
|modes= How many players can play the game simultaneously, and whether or not the game supports online play
|media= The medium used by the system the game is on, whether a cartridge, optical disc, or digital download (use {{media}})
|input= What controllers the title supports (use {{input}})
|gallery= Added only when the existing gallery link needs to be changed or the image caption removed (set to blank)
{{Game infobox