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Template:Species infobox
From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Species infobox | |
Syntax | |
|title= | By default, this is not necessary, as it will automatically use the article title. When this is not desirable (e.g., where there is a (Disambiguation) tag in the article title), it can be manually specified. |
|image= | break symbol in image syntax. |
|first appearance= | The first game, book, cartoon episode, comic issue, movie, etc. that the species has appeared in. |
|latest appearance= | The latest game (etc.) that the species has appeared in. This does not include upcoming games: the game must have been released before the infobox can be updated. |
|variant_of= | An older or more basic entity that the subject is based on.
Ex: Rabite |
|variants= | An entity based on the subject. This is usually a color swap version of the older or more basic entity.
Ex: Great Rabite, King Rabite, Silktail |
|comparable= | Similar entities that are not actually based on one another. The comparison can be mentioned if the design is based on the same concept (e.g. animal, plant, etc.) Only the basic variant should be mentioned if there are multiple.
Ex: Labune |
|relatives= | An entity with a variant-type relationship with the subject in which it's not clear which is the variant of which. |
|notable= | Notable members of a species. They are typically named and should only be mentioned if they match the page's species.
Ex: Buju |
|derivative= | Derivative concept (object, spell, equipment, etc.) that takes its inspiration directly on the page enemy. They can be mentioned if its name contains the enemy in question and/or the design is explicitly taken from said enemy.
Ex: Rabite Slippers |
|expand= | Collapses the "derived species", "related species" and "notable" lists when they are long. It can be enabled by writing "expandable" (it is "noexpandable" by default). |
{{Species infobox |image= |first_appearance= |latest_appearance= |variant_of= |variants= |comparable= |relatives= |notable= |derivative= |expand= }}
This template is originally from the Super Mario Wiki.