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Template:Trials of Mana bestiary

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Enemy name
Image needed!
Low LUCK Low LUCK & rare High LUCK
Type Location(s) Special Abilities Note(s)

This template is for information on enemies in Trials of Mana. The variables are as follows:

{{<includeonly>Trials of Mana bestiary</includeonly>
The section label; Replace "NAME" with the enemy name.
The enemy's name.
Used for links [[altname|name]].
The enemy's role: (common, boss, support)
An image of the enemy.
The enemy's type.
The enemy's japanese name (japanese script, romaji, literal translation).
Where the enemy can be found.
The enemy's special abilities (magic spells, attacks, etc.)
Additional notes about the enemy.
The enemy's chance of dropping a chest tied to the player character's opening it with a low LUCK stat.
The enemy's chance of dropping a chest containing a rare item tied to the player character's opening it with a low LUCK stat.
The enemy's chance of dropping a chest tied to the player character's opening it with a high LUCK stat.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Lumina magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Gnome magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Sylphid magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Shade magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Undine magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Salamando magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Luna magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to Dryad magic.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Light Saber]] move.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Stone Saber]] move.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Lightning Saber]] move.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Dark Saber]] move.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Ice Saber]] move.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Flame Saber]] move.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Moon Saber]] move.
The enemy's vulnerabilty to the [[Leaf Saber]] move.