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Gallery:Secret of Mana (locations)
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This is a gallery of images pertaining to Secret of Mana depicting sprites. To return to the main Secret of Mana gallery, see Gallery:Secret of Mana.
Official Land of Mana map
Randi pulling out the Mana Sword
Randi being banished from Potos
Randi meeting Luka for the first time
Randi at the Goblin Camp
Dwarf Elder's show
Elinee sending Dyluck to Thanatos
Meeting Gnome
Meeting Thanatos
Meeting Scorpion Army
Meeting Geshtar
Popoi returning to Sprite Village
The matangese legend
Imperial ambush on the Sandship
Dyluk draining Primm
Imperial Palace confrontation
Meeting Shade
Test of Courage
Vandole ambushing the party
Emerging Sunken Continent
Scorpion Army in the Underground City
Mana Tree destruction
Mana Tree telling Randi the truth about his past
Mana Beast appearing
World map
World map (after Sunken Continent rising)
World map (after the activation of the Mana Fortress)
Poto Falls
Potos Village
Neko's General Store
Water Palace
Potos Outskirts
East Kippo Village
Gaia's Navel
Dwarf Village
Haunted Forest
Haunted Forest (fog)
Witch's Castle
Undine's Cave
Underground Palace
Kippo Village
Pandora Ruins
Thieves' Ship
Great Forest
Forest of Seasons
Moogle Village
Sprite Village
Wind Palace
Cave of the White Dragon
Kakkara Desert
Kakkara Desert
Todo Village
Frozen Forest & Crystal Forest
Santa's House
Ice Palace
Fire Palace
Southtown Sewers
Northtown Ruins
Imperial Palace
Turtle Shell Isle
Lofty Mountains
Palace of Darkness
Gold City
Gold Tower
Moon Palace
Republic of Tasnica
Passage of Trials
Lighthouse Isle
Mana Palace
Underground City
Grand Palace
Pure Land
Mana Fortress
Cave of the White Dragon
Crystal Desert
Dwarf Village
Forest of Seasons (fall)
Forest of Seasons (spring)
Forest of Seasons (summer)
Forest of Seasons (winter)
Frozen Forest
Fung Castle
Fung Castle
Gaia's Navel
Goblin Camp
Gold City
Gold Tower
Great Forest
Great Palace
Haunted Forest
Ice Country
Kakkara Desert
Karon's Ferry
Lighthouse Isle
Lofty Mountains
Mana Fortress
Mana Palace
Mandala Temple
Mandala Temple
Moon Palace
Neko's Crystal Forest Branch
Neko's General Store
Northtown Ruins
Palace of Darkness
Pandora Castle
Pandora Ruins
Passage of Trials
Potos Falls
Potos Village
Potos Village Outskirts
Pure Land
Pure Land
Republic of Tasnica
Sea of Wonders
Southeast Gaia Lowlands
Southtown Sewers
Sunken Continent
Sprite Village
Thieves' Ship
Todo Village
Tropics (before freeing Salamando)
Tropics (after freeing Salamando)
Turtle Shell Isle
Underground City
Underground Palace
Undine's Cave
Water Palace
Wind Castle
Wind Palace
Witch's Castle
A screenshot of the heroes riding Flammie; this part of the game utilizes Mode 7
Ending scene
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