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User talk:Kristak

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Welcome welcome! Glad to see you here too :D Results May Vary (talk) 13:59, November 6, 2021 (MDT)

Yeah, me too!Kristak (talk) 17:00, November 6, 2021 (MDT)

Thank you[edit]

Thank you for helping me fix the file pages. A dedicated editor (and administrator) from the Fandom Wiki of Mana joined here to help, and I've realized a lot of images have been added into this category due to the formatting of the aboutfile (example of how to correctly format an aboutfile). So if you want another task, feel free to help out with this as well. Thank you :) Results May Vary (talk) 08:04, November 16, 2021 (MST)

Connection apologies[edit]

Once again I have to apologize for the connection issues. I talked to tech support yesterday & they said that the CPU of the server (which is shared hosting btw, so it's not my own server) has been overloading lately (they say it's because of illegitimate requests). Hopefully it will get sorted out soon, and thank you for sticking it out with me :) Results May Vary (talk) 11:32, November 23, 2021 (MST)