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Talk:Mantis Ant
From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Do we need to have a Strategies section? These are subjective methods used to defeat a boss, and we cover official things. Perhaps the strategies can be allowed if using official guidebooks as reference? What are your thoughts? I have pondered of how to implement such a thing on different wikis before. Results May Vary (talk) 01:29, February 2, 2022 (UTC)
- My answer to this is yes, we can write strategy sections; but given that everyone might play a shade different than we do, we can only say it's recommended that the player do xyz to get through a fight. Older RPGs are more rigid in terms of what the player can actually do at a given point in time, and so a guide is fairly easy and quick to jot down. On the other side of this, newer games have achievements that I feel the player should earn on their own skill rather than just looking up how to get a few extra rank points on their virtual punch card; and yet some will use it for just that. Mostly because a lot of folks, including myself, can get to tearing their hair out if they get stuck.
- With that out of the way, chew on this: many of the older guides not on a Wiki are not well preserved at all thanks to the efforts of copyright owners as well as the inevitable decay of printed material. Nintendo and their former mag and guide publisher Future Media were and still are uptight about putting copies of their work online even though you can't buy them since '12. So, that's exactly where we can come in as wiki editors and fellow players. We've been there, we've done that, and we've got the posters, shirts, and whatever other swag out there to prove it. So, we are free to provide this service as is seen fit.
- If by some miracle you should find a guide and wish to cite it while writing yours, that simply makes your case for writing the walk-through that much stronger. Swordzman236 (talk) 21:44, February 2, 2022 (UTC)
- Okay we can include strategy sections, but as long as it is written in a neutral point-of-view & not acting as if it's addressing the reader directly. Results May Vary (talk) 01:53, February 3, 2022 (UTC)