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Angel's Grail<br>Long ago, an artisan crafted a chalice in the image of one thought used by angels. When raised towards the sky, an angel in a brilliant light confers upon its divine protection.
Angel's Grail<br>Long ago, an artisan crafted a chalice in the image of one thought used by angels. When raised towards the sky, an angel in a brilliant light confers upon its divine protection.
===Key Items===
Spin Drum<br>A foreign instrument consisting of a handle attached to a small drum head flanked by beaded strings. It is used to call forth Flammie, the four-winged guardian spirit.
Powerless Sword<br>Covered by black vines that nullify its power, this blade was neutralized when Mana's rampage grew fierce.
Seed of Mana<br>The new life that will become the next Mana Tree possesses the enormous potential and power of Mana.
Wooden Horse<br>Left behind at the ruins by the ghosts of your late family, this wooden toy horse holds a sense of poignant nostalgia and curious power.
Magic Rope<br>A magician's rope imbued with special senses. When its power is released through touch, it can lead a person back home.
Gem Frame<br>A creation of Professor Bomb, the inventor of Ishe, this ornately edged plate allows the placement of gems in such a way that their hidden powers may be released.

Revision as of 00:21, April 25, 2024

Echoes of Mana

Max Bond Dialogues


'Anythin' fun goin' on?'

'I swear uponst a knight's blade to be-ith there-ith whenever thou art in need of me! Or whatever!'

'Aw, man, I wish I was the mana swordsman. It's so cool! But I guess you'll have to settle for the even cooler Duffle!'

'Our Last adventure was the BEST! We have got to do that again!'

'Wanna go check out Lady Moti's? Just LOVE that place! So many new things to see every time I go!'

'Yo Watts! Check out my sword! Lookin' real sharp, eh?!'

'Oh. My clothes? It's kind of like a house style, me and my fam are into.They're really easy to move around in!'

'Hey! I was just thinking about a new pose! It goes like...this! ...Or maybe this?'

'Just let your girl Duffle know if you need anything! Protecting the peace is what I do!'

'You see that book Honeycomb is reading? How many pages you think it's got?'

'Yup! Training today, too! those new moves won't learn themselves!'


'You in some kind of trouble again? ...Well just let me know if you need my help.'

'If you need me to do something, just say it. I am one of your knights after all.'

'You should read the legend of the Mana Tree... Because it'd be helpful, and, uhhh, we could talk about it, too?'

'I'm surrounded by idiots. Can't imagine what would happen if I wasn't there... Guess I better stick around, you know, just in case.'

'...Wonder if Lady Moti ever smiles...'

'Watts is a trusted member of this town, got it? Don't go causing him any trouble.'

'Of course you have to try hard at it. Goals just don't meet themselves, you know.'

'I'll have you know these clothes are standard sorcerer attire!'

'Hey, I'm a lot more useful out there than your average adult. So don't treat me like some kid.'

'Duffle is at it again, eh? Where does she find all that energy?'

'I'm a busy guy you know. If you don't need me for anything, I'm goin' home.'


'Feel free to come to me with anything you need. I'm much older and wiser, you see.'

'I beg of you, be more careful. Don't rush into danger alone.'

'You want to... pet me? How to respond...'

'I'm not good at hiding things. You just see it in my face.'

'Say, have you seen anyone around who could be wolfkin?'

'Shopping, eh? Can'r say I'm want for anything especially.'

'My clothes? Someone gave them to me quite a long time ago.'

'Right now I'm in the middle of handling a request. Nothing major, but I welcome the work!'

'Do you have anything you might need help with? All this waiting around makes me anxious.'

'What a nice place this is...'


'Ain't scared of nothin', huh? That's why I like you!'

'Best to spread your wings while you're young. Yeah, I'm talkin' about you, brat.'

'How 'bout we go sell some of that loot, eh?'

'Hey, better keep your distance. I'm getting kinda hungry, here!'

'They say I'm poisonous... wanna find out?'

'Think I'm scary don't ya? Eh, I'm used to it!'

'Sticking around here's only gonna make you soft!'

'Yeah, yeah, we're all peace, love, and plants here, right?'

'Hear anything good lately?'

'Ugh, this is so boring. Why don't we go out and do something, eh?'


'Wish could just vanish together. Can't do it? Boooriiing.'

'The Mana Tree... Source of all things, huh.'

'I say just have fun, forget all the other stuff.'

'No one likes a third wheel. How bout we go out, just the two of us?'

'Looking for something? Or maybe... you're looking for me?'

'My age? Hm, gimme a second. I'm trying to remember.'

'Wanna know more about me, huh? Hee hee, where shall we start?'

'What a small town... Very local vibe going on here.'

'Humans are such busy bees... but I haven't the faintest idea why.'

'Maybe I should take a nap!'

Ebon Knight

'What awaits at the end of this fate once fulfilled is something I want to see through the end...even if it means you're along for the ride.'

'Tell me, where does your drive come from?'

'Leave me be...'

'No matter where I look, all I see is the hopeless futility of it all.'

'I still haven't forgiven you, best remember that!'

'What have I been brought here for...?'

'Who am I, you ask? The Mana Goddess knows very well.'

'Oh why, Mana Goddess...'

'You are an enemy to this world. Don't you ever forget this.'

'Be it this town, or my very self... Everything is but an illusion.'


'Don't think I've ever had, uh, time off? A vacation? No-fight time? Er, anyway, I'm at loss as to what to do with myself. Must be what peace feels like.'

'I'd love to go out on another adventure, see all kinds of worlds. Without my sword, this time though. Just me and someone I care about, seeing the sights.'

'Dwarves are sure a lively bunch, eh? Used to know a Watts. Funny thing though, not the same Watts that's in this town. Seems like a popular name?'

'I can use magic all right, but if I had to pick which I'm better at, I'd say it's the sword. You can thank Bogard for that.'

'Amanda and me have spent most of our life fighting to survive, you know. It's been though, but we survived by the help of all our friends.'

'You know what this town needs? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the atmosphere here, but if Lester was here playing his harp? It'd be perfect.'

'You know what a Chocobo is? They're these big yellow birds you can ride? Anyway, don't think I coulda finish my quest without 'em.'

'Been on the road so long, feels kind of weird to finally settle down. I think I could get used to this.'

'Going out on another adventure? Well, if you ever need and extra sword, I'm always ready.'

'How's it going? Let me know if you need anything.'


'You seen Sumo around? Fine if ya haven't. Just askin' is all.'

'Take me on your next adventure, will ya? Don't worry, I can hold my own.'

'Favorite food? Well I ain't had a whole lot to begin with, so I guess you could say they're are my favorite.'

'Seen a lot of places over the years, and I gotta say, this town sure is unique. I mean that in a good way, by the by.'

'Don't like talkin' 'bout the past, if I'm bein' honest. Ain't a lot of good memories back there.'

'Might not look it, but I'm pretty handy with a knife. It's the only weapon I use, after all.'

'Time goes by reeeal slow here. This kinda slow you wish you were spendin' with somebody else, ya know what I mean?'

'Wanna go on a date? Now look at that, you look redder than an apple. D'ya think I was serious?'

'Ever heard my brother play the harp? He's pretty good, so if ya haven't, you should!'

'Doin' okay?'

Dark Lord

'You have proven to be quite the worthy ally, indeed. Say, I am looking for a new right hand, what do you say?'

'There will come a day when I will get my revenge. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.'

'You may take me on your pity adventures. But do not get in my way, and do not expect me to help.'

'This towns defenses are a joke. Why, it would take a small Granzian battalion a day to secure it.'

'You friends are not as weak as I expected. They'd make fine slaves, indeed.'

'So the Mana Tree... What at precious little thing...'

'I see Julius is here as well... Hmph. His ambitions are of no interest to me.'

'I have enough of this. I don't care where, take me into battle. I can suffer this boredom no longer.'

'What is it? You finally ready to give me some kind of challenge?'


'I'm more suited to war than peace. Don't you agree?'

'There are types of magic being used here I've never seen before. Oh? The magic I wield is rarer than all of them? Interesting...'

'You're an odd one, wanting to travel with someone like me.'

'This world's strange power... could it be connected to Mana?'

'Sumo and I have history. But our story's end must come.'

'I won't do anything to Fuji, don't worry. She is too important of a pawn for me to risk putting her in harms way.'

'Could the Dark Lord be here too? Heheh, very interesting.'

'Keeping an eye on me, are you? No need. I'm quite harmless.'

'A Mana Tree exists here too... Hm? No, only thinking aloud.'

'What are you up too? If I can be of help, let me know anytime.'


'I just wanted to thank you for protecting me and...Ah, never mind. Just was on my mind and I thought I should tell you.'

'Fighting to others is no easy task. But for as hard as it is, the result is worth it.'

'I seem to always be the one getting save, but I hope that someday I can be the one who saves. Be a real help to Sumo, you know?'

'I'd love to teach ou about the healing arts, but my tomes come from my world and I'm not sure you'd be able to read them...'

'I want to go out on adventures with you all! I won't hold you back, I promise!'

'The mana tree there is a bit different than the one I know, but there's something familiar about it. This unnerving feeling you get... Just me?'

'You ever seen one of those flying ships before? I've been on one. I was a bit scary, If I'm being honest.'

'I'm quite good at healing magic, in case you didn't know. So feel free to pay me a visit when you're hurt!'

'This town is so lively and full of color. You can have fun just by looking around!'

'How are you doing? Don't overdo it out there, okay?'













'There is something about you, you know. I feel like we have this deep bond. Can't quite explain it. but uh... Aw man,you got me blushing.'

'I'd be lying if I say I don't still think about things back then... But in the spirit of being honest, it's a lot more fun being here with you.'

'Looks like someone's having a good day! Nope, don't even try and hide it! I can see it written all over your face!'

'There was this one time I fell from a really high waterfall. And wouldn't you know it, not a scractch on me. Can you believe that?'

'I heard you're Popoi's newest lackey! Yeah... it's not the kind of thing you can really back out on, so I say just own it.'

'You wanna know how best to use the mana sword? I mean, I don't think it's the kind of thing you teach. You kinda... just do it?'

'What do you do for fun when you're not out there adventuring? I'm looking for a hobby so if you got something, let me know.'

'I got a thing with Primm and Popoi later... Hey, wanna come with?'

'I honestly prefer you treat me just like any other guy. I'm more than just the Mana Sword's Chosen, you know?'

'Oh hey, what's up?'


'Not a lot of folks out there I can count on to have my back out there. Says a lot about how much I trust you! Heh.'

'Hey. You're a lot stronger than you think. Show some confidence!'

'Going out on adventures with you... Seeing all those new sights... I could get used to that.'

'You'd never think it by looking at her, but Luka down at that water palace is hundreds of years old!'

'You can't ignore that self care. For mind AND body.'

'And if you practice those martial arts, you bet no one's gotta... Stop looking at me like that! I have hobbies! I do other things!'

'This town's not that bad, honestly. I'd say it's about on par with Pandora.'

'Rippin' and rarin' to go. Just let me know when you're ready for adventure!'

'Fancy seein' you here.'


'Startin' to think of you like one of my family, bro. Aw man, look at me, gettin' all sentimental!'

'Hey, there goes my favorite lackey! Good lookin' out, bro!'

'Just happy to see me, is it?'

'Training? You can do that later. Let's go have some boss 'n' lackey fun, eh?'

'Bro, you gotta hide me. Sis is comin' and she knows about the prank I pulled!'

'Got some treasure did ya? I'd be beamin', too! Geheh!'

'I don't got the wings and all, but I am a faerie you know? So, uh, handle me with care. Got it?'

'May not look like it, but I'm quite the actor, you know? Geheh!'

'Come to pick up you boss, eh? Now that's a good lackey!'

'Boy, am I bored. Don't suppose your favorite lackey could provide some entertainment, eh?'


'I could use a flunkie like you. No... How does 'general' sounds?'

'Say the word, and I'll teach you how to become a dark stalker.'

'My power comes from Mavolia's realm, so I may rule this one!'

'Carelessness is akin to a death wish. Keep cool if you want to live.'

'Gotta put those miserable wretches to their place.'


'Heh, you're the type I'd certainly take my time with.'

'If you would just swear loyalty to the Empire...I might actually try a little.'

'I've been wanting a new deputy, and I think I found just the one.'

'Well, this just feels like fate, does it not?'

'My plan was to use mind control to get what I wanted. But, I no longer care enough to exert the effort.'


'You shall be my next... Wait, I have a better use for you.'

'Take a peak under this mask a be prepared to feel my wrath.'

'Want to see my true face, do you? Hmph. You couldn't handle it.'

'The sword's chosen hero, huh? Ha! And what makes one chosen?'

'Wouldn't you love my powers? Even monsters bend to my will!'

'This life energy! It's... Hmmm... Never mind.'

'Who could research ancient magic in a place as wretchedly happy as this?'


'With you on my team, we can't lose! Here's to all the battles we've won, and all the battles we'll win.'

'Even I get a little shaky when I'm up against someone strong. But that just means I'm excited for what's to come.'

'It's easy to let power get to you–restraint is what's hard.'

'You can't slack when you're on the battlefield. I train everyday so that my inexperience doesn't put my team in danger.'

'Limits are meant to be broken, friend. Now let's go train!'

'Feelin' pretty pumped today. Hey, wanna spar a little?'

'No one I respect more than the Hero King himself. He's the reason I train, so I gotta make sure I live up to that.'

'If all that can be said of me is that I'm the best up and comer, then I still got a lot of work to do.'

'Your weapon is part of who you are, and you FORGOT it?! You gotta take better care of yourself, man!'

'Hey, Up for some training?'


'I dunno, is it just me, or are we totally soulmates? ...On the battlefield, I mean!'

'I feel like you're doing all the heavy lifting in this relationship. If you need me to do something, all you gotta do is ask, okay?'

'We all have trials we gotta face someday. That's just life. You just gotta remember 'we' includes you, too.'

'I don't really have anything to say at the moment. Okay, actually, wait. Do I talk too much? I feel I've been talking, like, A LOT.'

'So much about this place is just... I dunno... 'different'. Not at all like Altena, that's for sure.'

'You know I'm a princess, right? I'm not the type to flaunt their status, but would it kill you to let me get my way every once in a while?'

'You would not believe how amazing it felt to finally use magic. Living up to all those expectations? Oh yeah. That's the stuff.'

'Yeah, there was this whole this with the Crimson Wizard. I mean, there's not much to say, but you-know-who is still not quite over it.'

'Go study magic? Nah, I mean, you're welcome to, but no that José's not around, a girls gotta go out and live her life, you know.'

'You look like you're having a good day. What's up?'


'Mmm... You smell just like Karl smell. It the good person smell! we now friends forever!'

'Karl is my best friend! Very special to me. You, also very special friend! I you need help, ask me! I help! Always!'

'I HATE sitting around! I want to go on adventure! ...I always ready for adventure...'

'During night time, Beastmen go through change. We get very strong, but some beastman also get very mean. I say, be careful around beastmen at night.'

'Ludgar...he does not like humans very much. But, many beastman DO like humans. Like me, I am a beastman that like human.'

'I very bad at puzzles, so not very fan of dungeons. I more like forests and outside. Fewer puzzle.'

'Mmmm I smell very delicious smell coming from...that way! Do you want to come with?'

'Oh, good to see you again! Now, this time? We spar, yes? You spar?'

'I...not a good talker. But talking with you...I like.'


'So gwad to have a fwiend wike you. With Mik not awound, you make the pewfect wackey!'

'We've become such gweat fwiends, haven't we? I'd say if thewe was such a thing as a fwiend wevew we'd be at 'fwee massages', don't you think?'

'Good thing you got me awound, someone with weal stweet smawts! Pwincesses like Wiesz and Angewa aw so cwuwess they couldn't even give ya diwections!'

'Oh! Just who I was wooking fow! Now, I need you to go out and get me a few things. Now, off you go!'

'Going to new pwaces is weawwy weawwy fun! So, next time we go out. Take me somepwace new!'

'Twaining? Aww that's good fow is getting tiwed! Duwan and Kevin, it's aww they evew tawk about. I just don't get the appeaw.'

'Ugh! Evewyone is tweating me wike I'm a wittwe kid! Evewyone except Hawkeye, that is. You shouwd weawn fwom him!'

'You evew have a nap you think onwy lasted fow a few houws, onwy to find out it was mowe wike 24? neithew...'

'I may sound wike a baby, but I'm actually 15 yeaws owds! No! Sewiouswy! Evewyone says I'm wise beyond my yeaws!'

'Hey, what awe you up to? If it's something fun, Chawwotte wants in!'


'Just let Hawkeye here protect you, okay? ...What? I'm being serious!'

'What was that? Come on! We're friends! No need to act all polite.'

'Sure do love talkin' to you. I could do it all day, in fact.'

'You gotta be aware of your surroundings out there. Nothin' more dangerous than mother nature herself.'

'Teach you how to be a thief? Kid, you can't learn to be a thief, go gotta go out there and steal yourself.'

'There's more to thievin' than stealing you know. You gotta be a master of disguise as well. It's a lot of work!'

'You think knife-work like this is easy? The Nevarl style is harder than it looks!'

'Never let a target get away. That's the thief's code.'

'Hey, you on break too? Can't be all business all the time, am I right?'


'I feel my heart is at peace when you are near. You are a rare one, indeed.'

'Perhaps if my journey had included you, it may have been a lot more fun.'

'I'm afraid I still quite do not know the lay of the land just yet. Do you mind showing me around?'

'I often think upon the beauty of my home, Laurent. Perhaps, it is because I have found its equal?'

'I began by quest as a girl alone, but now... Fate has a strange way of weaving its web, does it not?'

'What do I want? Heh... The simple act of asking is more than enough for me.'

'One must properly prepare for an adventure! If you need any help buying items, I'm more than happy to help!'

'My quest to find my brother was filled with great trials. T'was a lonely road indeed...'

'My brother is very, very special to me.'

'Well, well. You look to be in good spirits! Care for a quick joust?'


'I would teach you my greatest technique if you so asked.'

'Why not add the power of darkness to your arsenal? Just think of the possibilities.'

'Flashy magic and giant swords are unnecessary when it comes to burying your target.'

'The way of the ninja has no shortcuts!'

'There are some skills that can only be done when two ninjas are uniquely in tune with one another. Something you will never be.'

'Have you ever thought of becoming a ninja? I think you'd be pretty good at it.'

'Your skills in stealth are impressive indeed. Might even be better than me!'

'You better be ready to pay up if you need our services. We don't work for cheap.'

'Looks like you found me... Not bad.'


'You know what? From now on, all your ninja related needs are half off. I call it the shinobi sidekick discount!'

'As a token from our friendship, I bethroth onto you this Nevarl ninja garb... Mm? You don't want it?'

'Our skills take countless hours of practice to master. You can't just learn them overnight.'

'One might find peace with the comfort this place provides, but to a Nevarl ninja, comfort only breeds anxiety.'

'The best information is worth it weight in gold.'

'I won't reveal my identity for no good reason...'

'A ninja must forgo the light and live in shadow. It is our way. The mission always comes first.'

'Surely this is fate. Help us and I'll teach you my skills.'


'Perhaps it was plain jealousy... the more I see you all, the clearer it becomes.'

'When I eventually wear the crown, I will be sure to keep you in my inner circle.'

'Kevin if my rival, but one day I will... No, let's not.'

'I cannot express in words the joy I felt when I was named leader...'

'You need not only power, but fear to break a foe's spirits.'

Crimson Wizard

'Sometimes I ponder on the possibility of a life different from the one I chose. Hm...'

'I have traveled this road for so long, yet I feel no closer to the end than since I had began. Power....what am I missing?'

'I trust too deeply in the power of dark magic, is it? Hmph. How long has it been since anyone has lectured me?'

'This magic will someday... You know what, never mind.'

'You are no average minion, indeed.'

'You look almost ready to learn about the dark arts... What say you?'

'Teach you magic? Hmph. I doubt you could handle it.'

'Wicked purpose? Mere propaganda. What is wicked to some is virtue to others.'


'Say, won't you help me revive the Dark Majesty? He is my everything, you see...'

'So, you've defeated a benevodon, have you? Hm, there may be more to you than meets the eye.'

'You want power too, yes? Then join me, and I shall give you the power of darkness!'

'Love? Ha, I am not so naive... It is power I need. Without it, there is nothing I can protect!'

'It is not that I am eager to throw my life away, but rather...I am ready to give it up if it will make him happy...'

'Isabella... Belladonna... Call me what you like as it makes no difference to me.'

'Tell me, is that vexatious lad here as well?'

'Belladonna...? Ah, a name familiar to me indeed...'

'I will do anything to see the Dark Majesty's return. Anything...'

'I have sworn my loyalty to the Dark Majesty...'


'And what are you looking at, hm? Watch it or I'll put you in my belly!'

'You won't get in the way of my next meal! Understand?'

'I'm too busy to fool with little brats like you. Now scram!'

'I'm still feeling full from my last feast! Hee hee hee!'

'Nothing like a tasty soul to sooth my appetite!'

'Do not forget I am a wizard who serves the Masked Mage!'

'Hee hee hee! Call on me if you're in need of my service in you journey. I'm quite good at disposal the fallen!'

'Is there anyone you're looking to get rid of? For I know just who can exchange for their soul.'

'Oooh! If only I could get my hands on the Mana Sword!'

'I do enjoy a place full of LIFE, you see... And this one is as lively as they come! Hee hee!'


'Don't get me wrong. I love Illusia, but this place is pretty great, too.'

'If I'm to protect the people of Illusia I've got to get a lot stronger than I am now.'

'If you need my help, just say the word.'

'Are there are guardian beasts in this world too?'

'You seem to know your way on a battlefield... Ever try going long range?'

'Say, have you seen Keldy? I figured you'd be together.'

'Hey, what's your Def Flora?'

'This place is pretty great, don't you agree?'

'If you need an archer, you won't find one better than me!'

'You look well!'


'The people here are so warm and friendly...almost as much as the people in Illusia!'

'A blacksmith named Watts? The king of Ishe shares the name.'

'Call on me for anything, okay? I'll be there to help!'

'This feather is from a guardian beast. Name was Flammie, I think?'

'No Tree Folk here, but this place has all sorts of folks!'

'What's the deal with the vines? Gonna be honest. I have no idea.'

'Buju's run off again! I should probably go catch him, eh?'

'Hey, you wanna come play with me and Faye?'

'Hm? Is there something on my face?'

'Hey, how's it going?'


'I left Bud and Lisa to keep watch back home, but I wonder how they're doing...'

'We'd better go and tell tell Li'l Cactus what we got up to today.'

'These coins? Yeah, I think they look neat too! And they're etched with images of elemental spirits, see?'

'I can play a pretty mean harp, you know. No fooling!'

'So do you have a workshop around here? Let me know and I'll get our gear tempered to tip-top shape!'

'I bet the orchard's bearing fruit right about now...'

'Something about this place just puts me at ease. As if I were home in my own village.'

'I'm pretty good at mastering all sorts of weapons in little to no time.'

'Being swift and nimble has always come easy for me.'

'Ever heard of artifacts? They can look just like about anything!'


'Duba Duda Dubba... Just practicing my dudbear. Ever heard of it?'

'There are times when we need the strength to shield the ones most dear to us.'

'I'm no stranger to hard work. I've raised some pets that were literal monsters, tended and orchard, and even did a little bit of weapon tempering. All on my own, too!'

'Where I come from, we've got penguins for pirates! Would you believe it?'

'I've seen a few familiar faces around here already! I think I'm gonna like it here.'

'Do you come home to this place? It's a wonderful thing, don't you think? Having a place to come home to.'

'Say, have you seen Shiloh around?'

'Meeting all sorts of folks on your journey will be the key to your strength. I just know it!'

'I've had my fair share of adventures, too, journeying all over. So I know a thing or two about wielding a weapon.'

'You know, the feel of this place reminds me so much of home. I just can't help but feel at ease here.'


'If there's anything you want, I'll find it for you!'

'If only I could be reborn into a world of cats and rabbits.'

'It's too dangerous for folks like us to wander outside town.'

'I bought all sorts of things so it's about time to sell it off.'

'The secret to good business it being sincere. Take it from me.'

'Business flourishes wherever I go!'

'Smile! Let the world know you're happy!'

'Let me know if there's anything you might want!'

'I'd just like to keep on adventuring as I always have, but now, with you!'

'Good seeing you again!'


'I promise here and now to protect you with all I have. For this too, is my duty.'

'I hope one day you have the honor of meeting Vadise. I am almost certain he will take a liking to you.'

'You remind me of my brother. And I assure you, that is no compliment.'

'Vadise is my master and my friend. To be in his service fills me with great pride.'

'A dragoon is a protector of their master dragon. It is a bond unlike any other.'

'If you feel my strength is any of use, you need only just call.'

'I fight to preserve order. Do you?'

'I am a dragoon and I serve only my master, Vadise.'

'You look healthy.'


'You know, I feel I can overcome even a thousand-year curse.'

'Once the curse breaks, you ask? I want to see my sister again.'

'I know what I've done was wrong.But I have no regrets.'

'Yeah, Sierra's my sister. Tough I can't say I've been the best brother...'

'The laws of the dragoon must be obeyed. No matter what.'

'The name 'Larc The Conqueror' brings back memories.'

'Come with me to the underworld and... you know what, forget I said anything.'

'I'll lose my edge hanging around a place like this.'

'Have you come to invite me on an adventure?'

'What are you up to today?'

Lady Blackpearl

'Seeing you reminds me of an old friend. You're similar in ways.'

'Is there some you are bound to protect? If so, stay with them always. That is where I failed.'

'Those who cry for Jumi turn to stone. You'd best be careful.'

'Every Jumi's core is different. Mine is black pearl, Elazul's is Lapis Lazuli.'

'Jumi only die if our core is damaged. There is no natural limit on our lives.'

'There was once a time long ago when I was a Jumi Knight.'

'Elazul? Looking for me? Doubt it. Likely it was Pearl.'

'There's a jewel hunter... Er. Nevermind. Just be sure to keep an eyeone anything you'd rather not have stolen.'

'Florina... I wonder where you are right now...'

'You look well. As for me, I'm much the same.'


'You hurt Pearl and you're dead. Got it?'

'Are there Jumi in this town? Better to train now before it's too late. You've got someone to protect after all, don't you?'

'Don't feel like you gotta shoulder all this on your own. We're all here for you.'

'Knights need only bonds to one guardian. That's Pearl for me.'

'The Jumi have knights and guardians. Knights protect guardians, and guardians can heal knights with their tears... Or so I hear.'

'Me? I'm out there looking for this other Jumi I know...'

'You always so busy, you know? Is, uh, whatever it is you got going on really all that important?'

'I you need any help, all you gotta do is ask. All right?'

'Wouldn't hurt to invite me out to one of your adventures very once in a while, you know? I'm standing right here.'

'You seem chipper. Me? Same old same old.'


'You have a heart of justice. I can tell!'

'Something's off about you. I get the feeling you'll trip me up if I'm not careful. But for now, I'll take you at your word.'

'I'll admit you're starting to grow on me. Maybe I'll keep you company on this journey a little longer.'

'Is there someone you want to protect? For me, I must defend Matilda. And for that reason, I will defeat Irwin!'

'Will you stand for justice with me? Or be like Daena, an enemy to humans an protecting demons?'

'My master once told me that you decide your destiny. There is no victory for those who dend their will.'

'I'm meeting all sorts of folks around here. Is your fluffy friend an elemental spirit? If it's a demon... let's just say I don't take too kindly to them.'

'Scared of death? Ha. I have no fear of dying.'

'No one will stop me from fulfilling my destiny.'

'Did you want something? I don't mind, as long as you stay out of my way.'


'Being here makes me want to sing to my heart's content! And you wouldn't mind, would you?'

'I'm not a fan of fighting, but I can use magic if I must!'

'It hurts to admit it. But my voice would would sink ships into the sea...'

'Would you mind taking me along one of you adventures every now and then?'

'I'm quite good with musical instruments, too!'

'Flameshe and Monique are two of my good friends!'

'I'm a siren, you know! I can fly through the sky!'

'I wonder if Gilbert is around...'

'I want to go and see the world. Perhaps little by little tough, since it's a bit daunting.'

'I really love to sing, you see...'


'If only I or even Florina had someone like you in the Bejeweled City... Never mind. That's long passed now.'

'Survival of the fittest–or rather, the strongest–is the very law of nature, you know.'

'You must protect those who are important to you, even if it means hurting someone else. You understand, right?'

'Oh, have you come to capture me? Do me a favor and let me go for today!'

'Be sure to lock up when you go out. Thieves won't pass up their chance if they find one.'

'...What's gotten you so excited? Did you find a tasty mark to target perhaps?'

'You have a Jumi scent about you...'

'What a curious town! And yet something about this place feels nostalgic.'

'You should invite me along once in a while when you go, alright?'

'You're looking well.'


'I'm gonna keep training till I become the greatest swordsman of all time!'

'You can leave the fighting to me, all right? My skills with the sword are second to none.'

'Heard to downed a big one all by yourself. Did you really? I kinda find that hard to believe.'

'Dudbears can go anywhere in the world they want with just a shovel. Can you imagine that? I'm kinda jealous, actually.'

'Bet you didn't know I can play the harmonica, did ya? Yup. Wandere taught me how.'

'I should probably train with other weapons. Don't wanna become a one trick pony, you know?'

'Seamoon sure is something, you know? A real role model!'

'Off for some monster hunting? Aw man, I wanna go!'

'How bout we do some training later? Could always use for some more practice with the sword, you know?'


'Ever heard of an island called Illusia? I love it there, and I'd say I love being here almost just the same.'

'I'm a bit of an oddball in the Niccolo community. Or so I've been told.'

'You seem like an experienced adventurer. Mind if I join ya next time?'

'Don't have a shop, I just wander wherever the wind takes me.'

'Now this here harmonica is very important to me. Lot of sentimental value, you see.'

'I much prefer going on adventures to merchant work.'

'Been to a lot of countries in my time. Remember a beautiful one, lush greens all around. And oh, there was one with a castle made entirely out of ice, too.'

'I am afraid the years have not been the kindest to the ol' stomach region. Used to be solid muscle, now...not so much.'

'I've traveled the world over, and I've seen lots of places. So I know the good and the bad. And here, it's good.'

'Surrounded by nature, and perfect weather to boot. Quite the place you got there.'


'You know, you have a great voice! How about we do a duet?'

'I started dancing when I was little. Guess I always knew I was going to grow up to be a dancer!'

'How about a dance?'

'Know any places around here to pick medicinal herbs?'

'If you're stressing over something, you can talk to me.'

'I'm great a singing and dancing. A real multi-talent. If you ever wanna learn, let me know!'

'If you're in trouble, don't hesitate to ask for help. Okay?'

'Gotta keep up the morning exercices, right?'

'You've been going a it pretty hard lately. Let me help!'

'I see you're in high spirits today!'


'The Mana Sword? Could it be you possess a brilliant soul too?'

'Say, is your floating friend a doll? Seems pretty haughty for one though. Did you use a technique for transferring its soul?'

'Angels and demons can sense the voices of souls.'

'Excuse me, do you know how I can reach the celestial land?'

'Is your world like mine? A world that someone created? I knew it... We're just alike!'

'Being here brings me comfort. And in that case, maybe I don't need to go home...'

'Just call me if you need any help! I'll fly off in a flash!'

'I wonder if he made it here too... We were one for so long, it still takes some getting used to now.'

'I can only sense the voice of a soul when I need to. It's odd though, because I can never sense yours...'

'I'm meeting people of all sorts here–a lot like the Forsaken City!'


'I used to think Cacao was the only one. But you just might have a brilliant soul too!'

'You're a good kid. A lot like someone I know...'

'I searched for the Mana Sword too once, you know! But back then, we were always together...'

'I can't sense the voice of your soul, but I wonder if an angel could.'

'In the mortal world, demons aren't one with angels, so my powers get weakened.'

'Neither a celestial nor a mortal place, but it's not bad here. I'm even starting to like it!'

'Is your fluffy friend using a technique for transferrng his soul? Is that how he gets about?'

'I've been running into all kinds of people here. But how about some demons like me?'

'Searching for the Mana Sword, huh? Can't be the same one we're looking for, can it?'

'Hey! Would ya know the way back to the celestial land from here?'

Legend of Mana

Below is a list of base stats for this weapon (without any modifiers).

Sword menu icon LOM sprite.png Altena Alloy Sword
Material Price Attack Power Weapon Proprieties
Slash Heavy Force Tech
Power menu icon LOM sprite.png
Skills menu icon LOM sprite.png
Defense menu icon LOM sprite.png
Magic menu icon LOM sprite.png
HP menu icon LOM sprite.png
Spirit menu icon LOM sprite.png
Charm menu icon LOM sprite.png
Luck menu icon LOM sprite.png
Elemental Proprieties
Attributes Wisp menu icon LOM sprite.png
Shade menu icon LOM sprite.png
Dryad menu icon LOM sprite.png
Aura menu icon LOM sprite.png
Salamander menu icon LOM sprite.png
Gnome menu icon LOM sprite.png
Jinn menu icon LOM sprite.png
Undine menu icon LOM sprite.png

Trials of Mana HD unique dialogue

Due to the amount of possible playable party combinations, Trials of Mana has multiple optional lines players might not come across during a single playthrough. Here is a comprehensive list below of all optional lines uttered by each main characters.

Chapter II

Ghost Ship

While consulting the ship's log.

Duran: Huh? Is this the ship's log?

Angela: Is this the ship's log?

Kevin: What? Ship's log?

Charlotte: What's this book fow? The ship's what?

Hawkeye: Hm? Is this the ship's log?

Riesz: Oh! Is this the ship's log?

Captain's Dieary:

Duran: Woah! That's disturbing!

Angela: Ah! No way! What!?

Kevin: Wah! Scary!

Charlotte: Eek! No! Too scawy!

Hawkeye: Woah! That's disturbing!

Riesz: Ah! What is this!?

Matelo: Hello there! It's me! Matelo the supernatual enthusiast! I have fulfilled a dream of mine... I'm a ghost! But now that I've tried it out, I think I'll go home. No it's your turn to try! Farewell...

Duran: Wait, what!?

Angela: Wait, what!?

Kevin: Wait, what!?

Charlotte: Wait, what!?

Hawkeye: Wait, what!?

Riesz: Wait, what!?

The main character turns into a ghost.

Duran: Ack! No way! I can't give up the ghost yet! Geez, life ain't fair...

Angela: Eek! Is this the end of the line for me!?

Kevin: Ack! Not a ghost! No! Too young!

Charlotte: Woah! Ha ha! I'm see thwough!

Hawkeye: No! Wait! This can't be the end of it all! I'm too beautiful to die!

Riesz: Oh my! No...this cannot be! Have I died!?

Faerie: Looks like whatever cursed that man has passed to you. Once you're cursed, you can't get off this ship until to give it to someone else...

Duran: Give it to someone else?

Angela: N/A

Kevin: Give it to someone else?

Charlotte: Oh, that's aww? Weww in that case...

Hawkeye: Give it to someone else?

Riesz: Give it to someone else?

The other two party members run away.

Duran: Hey! What gives!? You're gonna abandon me, then? Is that it? ...Jerks.

Angela: Hey! No fair! You're gonna leave me behind!? Some friends you turned out to be!

Kevin: Huh!? Wait! ...They ran ...How mean...

Charlotte: Oh no! They wan away! I was twavewing with such big cowawds and meanies! To think they wouwd ABANDON me wike this...

Hawkeye: Hang on! Don't leave me here! Come on...

Riesz: Wait! Please don't abandon me! How cruel...

Faerie: Does it really matter? You were considering switching places with one of your friends. Don't deny it.

Duran: Ha ha... You got me.

Angela: Tee hee... You caught me.

Kevin: Ha ha... Caught me.

Charlotte: Tee hee! You caught me!

Hawkeye: Ha ha... You caught me.

Riesz: Ha ha... You caught me!

Faerie: Whoever or whatever made this curse is on this ship. The rest of the group should look for it!

Heroes of Mana extra descriptions

These are descriptions taken directly from the game.

Mana Spirits

The spirit of fire
A hot-blooded firecracker, Salamander has the power to throw fireballs. He can even cause lava to erupt!

The spirit of earth
An aloof man fond of its naps. Gnome has the power to shake the earth. Even rocks and stones obey his command.

The spirit of light
Wisp's light shines dazzlingly bright to ward off even the most wicked of evils. She doesn't sweat the small stuff.

The spirit of wood
As a symbol of vitality, Dryad holds the power of strong trees within, but her personality is quite timid.

The spirit of water
Undine gathers cold air and makes icy rain. Whenever she sees people in dire straits, she turns on her own waterworks.

The spirit of wind
Just like the wind he controls, Jinn is a breezy and mischievous boy who also controls clouds and lightning.

The spirit of the moon
Luna captivates the hearts of those who look at her beautiful yet mysterious moonlight. He heart overflows with kindness.

The spirit of shadow
An intimidating fellow, Shade has the uncanny power to fill those who come near him with dread.

Character stats

The unit's health points.
When HP is completely depleted, the unit is incapacitated and disappears from the field.

Attack Power
The unit's offensive strength.
The higher the number, the more damage dealt per attack.

Attack Rate
The unit's attack frequency.
Higher numbers indicate a shorter cooldown preriod between attacks.

Attack Range
The unit's range of attack.
Higher numbers indicate the ability to deal damage over a wider area.

Neck Accessories
Equipment for the neck.
Possible effects include an increase in HP and a wider range of attack.

Arm Accessories
Equipment for the arms
Possibile effects include an increase in HP and a higher attack power.

Finger Accessories
Equipment for the fingers
Possibile effects include an increase in HP and a higher attack rate.

The elemental spirit equipped by the unit. The spirit influences the magic that can be used by the unit.


Battle Skill
A skill unique to every leader unit.
This skill is applied on the battlefield; each leader's skill influences surrounding units in a different way.

Standby Skill
A skill unique to every leader unit.
This skill is applied not in battle; each leader's skill affects building facilities or producing units.

Combat Aura
Increases by 20% offensive and defensive strength of ally units within a 5-square radius.


Haste Aura
Increases moving speed and attack rate of ally units within a 5-square radius.

Decreases cost of building facilities.

Attack Aura
Increases by 50% the attack power of ally units within a 5-square radius.

Increases speed of building facilities.

Precision Aura
Increases by 30% the rate of critical attacks of all ally unit types within a 5-square radius.

Enables gatherer and special units to be summoned instantly.

Gravity Aura
Decreases moving speed and attack rate of enemy units within a 5-square radius.

Increases speed of ship's movement.

Terra Aura
Increase by 30% the attack power of ground ally units within a 5-square radius. The rate of critical attacks becomes 100%.

Fast Terra
Enables ground units to be summoned instantly.

Aero Aura
Increases by 30% the attack power of flying ally units within a 5-square radius. The rate of critical attacks becomes 100%.

Fast Aero
Enables flying units to be summoned instantly.

Regen Aura
Slowly restores HP of ally units within a 5-square radius, excluding ratherer and special units.

Fast Restore
Increases amount of HP restored through the healing house.

Missile Aura
Increases by 30% the attack power of missile ally units within a 5-square radius. The rate of critical attacks becomes 100%.

Fast Missile
Enables flying units to be summoned instantly.

Armor Aura
Increases by 30% the attack power of heavy ally units within a 5-square radius. The rate of critical attacks becomes 100%.

Fast Armor
Enables heavy units to be summoned instantly.

Defense Aura
Increases by 30% the defense power of ally ally units within a 5-square radius.

Craft Barrier
Halves damage to ship.

Children of Mana extra descriptions

These are descriptions taken directly from the game.


Flower faeries make these clear, round treats from moondrops and pollen. One bite fills the mouth with a delectable sweet and sour flavor that invigorates body and soul.

Made by a special process from a blend of cocoa and herbs, fed by sacred streams, this slightly bittersweet confectionary offers a burst of strength and energy to those who eat of its goodness.

Magic Walnut
Found only in forests inhabited by spirits, it is a rare as it is mysterious. Removed from its protective shell, the fragrant nut is able to clear the mind with one refreshing mouthful.

Pep Root
A medicinal plant cultivated worldwide. Typically eaten as a mixture of new leaves and roots, its curative effects are immediate.

Stardust Herb
A mystical plant grown where holy water flow. It can be made into an antidotal tea so potent that it can neutralize even the strongest poison.

Angel's Grail
Long ago, an artisan crafted a chalice in the image of one thought used by angels. When raised towards the sky, an angel in a brilliant light confers upon its divine protection.

Key Items

Spin Drum
A foreign instrument consisting of a handle attached to a small drum head flanked by beaded strings. It is used to call forth Flammie, the four-winged guardian spirit.

Powerless Sword
Covered by black vines that nullify its power, this blade was neutralized when Mana's rampage grew fierce.

Seed of Mana
The new life that will become the next Mana Tree possesses the enormous potential and power of Mana.

Wooden Horse
Left behind at the ruins by the ghosts of your late family, this wooden toy horse holds a sense of poignant nostalgia and curious power.

Magic Rope
A magician's rope imbued with special senses. When its power is released through touch, it can lead a person back home.

Gem Frame
A creation of Professor Bomb, the inventor of Ishe, this ornately edged plate allows the placement of gems in such a way that their hidden powers may be released.