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Difference between revisions of "Adventure Log (Trials of Mana)"

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!width=15%|Name !!width=90%| Description
!width=15%|Name !!width=90%| Description
| How to escape battles ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Collect CS particles ||style="text-align:left"|  
| How to escape battles ||style="text-align:left"| If retreating seems like the best option in battle, continue to run toward the yellow boundary. Once the displayed gauge is maxed out, you can escape.
If the boundary is red, you cannot escape the battle.
| Use combo attacks ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Collect CS particles ||style="text-align:left"| If you hit an enemy with a power (<btn_h_attack>) or charge (press and hold <btn_h_attack>) attack, the enemy will drop particles that fill up your CS gauge.
| Armored enemies ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Use combo attacks ||style="text-align:left"| <btn_l_attack>’!<btn_h_attack>: Repel Attack
<btn_l_attack>’!<btn_l_attack>’!<btn_h_attack>: Area Attack
<btn_jump>’!<btn_l_attack> or <btn_h_attack>: Aerial Attack
Use a combination of attacks to defeat your enemy depending on where they are!
| Main menu ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Armored enemies ||style="text-align:left"| Be careful of armored (<icon_armor>) enemies because they can't be pushed back and attacks don't hit as hard. Use a power or charge attack to break the enemy's armor or else your attacks won't be as effective. Class strikes work, too!
| Map ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Battle Bonus ||style="text-align:left"| After a battle, you receive bonuses based on your technique. For instance, if you take no damage or defeat the enemy within a certain time frame, you can get more EXP than usual!
| Learn abilities and moves ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Partial/Full recovery ||style="text-align:left"| If you get hit hard during a battle, you can select recovery items or moves that will partially recover (<btn_rect>) or fully recover (<btn_tri>) your party's HP/MP. Remember that you can use these out of battle, too!
| Set shortcuts ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Beastform ||style="text-align:left"| Kevin is half-beastman. As such, during the day he appears human, but at night he can change into Beastform to fight. In Beastform, Kevin can deal even more damage than usual!
| Ring menus ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Back attacks ||style="text-align:left"| Try attacking enemies from behind when you find them in the field. If your aim is true, you might get a critical hit with extra power!
| How to use items ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Light and dark classes ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Dash ||style="text-align:left"| Equip weapons and armor to increase your attack and defense stats. It'll make battling enemies easier. Be sure to check out the weapons and armor shops when you get to a new town.
| How to grow seeds ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Main menu ||style="text-align:left"| Open the main menu with <btn_menu>. There are many things you can do in this menu, including setting items to the ring menu, equipping armor and weapons, and allocating training points to characters. The main menu cannot be opened during battle.
| Changing characters ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Map ||style="text-align:left"| Access the map with <btn_map>. Check your current location, where you're headed, and more. Explore the area to see more of the map.
| Equip abilities ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Learn abilities and moves ||style="text-align:left"| When you level up, you'll receive Training Points. Access the Training category from the main menu (<btn_menu>) to allocate the points toward learning new abilities and moves. For more details, check out the Training menu.
| Chain Abilities ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Training menu ||style="text-align:left"| Use the Training Points you obtain after leveling up to learn moves and abilities and increase your stats.
| Strategy ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Training Characters ||style="text-align:left"| Level up to increase your HP and stats like your strength. With increased stats, you can use Training Points to power up your characters by learning moves and abilities. Put points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
| Days and elemental magic ||style="text-align:left"|  
| cuts ||style="text-align:left"| cut commands for items or moves you use a lot to save time. Open the ring menu, then hold <btn_short> and press either <btn_short_1>, <btn_short_2>, <btn_short_3>, or <btn_short_4> to set a shortcut.
| Switching classes ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Stats can affect moves ||style="text-align:left"| Different stats affect different types of moves. For instance, the intellect stat affects magic attack and spirit affects healing magic. If you have a high luck stat, you'll have an easier time with projectiles and traps. Try increasing the relevant stat for improved results.
| Switching classes ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Learn abilities and moves ||style="text-align:left"| When you level up, you'll receive Training Points. Access the Training category from the main menu to allocate the points toward learning new abilities and moves. For more details, check out the Training menu.
| Resetting classes ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Equip Abilities ||style="text-align:left"| You must equip learned abilities in order to use them. There are many types of abilities. Some will raise your stats, some help during battle, etc. Go to the Gear/Stats menu to try equipping an ability.
| Resetting classes ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Light Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Lumina's powers, you can use light elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of light magic:
Holy Saber
Imbues ally's weapon with light elemental damage
Healing Light
Recovers ally's HP
Holy Bolt
Deals light magic damage
| Dark Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Shade's powers, you can use dark elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of dark magic:
Dark Saber
Imbues ally's weapon with dark elemental damage
Dispel Magic
Dispels all enemy magic effects
Evil Gate
Deals dark magic damage
| Earth Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Gnome's powers, you can use earth elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of earth magic:
Stone Saber
Imbues ally's weapon with earth elemental damage
Boosts ally's defense
Diamond Shards
Deals earth magic damage
| Wind Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Sylphid's powers, you can use wind elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of wind magic:
Lightning Saber
Imbues ally's weapon with wind elemental damage
Decreases enemy's defense
Deals wind magic damage
| Water Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Undine's powers, you can use water elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of water magic:
Ice Saber
Imbues ally's weapon with water elemental damage
Mental Boost
Boosts ally's magic attack and defense
Ice Smash
Deals water magic damage
| Fire Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Salamando's powers, you can use fire elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of fire magic:
Flame Saber
Imbues ally's weapon with fire elemental damage
Boosts ally's attack
Deals fire magic damage
| Moon Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Luna's powers, you can use moon elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of moon magic:
Moon Saber
Makes ally's weapon absorb HP
Moon Energy
Boosts ally's chance of critical hit
Half Eclipse
Halves enemy's HP
| Wood Elemental Magic ||style="text-align:left"| Now that you can access Dryad's powers, you can use wood elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
Here are some examples of wood magic:
Leaf Saber
Makes ally's weapon absorb MP
Reflects magic damage away from ally temporarily
Poison Bubble
Deals wood magic damage, absorbs MP
| Set shortcuts ||style="text-align:left"| Set shortcut commands for items or moves you use a lot to save time. Open the ring menu, then hold <btn_short> and press either <btn_short_1>, <btn_short_2>, <btn_short_3>, or <btn_short_4> to set a shortcut.
| Ring menus ||style="text-align:left"| Use the ring menus when you want to use items or moves. Press <btn_u_ring> for items and <btn_d_ring> for moves.
| How to use items ||style="text-align:left"| When you have a difficult battle coming up, reorganize your ring menu (<btn_u_ring>) to your advantage. You can set up to twelve different items to the menu. You can use up to nine of each type of item during battle. Switch them out from the Items category in the main menu (<btn_menu>).
| Light and dark classes ||style="text-align:left"| You will have the option to choose either a light or dark class. The moves and abilities that characters can learn are decided by class. Be sure to think it through before you switch.
| How to grow seeds ||style="text-align:left"| If you find a seed, try planting it in an inn's magic pot. If you're lucky, you may grow a good item! The pot will level up the more seeds you plant. The higher your magic pot level is, the better your chance at getting good items from Item Seeds. Enemies will drop seeds more often, too!
| Changing characters ||style="text-align:left"| Change which character you control by pressing <btn_change1> or <btn_change2>. Different characters might be helpful in different situations. The party disbands in towns, so you can't change who you control.
| Equip abilities ||style="text-align:left"| Once a character learns an ability, equip it from the Gear/Stats category in the main menu (<btn_menu>). Make sure you equip the ability or it won't start the desired effect. Abilities can help you during your adventures.
| Chain Abilities ||style="text-align:left"| Chain Abilities can be used by all party members. Learn more abilities by allocating Training Points and meeting people along your journey. You may learn Chain Abilities from quite unexpected acquaintances.
| Strategy ||style="text-align:left"| Select battle targets for each character and other fighting tactics from the Strategy category in the main menu (<btn_menu>). Customize which moves, class strikes, and healing items your party can use and how often.
| Days and elemental magic ||style="text-align:left"| This world has seven days in each week: Luna Day, Salamando Day, Undine Day, Dryad Day, Sylphid Day, Gnome Day, and Mana Day. On Salamando Day, fire magic is stronger. Try to remember what day it is when you're fighting.
| Switching classes ||style="text-align:left"| Use the Mana Stones around the world to switch to a different class. Each time you change to another class, your character will become stronger!
Class 2: Level 18 or higher
Class 3: Level 38 or higher + the necessary class item
| Switching classes ||style="text-align:left"| Use the mana statue in the Sanctuary of Mana to switch to a different class. Each time you change to another class, your character will become stronger!
Class 2: Level 18 or higher
Class 3: Level 38 or higher + the necessary class item
| Resetting classes ||style="text-align:left"| Use Goddess Scales to reset your class at one of the Mana Stones around the world.
Please note that a reset will return the character to Class 1, including their moves and available abilities.
| Hunt for treasure ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Resetting classes ||style="text-align:left"| Use Goddess Scales to reset your class at the mana statue in the Sanctuary of Mana.
Please note that a reset will return the character to Class 1, including their moves and available abilities.
| Silver and gold mana statues ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Springsteppers ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Hunt for treasure ||style="text-align:left"| Be sure to check out all treasure boxes, breakable urns, and sparkles you find! You may be rewarded...
| Dangers on your travels ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Silver and gold mana statues ||style="text-align:left"| Interact with silver mana statues to save your game. Gold mana statues will restore your HP and MP as well as save your game.
Supposedly there is an extra special mana statue somewhere in the world...
| Search for Li'l Cactus ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Springsteppers ||style="text-align:left"| Hop on the springsteppers you find to jump to new heights!
| Vuscav ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Dangers on your travels ||style="text-align:left"| Watch out for dangerous things like fire in your path! If you miss your timing, it can cause you harm. There are lots of things that can hurt your party on your adventure, so be careful in new areas.
| Flammie ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Search for Li'l Cactus ||style="text-align:left"| Search for Li'l Cactus on your journey! The more you find him, the better the prizes you'll receive. Confirm what prizes you can get by pressing <btn_rect> on the map (<btn_map>).
| Sword of Mana ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Move freely ||style="text-align:left"| Once you enter a town, the party will disband and you can freely investigate the area. Try chatting with your party if you see them around town.
| Loki the Golden Knight ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Hero King ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Vuscav ||style="text-align:left"| The party first met this mysterious ruler of the seas on Beuca Island. Though he's usually wary of people, he's happy to help Faerie's host, {Player0}.
| True Queen ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Flammie ||style="text-align:left"| Known as the Winged Defender, Flammie is said to protect the mountains and sky. She's actually a cute, young dragon who really likes her new name.
| King of Ferolia ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Sword of Mana ||style="text-align:left"| The Sword of Mana is a form of the golden wand the Mana Goddess used to make the world. The sword grants its user enough power to control the world.
| Karl ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Loki the Golden Knight ||style="text-align:left"| Duran's father, Loki, gained fame in Valsena as the Golden Knight. On a mission with the Hero King, he went missing after attempting to destroy the Dragon Lord.
| Priest of Light ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Hero King ||style="text-align:left"| The Hero King is the wise ruler who led Valsena, Kingdom of the Plains, to victory in the great war of the past. He trusted Duran's father, Loki, with his life.
| Heath ||style="text-align:left"|  
| True Queen ||style="text-align:left"| Angela's mother and the absolute ruler of Altena, Kingdom of Magicians. She uses the magical mana abilities she was granted to keep the snows away from her kingdom.
| Niccolo ||style="text-align:left"|  
| King of Ferolia ||style="text-align:left"| The King of Ferolia is the leader of the beastmen and father of Kevin. His awesome strength as a ruler inspired his people to invade human settlements to reclaim their place in the world.
| Elliot ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Karl ||style="text-align:left"| Karl the wolf pup was left behind when his mother was killed. When Kevin met Karl, he finally opened his heart to the world. By a cruel twist of fate, it was also his fight with the pup that awakened his beastman powers.
| Jessica ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Priest of Light ||style="text-align:left"| The Priest of Light is a revered figure in the world and Charlotte's grandfather. Many people come to Wendel to seek his wise guidance.
| Niccolo ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Heath ||style="text-align:left"| A young priest at Wendel's Temple of Light. Heath is one of the most spiritually sensitive people at the temple and trusted by the Priest of Light.
| Mana Stones ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Niccolo ||style="text-align:left"| Niccolo thinks of Hawkeye as his trusted friend and brother in arms. Though most catfolk become traveling merchants, Niccolo chose to join the thieves of Nevarl instead.
| Elementals ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Elliot ||style="text-align:left"| Elliot is the young prince of Laurent, Kingdom of Wind. Because his mother died when he was born, Elliot looks up to his older sister, Riesz, as a maternal figure.
| Von Boyage ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Jessica ||style="text-align:left"| Jessica is the daughter of Flamekhan, leader of the noble Nevarlan thieves, and sister of Eagle, Hawkeye's closest friend. She was cursed with the deadly Choker of Death by Isabella.
| Benevodons ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Mana Stones ||style="text-align:left"| The eight Mana Stones spread about the world are the focal points of mana energy and prisons of the Benevodons. If the power of all the mana stones is released, the portal to the Sanctuary of Mana will open.
| Valsena, Kingdom of the Plains ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Elementals ||style="text-align:left"| Earth, water, fire, wind, light, dark, moon, and wood; an elemental exists for each of the eight Mana Stones. They exist in the world using the same mana power as Faerie.
| Altena, Kingdom of Magicians ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Von Boyage ||style="text-align:left"| Von Boyage is a self-proclaimed alchemist in a family of invention-enthusiasts. He loves cannon travel technology, often renaming his machines on a whim. He supports you through your journey.
| Holy City Wendel ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Benevodons ||style="text-align:left"| These beasts of destruction were sealed away in the Mana Stones. In the past, the Benevodons were responsible for bringing the world to the brink of chaos.
| Ferolia, Beast Kingdom ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Valsena, Kingdom of the Plains ||style="text-align:left"| Valsena is a kingdom known for the strength of its soldiers. Ruled by the Hero King, Richard, Valsena boasts popular tournaments that test the skills of their spirited fighters.
| Nevarl Fortress ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Altena, Kingdom of Magicians ||style="text-align:left"| Altena is a kingdom of talented magicians ruled by Valda, the True Queen. Located in a freezing land of ice and snow, the queen's power is the only thing keeping the elements at bay.
| Laurent, Kingdom of Wind ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Holy City Wendel ||style="text-align:left"| Wendel is an entirely neutral city that gives peace and comfort to followers of the Goddess of Mana. Most people travel to Wendel for a pilgrimage at least once in their lives.
| Ancient Capital Pedda ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Ferolia, Beast Kingdom ||style="text-align:left"| Ferolia is located in the western corner of Duskmoon Forest. It is home to persecuted beastmen and ruled by the King of Ferolia. Many of its inhabitants are wary of humans.
| Night Market ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Nevarl Fortress ||style="text-align:left"| Nevarl Fortress is home to an infamous guild of noble thieves. These agents are led by Flamekhan and proficient in ninja tricks.
| Koropokkurs ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Laurent, Kingdom of Wind ||style="text-align:left"| The impregnable citadel of Laurent is fortified by the surrounding mountains and harsh winds. At the top of the highest mountain sits Celestial Peak, home to the Winged Defender.
| Faeries ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Ancient Capital Pedda ||style="text-align:left"| Known for having created the strongest weapons and equipment, the capital of Pedda was destroyed by the Dragon Lord ten years ago. Due to the shift in mana power, Pedda now exists in a strange rift where the past sometimes catches up with the present...
| Dwarfs ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Night Market ||style="text-align:left"| The Night Market is run by the Merchant Guild in Beiser. As the name suggests, this market is only open at night. You can find rare items not sold in other shops as well as bargains on mysterious treasures.
| Elves ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Koropokkurs ||style="text-align:left"| Koropokkurs are a race of small, magical beings. Their greatest enemies are mice. These beings avoid humans on principle, but supposedly they helped the Hero King during the previous war.
| Tree of Mana ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Faeries ||style="text-align:left"| Faeries are born to protect the Tree of Mana. When the world is in danger, they act as messengers for the Goddess of Mana. Once a faerie finds a host, they will be together until one of them meets their end.
| Poison ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Dwarfs ||style="text-align:left"| Dwarfs worship Gnome as their patron elemental. Their weapon smithing is legendary. Dwarfs often mine the minerals they use for their high quality goods themselves.
| Sleep ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Elves ||style="text-align:left"| These beautiful beings have the longest lifespans on the planet. Elves are forbidden from falling in love with humans and sequester themselves deep in the forest to avoid worldly entanglements.
| Silence ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Tree of Mana ||style="text-align:left"| The Tree of Mana is another form of the Goddess of Mana. At its roots rests the Sword of Mana. When the mana of the world grows scarce, the tree begins to wither.
| Petrify ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Poison ||style="text-align:left"| If a character gets poisoned, they'll receive poison damage periodically until healed. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
| Freeze ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Sleep ||style="text-align:left"| If a character falls asleep, they'll start to slumber in position until healed, leaving them open to enemy attacks. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
| Moogle ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Silence ||style="text-align:left"| If a character is silenced, they'll be unable to use magic attacks until healed. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
| Shrink ||style="text-align:left"|  
| Petrify ||style="text-align:left"| If a character is petrified, their body will turn to stone and stop moving until healed. If all party members are defeated or petrified, it's game over for you. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
| Freeze ||style="text-align:left"| If a character is frozen, they'll be covered in a thick layer of snow and unable to move until healed. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
| Moogle ||style="text-align:left"| If a character gets moogled, they'll gain a cute moogle body until healed. Unfortunately, that means they can't attack or use magic. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
| Shrink ||style="text-align:left"| If a character gets shrunk, they'll become a miniature version of themselves until healed. Shrunken characters lose attack power and can't use class strikes. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
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{{ToM misc}}

Latest revision as of 15:28, April 17, 2024

The Adventure Log is a menu feature exclusive to Trials of Mana HD. It automatically records story progression, new characters, and gameplay elements.

Name Description
How to escape battles If retreating seems like the best option in battle, continue to run toward the yellow boundary. Once the displayed gauge is maxed out, you can escape.

If the boundary is red, you cannot escape the battle.

Collect CS particles If you hit an enemy with a power (<btn_h_attack>) or charge (press and hold <btn_h_attack>) attack, the enemy will drop particles that fill up your CS gauge.
Use combo attacks <btn_l_attack>’!<btn_h_attack>: Repel Attack

<btn_l_attack>’!<btn_l_attack>’!<btn_h_attack>: Area Attack <btn_jump>’!<btn_l_attack> or <btn_h_attack>: Aerial Attack Use a combination of attacks to defeat your enemy depending on where they are!

Armored enemies Be careful of armored (<icon_armor>) enemies because they can't be pushed back and attacks don't hit as hard. Use a power or charge attack to break the enemy's armor or else your attacks won't be as effective. Class strikes work, too!
Battle Bonus After a battle, you receive bonuses based on your technique. For instance, if you take no damage or defeat the enemy within a certain time frame, you can get more EXP than usual!
Partial/Full recovery If you get hit hard during a battle, you can select recovery items or moves that will partially recover (<btn_rect>) or fully recover (<btn_tri>) your party's HP/MP. Remember that you can use these out of battle, too!
Beastform Kevin is half-beastman. As such, during the day he appears human, but at night he can change into Beastform to fight. In Beastform, Kevin can deal even more damage than usual!
Back attacks Try attacking enemies from behind when you find them in the field. If your aim is true, you might get a critical hit with extra power!
Dash Equip weapons and armor to increase your attack and defense stats. It'll make battling enemies easier. Be sure to check out the weapons and armor shops when you get to a new town.
Main menu Open the main menu with <btn_menu>. There are many things you can do in this menu, including setting items to the ring menu, equipping armor and weapons, and allocating training points to characters. The main menu cannot be opened during battle.
Map Access the map with <btn_map>. Check your current location, where you're headed, and more. Explore the area to see more of the map.
Learn abilities and moves When you level up, you'll receive Training Points. Access the Training category from the main menu (<btn_menu>) to allocate the points toward learning new abilities and moves. For more details, check out the Training menu.
Training menu Use the Training Points you obtain after leveling up to learn moves and abilities and increase your stats.
Training Characters Level up to increase your HP and stats like your strength. With increased stats, you can use Training Points to power up your characters by learning moves and abilities. Put points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.
cuts cut commands for items or moves you use a lot to save time. Open the ring menu, then hold <btn_short> and press either <btn_short_1>, <btn_short_2>, <btn_short_3>, or <btn_short_4> to set a shortcut.
Stats can affect moves Different stats affect different types of moves. For instance, the intellect stat affects magic attack and spirit affects healing magic. If you have a high luck stat, you'll have an easier time with projectiles and traps. Try increasing the relevant stat for improved results.
Learn abilities and moves When you level up, you'll receive Training Points. Access the Training category from the main menu to allocate the points toward learning new abilities and moves. For more details, check out the Training menu.
Equip Abilities You must equip learned abilities in order to use them. There are many types of abilities. Some will raise your stats, some help during battle, etc. Go to the Gear/Stats menu to try equipping an ability.
Light Elemental Magic Now that you can access Lumina's powers, you can use light elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of light magic:

Holy Saber

Imbues ally's weapon with light elemental damage

Healing Light

Recovers ally's HP

Holy Bolt

Deals light magic damage

Dark Elemental Magic Now that you can access Shade's powers, you can use dark elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of dark magic:

Dark Saber

Imbues ally's weapon with dark elemental damage

Dispel Magic

Dispels all enemy magic effects

Evil Gate

Deals dark magic damage

Earth Elemental Magic Now that you can access Gnome's powers, you can use earth elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of earth magic:

Stone Saber

Imbues ally's weapon with earth elemental damage


Boosts ally's defense

Diamond Shards

Deals earth magic damage

Wind Elemental Magic Now that you can access Sylphid's powers, you can use wind elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of wind magic:

Lightning Saber

Imbues ally's weapon with wind elemental damage


Decreases enemy's defense


Deals wind magic damage

Water Elemental Magic Now that you can access Undine's powers, you can use water elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of water magic:

Ice Saber

Imbues ally's weapon with water elemental damage

Mental Boost

Boosts ally's magic attack and defense

Ice Smash

Deals water magic damage

Fire Elemental Magic Now that you can access Salamando's powers, you can use fire elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of fire magic:

Flame Saber

Imbues ally's weapon with fire elemental damage


Boosts ally's attack


Deals fire magic damage

Moon Elemental Magic Now that you can access Luna's powers, you can use moon elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of moon magic:

Moon Saber

Makes ally's weapon absorb HP

Moon Energy

Boosts ally's chance of critical hit

Half Eclipse

Halves enemy's HP

Wood Elemental Magic Now that you can access Dryad's powers, you can use wood elemental magic by putting Training Points toward abilities from the Training section of <btn_menu>.

Here are some examples of wood magic:

Leaf Saber

Makes ally's weapon absorb MP


Reflects magic damage away from ally temporarily

Poison Bubble

Deals wood magic damage, absorbs MP

Set shortcuts Set shortcut commands for items or moves you use a lot to save time. Open the ring menu, then hold <btn_short> and press either <btn_short_1>, <btn_short_2>, <btn_short_3>, or <btn_short_4> to set a shortcut.
Ring menus Use the ring menus when you want to use items or moves. Press <btn_u_ring> for items and <btn_d_ring> for moves.
How to use items When you have a difficult battle coming up, reorganize your ring menu (<btn_u_ring>) to your advantage. You can set up to twelve different items to the menu. You can use up to nine of each type of item during battle. Switch them out from the Items category in the main menu (<btn_menu>).
Light and dark classes You will have the option to choose either a light or dark class. The moves and abilities that characters can learn are decided by class. Be sure to think it through before you switch.
How to grow seeds If you find a seed, try planting it in an inn's magic pot. If you're lucky, you may grow a good item! The pot will level up the more seeds you plant. The higher your magic pot level is, the better your chance at getting good items from Item Seeds. Enemies will drop seeds more often, too!
Changing characters Change which character you control by pressing <btn_change1> or <btn_change2>. Different characters might be helpful in different situations. The party disbands in towns, so you can't change who you control.
Equip abilities Once a character learns an ability, equip it from the Gear/Stats category in the main menu (<btn_menu>). Make sure you equip the ability or it won't start the desired effect. Abilities can help you during your adventures.
Chain Abilities Chain Abilities can be used by all party members. Learn more abilities by allocating Training Points and meeting people along your journey. You may learn Chain Abilities from quite unexpected acquaintances.
Strategy Select battle targets for each character and other fighting tactics from the Strategy category in the main menu (<btn_menu>). Customize which moves, class strikes, and healing items your party can use and how often.
Days and elemental magic This world has seven days in each week: Luna Day, Salamando Day, Undine Day, Dryad Day, Sylphid Day, Gnome Day, and Mana Day. On Salamando Day, fire magic is stronger. Try to remember what day it is when you're fighting.
Switching classes Use the Mana Stones around the world to switch to a different class. Each time you change to another class, your character will become stronger!

[Requirements] Class 2: Level 18 or higher Class 3: Level 38 or higher + the necessary class item

Switching classes Use the mana statue in the Sanctuary of Mana to switch to a different class. Each time you change to another class, your character will become stronger!

[Requirements] Class 2: Level 18 or higher Class 3: Level 38 or higher + the necessary class item

Resetting classes Use Goddess Scales to reset your class at one of the Mana Stones around the world.

Please note that a reset will return the character to Class 1, including their moves and available abilities.

Resetting classes Use Goddess Scales to reset your class at the mana statue in the Sanctuary of Mana.

Please note that a reset will return the character to Class 1, including their moves and available abilities.

Hunt for treasure Be sure to check out all treasure boxes, breakable urns, and sparkles you find! You may be rewarded...
Silver and gold mana statues Interact with silver mana statues to save your game. Gold mana statues will restore your HP and MP as well as save your game.

Supposedly there is an extra special mana statue somewhere in the world...

Springsteppers Hop on the springsteppers you find to jump to new heights!
Dangers on your travels Watch out for dangerous things like fire in your path! If you miss your timing, it can cause you harm. There are lots of things that can hurt your party on your adventure, so be careful in new areas.
Search for Li'l Cactus Search for Li'l Cactus on your journey! The more you find him, the better the prizes you'll receive. Confirm what prizes you can get by pressing <btn_rect> on the map (<btn_map>).
Move freely Once you enter a town, the party will disband and you can freely investigate the area. Try chatting with your party if you see them around town.
Vuscav The party first met this mysterious ruler of the seas on Beuca Island. Though he's usually wary of people, he's happy to help Faerie's host, {Player0}.
Flammie Known as the Winged Defender, Flammie is said to protect the mountains and sky. She's actually a cute, young dragon who really likes her new name.
Sword of Mana The Sword of Mana is a form of the golden wand the Mana Goddess used to make the world. The sword grants its user enough power to control the world.
Loki the Golden Knight Duran's father, Loki, gained fame in Valsena as the Golden Knight. On a mission with the Hero King, he went missing after attempting to destroy the Dragon Lord.
Hero King The Hero King is the wise ruler who led Valsena, Kingdom of the Plains, to victory in the great war of the past. He trusted Duran's father, Loki, with his life.
True Queen Angela's mother and the absolute ruler of Altena, Kingdom of Magicians. She uses the magical mana abilities she was granted to keep the snows away from her kingdom.
King of Ferolia The King of Ferolia is the leader of the beastmen and father of Kevin. His awesome strength as a ruler inspired his people to invade human settlements to reclaim their place in the world.
Karl Karl the wolf pup was left behind when his mother was killed. When Kevin met Karl, he finally opened his heart to the world. By a cruel twist of fate, it was also his fight with the pup that awakened his beastman powers.
Priest of Light The Priest of Light is a revered figure in the world and Charlotte's grandfather. Many people come to Wendel to seek his wise guidance.
Heath A young priest at Wendel's Temple of Light. Heath is one of the most spiritually sensitive people at the temple and trusted by the Priest of Light.
Niccolo Niccolo thinks of Hawkeye as his trusted friend and brother in arms. Though most catfolk become traveling merchants, Niccolo chose to join the thieves of Nevarl instead.
Elliot Elliot is the young prince of Laurent, Kingdom of Wind. Because his mother died when he was born, Elliot looks up to his older sister, Riesz, as a maternal figure.
Jessica Jessica is the daughter of Flamekhan, leader of the noble Nevarlan thieves, and sister of Eagle, Hawkeye's closest friend. She was cursed with the deadly Choker of Death by Isabella.
Mana Stones The eight Mana Stones spread about the world are the focal points of mana energy and prisons of the Benevodons. If the power of all the mana stones is released, the portal to the Sanctuary of Mana will open.
Elementals Earth, water, fire, wind, light, dark, moon, and wood; an elemental exists for each of the eight Mana Stones. They exist in the world using the same mana power as Faerie.
Von Boyage Von Boyage is a self-proclaimed alchemist in a family of invention-enthusiasts. He loves cannon travel technology, often renaming his machines on a whim. He supports you through your journey.
Benevodons These beasts of destruction were sealed away in the Mana Stones. In the past, the Benevodons were responsible for bringing the world to the brink of chaos.
Valsena, Kingdom of the Plains Valsena is a kingdom known for the strength of its soldiers. Ruled by the Hero King, Richard, Valsena boasts popular tournaments that test the skills of their spirited fighters.
Altena, Kingdom of Magicians Altena is a kingdom of talented magicians ruled by Valda, the True Queen. Located in a freezing land of ice and snow, the queen's power is the only thing keeping the elements at bay.
Holy City Wendel Wendel is an entirely neutral city that gives peace and comfort to followers of the Goddess of Mana. Most people travel to Wendel for a pilgrimage at least once in their lives.
Ferolia, Beast Kingdom Ferolia is located in the western corner of Duskmoon Forest. It is home to persecuted beastmen and ruled by the King of Ferolia. Many of its inhabitants are wary of humans.
Nevarl Fortress Nevarl Fortress is home to an infamous guild of noble thieves. These agents are led by Flamekhan and proficient in ninja tricks.
Laurent, Kingdom of Wind The impregnable citadel of Laurent is fortified by the surrounding mountains and harsh winds. At the top of the highest mountain sits Celestial Peak, home to the Winged Defender.
Ancient Capital Pedda Known for having created the strongest weapons and equipment, the capital of Pedda was destroyed by the Dragon Lord ten years ago. Due to the shift in mana power, Pedda now exists in a strange rift where the past sometimes catches up with the present...
Night Market The Night Market is run by the Merchant Guild in Beiser. As the name suggests, this market is only open at night. You can find rare items not sold in other shops as well as bargains on mysterious treasures.
Koropokkurs Koropokkurs are a race of small, magical beings. Their greatest enemies are mice. These beings avoid humans on principle, but supposedly they helped the Hero King during the previous war.
Faeries Faeries are born to protect the Tree of Mana. When the world is in danger, they act as messengers for the Goddess of Mana. Once a faerie finds a host, they will be together until one of them meets their end.
Dwarfs Dwarfs worship Gnome as their patron elemental. Their weapon smithing is legendary. Dwarfs often mine the minerals they use for their high quality goods themselves.
Elves These beautiful beings have the longest lifespans on the planet. Elves are forbidden from falling in love with humans and sequester themselves deep in the forest to avoid worldly entanglements.
Tree of Mana The Tree of Mana is another form of the Goddess of Mana. At its roots rests the Sword of Mana. When the mana of the world grows scarce, the tree begins to wither.
Poison If a character gets poisoned, they'll receive poison damage periodically until healed. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
Sleep If a character falls asleep, they'll start to slumber in position until healed, leaving them open to enemy attacks. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
Silence If a character is silenced, they'll be unable to use magic attacks until healed. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
Petrify If a character is petrified, their body will turn to stone and stop moving until healed. If all party members are defeated or petrified, it's game over for you. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
Freeze If a character is frozen, they'll be covered in a thick layer of snow and unable to move until healed. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
Moogle If a character gets moogled, they'll gain a cute moogle body until healed. Unfortunately, that means they can't attack or use magic. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
Shrink If a character gets shrunk, they'll become a miniature version of themselves until healed. Shrunken characters lose attack power and can't use class strikes. Use a Medical Herb or the Twinkle Rain spell to fix the status effect.
Name Description
Duran Sets Out Duran, a talented young soldier from Valsena, wins the kingdom's swordsmanship competition. His triumph is short-lived, however, when a strange intruder attacks the castle during his guard duty that very night...
Angela Sets Out In Altena, the True Queen is able to keep the bitter cold away from the castle with her awesome powers while Angela, the queen's only daughter, continues to struggle with her lack of magical talent.
Kevin Sets Out Beastmen fled into Duskmoon Forest and created the Kingdom of Ferolia in order to live free from persecution by humans. Kevin, son of the King of Ferolia, finally finds a friend in the wolf pup Karl, until...
Charlotte Sets Out In the Holy City Wendel, the Priest of Light and a young follower named Heath discuss the troubling shift in the world's mana. Charlotte decides to chase after Heath on his mission to investigate the evil presence.
Hawkeye Sets Out The leader of a guild of noble thieves, Flamekhan, suddenly declares the desert fortress Nevarl an independent nation. Hawkeye, one of the thieves, doubts the intentions of Flamekhan's second in command, Isabella.
Riesz Sets Out The impregnable Citadel Laurent is protected by the mountainous terrain as well as the elite Amazons led by Riesz, captain of the guard and princess of Laurent. No one has ever breached Laurent, until...
To Holy City Wendel {Player0} sets out for Wendel to seek guidance from the Priest of Light.
To Holy City Wendel Heath is taken away by a mysterious man. Charlotte decides to hurry back to Wendel to report what she saw.
Lumina, Elemental of Light If they can get the Sword of Mana, their wishes may come true... In order to open the sanctuary, the party decides to go to Cascade Cavern and search for Lumina, the elemental of light.
Escape from Jadd After escaping the prison in Jadd, the party plans to board a ship to take them away from the beastman invasion.
To Valsena Having escaped Jadd, the party starts searching for the Mana Stones and the elementals that guard them. For guidance on their journey, they hurry to Valsena.
Getting to Valsena The Machine Golems in Stonesplit Gap collapse the bridge to Valsena. In order to find a way around, the party heads to Maia.
Von Boyage's Invention The party meets Von Boyage in Maia. They realize that his strange cannon may be the only way to get to Valsena. Unfortunately, the necessary nitromyte fuel can only be found in Dwarf Village.
Hero King in Danger Von Boyage's cannon shoots the party onto Molebear Moors. They hurry to see the Hero King, but something seems wrong in Valsena...
To Laurent Safe from harm, the Hero King tells the party about the Mana Stones. In order to find the elemental of wind, the party heads to Laurent.
Great Sage Domperi After realizing they must retake Laurent from the invading Nevarl forces, the party goes in search of the great sage known as Domperi. The koropokkur village is said to be in Rabite Forest.
Sylphid, Elemental of Wind Domperi's advice is to find Sylphid and use his powers to take back Laurent. The party heads to Gusthall.
Retaking Laurent With Sylphid on their side, the party joins the Amazons in their fight to reclaim Citadel Laurent from the Nevarlan invaders.
Back to Valsena Laurent is saved. The party decides to return to Valsena to ask the Hero King for more leads on the remaining Mana Stones.
Ghost Ship En route to Valsena, the party takes a boat from Palo Port. When they awaken from their nap, the party realizes they've boarded a haunted Ghost Ship.
Beuca Island The Ghost Ship crashes on Beuca Island just as its volcano is about to erupt. The party must search for the ruler of the seas in order to escape the island.
Find the Rest of the Mana Stones With help from Vuscav, the party escapes the volcano. They return to the Hero King to ask for more help finding the remaining elementals.
Fire and Water Elementals The party learns about the fire and water elementals from the Hero King. They set off for Fiery Gorge and the Labyrinth of Ice.
Luna, Elemental of the Moon Now allies with the fire and water elementals, the party heads for the Moonstone in Duskmoon Forest. They must switch classes before they can confront the powerful beastmen who live there.
To the Elfin Elder The party becomes allies with Luna, the elemental of the moon. They travel to the elfin kingdom of Dior to talk to the elder about the Woodstone's whereabouts.
Dryad, Elemental of Wood The Elfin Elder tells the party how to find the Mana Stone of wood. With help from Luna, they travel further into Lampbloom Woods to search for the Woodstone.
Portal to the Sanctuary Finally, the party has found all the elementals. They must travel to Oblivisle in order to use mana power to open the portal to the Sanctuary of Mana.
Winged Defender The energy from the Mana Stones is so powerful that the portal opens up high in the sky above Oblivisle. The party must return to the mountains of Laurent to ask for help from the Winged Defender.
To the Mana Sanctuary With help from Flammie, the party can finally enter the Sanctuary of Mana. They hurry inside to find the Sword of Mana.
Rescuing Faerie The Goddess of Mana tells the party that Faerie has been kidnapped. The evil forces who took her are waiting in Altena, Kingdom of Magicians.
Rescuing Faerie The Goddess of Mana tells the party that Faerie has been kidnapped. The evil forces who took her are waiting in Ferolia, Beast Kingdom.
Rescuing Faerie The Goddess of Mana tells the party that Faerie has been kidnapped. The evil forces who took her are waiting in Nevarl Fortress.
Ancient Capital Pedda With seven of the eight Benevodons defeated, the party decides to search for leads on the Benevodon of Darkness in Pedda.
Benevodon of Darkness The party has just one Benevodon left to defeat. They head to Crystal Desert in search of the lost Darkstone.
Benevodon of Darkness The party has just one Benevodon left to defeat. They head to the Jungle of Visions in search of the lost Darkstone.
Benevodon of Darkness The party has just one Benevodon left to defeat. They head to Night Cavern in search of the lost Darkstone.
Into the Enemy's Lair Though the party manages to defeat the Benevodon of Darkness, the Dragon Lord absorbs the power from the defeated Benevodons. With no other option, the party heads to Dragonsmaw to confront the enemy.
Into the Enemy's Lair Though the party manages to defeat the Benevodon of Darkness, the Masked Mage absorbs the power from the defeated Benevodons. With no other option, the party heads to Mirage Palace to confront the enemy.
Into the Enemy's Lair Though the party manages to defeat the Benevodon of Darkness, Dark Majesty absorbs the power from the defeated Benevodons. With no other option, the party heads to Dark Castle to confront the enemy.
Final Battle The party must save the Goddess of Mana and stop the enemy's evil plan. They prepare to fight their final battle at the Sanctuary of Mana.
Final Battle The party must save the Goddess of Mana and stop the enemy's evil plan. They prepare to fight their final battle at the Sanctuary of Mana...

...Little do they know that another evil in the world is about to awaken...