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Trials of Mana stats

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Stats or Statistics are important game mechanics in Trials of Mana.

Like most role-playing games, statistics in Trials of Mana are tied to player character's performance in various tasks and contribute to making it distinguishable from other player characters. There a two main stat categories in the game : classic ones that cannot be influenced directly by the player and customizable ones. The former can vary by the current level the character is at and the type of equipment is wearing. The latter are to be modified by the player depending on the game version. The number of stats for each category also depend on the game version.

2D version[edit]

There are four classic stats and six customizable stats in the 2D version of Trials of Mana. Here is a rundown of what each stat is monitoring:

Classic Stats

  • Attack or ATK controls the amount of physical damage the character can inflict.
  • Defense or DEF controls the amount of damage the character can defend against physical attacks.
  • Evade or EVD (Evade Rate in the fan translation) controls how often your character can dodge enemies' physical attacks.
  • Magic Defense or MGC DEF (Magic Def. in the fan translation) controls the amount of damage the character can defend against magical attacks that are influenced by the Intellect stat mentioned below.

Customizable Stats

  • Strength or STR influences the attack stat mentioned above.
  • Dexterity or DEX (Agility in the fan translation) influences the evade stat mentioned above, the hit rate of the character's physical attacks and the speed of trap roulette in chests (the higher the Dexterity stat, the slower the wheel). It also affects the power of throwing moves like Silver Dart, trap moves like Mines and all of the Nightblade's new moves. Note that items that emulate those moves are also affected.
  • Stamina or STA (Vitality in the fan translation) influences the defense stat mentioned above as well as HP.
  • Intellect or INT (Intelligence in the fan translation) influences the magic defense stat mentioned above, MP growth as well as most of the offensive magic power (All of Angela's moves except Lumina based ones and Annihilate, Hawkeye's ninja moves and Fetid Breath. Note that items that emulate those moves are also affected.
  • Spirit or SPRT (Piety or PIE in the japanese version) influences a hidden spirit magic defense stat, MP growth as well as some offensive and most supporting magic power (lumina spells, healing light, all summoning moves). Note that items that emulate those moves are also affected.
  • Luck or LUCK influences many things in the game. It affects the rate of critical hits of physical attacks, how many "OK" icons that show up during trap roulettes, the rate the player get the rarer item drops from enemies. Additionally, the higher a character's Luck stat is, the less likely they are targeted by enemies's single target magic and special moves. This also rings true with getting hit with opponent's counter attacks when they are hit with a character's magic or tech. Finally, having high luck can prevent a character from dying from an enemy attack, surviving with 1 HP.

Whenever a player character levels up in the original 2D version of Trials of Mana, a pop-up ring menu is brought up prompting the player to choose which costumizable stat they would like to raise up a point. The player is effectively forced to choose and cannot quit the menu until a stat to upgrade is chosen. Each character class has stat caps that cannot be overlapped upon reaching it unless said character changes class.

3D Version[edit]

There are six classic stats and five customizable stats in the 3D version of Trials of Mana. Here is a rundown of what each stat is monitoring:

Classic Stats

  • HP or Hit Points display the total amount of damage a character can be inflicted before fainting.
  • MP or Magic Points display the total amount of magic points a character can use for casting moves before running out of it.
  • ATK or Attack is the combined values of the character's STR and weapon attack value. Determines how much damage a character can inflict with physical attacks.
  • DEF or Defense is the combined values of the character's STA and armor defense value. Determines how much damage a character can defend itself from enemies' physical attacks.
  • MGC ATK or Magic Attack is the combined values of the character's INT and weapon magic attack value. Determines how much damage a characters can inflict with magical attacks.
  • MGC DEF or Magic Defense is the combined value of the character's SPRT and armor magic defense value. Determines how much damage a character can defend itself from enemies' magical attacks.

Customizable Stats

  • Strength or STR affects how much damage a character can inflict with physical attacks.
  • Stamina or STA affects how much damage a character can defend itself from enemies' physical attacks.
  • Intellect or INT affects how much damage a characters can inflict with magical attacks.
  • Spirit or SPRT affects how much damage a character can defend itself from enemies' magical attacks. Also affects potency of HP restored when the user casts Healing Light or uses Poto Oil.
  • Luck or LUCK affects damage dealt with items and moves identified as projectiles. Every point of Luck a character has also adds 0.02% to his/her critical hit chance.

Whenever a player character levels up, training points or TP are allocated to it and can be used to gain moves or abilities that grant various upgrades and perks upon being equipped. Training points can be reinitialized at the Night Market by asking the phony Fortune-Teller.


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