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From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Welcome to the Wiki of Mana, a wiki on the Mana series that anyone can edit! There are currently 5,000 articles.
Please keep in mind that once you have an account, you must wait one day and make 5 edits to become autoconfirmed. This allows you to skip questions while editing, to create new articles, and to upload images.
Featured article
"Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?" --Amanda quoting Indiana Jones

2025: It's the Year of the Snake. Unfortunately for us here at Wiki of Mana, we don't get a lot of snakes, just a bunch of creepy-crawly, wriggly, nasty worms!

But there is one snake-lady we will never forget - the vile Medusa! Whether or not she was the mother of the loathsome Davias may be debatable, but this foul gorgon will not shed a tear for anyone! Shedding her serpent locks to turn Sumo and Amanda to stone, she defended her lair in the Shifting Sands with utmost ferocity. And although the pair slew the beast, she had one more nasty trick up her sleeve: turning Amanda into her successor.


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Mana Fandom


Secret of Mana: Redux
Mana news:

Wiki news:

  • February 8, 2025: The Wiki of Mana has reached its 5000th article, Silver Short Sword!
  • February 6, 2024: The Wiki of Mana has reached its 4000th article, Scissor Crab!
  • Week of January 7, 2024: Indie Wiki Jam event.
  • February 8, 2023: The Wiki of Mana has reached its 3000th article, Porcupine (Adventures of Mana)!
  • June 30, 2022: The Wiki of Mana has reached its 2000th article, Mines!
  • May 20, 2022: The Wiki of Mana has reached its 1000th article, Power Wrist!
  • January 28, 2022: The Wiki of Mana has reached its 100th article, Timothy!
  • August 26, 2021: This wiki has been created!
Ways to help
Looking for a way to help out? Here are a few examples: expanding stubs, rewriting necessary articles, and creating new articles.

See the community portal for more ways to help the Wiki of Mana! Also, see the respective help pages to learn more about the Wiki of Mana and help with editing.