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Visions of Mana

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Visions of Mana

Official artwork
Developer Square Enix, NetEase Games. OUKA, CRIWARE
Publisher Square Enix
Platforms PlayStation 4/PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Microsoft Windows
Release date August 29, 2024
Genre Action-adventure, role-playing game
ESRB: - Teen
PEGI: - Twelve years and older
CERO: - Twelve years and older
USK: - Twelve years and older
Mode(s) Single player
Media Blu-ray Disc (PS5, XBS)
Digital (PC, PS4, PS5, XBS)
Input Gamepad, Keyboard

Visions of Mana is the fifth mainline title in the Mana series. The game was released on all current consoles August 29, 2024[1]. It has reportedly been in planning since 2014.[2] The first all-new entry to the series in nearly 18 years, Visions is the first title in the series produced through a collaborative effort between past and present developers of series media. It is the sixth project in the series for Director Masaru Oyamada, with series creator Koichi Ishii as design supervisor and a team of three veteran musicians composing the soundtrack.


See also: Visions of Mana updates

A new Mana game for consoles was announced at the 30th Anniversary livestream on June 27, 2021, but no further information was revealed.[3] This game was officially revealed in December 7, 2023 during The Game Awards with a 2024 release window.

On June 12, 2024, Square Enix released final pre-launch trailers for the game and provided additional details as to editions and various perks included with each edition, and also revealed a release date of August 29, 2024.

On July 30, 2024, less than a month before its expected release, Square Enix released an electronic demo version with incentives to purchase the full game when available.

NetEase Games, the Chinese studio behind Visions of Mana, reportedly closed its OUKA studio based in Japan on launch day, in what appeared to be a move towards consolidation[citation needed]


Visions of Mana launched as scheduled on August 29, 2024. It is available for all current Sony and Microsoft platforms, as well as PCs running Microsoft Windows. Physical versions are limited to the most recent consoles (North America only), while the digital versions are universal across brand families.

As of launch, Visions of Mana is available in four packages, with two being physical and two being digital:

  • Two Standard Editions include only the base game. The physical Standard Edition is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 (except North America), and Xbox Series. The digital Standard Edition is available to all platforms. Both can be upgraded with an add-on from the platforms' respective stores.
  • The Digital Deluxe Edition includes additional costumes for the party and a collection of background music (BGM) from previous Mana games. It is available on all platforms. The add-on pack is also available as an upgrade for the Standard Edition, with individual components of the pack also being available as add-ons.
  • The Collector's Edition is a physical release only. It includes the base game, a Ramcoh plush toy, art book, and soundtrack box set. It is unknown whether this edition includes the Deluxe content. It is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 (except North America), and Xbox Series.


Platform &
Mode of Transit →
Edition ↓
Xbox Series X|S PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Windows/Steam
Physical Digital Physical Digital Physical Digital
Standard Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deluxe No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
Collector's Yes No No No Yes No No


"In Tianeea, the Fire Village, everyone is preparing for the coming of the Faerie and the naming of an “alm.” Every four years, alms from around the world are chosen to travel to the Tree of Mana and rejuvenate the flow of mana power by offering their souls. A soul guard accompanies the chosen alm to ensure their safe pilgrimage.

On the day of the Faerie’s arrival, Val, the new soul guard, brings his childhood friend, Hinna, to the festival. As the sun falls beneath the skyline, all the spectators wait with bated breath, hoping to be chosen as an alm. The Faerie finally descends before Hinna, appointing her the Alm of Fire.

The villagers bid them both farewell, praying for their success as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime." [4]

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Lyza is seen escaping her duties as the appointed Alm of Earth along with her guardian Eoren. Despite her doubts about defecting her roles, her partner assures her it is for the best as they reach for the village's gates. They are apprehended by groups of patrollers, but the boy manages to fend them off one by one. The couple is stopped while crossing a bridge by Danam who tries to warn them of the town's downfall should the Alm leaves her duties. Eoren retorts he cannot give up their happiness together as Alms are meant to sacrifice to the Mana Tree to preserve the world's balance. The elder is also sadden to see her bound to her fate, which stirs Lyza to reconsider her escape. However, the lad still object to this doom cycle and draws it sword, accidentally cutting off the bridge railing. Eoren and Lyza found themselves miraculously unscathed and resume their flee while Danam watches them helplessly from their other side. As they run toward Log'grazzo for to look for answers on preventing any more sacrifices to occur, they are ambushed once again by patrollers. However, defeating them results in them transforming into Clay Gorgs. This frightens the Alm, believing they've angered the Earth by defying her duties. A Gardlegrog appears before the duo and starts attacking them. After ending in a victory for Eoren, he returns by Lyza's side to comfort her. Her body suddently starts to turn into stone as the lad helplessly watches her. Eoren cries her name as a Faerie flies away.

Val & Careena during the alm ceremony

The story continues four years later in Tianeea, the Fire village where the young maiden Hinna is awaiting the ceremony for someone to become this year's Alm of Fire. Meanwhile, the Alm's soul guard Val receives a freshly forged sword from his father, who reminisces about Lyza after she decided to settle in the Earth Village. Val tries to find Hinna before the Faerie arrives to the village. People are seen flocking around the village's bonfire as the Faerie descends from the skies as she chooses the maiden as the Alm of Fire. All villagers burst into celebration as Faerie is seen telling the Fire spirit Salamando goodbye to resume her quest to appoint the other Alms.

Val and Hinna are seen the day after surrounded by the townsfolk for their official departure. Mayor Cuesta tasks Val to protect each elemental Alm in their journey to reach the Tree of Mana and Hinna to accept her sacrifice as the annual Alm of Fire. After giving her blessings to both of them, the two adventurers depart for the Charred Passage. They meet with Eoren on the way out while avoiding the active volcano's scorching debris. He introduces himself as a wandering geological student and warns them of the difficult parting an Alm and their soul guard must meet at the end of their trip. The pair replies they are perfectly find with their decision as this means the world is rejuvetating with Mana thanks to them. The newly formed trio set camp here for the night, but Eoren is nowhere to be seen by morning.

Careena during the Wind dyeing ceremony

The party eventually reach Longren, the Vale of Wind, where they find the Sylphid Boomerang on the ground, one of the eight elemental vessels. They decide to return the artifact back to the village chief and learn that the Faerie hasn't come to choose a the Wind Alm yet. Chief Koche bemoans the fact Careena, the village's best oracle, won't listen to anything their elders say and asks the duo to make her change her mind and do the wind dying ritual to beckon the Faerie. The outspoken teenage Dragonfolk claims she will only lend an ear to their request should they find Shiriu for her. They agree to do so and head back to the Aery Passage to find the lone male dragonfolk calibrating windmills around the field. He explains despite the townsfolk telling she's unfit for the job, Careena wants to be chosen as the Wind Alm.

Shiriu and the party head back to Longren, but Careena adamantly refuses to peform the wind dyeing. The Dragonfolk historian then asks Val to do the ceremony instead. He tries to do so unsuccesfully, to which Careena mocks him for it. Hinna volunteers herself, but this angers the wind oracle to the point she's willing to perform the ritual. Her wind dyeing attracts the Faerie who comes near Shiriu, but he flees in panic to everyone's bewilderment thinking she wanted to name him the alm. Careena feels betrayed by him like everyone did when she lost one of her wings and orders Faerie to appoint her as the Wind alm. The sprite replies she must consult with Sylphid, the wind elemental first. Val and Hinna team up with Careena and Ramcoh, her pet sacred beast to climb Mount Gala to convince the elemental.

The party finds an unconscious Sylphid atop the mountains, but first must vanquish a Mantis Ant before they can bring it back to it senses. The group gather around the elemental after the fight who wakes up and chooses Careena as the alm of Wind. Their next step is believed to be Etaern where the alm of the Moon should be waiting, but the settlement was destroyed 16 years ago because they couldn't find an alm to offer to the Mana Tree. They still press to the Lefeya Drifts in hopes to reach a harbor after crossing it.

Morley explaining how he broke the Lunar Sandglass

As they are about to enter the Moonlit Parish, the group is ambushed by a catfolk named Morley urging them to stay away from Etaern. As they need to go through the ruined settlement to cross the Lefeya Drifts to resume their pilgrimage, the swordsman explain they can venture into the parish only when the moon is obscured by an eclipse or by being a new moon. Morley agrees to help the party cross the vicinity should they aid him back by finding the Moon vessel. They find the Luna Globe near the Fallow bridge and head back to Etaern just in time to witness a moonlight reversion. The Lunar Sandglass structure in the parish is set aglow, making spirits of long lost residents come to life. Morley rushes back to its hometown with the party trailing him, just in time to see the whole town back like it was before its downfall. The swordsman catfolk reveals he was responsible for breaking the Sandglass in his youth, dooming the entire parish to exinction. A cutscene shows the villagers disappearing one by one after child Morley accidentally destroys the structure. In desperation, adult Morley tries using the Luna Globe, but it bears no effect.

The next scene shows Val separated from its friends. While searching for them, a mysterious voice resonates within his mind, beseeching him to find Morley as his memories from that fateful day has resonated with the Lunar eclipse, freezing Etaern into a time distorsion and turning the swordsman into his defenseless child self. Val tracks the kid back to the Lefeya Drifts and fend off the same monsters that overpowered him 16 years ago. The now grownup Morley explains this night's lunar eclipse was special as it could shift time backwards. A light is seen glowing atop the parish from a distance, prompting Val and Morley to head back. They rejoin with Hinna, Careena and Ramcoh, with the Faerie coming down the sky to reveal that Luna has been revived thanks to his sentiment. The Faerie appoints the catfolk as the alm of the Moon as he decides to join the party for good. The party meets shortly with the Merchant Sisters Madeline, Francine, and Christine who were brought up by Morley's adoptive father Niccolo and offer to find them all over the world should the alms and soul guard are in need of wares.

With the newly appointed alm of the Moon at their side, the party reaches Rime Falls where they meet with Li'l Cactus thawing from its icy cage. They cross Fallow Steppe further down the path where they encounter Morley's old friend Meelpa. The old man introduces them to friendly rideable hounds named Pikuls and give the team a bell to beckon them anywhere they go. Riding the Pikuls, the party takes no time in reaching Rhatta Harbor. Overjoyed at setting sight on the sea for the first time, Careena runs ahead in glee, accidentally bumping into a snooty little officer called Master Passar. The latter complains of a missing key to his personal guard and quickly frames the Dragonfolk of theft. Val attempts to reason the magistrate but he replies he won't let Careena go unless the party gives him the precious key back, even threatening to throw them at the sea.

The party is at a loss to find a quick solution to their predicament, but eventually find the key inside a chest mistakenly shipped to the mayor's place. As Val takes the item to give it back to Passar, Eoren shows up behind him and snatches it to give the upitty chancellor a taste of his own medicine. He then sneaks up behind the magistrate and makes it look like Passar dropped the key in the first place, freeing Careena of any suspicion. The party can now board the Primm and cross to Tallon Straight to Illystana where they hope to meet with the alm of Water.

Eoren reciting the tale of the Champion of the Goddess

The ship sets sail to the Capital of the Deep, while Eoren discloses the ancient tale of legendary Mana Sword of the champion of the Mana Goddess to Val and Hinna. Back then, no sacrifice were held, thus preventing the need for Alms' lives to be forfeited. their conversation is short-lived, however, as a storm quickly brews in. Hinna notices a monster lurking in the water, revealed to be none other than a giant Kraken who immediately attacks the vessel and destroys the masts in the process. The party joins forces and defeat the foul sea creature, instantly clearing the weather. Despite the Primm sustaining heaving blow, a group of wind spirits steers the ship quickly toward their destination to the Manadore Continent.

After crossing the straight and docking at Ledgas Bay, Eoren part ways with the adventurers as they go to the Capital of the Deep to request a rite of initiation by its ruler. He leaves the Passar Key he stole from the magistrate to Val before he resumes his own adventure. The party crosses Pritta Ridge to reach Illystana where they are welcomed by the city's officials only to learn from them that the Alm of Water hasn't been appointed yet. The whole town's water supply has dwindled as of late, making the situation even more dire for all townsfolks. Nevertheless, the officials assure the adventurers the Alms' rite of initiation shall be held this evenning in the Sanctorium. The party is free to wander around the city in the meantime.

As the group strolls around the central fountain, a mysterious mustachioed man collides into Morley while running away from the palace, spraining his ankle. The catfolk decides to stay with the injured stranger until he gets better. Meanwhile, Val hears from the palace's guards that Queen Palamena has been sneaking outside the castle unattended again. On the other side of city, Morley figures out the mysterious man is Palamena. He gains her trust in revealing he's the Alm of the Moon, and in returns learns from the Queen that the Faerie has appointed her the Alm of Water several days ago. She concealed this information for fear that her abdication would result in her younger brother Iain and Master Passar as the new rulers. She was en route to seek guidance from Niccolo when she ran into the party. At the same time, Val gives the pendent he bought to a local vendor to Hinna.

Palama conducting the rites of initiation

The party reassemble to attent the rites of initiation at the Sanctorium. There, Careena immediately recognizes Palamena as the mysterious man they bumped into before. After being blessed by the Queen, Master Passar instructs the party of the remaining alms locations, starting with the Alm of Wood in Illusia Isle. He also reveals the identity of the Alm of Water being Queen Palamena herself, which she has no choice but to confirm. The party agrees to regroup for an emergency meeting in the Queen's chamber by nightfall. There, Palamena's brother, Prince Iain reveals of Niccolo being arrested for obstructing the capital's flow of water. The Queen suspects Master Passar is behind this so he can get full control over her crowned brother while she is away on pilgrimage. Madeline, one of the Merchant Sisters, enters the room and claim they can find the source of the water issues before Passar can procuce a proof. She adds she and her sisters found a clue inside the Luka Ruins. The party settles on accompanying the Queen to the ruins before summoning a larger search party. Madeline gives them the Undine Flask as a keepsake.

Turns out Master Passar was behind the water stagnation stemming inside the Luka Ruins. The party finds the conniving chancelor inside the cavern. The cornered magistrate reveals he framed Niccolo for the misdeed in order to get free reign to his ambitions while the Queen is sacrificed as an alm. Passar escapes with his private guard after summoning a giant crab to dispose of them, but the party manages to defeat the creature before he can avoid his fate. He argues about the alms throwing their lives away for such a futile world before leaving the ruins. The water elemental Undine comes toward the adventurers, thanking them for dealing with the Fullmetal Hugger who drained her powers along with the water supply. They head back to Illystana where Niccolo and Iain welcomes them. The leporine merchant informs them of him being freed of all charges once the water began flowing as usual inside the capital, and also of Master Passard being on the run. Faerie joins the reunion, telling of Queen Palamena wanting her appointment as the Alm of Water to be kept secret. But now that the news are spreading, the Queen is offically named as an alm in front of the central fountain. Palamena leaves with the convoy of alms to fulfill her new duty and lets her younger brother Iain to take the responsibilities as Illystana's new monarch with Niccolo as his trusty adviser.

Hinna being turned into a corestone

The night before leaving, Val sneaks out of his room at the inn to see what the alms are doing at the palace. He spots Hinna at a balcony and the two chat about her being terrified of giving her life for the world even though she never considered it before. The two of them are interrupted by Eoren. He claims he can make a future free of sacrifice for them should they come to the pier by the market before sunrise. Despite being apprehensive about his plan, Hinna still wants to know what Eoren has to say about him. There, Eoren reveals he personally knew Lyza after she settled down in his village after completing her pilgrimage as a soul guard. He was romantically involved with her and sees a lot of them in Val and Hinna. The couple accepts his offer and sails to the nearby island of Reignus Shrine to perform a secret ritual to borrow the life energy of an alm. The two stand in the middle of a circle while Eoren chants a mysterious spell, leaving the couple drained of their energy. Eoren reveals the real intention of the ritual being one of drawing out the abilities of people with particular powers. He hopes of stealing Val's abiltiy to turn enemies into stones to turn Hinna into one. He snatches Hinna's corestone before leaving, leaving the Alm of Fire listless. Back at Illystana, a guilt-ridden Val shares the tragedy with the other alms in Niccolo's Emporium. Because of Hinna's death, Tianeea's livinghood is at stake as Dorpher has threaten to erupt at any moment. Meanwhile, Niccolo tries to convince Val of continuing his journey as a soul guard despite of all just happened. Val recalls of Eoren mentioning a place called Illusia Isle, which is actually the same location where the Tree of Mana grows according to Niccolo. The savvy merchant gives them the Jacques Seed as it can magically grow into a large vine big enough to climb the Deade Cliffs. The convoy agrees to resume their journey while also be on the lookout for Eoren and retrieving Hinna's corestone.

Molebe & Gloriosa

The convoy finally arrives at the Deade Cliffs after venturing through Ahrvet's Pasture and crossing the Dura Gorge. They seek an audience with the overseer of the Beast Watch Molebe, who learns of the terrible accident that befell the Alm of Fire. Val asks if any Gaian messengers had come by recently but Molebe assures him they've only had contacts with Illystana lately. He then summons Gloriosa to tend for the Jacque Seed and perform the sprouting ritual. However, because of the Alm of Earth not being able to perform their journey to the Mana Tree four years ago, the soil in Deade has been unsuited for crops and only a pitiful stalk sprouts before the convoy. However, the party can ask the help of Gnome the earth elemental to restore Deade's soil. The party must now venture to the Free City of Tsaata to reach Gudju to speak with the Mana spirit.

They reach the city after crossing the Entwine Bridgepass and Khaswia Moors. There they hear from a Dragonfolk named Fu Ji of a troubling fate that befall sailors once they cross the ocean. According to her, a giant wall of waves coalesces in front of the boats, preventing anyone from reaching their destination. Another dweller named Glyff tells the boy and Palamena the alms should abandon their senseless sacrifice if they cannot find a way through this roadblock. This makes Val ponder about the true meaning of this alm tradition humanity has perpetrated for so long. The Queen of Illystana finds herself suddently ill and Val offers to accompany her to the cape away from the town's revelry. As they reach the cliff a mysterious woman's voice is heard, summoning a gigantic wave before them. Palamena is lured by the mysterious voice only for Val to break the spell before she falls from great height. After regaining consciousness, she is revealed to be the only one able to hear the lady's song. The soul guard consults with the rest of the convoy for more answers. After discussion, they resolve on exploring Tatoh Temple nearby for more clues. Glyff warns them of the place overrunning with monsters, but the resolute disposition of the party makes the dweller gives them the Salamando Candle.

The two Vucscavs reunited

Inside the temple, the party discovers a statue of a giant turtle reaching out for one of a princess. Careena tells Palamena to recite the poem of the star-crossed lovers she told them earlier in Tsaata, making the turtle statue cry. The Queen then hears a strange voice again, leading the convoy to small rooms containing stone slates with the rest of the forbidden love story written on it. Back in the central room, the group decides to recite the whole story in front of the turtle status, which reanimates it. The now green creature tries to come closer to its beloved partner, but slips and sends the whole convoy underground. Palamena recognizes the creature as Vuscav but he transforms into an angry version of himself. The party manages to subdue Vuscav and follow him to the nearby coast and agree to hop on his shell. As they cross the sea, a giant wave swells in front of them as Vuscav dashes toward it. A vision of a lady is seen while crossing the wave, transforming into a female Vuscav. The two of them makes the party safely cross the ocean to Jutu'ona the Earthen Continent. There, they give Careena the Ferry Flute to call them whenever they need to.

The convoy makes their way to Gudju on the rundown contient by first crossing the Zawhak Desert. The desolate town ruins greets them as they explore its remains. They find a lone dwarf called Watts scavenging the area. He directs the party to the eastern plateau as they ask for Lyza's whereabouts. They discover in shock the stony remains of the late Alm of Earth. Watts discloses how she tried to run away with Eoren four years ago to avoid her fate as the chosen alm. Despite being a foreigner and initially met coldly by the locals, Lyza pushed herself to study the earth and ore that she became the best in her field on the continent. Her devotion and task-focused manners attracted the Faerie who chose her as the Alm of Earth, which was praised by all the villagers. Watts then adds they might be able to find Gnome should they search in the Gamurda Mines. He lends them the Gnome Shovel before they depart to their next destination.

They enter the mines and use Gnome Shovel to control golem statues to forge a path further into the maze. As they activate the mechanism of the central tower, the nearby spirits converge to the spire. They do the same for the other towers and eventually get access to the bottom of the mines, where they must face the fearsome Jewel Eater. They find the earth elemental after defeating the creature and return to Gudju. Back in the village, Val asks Gnome if he can rejuvenate the earth so that the Jacque Seed can grow and reach Illusia Isle. The earth elemental summons multiples spirits to heal the ground, claiming the party shouldn'yt have any problem growing the seed now. He sadly cannot lift Lyza's curse and suggests focusing on what's currently living instead. However, there still might be some hope for Gudju if Etaern was able to produce an alm this year. The party bids farewell to Watts and Gnome and return to the shore to call Vuscav and cross the ocean en route to Deade Cliffs.

The sprouting Jacque Seed

Glorisosa attempts the sprouting ritual again on the Jacque Seed, thsi time with the help of the earth spirits. A giant beanstalk sprouts forth before the convoy, and so they attempt to climb it after saying goodbye to Molebe. They reach the lush Mylos Woods on top and eventually reach Verdeus Borough where they notice a lone Sproutling named Julei playing his instrument. He has yet to see Faerie appoint an Alm of Wood, and is waiting practicing his music. Upon learning the fate of the Alm of Fire, Julei replies not having seen any suspicious visitors in theses boroughs. He reveals the location of the legendary Mana Sword at the foot of the Mana Tree. The sproutling custodian must attend his watering duties, as to attract Faerie for a suitable candidate, but no other sproutling has flowered this year, foreboding a dire outcome for Verdeus. The party tries to get Julei to ask his patron elemental for help, but the young sproutling adamantly denies any possible outcome out of this and resumes his watering duties. The convoy is then met with the Merchant Sisters, who tell of Eoren's location nearby but are immediately followed by a loud noise coming from the Mylos Woods. Julei is seen standing next to a fearsome monster named Grapplavine and the party takes the lead to vanquish the plant foe. Now with the monster gone, the convoy asks Julei Dryad's whereabouts and the sproutling hollers at her. The wood elemental heeds his call, telling him that Grapplavine was the one behind the growth stunt of his comrades. Back at the village, Dryad casts a blooming spell that makes Julei's hat sprout, attracting Faerie who appoints him a the Alm of Wood. Julei then hears the voices of his siblings claiming Grapplavine has sapped their powers and that will take time for them to bloom this year. They give him the Dryad Sprig before going back to sleep. He joins the convoy while Dryad opens a path to the Sanctuary of Mana.

The convoy finds Eoren before the legendary Mana Sword. He claims being able to perform miracles with the blade, such as saving Lyza from her petrification. He adds he wants to change the world for the better by getting rid of the alm's sacrifice once and for all. Despite Eoren's tempting words, Val rebukes his claims, telling she should have never forfeited Hinna's life in the first place. The soul guard demands Eoren to return the corestone to him, but he refuses, saying he wants to return the world to its past glory when no sacrifice were held. Those were fire different realms comprising Fa'Diel many years ago that merged together to create Qi'Diel. Eoren then infuses the Mana Sword with Hinna's corestone, exploding the rock formation below his feet. A strange burly man emerges from the light and takes the sacred sword for himself, absorbing the rest of the corestone within. Julei recognizes the stranger as Daelophos as he engages the party in a battle. Despite their combined efforts, the convoy is now match for his strength. He dashes toward the party when he is restrained by a branch owned by Trent who claims he won't let Daelophos desacrate the sanctuary without a fight. The alms urge the soul guard to retreat while they can and the convoy runs back to Deade Cliffs.

Eoren using Hinna's corestone to the Mana Sword

Back down the waterfall, Julei explains that Trent is one of the emissaries of the Goddess tasked of guarding the entrance to the Sanctuary. Daelophos tried long ago to overthrow the Mana Goddess and failed, ending up trapped in a rock below the Mana Sword. When he was defeated the first time, his power scattered all over the Mortal Realm. His next move is likely to find his remaining pieces all over Qi'Diel. The locations of Daeolophos's powers are the same as the Benevodons where being kept, reviving the powerful beasts one by one to wreck havoc upon the land. The party decides to head back to Gudju since Daelophos mentioned Earth shall be the first Benevodon he would awaken.

Back in Gudju, Watts tells the convoy he was Daelophos dragging Eoren around. The mythical champion in seen on the eastern plateau near Lyza's statue. An exhausted Eoren tries to defend his beloved, ordering Daelophos to give him the Mana Sword back. Undeterred, the champion slashes his way through the lad and his fiancée, killing him in the process, and summons Garethe, the Benevodon of Earth. The two bodies produce corestones for the party to use. With no sights of Daelophos in range, the party returns to Watts to share the grave news. A tremor is felt and Gnome announces the coming of the Benevodon of Earth. Val and his friends must now defeat this formidable creature and venture to Zawhak Desert following Gnome's directions. They find the legendary beast haunting an abandoned vessel called the Dyluck and are immediately thrown into the ship by a sandstorm. After a long and grueling fight, the convoy get the upper hand and wins the battle. Careena finds the Lumina Lantern lying around and Palamena suggests they visit someone she knows in the Log'Grazzo Dark Archives for more clues on how to find the remaining Benevodons. The convoys now heads to Brazzo Islet on the southern end of the Trynia Continent.

Aesh being appointed as the Alm of Darkness

They meet Master Aesh there and discuss about a way to dwindle Daelophos's power. One way woudl be to use a dangerous technique used by the ancients, but is was banned for its destructive prowess. The convoy learns that Log'Grazzo houses the Benevodon of Darkness Zable Fahr atop the Passagean Tomespire. The forbidden scripture is said to reside there, but the curator first needs to find a structural support replacement for the aging buildings. The party is tasked to find an apprentice scribe to find the appropriate post. They find an odd fellow named Von Boyage who gives them his Oversized Fork and trade it with the Shade Shight previously supporting the balcony. Aesh joins the alms and the soul guard as they venture inside the Passagean Tomespire, a gravity and reality-defying complex only traversable with the help of the Shade Sight. After defeating Zehnoa, Master Aesh discovers the necessary formula to create an elixir that could neutralize Daelophos. However, he needs the party to scout the world for the ingredients: a croak of a frog, a striped egg only laid once every thousand years, and the fur of a chatty cat. They find all the ingredients on the isle and return them to Von Boyage, who creates the Corepedo for them. Now in Master Aesh's hands, the mixture will be used to hinder Daelophos before he can ressurect the Benevodon of Darkness atop the Tomespire. Before they can do anything, however, the champion sneaks up behind the convoy and attempts to slay Val with the legendary weapon. Master Aesh distracts Daelophos by tossing books at him, which gives Val enough time to conceal the Corepedo inside a tome and throw it at the champion. Now greatly weaken by the effects of the elixir, Palamena tries to get an answer for why Daelophos turned his back at the Goddess after being appointed by her and lauded by everyone, but the former champion retreats without saying a word. The Benevodon of Darkness is awoken moments after and the party must team up with Aesh to ascend the Tomespire one more time to defeat it. Aesh is made the Alm of Darkness by Faerie and Shade after the confrontation.

The convoy returns to the Dark Archives with Palamena mentioning Daelophos uttering the name Cerulia during the onslaught, which is a character in a famous play. The heroes now head to the Radiant Playhouse Terratio to investigate. However, they soon learn that the "Daelophos and Cerulia" play has been delayed indefinitely by an announcer. According to her, the actors are not able to perform at the moment. She adds that the play is a crucial part of the Alm of Light appointment, since a spot will rise above the chosen during the play. They learn from the performers that every single one of them is afflicted with amnesia and cannot memorize their lines. Following a suggestion from Careena, they try to shine the light of the Lumina Lantern to each actor, making them remember their part of the play. However, they cannot locate the troupe leader and must go afer her to complete the story. In addition, an ominous light phenomenon has stated brewing around the Temple of Wendel. Master Aesh accompany them as he claims having ended his research, and reveals that the Benevodon of Light has returned to Qi'Diel. The heroes find Cerulia performer eerily walking toward the Temple of Wendel. She snaps out of her trance in front of the temple thanks to her partner performer, however she is unable to remember her lines despite being exposed to the Lumina Lantern. The only way to do so may be to destroy the Benevodon of Light.

Daelophos's transformation in the Temple of Wendel

They find Daelophos freeing the Benevodon atop the temple and transforms into a demonic version of himself. The former champion claims he is overflowing with power and he will get his revenge on the Goddess before vanishing. The party has no other choice but to defeat Selaphia before it is too late. After sustaining enough damage, the Benevodon asks the convoy's purpose for figthing they way through this conflict. Val answers they are trying to do the right thing, then asks in return why did Daelophos turned his back against the Goddess and the people who considered him her champion. She replies she doesn't bestow truth to mere mortals, but Daelophos endured the same pain as Val did with Hinna. She disappears with Lumina taking her place. To everyone's surprise, Faerie comes in and appoints Val as the Alm of Light. The alms report back to the Playhouse and discover the lead actors have recovered their memories. As the Alm of Light is already appointed, the troupe leaders decide to act a final act to "Daelophos and Cerulia" so they can showcase Val, which it met with a standing ovation.

Still hazy about a way to neutralize Daelophos, the convoy journeys back to the Sanctuary of Mana to seek an audience with the Goddess. They ask Trent for permission and he grants them access after hearing their concerns with Daelophos's motives. They enter the hallowed abode feeling a strange impression of déjà vu. The Faeries confirms their sentiment, telling that souls are born from the Mana Tree and return to it to continue the cycle of rebirth. She entrusts the party to follow the path should they wish to see her. They agree not to stray too far and follow the path. They stumble on what seems to be a dead-end, but the White Dragon Princess Vadise appears before them, claiming they are one the right track. She explains their path depends on their own decision. She decides to test the alms with a test of strength. The convoy wins the challenge, proving to the dragon they are worthy of knowing the truth. The Dragon Princess creates a path of light to the Mana Tree and urges the heroes to create their own future before vanishing.

Benevodons attacking the Sanctuary of Mana

Now standing in front of the Tree of Mana, Faerie summons Khoda before them. He introduces himself as the first of a long legacy of soul guards and reveals that Val is part of his own bloodline. The guardian agrees to escort the convoy to the Goddess. There, Val asks Her about Daelophos's actions, his corestone ability, but the Goddess remains slient. Khoda reappears, claiming She cannot hear them in Her slumber. He then reveals that the ancient world of Fa'Diel was once made of five realms: the Spirit Realm, the Mortal Realm, the Mystic Realm, the Ethereal Realm, and the Arboreal Realm. Mana power flew freely through these realms until the mortals sought to harness Mana power for warfare. The Mortal Realm consumed an inordinate amount of Mana, sending the Mystic Realm, the Realm of the Benevodons, into disarray. Eventually, Mana dried up and all worlds merged into one, unleashing the Benevodons' power to the mortals. The Mana Goddess asked Faerie to find Daelophos and appoint him as her champion and bequeath unto him the Mana Sword. He succesfully defeated the eight Benevodons, but refused to surrender the sword, swearing revenge against Her after the death of Cerulia. With the Goddess's power depleted, She went into a deep sleep. Khoda was tasked to defend the Sanctuary along with the elementals. He failed to defeat him and encased him into a boulder, while he became a wandering soul. While Khoda suscessfully dismantled Daelophos's power to all corners of this land, the former champion's hatred caused unparalleled disasters into the surrounding lands. Tortured with the impeding disasters brought up by Daelophos's curse, people used appointed alms as sacrifice to temporarily rejuvenate the sleeping Mana Goddess. Khoda was tasked to turn sacrificed alms into corestones to power up the Goddess, just like Val can.

The guardian's story is interrupted by a violent storm hovering in the Mana Tree's vicinity. The Benevodons of Wood, Wind, Water, Fire, and Moon are seen attacking the barrier protecting the Sanctuary but are seen retreating after being unable to pierce through. The party agrees to slay each Benevodon while Khoda transforms Ramcoh into the fully grown sacred beast Flammie as his parting gift. The covoy is now able to fly across the land to slay the monstrous beasts plaguing each lands. Master Aeshe is left at the Log'grazzo Dark Archives to analyze the data shared by Khoda.

In Verdeus Borough, Julei is horrified to see that Floaret the Benevodon of Wood has eaten every single of his slumbering comrades. They learn from Dryad that the foul bird escaped after gobbling up each Sproutling, but she has no idea where it might be. Trent, in the meantime, has gotten ill thanks to the curse of Daelophos. The party inquires Aesh back at the Archives to retrieve the Log'grazzo Flower to cure the ailing guardian. Despite being healed, Trent have not seen any trace of a Benevodon after the attack on the Sanctuary. However, he hypothesizes that Floaret might need a place to germinate the Sproutlings it has eaten and it may have roosted in the Floating Isle of Ulul. They effectively find the Wood Benevodon on the Isle and defeat it.

Ill Prince Iain

While nothing seems out of the ordinary in Illystana at first, things quickly take a turn for the worst after visiting Palamena's younger brother Iain. He is suddently aching with a strong fever that renders him bedridden. Gandoom, the Benevodon of Water has absorbed all the water from the kingdom, making the aqua orb disappear. According to Niccolo, the vicious beast must have taken refuge in the Undertemple near the Luka Ruins. The convoy defeats the Benevodon and restore the aqua orb to the kingdom, easing Iain's fever. Palamena promises to return to his side once she settles her duties as an alm.

Returning to Longren, the alms find he whole vale distraught by a strong gale. Chief Koche berates Careena for returning to her hometown instead of fulfilling her alm duties, but changes his mind when he learns of Besseroth, the Wind Benevodon's doing. Furthermore, Shiriu went to the Sanctum and hasn't returned for a while. He directs the party to the Wind Sanctum, but Ramcoh doesn't want to return there, as it is here that Careena lost one of its wings. With the help of the villagers, they remove the boulder blocking the path to the Sanctum and defeat the Benevodon of Wind. Shiriu is rescued by the heroes and is escorted back to the village. He wanted to prove to the rest of the Dragonfolk that Careena wasn't reponsible for the strong winds.

The convoy finds Etaern sprawling with newcomers, a far cry from what has been during their first visit. They ask Meelpa if anything unusal has been happening around, but find the old man snickering at the situation. According to his rambling, people have been losing their sanity and start developing sudden mood swings. Careena is the first of the convoy to become affected by the Moon Benevodon's lunacy, as she began sobbing uncontrollably, then Palamena joins her by getting unabashedly vindictive. Finally, Julei starts frantically serenading by plaing his instrument. Luna appears before Val and Morley and directs them to Castle Cresceno where Tor Marne is said to roam. The alms brave the illusion inside and slay the evil creature, freeing the spirit of the King Gahul. Morley profusely apologizes for breaking his invention, the Lunar Sandglass when he was little, but the King reassures him that his machine is powered by the Thaumatorb and thus the Alm of the Moon is not responsible for Etaern's misfortunes. Morley sees his departed mother one last time before she vanishes along with the other former inhabitants of the parish.

Hinna's parents consoling Val

The small village of Tianeena seems unscathered when the convoy arrives, as they meet with Ex-Soul Guard Fiugo. He links the activity of Dorpher to the disappearance of Hinna. He presses Val to report the Benevodon sighting to Mayor Cuesta. She reveals of Salamando already briefing them about the legendary creature. Val and his friends must now venture inside the active volcano to react Vaulchibel. They convoy makes a quick trip to Val's parents to share the emotional news about Hinna, then confront the Fire Benevodon to finally slay the last of them. Back at Tianeea, Val confesses to Hinna's parents and finally finds closure in her death.

The party now heads back to Log'grazzo to meet with Master Aeshe, who's located the fluctuations of Mana power to Entwine Bridgepass. This happens to be the very place where Daelophos swore its everlasting loyalty to Cerulia. Aeshe wants to document the events live in spite of being exhausted with his research. The party thus departs to the Bridgepass with the scholar. There, they find the former champion sulking. They ask why once again why he turned his back on the very people who praised him as a hero, but he replies he cannot forbid any single soul in this world for stealing his dream of returning to Cerulia and live a normal life after defeating the Benevodons. The party tries to subue him, but Daelophos lives nonetheless to tirade about the world feeding off of innocent souls year after year. Val argues the alms happily give their souls to the Mana Goddess on their own volition. He then reaches out to the former champion and asks him to give him the Mana Sword back, but Daelophos shatters its blade on the ground instead. He then calls forth a surge of power from within, then resumes the battle. He is ultimately bested by the heroes, but unleashes a terrifying energy field in retaliation. The elementals rush to help the alms and manage to break the barrier. However, they bring dire news of Daelophos going to the Sanctuary to kill the Mana Goddess. Even though the Sacrd Sword is broken, Val resolutely takes it and tells his comrades to prepare for the final affront.

Val ending Daelophos

The Sanctuary of Mana is filled with Daelophos's blight. Khoda learns the Mana Sword had been shattered, and there is little in his mind that mere mortals can do to revert the damage. In addition to Khoda's dwindling strength and the former champion's craze being so far gone, the guardian has no other choice but to call for the alms to protect the Goddess of Mana. The party enters the Distorted Sanctuary where they witness reenactments of the previous convoy led by Lyza and various visions of past Daelophos in his journey to defeat the Benevodons. Another vision calls for Khoda's reporting to Trent of Daelophos's defeat and him longing to be with the Mana Goddess he knew once as his love. As they approach the Mana Tree, Daelophos mistakes Val for Khoda and starts attacking the party after transforming into a humongous devilish form. Despite all odds, the alms manage to deplete his health enough for him to unleash a giant energy ball toward them in desperation. The convoy is nonetheless rejuvenated by the prayers and wishes sent by people they've met in their journey. An apparition of Eoren and Lyza appears before Val, tell him not to give up. The Alm of Light raises the broken Mana Sword in the air, reforging it to its original glory. Hinna is seen be Val's side while he delivers the final blow to Daelophos. The latter reverts back to his original self, the Mana Goddess appearing before him as well as the spirit of Cerulia. Daelophos's love claims she doesn't want anyone to feel the same pain that they have suffered and is awaiting her time with him in another lifetime. The Mana Goddess adds that two souls such as theirs will unmistakenly meet each other in the future. She then thanks the alms for protecting the Mana Tree and tells that Val has now the power to create a new future now that the sword and the hero are bound together once again. Knowing all too well that altering the world's future might cause irredeemable actions, Val still chooses to take Khora's stead as the Sanctuary Guardian as Hinna is lastly seen taking the place of the Mana Goddess.

Spoiler ends here.


Elemental Vessels and classes[edit]

Elemental Vessel Val Careena Morley Palamena Julei
Weapon Type: Small Sword
Class Strike: Phoenix Fervor

Weapon Type: Spear
Class Strike: Whirlwind Spear

Weapon Type: Katana
Class Strike: Rending Brand

Weapon Type: Flail
Class Strike: Icy Impact

Weapon Type: Wand
Class Strike: Blossom Blast

Sylphid Boomerang

Rune Knight
Weapon Type: Great Sword
Class Strike: Garuda Tempest

Weapon Type: Fan
Class Strike: Zephyr Spin

Weapon Type: Knife
Class Strike: Gale Slice

Rune Seer
Weapon Type: Boots
Class Strike: Papillon Pirouette

Weapon Type: Umbrella
Class Strike: Scatter Cyclone

Luna Globe
Weapon Type: Lance
Class Strike: Garmr Ray

Moon Charterer
Weapon Type: Fan
Class Strike: Moonlit Frolic

Weapon Type: Knife
Class Strike: Sunset Gleam

Weapon Type: Boots
Class Strike: Moon March

Weapon Type: Wand
Class Strike: Florid Moonlight

Undine Flask

Weapon Type: Great Sword
Class Strike: Serpent Surge

Dragon Master
Weapon Type: Spear
Class Strike: Ophidian Geyser

Weapon Type: Cane
Class Strike: Ocean Breaker

Grand Diviner
Weapon Type: Sickle
Class Strike: Water Waltz

Weapon Type: Wand
Class Strike: Lotus Scourge

Salamando Candle

Weapon Type: Lance
Class Strike: Horus Inferno

Divine Fist
Weapon Type: Glove
Class Strike: Crimson Crash

Weapon Type: Katana
Class Strike: Piercing Passion

Weapon Type: Boots
Class Strike: Fiery Firmament

Weapon Type: Hammer
Class Strike: Crimson Impact

Gnome Shovel
Weapon Master (Visions of Mana)
Weapon Master
Weapon Type: Small Sword
Class Strike: Cerberus Strike

Warrior Monk
Weapon Type: Glove
Class Strike: Crushing Quake

Ninja Master
Weapon Type: Knife
Class Strike: Extermination

Weapon Type: Flail
Class Strike: Terra Firma

Weapon Type: Hammer
Class Strike: Crushing Meteor

Dryad Sprig

Weapon Type: Small Sword
Class Strike: Quetzalcoatl Reave

Weapon Type: Fan
Class Strike: Dappled Dance

Weapon Type: Katana
Class Strike: Formless Slash

Weapon Type: Flail
Class Strike: Thistle Thrash

Weapon Type: Umbrella
Class Strike: Rain Carnation

Lumina Lantern

Weapon Type: Lance
Class Strike: Unicorn Charge

Weapon Type: Spear
Class Strike: Luminous Thrust

Weapon Type: Cane
Class Strike: Solar Shuffle

Weapon Type: Sickle
Class Strike: Dawn's Divide

High Cleric
Weapon Type: Hammer
Class Strike: Seeded Flash

Shade Sight

Weapon Type: Great Sword
Class Strike: Raven Shriek

Weapon Type: Glove
Class Strike: Fatal Struggle

Weapon Type: Cane
Class Strike: Ambitious Gambit

Weapon Type: Sickle
Class Strike: Mass Mortality

Weapon Type: Umbrella
Class Strike: Wilting Gloom


Returning from Trials of Mana HD[edit]

User Interface (UI)[edit]

  • Circular mini-map
  • Objectives with star marks
  • Hot keys
  • Enemies display their name, level, health bar on screen at all times
  • Battle results displayed at the end of a fight, including Lucre, experience, bonuses (if applicable), and character experience gauges.
  • Ring Menu
  • Area of effect (AoE) attack marks on the ground.


Playable characters[edit]

Supporting characters[edit]

Other characters[edit]






Main article: Side Quest (Visions of Mana)

Players can engage in numerous side quests for additional rewards, including items and lucre, by speaking with various NPCs scattered throughout the world. Some of these quests become available as the player progresses through the story; others might require completion of a previous side quest.



For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Visions of Mana.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese 聖剣伝説せいけんでんせつ Visions of Mana
Seiken Densetsu Visions of Mana
The Legend of the Sacred Sword: Visions of Mana

External links[edit]


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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