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Pages in category "Stubs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,148 total.
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- A Bell is Tolling
- A Curious Happening
- A Curious Tale
- A Wish
- Abdul
- Ability Seed
- Abyssal Hood
- Abyssal Slice
- Acala
- Accelerate
- Accumulate
- Ache Cone
- Acid (material)
- Acid Claw
- Acid Lily
- Acid Storm
- Acumen
- Adamantite
- Adamantite Sword
- Adventures of Mana
- Adventures of Mana level up progression
- Adventures of Mana quotes
- Adventures of Mana release history
- Adventurous Friend Toto
- Adversity
- Aegagropilon (Secret of Mana)
- Aegis (Visions of Mana)
- Aegis Shield
- Aello
- Aemo
- Aeolian Armlet
- Aerial Lance
- Aery Passage
- Aeve Zalaha
- Agni
- Agnès
- Ahmed
- Ahrvet's Pasture
- Air Element
- Airship (Adventures of Mana)
- Airy Fantasia
- Akravator
- Alchemic Acumen
- Alghul
- Alleviate
- Alma
- Alrant
- Altena
- Altena Alloy
- Altena Axe
- Altena Bow
- Altena Felt
- Altena Flail
- Altena Hammer
- Altena Knife
- Altena Knuckles
- Altena Morning Star
- Altena Sickle
- Altena Spear
- Altena Sword
- Amazon (Trials of Mana)
- Amber Attire
- Ambush
- Ample Incense
- Amulet Helm
- Amulet Ring
- Analyzer
- Ancient Curse
- Ancient Robe
- Ancient Tiara
- Dino Andrade
- Angel Feather
- Angry Eye
- Animal Bone
- Animal Hide
- Animal Hide Knife
- Animal Hide Sword
- Animal Meat
- Anise
- Anise's Children
- Anise's Mirror
- Anise's Stockade
- Ankh Aerolite
- Ankh Bow
- Ankh Staff
- Ankh Sword
- Annihilate
- Annihilator
- Anthrosect
- Antique Rod
- Antversary
- Antversary (Visions of Mana)
- Ape
- Ape Mummy
- Apprentice Doctor Phelia
- Apprentice Siet
- Aqua Crab
- Archdemon
- Archenon
- Archmage (Trials of Mana)
- Archmage (Visions of Mana)
- Ares' Bow
- Arising Aemo
- Arising Agnès
- Arising Belladonna
- Arising Cactuar
- Arising Cecil
- Arising Crimson Wizard
- Arising Daena
- Arising Edea
- Arising Edge
- Arising Elazul
- Arising Goremand
- Arising Guella Ha
- Arising Hawkeye
- Arising Kain
- Arising Kurasame
- Arising Lady Blackpearl
- Arising Larc
- Arising Moogle
- Arising Morrow
- Arising Popoi
- Arising Primm
- Arising Randi
- Arising Riesz
- Arising Ringabel
- Arising Rocbouquet
- Arising Rosa
- Arising Rubicante
- Arising Rydia
- Arising Sierra
- Arising Tatsunoko
- Arising Tiz
- Arising Tonberry
- Arising Wanderer
- Armed Griv
- Armored
- Adrienne Arno
- Arnold
- Aroma Oil
- Arrow Rain
- Artemis' Bow
- Artifacts
- Asaad
- Ascetic
- Ash
- Ash Knife
- Ash Knuckles
- Ash Sword
- Ash Wand
- Ash Wood
- Ashura
- Assassin Bug (Rise of Mana)
- Assassinant
- Assassinant (Visions of Mana)
- Assassineye
- Astral Blade
- Astral Thrace
- ATK Down All
- Attack Boost All
- Attack Help
- Attack Recoil
- Attack Saber
- Attacker
- Aura
- Aura Glove
- Aurora Helm
- Auto-HP Heal
- Auto-HP Heal All
- Avikron
- Axe Beak
- Axe Beak (Secret of Mana)
- Axe Beak (Visions of Mana)
- Axe Bomber