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Darkshine Knight

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Darkshine Knight

Trials of Mana (remake) artwork
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Title(s) Darkshine Knight
Location(s) Valsena, Kingdom of the Plains
Faction Dragon Lord
Gender Male
Relatives Simone (wife)
Duran (son)
Wendy (daughter)
Stella (sister-in-law)
Species Undead(?)
Status Dead
Other form(s) Loki
Voice actor(s) Eng: JW StaffordToM HD
Background music "Fable"
“Impressive, but you may not proceed.”
In-game dialogue
This article is about the boss in Trials of Mana. For the character of the same game, see Loki.

The Darkshine Knight is a secondary antagonist and boss in Trials of Mana.


Trials of Mana[edit]

Enemy intel[edit]

Note: Statistics from Trials of Mana remake are under Normal difficulty.

Enemy Stats
Level HP MP Lucre EXP Weakness Location
44 17,132 352 1,347 8,310 N/A Dragonsmaw
Enemy Stats
Level HP Lucre EXP Weakness Resistance Absorption Immunity Location
60 52,616 6,930 28,000 Sylphid
N/A N/A Gnome


Attacks marked with an asterisk (*) have no official name.

Name Target Attack Pattern Description
Spin Slash All S1 Spins around with its sword sticking out, dealing damage to all party members.
Quakebringer All S1 Charges its sword, then plunges it into the ground, creating an explosion damaging all party members.
Strengthen Self S2 Increases Darkshine Knight's attack power.
Protection Self S2 Increases Darkshine Knight's defense power.

Attacks marked with an asterisk (*) have no official name.

Name Description
Heavy Slash* Swings its sword in a fan-shaped area, dealing damage.
Rapid Sword Thrusts* Hones in on a party member and attacks with a torrent of sword thrusts.
Spin Slash Spins around with its sword sticking out, dealing damage in a wide area.
Quakebringer Charges its sword, then plunges it into the ground, creating an explosion in a wide area.
Counterattack Darkshine Knight's glows red and becomes invulnerate to all attacks.


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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