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Adventures of Mana magic

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A comprehensive list of magic abilities from Final Fantasy Adventure and its direct remake Adventures of Mana. This list does not include dummied-out spells.

Magic spells list[edit]

Name Effect MP cost Character Location
Cure AOM icon.png
Magic item FFA sprite.pngCureFFA
Restores Sumo's HP. 2 Fuji Kett Manor
Homing fire magic damage. 1 Hydra Marsh Cellar
Magic item FFA sprite.pngSlepFFA
Put all enemies to sleep. 1 Vampire Kett Manor
Heal AOM icon.png
Magic item FFA sprite.pngHealFFA
Cure status aliments (PoisFFA/PoisonAoM, StonFFA/PetrifyAoM, and DarkFFA/BlindAoM) 2 Cibba Wendel
Homing ice magic damage. 2 N/A Shifting Sands
Momentarily disables enemies magical attacks. 1 Lester Jadd
Lightning magic damage. 2 Grinder Crooked Boulder
Magic item FFA sprite.pngNukeFFA
Non-elemental magic damage. 3 Lich Sealed Cave