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Gallery:Secret of Mana (magic)
From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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This is a gallery of images pertaining to Secret of Mana depicting magic. To return to the main Secret of Mana gallery, see Gallery:Secret of Mana.
Earth Slide (international release)
Earth Slide (Japanese release)
Freeze (max level)
Acid Storm (max level)
Energy Absorb (max level)
Earth Slide (max level)
Speed Down (max level)
Gem Missile (max level)
Air Blast (max level)
Thunderbolt (max level)
Silence (max level)
Fireball (max level)
Exploder (max level)
Lava Wave (max level)
Evil Gate (max level)
Dark Force (max level)
Dispel Magic (max level)
Change Form (max level)
Magic Absorb (max level)
Lunar Magic (max level)
Burst (max level)
Sleep Flower (max level)
Hidden Shadow Zero magic spell
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