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Materials (Legend of Mana)

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See also: Blacksmithing (Legend of Mana) and Mystic Card
Selecting a primary material during forging

Materials are essential gameplay elements in Legend of Mana. They are used in Blacksmithing to forge & temper equipment. Materials can be divided into two main categories:

Primary materials are used as a base to forge new weapons & armor named after them. For example, forging a one-handed sword with the Menos Bronze metal will yield a Menos Bronze Sword. Each equipment stat made by forging a primary material alone will only have their base stats allocated.

Secondary materials are tempered onto an exisiting equipment to alter its stats. Most of them summon a Mystic Card into the tempered weapon or armor upon being added to them, adding to the stat variations. An unlimited amount of secondary materials can be tempered onto any weapon or armor, but not all will have cumulative or desirable effects.

Below is a comprehensive list of primary & secondary materials available in Legend of Mana with their effects.

  • (*) indicates that the material is only available from Ring Ring Land.
  • (**) indicates that the material is only available in weapons or armors you find.

List of Primary Materials[edit]

Primary materials are the initial materials used to forge weapons and armor, and create instruments. They include metal, wood, scales, stone, and the like.

The stats of most primary materials changed after the 1999 Japanese release. The 2000 North American release, and all remastered versions, have overall decreased stats on stronger materials. Most values also shifted one column to the right, with counterintuitive results, e.g. hide and fabric changing from poor materials for axes to poor materials for gloves.

Primary materials in the 2000 North American version and remasters
Material Weapon Power per
Strike Defense Slash Defense Thrust/Pierce Defense Magic Defense
Menos Bronze 5.6% 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Valsena Iron 5.0% 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Granz Steel 4.2% 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Laurent Silver 8.3% 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Wendel Silver 6.3% 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Beiser Gold 6.3% 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Ishe Platinum 6.3% 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Lorimar Iron 6.3% 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Altena Alloy 5.6% 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Maia Lead* 2.1% 36 3 68 18 3 18 36 36
Orichalcum 8.3% 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Oak Wood 6.3% 10 6 14 4 16 5 7 9
Holly Wood 7.1% 15 9 21 6 24 7 10 13
Baobab Wood 4.2% 20 12 28 8 32 10 14 18
Ebony Wood 4.2% 25 15 35 10 40 12 17 22
Maple Wood 8.3% 35 21 49 14 56 17 24 31
Dior Wood 10.0% 50 30 70 20 80 25 35 45
Ash Wood 9.1% 30 18 42 12 48 15 21 27
Fossil Wood* 4.5% 40 24 56 16 64 20 28 36
Marble 3.6% 12 2 21 16 7 9 12 15
Obsidian 3.1% 24 4 43 33 14 18 24 30
Pedan Stone 4.2% 36 7 64 50 21 27 36 45
Gaia's Tears 5.0% 48 9 86 67 28 36 48 60
Animal Hide 12.5% 10 1 1 1 20 8 12 10
Gator Skin 8.3% 18 1 1 1 36 14 21 18
Centaur Hide** 5.0% 26 1 1 1 52 20 31 26
Dragon Skin 5.0% 35 1 1 1 70 28 42 35
Fish Scales 5.0% 8 8 7 7 9 9 8 4
Lizard Scales 5.0% 16 17 14 14 19 19 16 8
Snake Scales 5.0% 24 26 21 21 28 28 24 12
Dragon Scales 7.1% 60 66 54 54 72 72 60 30
Animal Bone 5.0% 14 10 12 12 9 15 6 9
Ivory 5.0% 28 21 24 24 18 30 12 18
Cursed Bone** 5.0% 43 32 36 36 27 45 18 27
Fossil 5.0% 57 43 48 48 36 60 24 36
Topple Cotton 10.0% 18 1 1 1 9 9 9 9
Sultan's Silk 10.0% 28 1 1 1 14 14 14 14
Judd Hemp 10.0% 38 1 1 1 19 19 19 19
Altena Felt 10.0% 48 1 1 1 24 24 24 24
Jacobini Aerolite 6.3% 15 11 22 24 15 13 18 24
Halley Aerolite 6.3% 20 15 30 32 20 18 24 32
Ankh Aerolite 6.3% 25 18 37 40 25 22 30 40
Vinek Aerolite 6.3% 30 22 45 48 30 27 36 48
Tuttle Aerolite 6.3% 35 26 52 56 35 31 42 56
Nemesis Aerolite* 6.3% 40 30 60 64 40 36 48 64
Biella Aerolite* 6.3% 45 33 67 72 45 40 54 72
Swifte Aerolite* 6.3% 50 37 75 80 50 45 60 80
Adamantite 5.0% 62 46 93 99 62 31 93 62
Fullmetal 5.0% 55 41 68 66 44 27 99 27
Coral 8.3% 18 21 14 12 23 9 32 9
TortoiseShell 5.0% 26 31 20 18 33 13 46 13
Seashell 7.1% 20 24 16 14 26 10 36 10
Emerald 12.5% 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
Pearl 12.5% 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
Lapis Lazuli 12.5% 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
Primary materials in the 1999 Japanese version
Name Type Weapons Armor
Sharp Heavy Force Tech Strike Slash Pierce Magic Def
Menos Bronze Metal 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Valsena Iron Metal 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Granz Steel Metal 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Laurent Silver Metal 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Wendel Silver Metal 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Beiser Gold Metal 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Ishe Platinum Metal 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Lorimar Iron Metal 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Altena Alloy Metal 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
Maia Lead* Metal 4 85 22 4 22 45 45 90
Orichalcum Metal 38 32 33 37 30 30 30 40
Oak Wood Wood 6 14 6 16 5 7 9 12
Holly Wood Wood 12 28 8 32 10 14 18 24
Baobab Wood Wood 18 42 12 48 15 21 27 36
Ebony Wood Wood 24 56 16 64 20 28 36 48
Maple Wood Wood 30 70 20 80 25 35 45 60
Dior Wood Wood 45 105 30 120 37 52 67 90
Ash Wood Wood 27 63 18 72 22 31 40 54
Fossil Wood* Wood 42 98 28 112 35 49 63 84
Marble Stones 2 21 16 7 9 12 15 6
Obsidian Stones 4 43 33 14 18 24 30 12
Pedan Stone Stones 9 86 67 28 36 48 60 24
Gaia's Tears Stones 14 129 100 43 54 72 90 36
Animal Hide Hides 1 1 1 20 8 12 10 15
Gator Skin Hides 1 1 1 40 16 24 20 30
Centaur Hide** Hides 1 1 1 80 32 48 40 60
Dragon Skin Hides 1 1 1 120 48 72 60 90
Fish Scales Scales 8 7 7 9 9 8 4 16
Lizard Scales Scales 17 14 14 19 19 16 8 32
Snake Scales Scales 26 21 21 28 28 24 12 48
Dragon Scales Scales 88 72 72 96 96 80 40 160
Animal Bone Bones 18 12 15 15 11 18 7 11
Ivory Bones 36 24 30 30 22 37 15 22
Cursed Bone** Bones 54 36 45 45 33 56 22 33
Fossil Bones 78 52 65 65 48 81 32 48
Topple Cotton Fabrics 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 18
Sultan's Silk Fabrics 1 1 1 19 19 19 19 38
Judd Hemp Fabrics 1 1 1 29 29 29 29 58
Altena Felt Fabrics 1 1 1 39 39 39 39 78
Jacobini Aerolite Aerolites 15 30 32 20 18 24 32 12
Halley Aerolite Aerolites 18 37 40 25 22 30 40 15
Ankh Aerolite Aerolites 22 45 48 30 27 36 48 18
Vinek Aerolite Aerolites 26 52 56 35 31 42 56 21
Tuttle Aerolite Aerolites 30 60 64 40 36 48 64 24
Nemesis Aerolite* Aerolites 37 75 80 50 45 60 80 30
Biella Aerolite* Aerolites 45 90 96 60 54 72 96 36
Swifte Aerolite* Aerolites 52 105 112 70 63 84 112 42
Adamantite Others 67 135 144 90 45 135 90 67
Fullmetal Others 63 106 102 68 42 153 42 42
Coral Others 39 26 23 42 16 59 16 16
TortoiseShell Others 31 20 18 33 13 46 13 13
Seashell Others 21 14 12 23 9 32 9 9
Emerald Others 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
Pearl Others 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
Lapis Lazuli Others 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50

List of Secondary Materials[edit]

Name Type Energy Element Stat Bonus Weapon/Armor Effect Mystic Card
Wisp Gold Coin 64 Light N/A N/A Wisp
Shade Gold Coin 64 Dark N/A N/A Shade
Dryad Gold Coin 64 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Aura Gold Coin 64 Gold N/A N/A Aura
Salamander Gold Coin 64 Fire N/A N/A Salamander
Gnome Gold Coin 64 Earth N/A N/A Gnome
Jinn Gold Coin 64 Wind N/A N/A Jinn
Undine Gold Coin 64 Water N/A N/A Undine
Wisp Silver Coin 48 Light N/A N/A Wisp
Shade Silver Coin 48 Dark N/A N/A Shade
Dryad Silver Coin 48 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Aura Silver Coin 48 Gold N/A N/A Aura
Salamander Silver Coin 48 Fire N/A N/A Salamander
Gnome Silver Coin 48 Earth N/A N/A Gnome
Jinn Silver Coin 48 Wind N/A N/A Jinn
Undine Silver Coin 48 Water N/A N/A Undine
Fire Stone Mana Stone 24 Fire N/A N/A Salamander
Earth Stone Mana Stone 24 Earth N/A N/A Gnome
Wind Stone Mana Stone 24 Wind N/A N/A Jinn
Water Stone Mana Stone 24 Water N/A N/A Undine
Sun Crystal Mana Crystal 48 Light N/A N/A Sun God (Wisp > 2, total > 4)
Moon Crystal Mana Crystal 48 Dark N/A N/A Moon Goddess (Shade > 2, total > 4)
Glow Crystal Mana Crystal 96 N/A N/A N/A Dawn Nymph
Chaos Crystal Mana Crystal 24 N/A N/A N/A Ancient Moon
Round Seed Seed 16 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Oblong Seed Seed 16 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Crooked Seed Seed 16 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Big Seed Seed 24 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Small Seed Seed 24 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Long Seed Seed 24 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Flat Seed Seed 48 Tree N/A N/A Dryad
Spiny Seed Seed 48 Tree N/A N/A Yggdrasil (Dryad > 4)
Bellgrapes Produce 64 N/A Magic -5~+10 N/A N/A
Diceberry Produce 16 N/A Luck up N/A Wind God (Jinn > 2, total > 4)
Mangolephant Produce 64 N/A HP -5~+10 N/A N/A
Loquat-Shoe Produce 16 N/A N/A Sandal: (Strike/Slash/Pierce +25%) Faerie/Spirit (Shoes)
Pear o'Heels Produce 32 N/A N/A Sandal: (Strike/Slash/Pierce +25%) Faerie/Spirit (Shoes)
Squalphin Produce 16 Water N/A N/A Ocean God (Undine > 2, total > 4)
Citrisquid Produce 8 Water N/A Weapon: Sharp -25%, Heavy +25%
Armor: Strike +25%, Slash -25%
Springanana Produce 16 N/A N/A N/A Heaven's Scales
Peach Puppy Produce 24 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp +25%, Heavy -25% Wolf
Apricat Produce 8 N/A N/A Weapon: Force -25%, Tech +25% N/A
Applesock Produce 64 N/A Skill: -5~+10 N/A Orchard Nymph (total > 4)
Whalamato Produce 32 N/A HP: +10?
HP: -5~+10?
N/A Narwhal/Unicorn (Gnome, Undine > 2)
Pine o'Clock Produce 24 N/A N/A Armor: Sleep immunity Ragnarok (Salamander, Gnome, Jinn, Undine > 0)
Fishy Fruit Produce 32 Water Magic: -1~+3 N/A Spring
Boarmelon Produce 32 N/A Power: -1~+3 N/A N/A
Rhinoloupe Produce 32 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp +25%
Armor: Poison immunity
Orcaplant Produce 24 N/A N/A N/A Ocean God (Undine > 2, total > 4)
Garlicrown Produce 8 Gold N/A May remove a Pixie card King
Honey Onion Produce 32 Tree N/A N/A Princess
Sweet Moai Produce 32 N/A N/A Helm: (Strike/Slash/Pierce +25%)
Hat: (Strike/Slash/Pierce +50%)
Spiny Carrot Produce 8 Water N/A Weapon: Sharp +25%, Heavy -25% N/A
Conchurnip Produce 16 N/A Def: -1~+3 N/A Faerie/Spirit (Ocean)
Cornflower Produce 24 Light N/A N/A N/A
Cabbadillo Produce 8 N/A N/A Hauberk: (Strike/Slash/Pierce +25%, Mgc -50%) N/A
Needlettuce Produce 24 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp +25%, Heavy -25% Bed of Thorns (Dryad > 0, Salamander = 0)
Cherry Bombs Produce 16 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Masked Potato Produce 24 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp -25%, Heavy +25% N/A
Lilipods Produce 8 N/A Spirit: -1~+3 N/A Enticed Nymph
Rocket Papaya Produce 64 N/A Charm': -5~+10 N/A Tower (Wisp > 0, Jinn = 0)
Orange'opus Produce 64 N/A Def: -5~+10 N/A Leviathan (Gnome > 4, Salamander = 0)
Bumpkin Produce 24 N/A Luck: +3?
Luck: -1~+3?
N/A Clown
Heart Mint Produce 8 N/A Charm: -1~+3 N/A Mother of Gods (Shade, Gnome, Undine > 1)
Spade Basil Produce 16 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp +25% Ruler of the Sky (Wisp > 0, total > 5)
Dialaurel Produce 64 N/A N/A N/A Metropolis (Shade > 0, Salamander = 0)
Gold Clover Produce 64 N/A N/A Weapon: Heavy +25% N/A
Mush-In-A-Box Produce 32 Dark N/A N/A N/A
Toadstoolshed Produce 64 Dark All up N/A N/A
All Meats Meat 16 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sharp Claw Fangs & Claws 24 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp +50%, Heavy -50% God of Destruction (Salamnder > 4, Undine = 0)
Poison Fang Fangs & Claws 8 N/A N/A Weapon: Force -50%, Tech +50% Beast-Headed God (Dryad > 4, Aura = 0)
Giant's Horn Fangs & Claws 32 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp -50%, Heavy +50% Leviathan (Gnome > 4, Salamandr = 0)
ScissorsLoM original
Fangs & Claws 16 N/A N/A Weapon: Force +50%, Tech -50% N/A
Healing Claw Fangs & Claws 24 N/A N/A Shield: Poison immunity Tower (Wisp > 0, Salamnder=0)
Zombie Claw Fangs & Claws 32 N/A N/A Pendant: Paralyze immunity N/A
Vampire Fang Fangs & Claws 24 N/A Charm/Spirit: -3~+5 N/A Lunar Witch/Witch of Moon (Undine > 4, Jinn = 0)
Little Eye Eyes 32 N/A N/A Armor: Slash +25% Pixie (red hat)
Sleepy Eye Eyes 32 N/A N/A Armor: Pierce +25% Pixie (blue hat)
Silly Eye Eyes 32 N/A N/A Weapon: Heavy +25% Pixie (purple hat)
Dangerous Eye Eyes 32 N/A N/A Armor: Strike +25% Pixie (no hat)
Angry Eye Eyes 32 N/A N/A Weapon: Force +25% Pixie (light blue hat)
Blank Eye Eyes 32 N/A N/A Weapon: Tech +25% Pixie (yellow hat)
Creepy Eye Eyes 32 N/A N/A Armor: Magic +25% Pixie (black hat)
Wicked Eye Eyes 48 N/A N/A Weapon: Sharp +25% N/A
Angel Feather Feathers 32 Light Charm: -3~+5 N/A Fallen Angel (Wisp > 4, Shade = 0)
Raven Feather Feathers 24 Dark Spirit -3~+5 N/A Raven
Clear Feather Feathers 24 N/A N/A Weapon: Heavy -50%, Tech +50% Lord of Flies (Jinn > 4, Gnome = 0)
Moth Wing Feathers 32 N/A N/A Armor: Strike/Slash/Pierce -25%, Mgc +25% Faerie/Spirit (Forest)
Flaming Quill Feathers 64 N/A Power: + 5?
Power: -3~+5?
N/A Phoenix (Salamander, Jinn > 2)
White Feather Feathers 32 N/A Skill: + 5?
Skill: -3~+5?
N/A Valkyrie/Nymph of the Sky (Wisp > 0, total > 2)
Aroma Oil Bottles 24 N/A N/A Any Hide: Strike/Slash/Pierce +50% Wisdom Goddess (total > 5)
Dragon Blood Bottles 64 N/A All up N/A God of War (Salamander > 2, total > 4)
Acid Bottles 48 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Holy Water Bottles 16 N/A N/A May remove a Pixie card Cleric
Ether Bottles 8 N/A N/A N/A Blacksmith God (Aura, Gnome > 2) otherwise, Faerie/Spirit (Mountain)
Mercury Vials 24 N/A N/A N/A Witch
Stinky Breath Vials 16 N/A N/A Armor: Poison, Confusion immunity Pixie (black hat)
Ghost's Howl Vials 32 N/A N/A N/A Sacrificed Nymph
Dragon Breath Vials 24 N/A N/A Weapon: Force +25%, Tech +25% Man of Valor (Wisp, Salamander > 0, total > 2 )
Damsel's Sigh Vials 16 N/A N/A N/A Love Goddess (Shade, Dryad > 2)
Electricity Urns 32 N/A N/A N/A Thunder God (Wisp, Salamander, Jinn > 2)
Moss Urns 32 N/A N/A Helm: Darkness immunity N/A
Ear of Wheat Urns 24 N/A N/A N/A Harvest/Fertility Goddess (Dryad > 2, total > 4)
Baked Roach Pellets 24 N/A N/A Robe: Poison immunity N/A
Blackened Bat Pellets 48 N/A N/A Pendant: Darkness immunity Wings of Darkness (Shade > 4, Wisp = 0)
Sulfur Powders 24 N/A N/A N/A Sorcerer
Poison Powder Powders 8 N/A N/A N/A Pixie (light blue hat)
Sleepy Powder Powders 8 N/A N/A N/A Pixie (yellow hat)
Knockout Dust Powders 8 N/A N/A N/A Pixie (purple hat)
Rust Powders 8 N/A N/A N/A Pixie (blue hat)
Grave Dirt Powders 32 N/A N/A N/A Dying Earth
Ash Powders 16 N/A N/A N/A Volcano
Hairball Pouches 8 N/A N/A N/A Faerie/Spirit (Housework)
Needle Pouches 8 N/A N/A N/A Bed of Thorns (Dryad > 0, Salamander = 0)
Mirror Piece Pouches 24 N/A N/A N/A Mirrored World (total > 2)
Wad of Wool Pouches 16 N/A N/A N/A Wanderer (Shade, Dryad > 0, total > 2)
Messy Scroll Pouches 16 N/A N/A N/A Sage (Jinn, Undine > 0, total > 2)
Greenball Bun Pouches 8 N/A HP up N/A N/A
Tako Bug Pouches 8 N/A Charm up N/A N/A
