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Legend of Mana

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Legend of Mana

Game logo
Developer Square
Publisher JP: Square (PS1)
NA: Square EA (PS1)
WW: Square Enix
Platforms PlayStation, iOS, Android, Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series
Release date PlayStation:
Japan July 15, 1999
USA June 6, 2000
Windows, Switch, PS4:
Worldwide: June 24, 2021
iOS, Android:
Worldwide: December 7, 2021
Xbox Series
Worldwide: September 26, 2024
Genre Action role-playing
ESRB: - Teen
Mode(s) Single player, multiplayer
Media CD-ROM, Digital download
Input Controller

Legend of Mana is a 1999 action role-playing game developed and published by Square for the Sony PlayStation. It is the first spinoff game in the Mana series, and the fourth game overall following 1995's Trials of Mana.

Legend of Mana is notable as the first game in the series to adopt a "choose your own adventure" model, combining numerous elements of strategy-simulation titles with the series' time-honored action RPG mechanics, placing the player in control of a hero who builds their own world while resolving the various issues that they and the other citizens of this world encounter. The very composition of the world determines the balance of mana as well as the events of the story, since the player can also choose which quests to undertake in any order they wish. However, the player's choices may also have rewards and consequences that extend far beyond the current quest in play. The quests themselves are presented as chapters in the stories of individuals or entire communities of people that the Hero will meet in their overall quest to revive the Tree of Mana that was lost in ages past.


Opening cutscene

Nine centuries ago, the Mana Tree burned to ashes. The power of Mana lived on inside Mana stones, enchanted instruments, and artifacts. Sages fought with each other for control of these last remnants of Mana. Then, after hundreds of years of war, as the power of Mana began to wane, those who sought it grew scarce, and the world returned to peace. After that, mankind grew afraid to desire. Their hearts filled with empty emotions, and grew estranged from my hands. They turned their eyes away from my infinite power, and were troubled by their petty disputes. Remember me! Need me! I can provide you with everything! I am love. Find me, and walk beside me.

Legend of Mana is set in the fictional world of Fa'Diel. The Mana Tree, the giver of mana and life for the world, burned down nine centuries prior to the events of the game. A war erupted between faeries, human, and others seeking the scarce power of mana that was left. When the war concluded, the drained Mana Tree slept and the many lands of the world were stored in ancient artifacts. A hero, controlled by the player, is self-charged with restoring the world, and its mana, to its former self. The Lands of Fa'Diel are populated with a large number of different creatures, including humans, faeries, demons, the jewel-hearted Jumi race, plant-like Sproutlings and Flowerlings, miner bears called Dudbears, and shadowy beings of the Underworld known as Shadoles. Fa'Diel is also the home of a host of anthropomorphic animals and objects, as well as monsters from other Mana titles such as Rabites, Chobin Hoods, and Goblins.

The player can choose to be either a male or female silent protagonist. The gender has no actual bearing on gameplay, other than humorous comments made by NPCs regarding the fashion sense of the character. It is not really explained who either protagonist actually is or what their past was like before their Home became an Artifact, as their history and personality is meant to be determined by the player. A myriad of characters meet the hero or heroine during the course of the game's numerous quests; these characters join the player on more than one occasion and drive the game's split storyline, which is divided into three main plot branches. Each branch holds a series of related side-quests, which compose a part of Legend of Mana's story. Upon completion of any of these branches, the player is given the choice of finishing the game, even if quests from other branches have not yet been started or completed. There are 67 quests in total (excluding the final quest).

Main Story[edit]

Jumi Arc[edit]

The Jumi Arc centers on the eponymous race of bejeweled people being increasingly under the threat of extinction after escaping their home town. The famed jewel hunter roams Fa’Diel stealing their core for undisclosed reasons, adding further aggravation to their existence. Meaniwhile, the Lapis Knight Elazul tries his best to fulfill his duty to protect his absent-minded guardian Pearl who has a propensity to get lost. As the story unfolds, Pearl is revealed to play a much larger role in this than previously believed as the jewel hunter’s motives are unveiled. Florina, the lost Clarius of the Jumi, is the key to unravel the mystery surrounding the fate of the jewel people.

Faerie Arc[edit]

This arc tells the story of three childhood friends whose bonds began to break after the demon Irwin caused Matilda to fall in love with him after she resented her role as the future helm of Gato Grottoes. This forbidden passion led her to age rapidly after Irwin absorbed her elemental powers several years ago. Escad, one of Matilda’s close friends, seeks to enact vengeance on the demon’s curse and prevent her beloved from being taken into the land of Faeries where Irwin claims she could live for eternity. At the same time, Daena tries a more diplomatic approach to find a cure for the friend she considers like a sister. The fate of friends and foes alike lies in the hands of the protagonist.

Dragoon Arc[edit]

The hero has been summoned to the Underworld by Larc, beast-warrior and dragoon of Drakonis who wishes to usurp the power of the Mana Stones from his mortal enemies and restore himself to his former glory. Teaming with Larc, the hero ventures into each of the three lairs of the dragon guardians to defeat them and harness their power. Larc’s little sister Sierra tries to reason with her brother by warning him of the consequences of resurrecting the Archdemon of hell, but his older brethren doesn’t seem to care of her concerns. The two of then constantly gets in each other’s way putting the morality of Larc’s actions at stake.

Tree of Mana Arc[edit]

Sproutlings are small humanoid leaf people who are said to hold the key to resurrecting the fabled Tree of Mana. Aided by Pokiehl the Poet of Truth, the hero might be able to harness the power of the Mana Sword and gain access to the Sanctuary of Mana.

Side Stories[edit]

Bud & Lisa’s Arc[edit]

The twin budding mages are causing a raucous in the western side of Domina by raising a magical pumpkin army to do their bidding. They are initially apprehensive when the protagonist shows up to confront them, but are quickly eager to find shelter at the hero’s home. Their curious and carefree disposition leads them to various and wacky adventures.

Niccolo’s Arc[edit]

This savvy cat merchant has a knack for swindling people and getting into seedy situations. His arrogant and excessive quirks can easily put him into hot water, but he usually manages to get the upper hand with one or two tricks. He loves to ask the protagonist to help him out whenever he feels the need.

Capella & Diddle’s Arc[edit]

This performing duo hangs out in Domina as their main base. While Capella displays a playful, optimistic attitude, Diddle harbors a much more somber outlook on life. He ends up wandering away from his partner whenever he feels moody, to the point of putting himself in danger.

Sirens & Gilbert’s Arc[edit]

Gilbert is a love-struck centaur always on the lookout for potential love interests. Despite easily falling for the first attractive female in sight, he quickly changes his mind once the relationship sours. One particular suitor he encounters will catch his attention so much so he will risk his life for her attention.

Pirate Penguins’ Arc[edit]

This story follows the miscellaneous adventures of Cap’n Tusk and his penguin crew to find hidden treasures buried in land and on sea. His squadron’s helplessness often leads them in perilous situations that the hero must solve in order to save them.

Home Expansion Arc[edit]

There a plenty of toolsheds, barns, and other various amenities scattered around the hero’s estate. Short quests are necessary to unlock them, but they can truly help the protagonist in their quest in rebuilding the world.



Field Screen/Town Map Screen[edit]

Character control and information gathering in fields and towns.

Action Function PlayStation controller
Move Direct character movement.
Directional pad
Move Direct character movement.
Left stick
Menu Screen Display Menu screen.
Start button
Actions Talk, inspect.
Start button
Dash Enable character to run when pressed at the same time as the directional button or left stick.
Circle button
Menu Screen Display Menu screen.
Square button

Ring Command Screen[edit]

Ring commands are displayed when using the den at home, at the Corral, or at the Workshops.

Action Function PlayStation controller
Move Switch ring commands.
Directional pad
Move Switch ring commands.
Left stick
Confirm Execute command.
Cross button
Cancel Cancel command.
Circle button
Move Switch ring commands.
R1 button
Move Switch ring commands.
L1 button

Menu Screen[edit]

Action Function PlayStation controller
Move Cursor movement.
Directional pad
Move Cursor movement.
Left stick
Close Menu Return to Field Screen.
Start button
Confirm Execute command.
Cross button
Cancel Cancel command.
Circle button
Toggle Forward Skip to the next screen.
R1 button
Toggle Backward Skip to the previous screen.
L1 button

World Map Screen[edit]

On the World Map, land creation and movement between lands is possible.

Action Function PlayStation controller
Move Cursor movement.
Directional pad
Move Cursor movement.
Left stick
Open Menu Display Help Screen.
Start button
Confirm Execute command.
Cross button
Cancel Cancel command.
Circle button
Open Menu Artifact selection.
Square button
Open Menu Display Mana Level.
Triangle button

Battle Screen[edit]

Movement buttons during battle can be edited in the Menu Screen.

Action Function PlayStation controller
Move Character movement.
Directional pad
Move Character movement.
Left stick
Pause Pause battle.
Start button
Quick Attack Perform a quick attack.
Cross button
Ability Perform an assigned ability.
Circle button
Power Attack Perform a power attack.
Square button
Ability Perform an assigned ability.
Triangle button
Special Technique or Magic Perform an assigned special technique or magic.
R1 button
Special Technique or Magic Perform an assigned special technique or magic.
R2 button
Special Technique or Magic Perform an assigned special technique or magic.
L1 button
Special Technique or Magic Perform an assigned special technique or magic.
L2 button

Land Creation System[edit]

Players can select and place mystical objects known as Artifacts on the World Map to create new Lands to explore. Artifacts can be obtained by interacting with non-player characters or by completing quests.

Artifacts can be placed on the World Map by pressing the button to move the cursor to the artifact selection wheel. If more than one artifact is in possession, players can use the directional pad and confirm the selection by pressing the button. The button can be used to cancel the selection. One last press of the button is needed to make the artifact transform into the corresponding Land.

Once the placement has been decided, it cannot be changed and therefore players should make sure to consider the Mana levels of lands nearby before confirming their choice.

Menu Screen[edit]

Battle System[edit]

Unlike previous entries used real-time combat with combats taking place directly on the overworld, Legend of Mana adopts a beat'em up system similarly implemented in Chrono Trigger. Enemies are visible on the overworld and battle are triggered upon contact, locking the camera movement to a predetermined perimeter.

Normal Attacks[edit]

The hero can perform normal or quick attacks by pressing the button for a quick strike or inflict a power attack by pressing the button. The number and speed of continuous strikes a quick attack can do varies between weapon type. Power attacks deal more damage but strike only once and have a longer recovery time compared to quick attacks.


In addition to normal attacks, players can perform one of the many abilities during battle, such as jumping, running, dodging incoming enemy blows, etc. Using abilities in addition to heavy attacks can grant powerful combos, making defeating enemies easier. Two of the abilities can be assigned to command buttons ( and/or ) at a time. In the inital setting, there are eight available abilities. New ones can be learned by using preexisiting abilities or by through the combined use of abilities assigned to the command buttons.

Special Techniques[edit]

Finally, the protagonist can execute special techniques or ST to deal massive damage to foes. There are a slew of special techniques to choose from and most of them are acquired by equipping a specific weapon. Players can use said techniques once their blue Special Technique Meter are filled up. Up to four STs can be assigned on a command button at a time (, , and/or ). Action abilities and Special Techniques can be assigned to button via the Menu Screen outside battle or by pressing the button during combat. As abilities are used more frequently, it is possible to learn more Special Techniques.


Players can also summon Mana Spirits to deal elemental magic damage to enemies. To do so, instruments must be purchased in town or created via the Instrument Workshop, and assigned to a command button in the Menu Screen. During battle, the assigned button is held, releasing a target area from which the spirt will appear and triggers a magic attack. Magic can be used an infinite amount of time during battle, and its potency is affected by the character level, type of magical instrument, and power. Magic can also randomly inflict and additional Status conditions or decrease a target's stat.

Here are some of the possible status conditions magic can inflict onto enemies:

Mana spirit Effect
Wisp Confusion / Charm down
Shade Darkness / Spirit down
Dryad Sleep / HP down
Aura Poison / Luck down
Salamander Burning / Power down
Gnome Petrification / Defense down
Jinn Paralysis / Skill down
Undine Freeze / Magic down

Character Synchronization[edit]

During battle, a lighting bolt can be seen coursing between each character's Special Technique Meter. This indicate they are undergoing synchronization, also known as Synchro Effect, temporarily granting beneficial effects during combat. Each ally the protagonist can recruit grant different types of synchronization and can be viewed on the Menu Screen outside battles.

Here a some examples of synchronization effects:

Name Effect
HP Recovery Speeds up Hit Point recovery. Given by the Hero/Heroine.
Bonus Lucre Increases obtainable money after defeating enemies. Given by Niccolo.
Attack Gauge PLS Fills the Special Techniques Meter faster. Given by Elazul.
Spirit Plus Increase spiritual ability. Given by Bud.

Status Abormalities[edit]

Status conditions appear when enemies successfully use their special attacks on allies of by using Magic against enemies. Depending on the monster's attacks, there will be instances when status abnormalities occur during battle. Most of them will fade after a while or after battle.

Status Effect Description Healing Method

Prevents gradual HP recovery. Purple bubbles appear above the target's head. Aura magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.

Character's defense drops to 0. A black mist clouds the target's vision. Shade magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.

Character cannot move nor act. A green ring appears above the target's head. Jinn magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.

Up and down commands & right and left commands will be reversed. Wisp magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.

Character will suffer slip damage. Target's body is on fire. Salamander magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.

Characters cannot be controlled while asleep, though receiving damage will wake them up. Dryad magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.

Character's body will turn to stone, and cannot be controlled for some time. However, they become invulnerable to all attacks during that state. Vulnerable to slip damage. Gnome magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.

Character's body will become a snowman, and cannot be controlled for some time. Vulnerable to slip damage. Undine magic can inflict this status to enemies. Various tempered equipment.
Stun Character become unable to act. Stars appears above the target's head. Various tempered equipment.
Gauge Reset Character's attack gauge resets to 0. Various tempered equipment.
KO When a character's Hit Points are depleted, he or she will be rendered unconscious. Various tempered equipment.

Monster Corral[edit]


Equipment Smithy[edit]

Instrument Workshop[edit]

Golem Laboratory[edit]


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Legend of Mana.
Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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