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Keldric: What do you want!?
Keldric: What do you want!?
~Gnome (voice): When Ritzia touched the root of the Great Tree, it enveloped them in light. All of the Tree Folk trembled in fear at the awesome sight, but Stroud merely snickered. After commanding his soldiers to take Ritzia away, Stroud ordered the group back to the base of the tree. AMong them, was the Village Elder, Keldric, and Lekius, the village guard and long time friend of Keldric.~
(A group of Tree Folk are detained by Stroud and his followers at the Door to Mavolia, where Keldric previously got hold of his tendril sword.)
Gaulem soldier: Sire, I've brought the village elder and the head guard. And anothers miscreant of sorts.
Masked Guru: Capital.
(Stroud turns around to see the Village Elder accompanied by Keldric and Lekius.)
Stroud: Elder, if I may ask you... How does one open the sealed door to Mavolia?
Lekius: A door to Mavolia?
Stroud: Where have you been? This very island is the door to Mavolia. A thousand years ago this place was sealed cursed and sealed away.
Lekius: Who could it ever be cursed? Illusia is a holy place, a sanctuary!
Village elder: What exactly is it that you want?
Stroud: Power. to make the power of Mavolia my own.
Village elder: Nonsense! I you were to do that, the world would be consumed by Thanatos, plunging it into everlasting darkness.
Stroud: What of it? Do you think I really care what becomes of the world? I you plan to remain silent on the matter, perharps Ritzia will prove helpful. But how much torment can she endure before she finally talks?
(Keldric summons his tendril sword and tries to hit Stroud but misses. The two of them cross blades for a moment, but Stroud overpowers Keldric who is then back into a pillar.)
Lekius: Keldy!
Stroud: That's some trick up your sleeve.
(Stroud points his blade at Keldric who is still on the ground from his injuries.)
Stroud: So you'd prefer that I execute all of you. Let's begin with the Tree maiden!
Village elder: It's in Wonderwood! The key to that unholy realm lies deep within the forest.
Stroud: (Humph) You're easily swayed. Take them away!
Gaulem soldiers: Yes, Sire.
(The Gaulem soliders carry Keldric, Lekius and the village elder back to the village.)
Stroud: That brat with the weed on his arm isn't one of the Tree Folk.
Masked Guru: Correct. And he has that sword. The Great Tree must've splintered off and planted itself in his arm.
Stroud: Well, this is the entrance to Mavolia, after all. But there's something odd about him.
Masked Guru: How so, Your Majesty?
Stroud: Never mind. Opening the door is my first order of business.
(The Gaulem army are standing before the village's gate, preparing its entrance into Wonderwood. Ritzia is held captive in their midst.)
Gaulem Captain: Listen up, troops! We're here to search Wonderwood! There's something deep inside the forest that'll help revive the Great Tree. It is essential that we achieve this critical objective! And to help us with our task today... We have this Tree maiden. She'll be serving as our guide! As proud golems, me must strive for the sake of King Stroud and the entire kingdom of Lorimar. Failure is not an option. Make this mission a success, or ELSE! Now, the world is brimming with the power of the spirits... (Gaulem Captain continues his speech)
(While the Gaulem company listen to their captain's speech, Keldric and Lekius observe quietly behind a boulder.)
Lekius: So the army's got Ritzia. It's a good thing we got out of the village.
Keldric: I'll get her back!
(Lekius grabs Keldric's arm before he leaves.)
Lekius: Hold on! There are too many to take on at once! We'll wait for them to split up...once they're in the forest. And then we'll get our chance.
Keldric: Lek, I can take care of Ritzia. You go back to the village.
Lekius: (Noticing Faye) Huh?
Kedlric: They need all the help they can get now. I'll bring Ritzia back safe.
Lekius: You're right. We're counting on you.
(Meanwhile, the Gaulem company is ready to take off.)
Gaulem Captain: Company! Forward march!
Keldric: Right...then we're off!
(Keldric sprints toward Wonderwood with Faye trailing behind him. Lekius is bewildered at her sight.)
Lekius: Huh? What was THAT!?

===Chapter 2: Lord of the Forest===

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Revision as of 01:39, October 13, 2023


Opening Scene


(The eight Mana Spirits are gathered around a campfire in a clearing at night)

Salamander: Aw, whaddaya mean, "When the world was still flat?" You can't make up stuff like that just to spice up a story! What if all the little kids out there take it as a fact!?

Gnome: Watch that mouth! You're hardly a scholar yourself, hot pants, you know! Half-grown spirits like you should listen more and talk less!

Salamander: Not all of us are as old as dirt, you know! ...and I'm not the one telling fairy tales, acting like I was there the whole time!

Shade: You two fools are at it again? Let save your little grudge match for later.

Dryad: Yes, the eight of us are here for a reason, and it isn't fisticuffs... We need to go over certain events, and make sure we got them right.

Jinn: Correct you are! Tonight is a super-exclusive spirit conference! We must discuss the link between us spirit and humanity––

Wisp: And the origin of the Mana Tree.

Luna: Fighting won't solve anything, Gnome.

Gnome: Ahh, you're right. Sorry. I ought to stay grounded and not lose my head.

Shade: The night is brief... And I've got more sinister things to do.

Undine: Listen up, my fiery friend... You can extinguish that temper, because you know we have a lot to do!

Salamander: Okay, okay. Go ahead. Go on with your story.

Gnome: Ahem. On the sacred island of Illusia stood a small and solitary village. There dwelt what were known as the Tree Folk. They lived in peace, blessed by the beauty and bounty of nature. Little did they know their peaceful days would soon come to an abrupt end...

(View switches to an open field with a village at the base of an enormous tree. A single Rabite hopping in the grass.)

Ritzia: Buju!

(Buju the Rabite continues to hop around the field.)

Ritzia: Buju! Wait up! Ohh! Keldy? Can you bring him back?

Keldric: Oookay!

(Keldric sprints toward him.)

Ritzia: Don"t be too rough with him, tough!

Keldric: You got it!


Prologue: More Than Friends

(Screen pans over Sunbeam Forest, while Keldric grabs a stick upon entering the woods.)

~Ritzia: Buju!~

(Keldric defeat some Mushbooms. Buju keeps hopping down further into the woods.)

Keldric: Hey, wait!

(Keldric defeat some more Mushbooms. Buju is still venturing away from him.)

Keldric: Aw, c'mon! Get back here, will you?

~Ritzia: Buju!~

Ritzia : Keldy! Buju's not over there! (If Keldric goes away from Buju's path.)

(Further down the way, Keldric destroys some more monsters while Buju elopes.)

Keldric: Hey, don't you ignore me!

(Same as above.)

Keldric: Hey, wait!

(Same as above.)

Keldric: Aw, c'mon! Get back here, will you?

(Keldric finally corners Buju.)

Keldric: Okay, that's enough for now. Let's get you back to Ritzia.


(Ritzia runs toward Keldric who is holding Buju in its arms. Buju wriggles in protest.)

Keldric: Woah, there!

(Keldric gives Buju to Ritzia, soothing him down.)

Keldric: That's better.

Ritzia: Thank you, Keldy. Oh, you're going to need a leash, Buju!

(Ritzia looks around the vicinity.)

Ritzia: Are we at...?

(Ritzia ponders while walking toward a tree.)

Ritzia: That's right. Do you remember, Keldy? When we were little, we carved you carved our initials here with your pocket knife.

Keldric: Naw, did I?

Ritzia: But we shouldn't hurt trees like that, you know? Because whenever we hurt any living things, we also end up hurting ourselves.

Keldric: Yeah, I know that.

(A distant marching sound is heard, alerting Keldric and Ritzia. The two of them head out to look for what is causing the raucous. An army of heavily armored men is seen marching on the main road, a giant vehicle in the middle with two imposing figures at its seat. Keldric and Ritzia watch the scene behind a tree.)

Keldric: Where are they going?

Ritzia: ...The village!


~Jinn: When the two of them rushed back to sanctuary, they found the village full of Gaulem soldiers from the Lorimarian army!~

~Gnome: Mhmm! And Stroud, the king of Lorimar himself, came riding in. He captured all of the Tree Folk and then herded them in to a few houses.~

~Undine: Keldric and Ritzia, when to awaken the Sacred Beast that guarded Illusia, and now slumbered beneath the Great Tree. But the Gaulem soldiers were one step ahead of them. They seemed to be looking for something there.~

~Gnome: The pair sneaked pass the soldiers, and entered the depths of the Great Tree, hoping to find the Sacred Beast before the Lormarians did.~


Chapter 1: A Spirit and a Maiden

(Screen pans over various corridors inside the Great Tree, then winds back to the entrance with Keldric and Ritzia.)

Ritzia: The sacred beast should just be past here. Word has it that the feather you wear came from the Guardian Beast itself. Maybe it could give us a clue.

Keldric: (laughs) You ought to know––you're the one who gave it to me when we were kids!

Ritzia: Hmm. Those slabs looks like they could collapse at any minute. (If Keldric approaches said slabs.)

(Keldric destroys the slabs, causing the floor to collapes undergroud with them.)

Ritzia: Hey, Keldy. What do you think they're looking for?

Keldric: Probably the same thing as we are... the beast that protects the island. But to the invaders from the Lorimarian army, it's just another obstacle...

Ritzia: They must be planning to kill it, then...

Ritzia: I think we might be able to startle them if we drop something down on them... (If Keldric approaches the bunch of Mushbooms in the room.)

(Upon entering a new room filled with monsters.)

Keldric: Be careful, Ritzia.

Ritzia: Oh, I know, I know.

(In another room, near the center)

Keldric: It's easy to get lost in here!

Ritzia: Too bad we don't get to choose where the beast lives, huh, Keldy?

(A while later, after opening a path for Ritzia by stepping on a switch.)

Ritzia: Thank you.

Keldric: Lekius won't be happy that I brought a Tree maiden to a place like this...

Ritzia: You really have no idea why he gets angry with you, do you?

Keldric: What do you mean by that?

(The duo follows a path leading to a dead end with a giant stone gate in it.)


(Screen zooms over the ominous doors with a tree engraved on it. The duo slowly makes they way through it.)

Ritzia: Since time immemorial the Great Treehas stood here with the eight spirits, keeping watch over the world. But since then, the Tree has turned to stone. If only it could flourish again... Then, just maybe we cold live together with the elemental spirits once more.

Keldric: Maybe.

(A bright flash of light spurts from the gates, startling the duo. Keldric notices something on the ground.)

Keldric: Hey, look. what's this?

(He grunts as he tries to unwedge the item, sending him back a few feet on his behind after retrieving it.)

Ritzia: Keldy!

(The two of them inspect a mysterious seed Keldric has just unearthed.)

Keldric: What do you thing this––

(The seed shines a bright light in Keldric's palm.)

~Keldric: Woah!~

Ritzia: Oh, no Keldy! Throw it away!

Keldric: Uh? Waaah!

(The seed shines even brighter as it sprouts and as vines grows, latching onto Keldric's arm, who is screaming in pain. After the light recedes, Ritzia uncover her eyes.)

Ritzia: Keldy! (Gasp!)

(A giant sword is now attached to Keldric, immediately retracting into his arm who is ensnared with vines).

Keldric: What happened to me? My arm––

Ritzia: Are you alright, Keldy?

(Keldric stands up.)

Keldric: I... think I'm okay.

Ritzia: I'm not sure about that–– Maybe we should go see the village elder. He might know what all this is about.

Keldric: Good idea. Okay, let's go, Ritzia.


(Keldric and Ritzia continue to progress into the labyrinth.)

Shade (voice): Sanctuary has been defiled...

Ritzia: Keldy? Wait a minute!

Luna (voice): You are the Tree's chosen one...

Wisp (voice): You must determine for yourself...

Jinn (voice): The Great Tree will awaken...

(further down the path, while Keldric is using its newfound powers to shoot a target)

Ritzia: Wow! I didn't know you could do that!

(after opening the door to the next room)

Dryad (voice): The bond you will have with us...

Ritzia: These voices... who are you?

(The duo venture deeper into a narrow corridor, leading to a small room.)


(Eight balls of colored lights surround the duo.)

Keldric: Ritzia!

(Keldric runs toward her while the eight orbs collide into one. Keldric and Ritzia brace themselves, but nothing comes to harm.)

Keldric: What is it, Ritzia?

(A small glowing sprite comes falling down into Keldric's hand, yawning as she wakes up, looking around.)

Keldric: What do you think it is? Hm. say you're pretty up-close and personal.

Ritzia: Keldy. Could it–– Maybe it's a...spirit?

Keldric: Seems sorta––

(The spirit laughs as she spirals upward.)

Ritzia: But, why...? Say, Keldy?

Faye: Huh? ...Keldy?

Ritzia: Yes! Well, it looks like she's a quick learner, anyway... (To Faye) My name is Ritzia. And you are?

Faye: Keldy... Ritzia...

(Faye comes closer to Ritzia.)

Faye: And I am... Faye.

Keldric: Faye?

Ritzia: Are you Faye? That's your name?

Faye: FAYE!

(Faye repeats her name several times while swirling in the air.)

Keldric: Okay, we get the point.

(Faye plucks a flower and gives it to Ritzia.)

Ritzia: Oh, for me? Thanks so much.

(Faye resumes repeating her name while gliding around.)

Keldric: Ritzia, we'd better get going.

Ritzia: Right. Lead the way.


(Faye follows Keldric and Ritzia while they explore the area.)

Ritzia: Let's get moving! Keldy? Wait a minute!


(The next room has some rocks floating around, making a small whirlwind appear. Jinn appears.)

Jinn: Blowing in on the wind!

(Jinn comes near Faye.)

Jinn: How do you do, friend! You're a spirit just like the rest of us, aren't you not? That is why we are going to help you! Give this to that little fellow over there. My mighty breeze creates a whirlwind, which sends all sorts of things flying! That goes for enemies, too!

(Jinn spins around very fast before disappearing, leaving a tornado-shaped stone behind.)


(In the next room.)


(Gnome is seen hiding behind some rubble.)

Gnome: Hohohooo! Hey!

(Gnome, talking to Faye.)

Gnome: In need of my services, are you? The power of earth can bring things together! My magnetic charge will draw enemies and objects around it!

(Gnome jumps around, then surround himself with rocks to finally leave a crystal-shaped stone behind.)


(A while later, in a room with a winding staircase.)

Faye: Ooh, it goes in circles. Be careful, don't fall. There are monsters below us. I wonder what could happen if we dropped something on them from up here...

(While going down the saircase.)

Faye: Keldy, your hair color is different from Ritzia's...

Keldric: I came to this island from far, far away when I was only a baby...

Faye: How far?

(In the next corridor.)

Faye: Ritzia's not here.

Keldric: She might be further in.

(A the bottom of a room with a swiveling platform.)

Keldric: Maybe there's some place to climb up.

(Upon entering a third room with a swiveling platform.)

Faye: Keldy, which faraway place are you from?

Keldric: Oh, I don't know. And I don't care, 'cause I'm one of the Tree Folk now!

(When reuniting with Ritzia.)

Ritzia: Keldy! Good, you made it. And Faye, you did, too.

Keldric: You're not looking any worse for the wear. Okay, let's go!


(After climbing up a winding staircase, the Trio come across a graveyard.)

Keldric: (Sigh) Looks like a dead end. If there's a sacred beast here, he's doing a good job of hiding.

Faye: This place scares me, Keldy.

Ritzia: That's because it's a tomb...a graveyard. It's filled with the sorrows of the dead from long ago.

(Keldric jumps down from a higher platform, Faye following him.)

Keldric: (Yelling) Hey! Sacred beast! Where are you!? Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Ritzia: Keldy!

Grim Mortifer (Voice): Maiden prayers... Captive souls...

Ritzia: Who's that? Is someone there?

Keldric: Is that the guardian?

(Grim Mortifer drops down, nearly crushing Keldric who runs away screaming.)

Keldric: Oh, yow!

Grim Mortifer: Progeny of the black oracle...

(Grim Mortifer dashes toward Keldric, who nearly avoid it by rolling away.)

Keldric: Ritzia!

(Grim Mortifer tries to come closer to Ritzia who is still standing on the cliff.)

Grim Mortifer: You must not seek the Echoes' release.

Keldric: Oh, no! Get back, Ritzia! Now! Get your claws off her!

(Keldric's tendril sword grows back while Grim Mortifer turns on him.)


Keldric: It doesn't have any feathers! It can't be the Guardian Beast, can it!?

Ritzia: Keldy! Watch out behind you!

Grim Mortifer: A forbidden prayer... A locked paradise... Bound for a thousand years...

(After defeating Grim Mortifer)


Grim Mortifer: (In agony) You must not disturb... ...the Great Tree's slumber.

(Grim Mortifer summons a pile of rubble by jumping for the last time.)


Grim Mortifer: You must not heed the Echoes of the everlasting Tree.

(Grim Mortifer dies while Keldric's tendril sword disappears, making him collapse.)

Ritzia: Are you all right, Keldy?

Keldric: Yeah. How about you? Are you okay?

Ritzia: Yes, all thanks to you.

Keldric: But, why did he attack you like that? First my arm, and now that thing... And we still can't find the sacred beast. What are we doing wrong?

Ritzia: Forbidden prayers? A sealed paradise? What's it all about? Illusia is supposed to be a holy place guarded by a sacred beast.

(Ritzia gasps)

Keldric: Huh? Ritzia. Hey––

Faye: (to Ritzia) No, don't! Oh, don't... Please, don't...

(Unfazed by Faye's warning, Ritzia walks toward the petrified tree.)

Keldric: What's wrong?

Anise (Voice): I've been waiting... waiting for you, maiden.

(Ritzia touches the Great Tree's roots, making her hand glow of a purple aura.)

Anise (Voice): Finally the day has come when promises of old shall be fulfilled.

Keldric: Ritzia!

(A powerful magic field coming from the roots prevents Keldric and Faye to come close to Ritzia. An ominous black & purple gate is forming in from of Ritzia. Keldric is violently thrown back by the magic field.)

Keldric: RITZIA!

(Screen fades to black, then shows Ritzia on the ground. Keldric comes at her side.)

Keldric: Ritzia... Oh, no! Ritzia! Hey, can you move, Ritzia!? C'mon, wake up! Wake up, will you!?

Faye: (Gasps) Keldy!

(A blade is seen on Keldric's left shoulder, revealed to belong to one of several Gaulem soldiers surrounding the party.)

Keldric: What do you want!?


~Gnome (voice): When Ritzia touched the root of the Great Tree, it enveloped them in light. All of the Tree Folk trembled in fear at the awesome sight, but Stroud merely snickered. After commanding his soldiers to take Ritzia away, Stroud ordered the group back to the base of the tree. AMong them, was the Village Elder, Keldric, and Lekius, the village guard and long time friend of Keldric.~


(A group of Tree Folk are detained by Stroud and his followers at the Door to Mavolia, where Keldric previously got hold of his tendril sword.)

Gaulem soldier: Sire, I've brought the village elder and the head guard. And anothers miscreant of sorts.

Masked Guru: Capital.

(Stroud turns around to see the Village Elder accompanied by Keldric and Lekius.)

Stroud: Elder, if I may ask you... How does one open the sealed door to Mavolia?

Lekius: A door to Mavolia?

Stroud: Where have you been? This very island is the door to Mavolia. A thousand years ago this place was sealed cursed and sealed away.

Lekius: Who could it ever be cursed? Illusia is a holy place, a sanctuary!

Village elder: What exactly is it that you want?

Stroud: Power. to make the power of Mavolia my own.

Village elder: Nonsense! I you were to do that, the world would be consumed by Thanatos, plunging it into everlasting darkness.

Stroud: What of it? Do you think I really care what becomes of the world? I you plan to remain silent on the matter, perharps Ritzia will prove helpful. But how much torment can she endure before she finally talks?

(Keldric summons his tendril sword and tries to hit Stroud but misses. The two of them cross blades for a moment, but Stroud overpowers Keldric who is then back into a pillar.)

Lekius: Keldy!

Stroud: That's some trick up your sleeve.

(Stroud points his blade at Keldric who is still on the ground from his injuries.)

Stroud: So you'd prefer that I execute all of you. Let's begin with the Tree maiden!

Village elder: It's in Wonderwood! The key to that unholy realm lies deep within the forest.

Stroud: (Humph) You're easily swayed. Take them away!

Gaulem soldiers: Yes, Sire.

(The Gaulem soliders carry Keldric, Lekius and the village elder back to the village.)

Stroud: That brat with the weed on his arm isn't one of the Tree Folk.

Masked Guru: Correct. And he has that sword. The Great Tree must've splintered off and planted itself in his arm.

Stroud: Well, this is the entrance to Mavolia, after all. But there's something odd about him.

Masked Guru: How so, Your Majesty?

Stroud: Never mind. Opening the door is my first order of business.


(The Gaulem army are standing before the village's gate, preparing its entrance into Wonderwood. Ritzia is held captive in their midst.)

Gaulem Captain: Listen up, troops! We're here to search Wonderwood! There's something deep inside the forest that'll help revive the Great Tree. It is essential that we achieve this critical objective! And to help us with our task today... We have this Tree maiden. She'll be serving as our guide! As proud golems, me must strive for the sake of King Stroud and the entire kingdom of Lorimar. Failure is not an option. Make this mission a success, or ELSE! Now, the world is brimming with the power of the spirits... (Gaulem Captain continues his speech)

(While the Gaulem company listen to their captain's speech, Keldric and Lekius observe quietly behind a boulder.)

Lekius: So the army's got Ritzia. It's a good thing we got out of the village.

Keldric: I'll get her back!

(Lekius grabs Keldric's arm before he leaves.)

Lekius: Hold on! There are too many to take on at once! We'll wait for them to split up...once they're in the forest. And then we'll get our chance.

Keldric: Lek, I can take care of Ritzia. You go back to the village.

Lekius: (Noticing Faye) Huh?

Kedlric: They need all the help they can get now. I'll bring Ritzia back safe.

Lekius: You're right. We're counting on you.

(Meanwhile, the Gaulem company is ready to take off.)

Gaulem Captain: Company! Forward march!

Keldric: Right...then we're off!

(Keldric sprints toward Wonderwood with Faye trailing behind him. Lekius is bewildered at her sight.)

Lekius: Huh? What was THAT!?


Chapter 2: Lord of the Forest