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Amanda (For Affection's Sake)

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Amanda (For Affection's Sake)

Echoes of Mana artwork
Base rarity 3⭐️
Element Wind
Weapon Knife
Attribute Attacker
Damage type Physical
Japanese name アマンダ(愛深きゆえに)EoM
Amanda (Ai fukaki yue ni)EoM
Amanda (because of her love)EoM
Special Technique Splitting Dagger
1st Skill Twin Edge
2nd Skill Concentrate
Where to obtain Gacha Permanent
This article is about Echoes of Mana unit Amanda (For Affection's Sake). For the Trials of Mana character, see Amanda.
See also: Amanda (Venturing the Endless Ocean)
See also: Amanda (2★ unit)

Amanda (For Affection's Sake) is a character unit in Echoes of Mana. It is one of the original units available since the game launch. It was first officially revealed Novermber 23, 2021 (UTC) on Echoes of Mana's official Twitter account.


Status Attributes
Base HP Base MP Base STR Base CON Base INT Base SPR Base LCK Combat Power
154 150 85 79 68 77 32 None
Max HP Max MP Max STR Max CON Max INT Max SPR Max LCK Combat Power
1,308 242 643 608 570 598 83 4,453
Special Technique
Splitting Dagger

Deals knife P.DMG (DMG boosts by STLv.)

ST Potency (lv 1 ¦ Max Lv) ST Hits
2500% ¦ 3125% 2
1st Skill (Lv 1 ¦ Max Lv)
Twin Edge (MP Cost 25 ¦ 20)

Deals knife P.DMG (DMG boosts by SLv.)

ST Potency (lv 1 ¦ Max Lv) ST Hits S1 ST Gain
720% ¦ 900% 6 26
2nd Skill (Lv 1 ¦ Max Lv)
Concentrate (MP Cost 30 ¦ 25)

[SELF] SPR: +25% +35% (60s) (Effect boosts by SLv.)

ST Potency (lv 1 ¦ Max Lv) ST Hits S1 ST Gain
Passive 1
STR Boost (3★)

[SELF/PAIRED ALLY] STR: +6% (Continuous)

Passive 2 (Lv 1 ¦ Max Lv)
STR Boost (3★)

[SELF/PAIRED ALLY] STR: +1% ¦ +2% (Continuous)

Recommended Allies[edit]

Niccolo (Smile for Mew!)

Primm (Strong and Sweet)

Recommended Memory Gems[edit]

Aim for Wind Acorns

I won't hear it!

Recommended Gear Set[edit]

Gear Set Main Stats
Valsena [STR +18%] + Bone [STR +100] LCK / STR% / STR
Valsena [STR +18%] + Fossil [LCK +30] LCK / STR% / STR
Silk [Wind +21%] + Bone [STR +100] LCK / STR% / STR
Silk [Wind +21%] + Fossil [LCK +30] LCK / STR% / STR



The unit's name references Amanda's determination and desperation to find some Medusa's Tear to release her brother Lester from Davias's curse.
