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Legend of Mana bosses

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Mana bosses
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Secret of Mana Dawn of Mana
Trials of Mana Heroes of Mana
Legend of Mana Rise of Mana
Sword of Mana Echoes of Mana
Children of Mana Visions of Mana

This is an exhaustive list of all the bosses in Legend of Mana.

Boss list[edit]

No. Name Location Description
066 Duma Desert "A monster bird with a tremendous beak. Since the Axebeaks always appear in pars, they can be tough if you're caught in a pincer attack from the sides. Defeat one with a series of attacks, then force a one-to-one battle. After you've reduced the pair down to one bird, you should be okay so long as you watch out for its Boomerang flying-weapon attack."
067 The White Forest "A ferocious demon unearthed by excavators in the White Forest. It uses the same attacks as the Chimera Beast, but this demon's max HP level is exceptionally high. It uses magic (frequently becoming invulnerable), so time your use of deathblow attacks carefully."
Chimera Lord
068 Jungle "A small demon coming forth from the Fairy World as the point soldier to destroy humans. It mainly uses Ultrasound, which causes Confusion, and Spin Attack, which causes Stun. If you want to defeat it safely, you should attack from a distance with long-range weapons, such as bows."
069 Junkyard "A small demon that lives in the Junkyard. It has a high max HP level, but it doesn't use magic or deathblow attacks, so it's easy to defeat Mini-Bubbles will cause famage to all targets in the attack trajectory, but only the first target hit will get shrunk."
070 Junkyard "A physical embodiment of the main character's ill will. Aside from its high max HP and being resistant to all status changes, its stats aren't all that different from Shadow Zero's. It does differ from Shadow Zero in that it won't dive underground when in a tight spot."
Shadow Zero-One
071 The Bone Fortress "A spirit that has sworn loyalty to Jajara and dwells in a suit of armor. Among the attacks it uses. Sliding and Mow Down, which knock you down if they hit you, are powerful. If you don't feel confident holding it down with volleys of attacks from a short distance, you can also attack it with things like bows or magic from a longer distance."
Skeletal Soldier
072 Norn Peaks "Dragoons who serve Akravator. They cast volleys of magic, constantly movei during the intervals in which your attacks connect, and if you see them make wind-up movements for magic, stop them immediately. If you stand right in frond of them, there's a chance you'll be hit by the highly powerful Needle attacks, so watch out."
Wind Callers
073 Mindas Ruins "Leader of the Succubi. Now and then she will cast magic while frequently using her highly powerful Thrust attack. All her deathblow attacks cover a wide area of effect, so when you see her wind-up montions (when she goes invulnerable), get some distance from her right away or you'll be in trouble."
Wind Callers
074 Luon Highway "A giant insect having characteristics of both praying mantis and ant. The wind-up moves for its Shockwave and Aerial Shockwave deathblows are big, so you can dodge them easily. If nothing else, be careful of its Strong Acid attack, which causes a Poison status change. Fight it from as far away as possible."
Mantis Ant
075 The White Forest "The same type of monster as the Mantis Ant. It unleashes its Light Sphere deathblow after turning invulnerable and stopping still at low altitute. Make use of your invulnerable state when you use magic and such, and dodge well clear. Smoetimes it will call in Stinger Bugs as allies."
Hegs Ant
076 Mekiv Caverns "A violent great ape lurking in the depths of the Mekiv Caverns. Its deathblows are all attacks that reach out in front on it, so get behind it as soon as you see the wind-up motions. However, be very careful of Du'Inke Kick attack, which can connect even if you're behind it."
077 Jungle "King of the Apes. Since it's always hanging from a tree branch, attacks tht hit low often low often won't connect. For Du'Cate Hip Attack, even if you avoid the attack itself, it goes on with fruit raining down over a wide area, so the safe options is to go invulnerable and doge."
078 Fieg Snowfields "Compared to other Bosses, it has a low chance of performimg a deathblow, so only rarely will the battle drag out. All of Du'Mere's Magic attack are aimed in front of it, so you'll be safe if you move behind it."
079 Lake Kilma "The lord of Lake Kilma. It often teleports (vanish completely off the screen), so it's difficult to damage with a rapid-fire attack. There's a high chance to Gorgon's Eye will use its Petri-Gaze after teleporting, so don't stand in front of it."
Gorgon Eye
080 Lake Kilma "A wolf also known as Fenrir. After charging its body with electric current, it attacks with either Slam, which has an unusually wide effect range, or by fire electricity out in front of itself with Shock. Either attack is difficult to evade if you don't make use of your invulnerable status, such as when casting magic."
Boreal Hound
081 SS Buccaneer "An ancient genie trapped in a bottle. As it floats around, making quick attacks on it is rather tricky. You should fight it by making proper use of quick attacks and magic. You can counterattack the Double Lariat it uses with moves like Counter."
082 Gato Grottoes "A familiar demon that comes to kidnap Matilda on the orders of its master, Irwin. You should quickly wipe out the Skeletons it spits out of its body as allies. Out of all its deathblows, you can completely dodge Carpet Roll and Iron Ball if you escape to the space above the top of the screen."
Boreal Hound
083 Gato Grottoes "An enchanted flower dwelling in Ulkan Mine. If you attack either of the tendrils at its sides, its tip drops to the rground. If you can reduce the fallen tip's HP to zero (you can also wait for the right tendril's tip to self-destruct after it falls), it's possible to do a fixed amount of damage to the main body."
084 Tropicallo Gato Grottoes "An enchanted giant flower of the same type as Labanne. If you want to defeat it safelt, use the following strategy. First, attack the right tendril and dodge the fallen tip's Self-Destruct. Repeat these steps, and when the right tendril doesn't revive, attack the remaining left-tendril."
085 Fullmetal Haggar Madora Beach "A giant crab coverted by a hard, solid shell. When its remaining HP drop below half its maximum, it loses one eye and its Eyebeam deathblow becomes One-eye Beam. Also, it commits its Dives Attack right after that one eye is destroyed, so watch out."
Fullmetal Haggar
086 Orc SS Buccaneer "A monster of the sea deared by sailors. You can dodge Orc's Plunge deathblow if you wait and instant after it plunges into the sea, then use magic or Illusion. Its other deathblows you can dodge just by running around to the sides of the back."
087 Jewel Beast Bejeweled City
Tower of Leires
"A monster with a jewel for it core, created as a servant by the jewel thief Sandra. It selfdom uses its deathblows, and compared to the other Jewel Beasts, this one's easy to fight. Effective in close quarter combat is Jolt, which does a lot of damage to it in just one hit."
Jewel Beast
088 Jewel Beast II Bejeweled City
Mekiv Caverns
"A green Jewel Beast created by Sandra. It's not a tough opponent, but it does move unexpectedly fast and dodges attacks easily. To avoid wasting time on the attack gauge, you should equip deathblows with results that have a wide area of effect."
Jewel Beast
089 Jewel Beast III Bejeweled City
Mekiv Caverns
"A monster made by collecting jewels of weak gem power. Its Drill attack hurts you whether you touch the monster itself (the drill portion) or the rock it scatters. You should evade it either by moving to the side or, it there's time making use of your invulnerable state when casting magic."
Jewel Beast
090 Jewel Beast IV Bejeweled City
Duma Desert
"A golden Jewel Beast created by Sandra. Stat-wise, it's not much different from the other three Jewel Beasts, but since it uses deathblows frequently, you want to be on guard at all times when fightning . Also, for any deathblows it uses, you should be able to dodge if you don't stand in front of it."
Jewel Beast
091 Tower of Leires "A warrior's ghost that wanders through the Tower of Leires. After turning invulnerable and raising its forelegs, it will use its deathblow. You can move normally and dodge, but of course, you're more certain to win it you make use of your invulnerable state when casting magic or using deathblows."
Iron Centaur
092 The Underworld "Larc, transformed into a grotesque being by the surplus power granted to him by Tiamat. You can dodge any of his deathblows by escaping to the sides (but don't stick too close to them). Counter and Jolt are effective counterstrikes against his Charge attack."
Larc The Centaur
093 The Flames "One of Tiamat's servants, the protector of the Flame Castle. The attacks it uses are basically the same as Larc the Centaur, so you can appropriate the dodging and counterstriking methods explained in Larc's paragraph against any of them."
094 The Bone Fortress "An immortal emperor who wanders about, seeking his own death. His various spells, from Earth Hammer on down, are all highly powerful. It's possible to for him to wipe out the entire party in one attack, so you should always keep pounding away with your attacks so you don't let him use any magic."
The Deathbringer
095 The Bone Fortress "The Deathbringer made even more powerful by absorbing Jajara's remains. Aura Drive's area of effect is wider than it looks, so don't get caught in it. You have a high chance of dodging Puppet String and Energy Bullet by moving to either side of the screen."
The Deathbringer II
096 Duma Desert "A gargantuan creature randing about under the sand. Jolt or Counter can counterattack against the Tendril attack it uses in close combat. If you don't have those abilities, you're safe attacking from a distance with magic. You can dodge rampage by making use of your invulnerable state."
097 The Underworld "A disembodied soul that controls the Shadoles. It vanishes (turns invulnerable) when it attacks, so the battle can easily drag on for a while. When Hitodama vanishes or foes invulnerable, move to the left edge of the screen. There you'll be able to dodge all of its attacks."
098 Norn Peaks "The Akravator is one of the sentient dragons. After leading forward and letting its wing flutter, it uses its Dragonbreath deathblow. Make a well-timed dodge by using your invulnerable state from magic. When it's flying, its wind-up motions count as a guarding status for it."
099 The Bone Fortress "One of the sentient dragons. YOu can dodge its Dragon Breath (Poison) if you take shelter near its feet. All other attacks except for Dragon Breath (Poison) can be countered by Jolt or Counter."
100 The Bone Fortress "Defeated once, Jajara revives by absorbing the sourrounding statues into itself. The most damaging of the attacks it uses is Rockfall, which causes rubble to fall from the ceiling. If you want to be extra careful, use your invulnerable state from casting magic and such to evade the rocks."
101 The White Forest "One of the sentient dragons. Accompanied by Sierra, it challenges you to battle. During the battle, you should take up a position near Vadise's abdomen and attack. Against Sierra, make frequent use of Deathblows and take her out quickly or use Jolt to drive her back when she gets close."
102 The Flames "A crimson dragon that plans to rule the world. It will frequently travel from one side of the screen to the other and back, so you should equip yourself with deathblows that have a wide area of effect."
103 Bejeweled City "A monster transformedby the power it's absorbed from ingesting 999 jewel-charm cores. Its attack power is extremely high, and its deathblows in particular are mighty enough to put you on the verge of death in one hit. Instead of escaping blindly, make use of your invulnerable state from casting magic and such, and make your doges certain."
Lord of Jewels 999
104 Bejeweled City "The Lord of Jewels, after gaining even more power from ingesting its 1000th jewel core. The battle arena is extremely cramped, so moving about and dodging the enemy's attacks is difficult. It's important to prepare yourself to become invulnerable by equipping things like Illusion."
Lord of Jewels 1000
104 Irwin "Irwin, transformed into a pure demonic form after releasing all the power he could hold. The light-bullets of his Catastrophe deathblow aim exactly from your position. Moving and evading normally is difficult, so time your magic casting well and dodge accordingly."
105 Mana Sanctuary "The physical manifestation of negative power, involving mana, the essence of all things. Jolt or Counter can counterblow against the Beat Wargod, Slash and Thrust attacks she makes when you're close to each other."
Mana Goddess