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Visions of Mana bosses

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Mana bosses
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Final Fantasy Adventure/Adventures of Mana Friends of Mana
Secret of Mana Dawn of Mana
Trials of Mana Heroes of Mana
Legend of Mana Rise of Mana
Sword of Mana Echoes of Mana
Children of Mana Visions of Mana

This is an exhaustive list of all the bosses in Visions of Mana.

Boss list[edit]

Name Chapter Location Description
Prologue Gudju "A massive amalgamation of earthen lumps that were once people. These clods were forced together as the natural flow of mana around them became disrupted. Each attack it unleashes is more devastating than the last, and it will mindlessly carry on its rampage until it is destroyed."
Chapter 1 Mt. Gala "An insect monster with the arms of a mantis and the body of an ant. Its legs are astonishingly robust, able to propel it high into the air. It slices through enemies that dare approach it with giant scythe-arms, and its Diamond Shards attack can deal damage from a distance."
Mantis Ant
Chapter 1 The Primm "A behemoth squid that hails from the darkest depths of the ocean. It knows its native waters like the back of its tentacles, and anything unfortunate enough to encounter it will undoubtably be dragged to the murky realm it calls home."
Chapter 2 Luka Ruins "A staggeringly large crab covered with thick metallic plating that will deflect halfhearted attacks. Fullmetal Hugger is not an enemy to be taken lightly, lest you end up burnt to a crisp by its searing eye beam."
Fullmetal Hugger
Chapter 4 Luka Ruins "A monstrous monkey that possesses great intelligence. It swings its colossal club to both ward off enemies and as a catalyst to cast magic. The beast skull at the tip of the club is no decoration—it serves to amplify Du’Inke’s magic power."
Chapter 4 Tatoh Temple "A giant and mysterious being that wears a tortoise shell on his back. His rippling muscles have swollen with fury, ejecting angry jets of steam from his body. A silver washtub once fell on his helmet and goggles, which explains why they are covered with cracks. As for where that washtub came from…no one really knows."
Chapter 4 Gamurda Mines "A beast that hails from the belly of the earth, and said to only emerge once in a millennium when the world is on the verge of great change. Its fangs can rip through anything, and its long tongue constricts its prey."
Jewel Eater
Chapter 4 Mylos Woods "A flesh-eating plant with a long neck reminiscent of an animal’s. Giant thorns protrude from its body, and it attacks any being that comes close, attempting to poison them or put them to sleep."
Chapter 4 Sanctuary Entrance "A former warrior who was chosen by the Goddess herself to wield the sacred Mana Sword. Blessed with martial prowess, he was notorious for his irresistible force, until he one day vowed to exact vengeance on the Goddess. His arms, which once embraced his dear beloved, now hold only searing wrath and implacable revenge."
Chapter 5 Sanctuary Entrance "An enormous worm that conceals itself below the sand. It seldom rises to the surface, but it will periodically traverse the desert in search of prey to devour. Its body is an adamantine carapace, with precious stones rich in elemental power dotting the surface."
Chapter 5 Passagean Tomespire "A horrifying triple-headed spirit with total dominion over the powers of darkness. The left visage wields physical power, the right side utilizes magical might, while the central face brings destruction and chaos."
Zable Fahr
Chapter 5 Passagean Tomespire "A wall that was given life by a malevolent magical force. Should one inadvertently peer into its blazing maw, one is sure to witness an endless abyss of bloodcurdling horror."
Chapter 5 Temple of Wendel "Millennia ago, there lived a shamaness who possessed the ability to shape worlds; Selaphia has taken on her form. She can access the deepest sublayers of the human mind, altering her appearance through clever manipulation of how the brain processes refracted light. As such, while she may seem human, her true form has never been glimpsed."
Chapter 5 Temple of Wendel "A titan who is rumored to have lived for thousands upon thousands of years. It watches over the mountain it calls home, ruthlessly annihilating adventurers foolhardy enough to trespass there. Legend has it that the Frost Gigas is formed of the loathing felt by living things who froze to their deaths."
Frost Gigas
Chapter 6 Sanctuary of Mana "Vadise is one of the Dragons of Knowledge. She is stunningly beautiful and covered with pale fur as soft as spun silk, which matches her genteel disposition. She is said to be able to peer into the future and so harbors deep concerns for the fate of the world."
Chapter 7 Wind Sanctum "A divine being of crackling thunder and raging storms, it dwells atop a mountain perpetually plagued by wailing winds. It is responsible for causing the litany of paranormal weather phenomena in the region. Contrastingly, Besseroth was also tasked with encouraging harmony between the region’s diverse ecosystems back in a time when it was venerated as a true deity."
Chapter 7 Wind Sanctum "One of a pair of harpy twins. Her name is said to mean “swift storm,” fitting for a creature with powerful vermillion wings. She is of a mild and merciful disposition, the breeze conjured up by the flutter of her wings directly assisting the elemental spirits."
Chapter 7 Wind Sanctum "One of a pair of harpy twins. Her name is said to mean “rapid flight,” fitting for a creature with mighty violescent wings. She is of a vicious and volatile disposition, the squalls conjured up by the whipping of her wings triggering natural catastrophes."
Chapter 7 Castle Cresceno "An imposing frog that reigns over Castle Cresceno. It can wax and wane into a myriad of phases and spews out star-spawn in battle. It glides gracefully through the air when it assumes its full moon form. If gazed upon directly in such a state, the Benevodon could easily be mistaken for the real thing."
Tor Marne
Chapter 7 Castle Cresceno "A blood-drinking monster that preys on humans to prolong its life. A sapient being with intelligence that far surpasses that of most other bumbling monsters, it uses the dark of night to its advantage when out hunting."
Chapter 7 Luka Ruins Undertemple "A divine life-form that is the corporeal manifestation of the might of water. The aqualex gems that stud its body are the principal mechanism that grants it unlimited mastery over water. This allows it to become one with any body of water to covertly close in on its enemies."
Chapter 7 Luka Ruins Undertemple "A hideous sea monster whose name alone strikes fear into the hearts of seafarers the world over. It has complete control over its four tentacles, and each one is used for a different purpose; a coordinated attack from these appendages will leave more than just a bruise. While Shreegill’s tentacles are considered a delicacy in some regions, removing one is a task easier said than done."
Chapter 7 Floating Isle of Ulul "A botanical being that has taken on the form of a divine bird imbued with the vitality of a great, primordial tree. It uses the fruit it bears on its body to attack its adversaries. When it photosynthesizes, it can amplify its strength further by causing giant flowers to bloom on its wings and tail."
Chapter 7 Dorpher Volcano "Vaulchibel is flame incarnate, with molten magma coursing through its veins and craters on its body that spew out lava. When its rage reaches boiling point, its body burns red hot. In this furious state, its power grows so violent as to make the world quake and instigate volcanic eruptions in distant lands."
Chapter 7 Dorpher Volcano "An immortal bird that has been corrupted by evil and has long since forgotten the value of life. Nowadays it breathes unholy storms of flame, and will never again ascend to the heavens to be reborn."
Axe Beak
Chapter 8 Sanctuary Entrance "An ancient tree spirit born from the life force of the great, primordial tree. He possesses an endless body of knowledge and is known as the patriarch of the trees for his gentle nature. Trent’s vast power makes other tree spirits look like withered twigs in comparison. Some say he can even alter the flow of power coursing through the meridians."
Chapter 10 Floating Isle of Ulul "A dragon that was brought into this world by a powerful sorceress in ancient times. It was supposedly birthed from the dark, dreadful desires dormant in the human heart, and calamity is said to follow it wherever it lands. It seeks not co-existence with other beings; Aeve Zalaha believes itself to be the sole creature worthy of existing on this plane, and aims to eradicate all of humanity."
Aeve Zalaha
Chapter 10 Distorted Sanctuary "A vicious variant of the Rabite whose existance simply cannot be explained."
Black Rabite