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Sword of Mana bosses

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Mana bosses
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Sword of Mana Echoes of Mana
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This is an exhaustive list of all the bosses in Sword of Mana.

Boss list[edit]

No. Name Location Description
128 Granz Castle "After Dark Lord discusses old battles between the Gemma Knights and Vandole, you'll engage in a more immediate bout against the Jackal. Hold B to move quickly, run to the rear of the Jackal to avoid its claw and swing away. You'll beat the beast with ease."
129 Vinquette Hall "After a brief meeting with Julius, you'll take on the Ebony Butler in his Hellhound form. Summon the PowerUp spell, then use your bow and sword to whittle away at the savage servant"
Hellhound (Ebony)
130 Vinquette Hall "After your discover the contents of the coffins in the heart of Vinquette Hall, you'll fight the Ivory Butler in his Hellhound form. Hit the beast with powered-up bows from the other side of a coffin."
Hellhound (Ivory)
131 Vinquette Hall "our confrontation with the vampire will be the toughest one to date. The hero has the advantage. If you're the heroine, press Select to switch controls to the hero. Select the sword and hit the count in the back. When he turns into a cloud of bats, run away, then gear up for another attack."
Count Lee
132 Marsh Cave "After you collect the Moon Mirror, you'll face the serpent, Hydra. If your character is stronger with physical attacks than magic attacks, hit the dragon's heads with powered-up arrows. If magic is your character's specialty, use the Salamander spell with the bow equipped."
Hydra (Sword of Mana)
133 Vinquette Hall "A segmented creature will emerge near the Mythril deposits. Stay away from the creature when it is stationary to avoid being drawn toward it, then swing at the beast's segments with a Slash-trait weapon as it crawls past you. You'll be able to score several hits with each pass."
Ankheg's Servant
134 Airship "After you reach the reactor, a guardian will pop up from the floor. Let Bogard take care of the beast. Following your victory, an earth spirit, Gnome, will appear from the reactor and the airship will crash-land."
135 Altar of Time "Medusa's head appears on the room's four platforms, one at a time, then disappears after it releases a damaging spell. Equip your character with the bow and the wind spirit, and hit Medusa with the Jinn spell at every opportunity. If you need a rest, hide in the safe in the room's southwest corner."
136 Altar of Time Medusa's flunkies. They detach from her head and try to hinder the hero by crawling toward him. They are extremely weak and thus can easily be defeated.
137 Devius Manor "Your battle with Devius's Mindflare form will take place on a spinning disk. Stay near the middle of disk, and fire Gnome magic at the beast. using a Bash-trait weapon for an on-target trajectory. The fight will be a long one. Recoup your magic often and use HealingLight when you're at 50 HP or lower."
138 Cascade Cave "You'll start the battle by fighting a small version of the vine. Hit it with Salamander and Jinn magic. When you move on to the larger beast, blast its uncovered abdomen with the Luna spell and swipe at the seeds that the flower spits at you. They'll fly back and hit the flower for 48 HP each."
Boison Vine
139 Granz Castle "Before you take on Dark Lord, you'll have to battle this bird, Garuda. The winged beast will hover out of reach then swoop down at times for a clawing attack. Equip yourself with the mace or the staff and hit the bird with the Gnome spell."
140 Granz Castle "There's no trick to defeating Dark Lord. You just have to be strong. Use the pillars to guard yourself from charging attacks and counter with long-range attacks. If you lose quickly, build levels before you challenge Dark Lord again."
Dark Lord
141 Kahla Peaks "Icy spider Malyris drops from the top of the cave and sends fown freezing magic attacks. If your character is a strong magic user, equip him or her with the axe, mace or staff and use Salamander or Gnome spells. If your character's physical attacks are stronger, use the bow."
142 Subland River "Octobus Kraken makes the rounds from one pool to the next, while parasitic fish float over the land paths. Equip your character with the Salamander spirit, stay near one pool when Kraken pops up and hit the beast with fire magic. You'll get in two good shots for every Kraken appearance."
143 Fish (Sword of Mana) Subland River "Carnivorous fishes Kraken summons to distract the heroes. They are of moderate threat to the party members in groups but are quickly defeated with Salamander magic."
Kraken Jr.
144 Subsea Volcano "Undine is your spirit of choice in the battle for the Sword of Mana. Efflite appears in three fiery forms —a small creature, a large creature and a lava bubble. Equip your character with a Bash-trait weapon and douse the various versions of the boss with water magic. Keep running and stay away from laval pools."
145 Sealed Cave "Lich's spinning scythe hits anyone who approaches the beast. Stay back and attack Lich from a distance. Use the bow if your character has strong physical attributes. Employ the Wisp spell and a Bash-trait weapon if your character is more of a magic specialist."
146 Dime Tower "You can't damage machine-statue Golem when it's moving. Wait for it to stop and glow white before you attack. If your character is physically adept, hit the creature with Bash- or Jab-trait weapons. If your character is magically inclined, use Wisp magic with a Bash-trait weapon equipped."
147 Mana Sanctuary "Julius's shadow will sic Demagon on you in the heart of Mana Sanctuary. The creature is a huge dragon that you'll never see all at once. If your character is best at physical attacks hit the tail with Bash- or Jab-trait weapons. If you character's magic attacks are stronger, attack the tail and the offscreen head using Luna magic."
148 Mana Sanctuary "Julius's first incarnation often surrounds himself with a magical shield. Keep an eye on him, but don't attack—he's invincible wwhen the shield is up."
149 Mana Sanctuary These boss flunkies will appear during Julius's first fight. They are quite bulky, but are weak to Jinn's magic.
King Ox
150 Mana Sanctuary "After Julius's second-version decous disappear, he'll send out strong magic. Steer clear and strike the magician with physical attacks or Undine magic."
Julius II
151 Mana Sanctuary "The third version of Julius can poison you with his magic blasts. Run around the edge of the screen to avoid them."
Julius III