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Trials of Mana bosses

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Mana bosses
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Secret of Mana Dawn of Mana
Trials of Mana Heroes of Mana
Legend of Mana Rise of Mana
Sword of Mana Echoes of Mana
Children of Mana Visions of Mana

This is an exhaustive list of all the bosses in Trials of Mana.

Boss list[edit]

Name Location Description
SNES sprite HD image
Cascade Cavern
Dark Castle
A humongous crab with an exoskeleton as tough as metal. It uses light-elemental magic attacks to deal damage and likes to leap through the air and trample its opponent after falling back. It loses an eye after sustaining enought damage and can even try to restore its hit points.
Fullmetal Hugger
Stonesplit Gap This batch of improved Machine Golems is dispatched by Altenish military during special operations. They can rotate their arms in a 90-degree fashion to hit opponents and fire missiles in a straight line. Once their health is completed depleted they can self-destruct as a last resort to inflict massive damage.
Machine Golem R
Dwarf Tunnel
The legendary subterranean monster is said to surface every thousand years from its home in Gem Valley. This oversized mole can use a variety of physical attacks to harrass its prey or even make rocks fall to create a cave in. Alternatively, it may cast magic to enhance its defensive capacity.
Jewel Eater
Dark Castle
A monster with the body of a woman and the wings and talons of a bird. This giant harpy can use its sharp claws and talon to rip foes apart and cast wind magic as well. It can fly its way out of reach and reach extreme speed, so those who wish to defeat it are assured to have a hard time doing so.
Citadel Laurent
Dark Castle
Mirage Palace
A magical door containing the remnants of a demon. A flame is continuously burning amidst its heart and doubles as its weakness. The creature can summon various traps to impede allies, such as spikes, rockfall and columns of fire. It can even generate Shape Shifters flunkies to assist it during battle.
Citadel Laurent
Burning Sands
A pair of Nervarlan soldiers who were brainwashed by Belladonna's bewitching magic. They use their signature fusion ability to combine and increase their stats. They use a variety of ninja techniques such as Shuriken to hurt their opponent and can also dive into their own shadow to deliver a flurry of knife cuts upon emerging. They were brought back to life by Belladonna in the Burning Sands.
Bil & Ben
Ghost Ship
Mirage Palace
The spirit leader inhabiting the Ghost Ship. He puts a curse on a party member and will only lift it in exchange for a fight. It can silence foes and use plenty of dark-elemental spells. Its most powerful move is Ghostleader, where it summons multiple spirits to torment the living.
Frostbite Fields The latest model in Machine Golem technology. A trio is dispatched by the Darkshine Knight to stall the heroes in their attempt to prevent him from activating the Waterstone. They have similar attacks as their weaker duo, with the added effect of using powerful elemental attacks in the HD remake.
Machine Golem S
Duskmoon Forest Ludgar's werewolf form he assumes during his fight before Chartmoon Tower. He uses a variety of phyisical attacks, some of which have a large area of effect and deal high damage. He can also use Moon Saber to steal hit points from allies after each hit. Expect a fast-paced battle with lots of unexpected events.
Beast Ludgar
Lampbloom Woods
Mirage Palace
An overgrown mutated weed that devoured Dryad, the wood elemental. The plant monster is fought at the end of a alternate path in the forest with the help of Luna. Not only can it poison and put allies to sleep, it can also summon briar or hurl down a giant seed to deal considerable damage. Finally, it will sometimes summon flunkies to distract its opponents.
Daria The benevodon of earth, a towering sentient cluster of rocks shards and gemstones with to stone slabs as hands. Its hovering jewel core is its weakpoint which he proects at all costs by grabbing any curious bystanders and throwing them violently. In addition to all the earth-elemental magic the benevodon can cast, its ultimate attack, Hyper Cannon, fires boulders across the arena, dealing severe damage.
Land Umber
Labyrinth of Ice A large repilian creature and the benevodon of water. It bounces on and off the icy stage and can even attach itself to the bottom of the arena. Not only does it cast multiple water-elemental magic to inflict damage, it can also use its tongue as a whip and use Mental Boost to raise its magic attack and magic defense when low on hit points. Frozen Crack, its strongest move, calls upon an extremely low-temperature to freeze all party members and deal a lot of damage.
Fiery Gorge The benevodon of fire is comprised of a circle of fireballs with a bird-like head amidst its center. Its strange stature should not be underestimated, however, as it can cast several fire-elemental attacks to burn foes to a crisp. Another means of dealing damage is to unleash a Heat Beam from its mouth. A cauldron at the back of the stage can be used to replenish hit points. Its ultimate attack is called Gigantaburn and summons scalding explosions to annihilate party members.
Xan Bie
Gusthall This twin-headed chimera adorned with giant bat wings serves as the benevodon of wind. It soars high in the sky and thus can only be fought near the clouds. It can summon multiple wind-elemental magic to torment its foes and use they sharp beaks to peck at them. It can further boosts itself by increasing its evasion. This benevodon has two special attacks; Thunderball sends electric orbs in a straight line and Air Rush creates a large tornado to deal severe damage.
Chartmoon Tower An enormous horned werewolf and the benevodon of the Moon. Living atop Chartmoon Tower, it uses its large fangs to claw at its opponents. It uses a variety of moon magic to inflict various status ailments and decrease an ally's maxmimum hit points. Moon Energy boosts Dolan's chances of inflicting critical hits and Moon Saber is cast on itself to steal hit points when with each physical attacks. Dolan's ultimate attack is Spiral Moon, halving the entire party's maxmimum hit points.
Woods of Wandara A curious leafy creature made of vines and topped with a giant pumpkin with two sentient appendages. It serves at the benevodon of wood and is fought deep within the Woods of Wandara. It can put allies to sleep with Sleep Power, unleash toxic bubbles to poison them, protect itself from incoming magical attacks with Wall, or use Leaf Saber to steal magic points from party members. Its special attack is called Barrage Sting and summons large thorny vines around the stage to deal heavy wood-elemental damage.
Shimmering Ruins The benevodon of light, a large spherical monster with a big eye in its center. It hover across the stage and attack by crashing down onto foes. It also cast light-elemental magic to deal damage or use Light Saber on allies to heal itself when swinging their weapon. It can also recover its hit points with Healing Light. The creature has two special attacks; Gush Blast releases a large beam of light from its eye and attack the entire party, and Shackles emits an errie flash to turn every single ally into a Moogle.
Crystal Desert
Jungle of Visions
Night Cavern
The strongest benevodon is aligned with darkness and its Mana Stone was thought to be lost in time. It is comprised of two twin demon heads with a central one representing a female devil. The left head mainly uses physical attacks and the right head casts dark-elemental magic. At the beginning of the fight, only both heads are present on stage. Afer sustaining enough damage, the central one will appear. Its ultimate attack is called Diabolical Blast and use all three heads to unleash severe dark magic damage to all party members.
Zable Fahr
Dragonsmaw A sinister and enigmatic dark knight aligned with the Dragon Lord and Altena's faction. Once the acclaimed Golden Knight Loki, the hero fell into a chasm while battling with the Dragon Lord and was almost left for dead. He was revived thanks to a mysterious wizard and brainwashed into serving its new master. An adept swordster, he can use multiple class strikes to deal vast amount of damage.
Darkshine Knight
Dragonsmaw Once an ordinary citizen of Altena, the kingdom of Magicians, he was teased by his fellow apprentices for his lack of magic ability. Frustrated he went on a self-discovery journey until he stumbled on the corpse of Dragon Lord. Following his advice, he gave half of his life force to ressurect him and the Darkshine Knight in exchange of powerful magic. He can use a vast array of elemental magic to pummel foes and can even summon meteors by chanting Ancient Curse.
Crimson Wizard
Sanctuary of Mana This towering draconic figure is Dragon Lord's true form. Following his delirious ambitions of subjugating the whole world of Fa'Diel and slay the Goddess of Mana, he turns against the only threat capable of foiling his plans. He can change stance in the middle of battle, adjusting his elemental affinities to his taste. His Raging Tempest attack can summon a devastating storm that decimate party members.
Jungle of Visions A devious and sadistic jester from Mavolia serving the Masked Mage. He allied with the Ferolian Beastmen in hopes of gaining access to the Sword of Mana located in the Sanctuary. He is fond of gobbling up souls of the early departed and is responible for corrupting Charlotte's best friend Heath. He is fought deep within the Jungle of Visions and can cast higher tier elemental magic to deal damage with added status effects. Its special attack can decimate a party member in an instant.
Mirage Palace The cursed soul of a Wendellan priest formerly known as Heath. He was kidnapped by Goremand during a scouting in Rabite Forest much to Charlotte's chagrin. Now a faithful servant of the Masked Mage, he battles the protagonists at the end of the Mirage Palace. He can summon monsters to aid him in battle as well as casting powerful light magic.
Tainted Soul
Dark Lich (Trials of Mana) The true identity of the Masked Mage is a skeletal abomination. Consumed by hatred for the humankind, the Masked Mage sought to gain the power of the Mana Sword in order to eradicate those who wronged him in the past. He gained the power of Mavolia and transformed into his Dark Lich attire to subdue the heroes. He can change his weakness at will and control multiple elemental magic to deal damage. His strongest attack, Meteor Volley, conjures up gigantic rocks falling down the sky.
Dark Lich
Night Cavern A mavolian citizen under the rulership of His Dark Majesty. He paired up with the demoness Belladonna to invade the nation of Laurent and kidnap his young prince as a new host for his deceased master. He now attempts to take the matter into his own hands and defeat the heroes himself deep within the Night Cavern. He can use debilitating dark magic to harm its opponent and summon ghosts to heal himself. His strongest attack is called Psycho Blast and deal severe damage.
Dark Castle This succubus was sent from Mavolia per order of His Dark Majesty to infiltrate the Nevarl Fortress and manipulate its leader Flamekhan into waging war against nations to retrieve the Sword of Mana and resurrect his body. Her first task was to invade the Kingdom of Laurent and kidnap Eliott the young prince to make a suitable host for her master's return. She transform into her beast form atop the Dark Castle when confronted by the party. While she is mainly a physical attacker, she can restore her hit points and attack power with Moon Saber and Strengthen respectively. Her ultimate attack is called Roseslash where she furiously claws at allies.
Sanctuary of Mana The Prince of Mavolia's true shape. Consumed by hatred and evil for his fellow subjects, the heir to the throne of Light Castle was granted mavolian powers by the Lord of the Underworld himself. He eventually usurped the throne and vowed to surface again and rule both worlds. He enrolled Belladonna, who was infatuated with him, and Malocchio to do his bidding and progressively grew closer to his goal of killing the Mana Goddess and claiming the Mana Sword. He assumed his true form in front of the heroes moments before taking over the world. During battle, he can borrow the Benevodons' powers and use their ultimate attacks on command. His strongest attack called Catastrophe can deal massive damage to all party members.
Dark CastleRemake
Mirage PalaceRemake
An exceptionally rare and strong breed of Rabite that seems to feed off its grudge for those who have slain his comrades. It can cast pretty much every single spell in the entire game, in addition to special moves from previous enemies. He can also summon Demons to assist it during he fight. Defeating this phenomenal adversary will reward the protagonist with a much deserved prize.
Black Rabite
Castle Valsena A brutish knight apprentice from Valsena. He seems to be in friendly competition with Duran and is fought during his opening gambit during the Swordsmanship Tournament. Despite his tough looks, he is mostly all talk and can easily be taken down. He comes back to prove himself once again during Duran's epilogue in the HD remake.
N/A Castle Valsena The ghostly apparition of Duran's father, Loki, shows up during the Swordsmanship Tournament in an event exclusive to the HD remake. He tells his son how proud of what he has become and is itching to spar with him. He can use multiple sword techniques and may prove to be a formidable opponent. Defeating him earn Duran the Valor Sphere needed to promote him to Class-4.
Golden Knight
N/A Labyrinth of Ice In order to claim the Sage Sphere and access Class-4, Angela must undergo a trial inside the Labyrinth of Ice to prove her birthright as heir to the throne of Altena. There, she meets with a shadowy figure of herself that she must slay for the ordeal to be successful. Her opponent has access to all of Angela's magic plus her class strikes, making it extremely dangerous since the fight is a duel between the two sorcerers.
Shadow Angela
N/A Chartmoon Tower Kevin is invited by the King of Ferolia to come to the highest floor of Chartmoon Tower if he wishes to claim to Instinct Sphere for himself. There, His Majesty confronts his son in a duel. He can pack a punch with his many werewolf class strikes and use Moon Saber to steal hit points from Kevin. The king will reward his heir with the Instinct Sphere as proof of his strength and leadership should he successfully best him in comabat.
King of Ferolia
N/A Woods of Wandara The Elfin Elder sealed the Hope Sphere deep within the Woods of Wandara, hoping nobody would suffer the same way Leron and Shela did when they used its power to bypass the law forbidding elves and humans to marry. The party ventures into the woods and find the treasure, only to be attacked by a bunch of ghouls & zombies led by a Revenant. This boss can use every skills regular zombies and ghouls do, in addition to Demon Scream which decrease every party members' attack power and Malice, a move that leaves a lingering damaging trap on the field.
N/A Fiery Gorge Upon returning to Nevarl Fortress, Hawkeye learns from Jessica that Eagle has hidden a large treasure somwhere inside the Fiery Gorge in an attempt to safeguard the nation's funds. They find the booty behind a secret passage but they set off a trap left by Eagle that summons a large Polter Box called a Mimiqueen. This living chest can use fire-elemental moves and lasers to deal damage. It can also boost it attack stat and unleash a powerful blast of energy on a large area.
N/A Heavensway According to Alma, the late King Joster's crowing ceremony took place in the somnosa meadow in Heavensway. A special royal artifact was used there costumary to crowning ceremonies. The heroes head there and are met with a large bee monster called the Empreeb. The giant insect lady can use all four final class techniques from Riesz. It can also summon a swarm of bees to further agravate the party. Slaying the beast and its followers will earn Riesz the Kind Sphere.
N/A Anise's Stockade The Great Witch Anise was awoken after a dramatic weakening in Mana energy following the Mana Godess's death at the hand of the main villain. She seeks to destroy the world of Fa'Diel and the heroes must naturally put a stop to it. Following Grand Croix's instructions, they obtain their corresponding sphere needed to promote to Class-4 and head to Anise's Stockade to defeat her. There, she is aided by four elemental crystals that must be destroyed along with her to transit to the second phase. She then turns into Dragon Anise as a retaliation effort, but she is ultimately defeated, despite her soul being immortal.