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Sanctuary of Mana (Trials of Mana)

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Sanctuary of Mana

Trials of Mana HD screenshot
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Ruler Mana Goddess
Inhabitant(s) Faerie
Background music "Decision Bell"ToM

The Sanctuary of Mana is a location in Trials of Mana.



Trials of Mana[edit]

Heroes of Mana[edit]

Echoes of Mana[edit]


Note : each level gain correspond to the number of slain benevodon, starting from none and ending at six.
Levels with an asterisk (*) indicate an enemy that only appears by monster summon.

Before completing the main character's final dungeon (Dragonsmaw, Mirage Palace, Dark Castle)[edit]

After completing the main character's final dungeon (Dragonsmaw, Mirage Palace, Dark Castle)[edit]


  • Note: Collectibles are only available in the HD remake version.
  • Note 2: The Sanctuary of Mana has two maps. One before and on after the main villain's destruction of the Mana Tree. Each map has its own set of collectibles and therefore the former are lost if not collected before the end of Chapter VI.


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Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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