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Faerie (Trials of Mana)

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Trials of Mana HD artwork
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Homeland Sanctuary of Mana
Role Support
Gender Female
Species Faerie
Voice actor(s) Jpn: Maaya UchidaToM HD
Eng: Stephanie PaniselloToM HD

Faerie is a major character in Trials of Mana.


The familiar known simply as Faerie is but one of many to inhabit the Sanctuary of Mana. They possess a tight bond with the Mana Tree and thus the Mana Goddess herself. Faeries are shown to deftly wield the power of mana itself, in addition to bonding with each of the eight Mana Spirits and with other creatures that understand and relate to mana power.


Trials of Mana[edit]

Faerie in her opening scene
“A SPIRITUAL SEED OF THE TREE OF MANA -- Faerie ventures out of the sanctuary to warn Wendel's Priest of Light of the fading power of the Mana Tree. However, she collapses on the way, too weak to complete her journey alone. The hero finds her and they join forces.”
Square Enix Official Website

After unknown years of relative peace, Faerie and her kin observe the weakening of the Mana Tree and are prompted to leave the safety of the Sanctuary in order to seek the aid of one who would save the holy tree. They are presumably instructed by the Mana Goddess to find the Priest of Light in Holy City Wendel, that he may choose a suitable hero for the task. Unfortunately, the weakening of mana power also leaves several faeries too exhausted to fly beyond the sanctuary and into the mortal world; and thus, only Faerie survives this arduous journey. Though she manages to alight near Astoria and remain in the area at least one night, her fatigue manifests on her second visit to the town. Appearing as a curious speck of light, Faerie draws the attention of one of six warriors, who then follows her into the Rabite Forest. She collapses on a mound near Lake Astoria, where the two meet. In order to survive, Faerie must bond with the warrior, who then becomes the Chosen of the Mana Sword, much to the latter's shock.

Her host secured, Faerie removes the magic barrier before Cascade Cavern and guides the Chosen and one companion through the depths, wherein they may meet Charlotte, a young cleric who stumbled over a cliff whilst trying to go back to Wendel; she was to report back to her grandfather regarding his mentee and her best friend Heath, now nowhere to be seen.

Faerie remains with the party through the trip to the Sanctuary of Mana, often injecting witty commentary or otherwise providing timely hints toward the party's objectives. It is she, rather than the heroes, who makes the case for their mission to key figures around the world. This role is given greater importance in the HD remake, where she is voiced and virtually all of her interaction is scripted into cutscenes.

Once the heroes manage to open a gate to the Mana Sanctuary, the three main villains immediately take the opportunity to go after the Mana Sword. Their forces eliminate each other, however, seemingly leaving the heroes free to obtain the sword for themselves. Once the main protagonist obtains the sword, however, they discover that the Faerie has been abducted by one of the villains; which villain abducts the Faerie depends on who the main protagonist is. Regardless of identity, the villain retreats to their stronghold and demands the Mana Sword in exchange for the Faerie. Having no choice but to comply, the heroes hand over the sword and watch helplessly as the villain releases the eight Benevodons. Faerie is returned unharmed and is once more able to guide the heroes on a second quest to crush the eight colossi before they fully awaken.

In the climactic final confrontation with the master villains, Faerie is seemingly killed, but moments later is found to have merely been swatted away, recovering one last bit of strength to spur the heroes on in their ultimate clash with evil.

It is revealed after the conflict that Faeries are in fact the seeds of the Mana Tree, and that the Chosen played a pivotal role in nurturing the seed. Faerie is promoted as the next Mana Goddess as a result, and is set to enter stasis for 1,000 years as she grows and mana recovers.

Circle of Mana[edit]

Faerie makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several Trials of Mana characters. She appears in 13 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
R フェアリー



If you transfer skills through synthesis, you can have other heroes learn the skills!
R フェアリー



If you transfer skills through synthesis, you can have other heroes learn the skills!
R フェアリー



If you transfer skills through synthesis, you can have other heroes learn the skills!
R フェアリー



If you transfer skills through synthesis, you can have other heroes learn the skills!
R フェアリー



If you transfer skills through synthesis, you can have other heroes learn the skills!
R フェアリー



If you transfer skills through synthesis, you can have other heroes learn the skills!
UR ハロウィン・フェアリー



"What do you mean? Are you planning to start a festival in this witch's castle? I have a really bad feeling..."
UR フェアリー[収穫祭]



"You're always so forceful... It won't be a problem again, will it?"
UR フェアリー[クリスマス]



"Hey, is this Christmas? Just looking at the decorations is so exciting! It looks like so much fun!"
SUR フェアリー[雪合戦]



"What's a pet? I'm not a pet!"
SUR フェアリー[バレンタイン]



"Thank you, Hero-kun, for always doing your best."
SSUR リース[親愛]



"I'm sure so. I'm sure there's no doubt about it. I mean, that Lady Valda. Isn't she just like Angela?"
SLGR フェアリー[純真]



"It's kind of sparkling, it feels weird..."

Echoes of Mana[edit]

Faerie makes several cameo appearances in Chapter 4, itself taking place largely in the Trials of Mana world. She is last seen warning the twins that they have not yet found their Mana Sword as the Echo is restored to its correct order.

General information[edit]

Physical appearance[edit]

The Faerie has long blonde hair, frosted pink at the tips, and blue eyes. She is shown wearing a short blue dress and barefoot. Her hair is in a single ponytail with bluish flower ornaments and her ankles have two golden anklets.


As an emissary of the Mana Goddess, Faerie is given the authority to manipulate mana power in the execution of her role. She primarily acts as a guide for her host, providing them her knowledge of the world observed from the Sanctuary. Faerie also acts as ambassador on behalf of her host, and so communicates with the Mana Spirits and other influential figures to muster support for the greater mission of preserving mana power. Acting as a sort of ninth Mana Spirit, Faerie can use various other powers to aid her host and their companions, such as teleportation and the removal of magical barriers.
