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Adventures of Mana quotes

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This is a list of quotes from Adventures of Mana, listed by character, alphabetically.


  • "I'm sorry about Will, but if we don't think of something soon, it'll be our blood on those sands."
  • "And I'm not leaving my brother alone to fend for himself."
  • (Younger Voice) "Sumo? Is it really you?"
  • (Younger Voice) "Open your eyes, Sumo!"
  • "So we meet again, my friend...and here of all places."
  • "When I lost you in the confusion of the escape I thought I'd never see you again. Which is why it pains me to do this..."

Arena Guard

  • "Fight, you worthless dog! The Dark Lord demands blood!"
  • "Draw your blade, boy! The Dark Lord commands it!"


  • (Woodcutter) "I might. I might not. Doesn't mean I'm talking.
  • (Woodcutter) "I've nothing to say to the likes of you! Begone!"
  • (Woodcutter) "Did you not hear me, boy!? I've nothing to say! Nothing! Now leave me be!"
  • (Woodcutter) "Wait. That pendant you're wearing... is that...?"
  • (Woodcutter) "It is! The Pendant of Mana!
  • "Long has it been since I used that title..."
  • "Listen carefully... There was a time when the evil Empire of Vandole sought to bring the world under its control."
  • "They tapped the Mana which courses through this very land and used it to usher in an era of fear and violence."
  • "The Gemma Knights stood against the might of the imperial armies."
  • "But our numbers were few, and the power of Mana was beyond imagination."
  • "We were on the brink of defeat when before us appeared a savior–a maiden who would ride at our van and fill our hearts with courage as she guided us to victory."
  • "And upon her breast was the selfsame pendant this young lady now wears."
  • "An ill wind blows in our realm, as forces of darkness seek to manipulate the Tree of Mana as did Vandole. Yet, I believe that pendant may be the key to restoring peace."
  • "Journey east along the mountains and in time you will come to a cave."
  • "A landslide has filled the tunnel with rubble, preventing passage to the town of Wendel on the far side."
  • "With a mattock in hand, a young lad of Sumo's strength should make quick work of the rocks."
  • "In Wendel, you will find my brother-in-arms, Sir Cibba. He may remember more of the pendant and its meaning."
  • (???) "Sumo! You're a hard man to find."
  • "You need not place the blame on yourself, Sumo. Sir Cibba tells me that Julius was behind her abduction."
  • "The duchy's archmage is a master of deceit. There are few who could have seen through his web of lies. At least now, however, we know who we are up against."
  • "And as luck would have it, his warship is currently docked at a refueling station to the north."
  • "If we make haste, we may catch them and stow away aboard the vessel before they put to the skies."
  • "When a Gemma Knight's mind is focused, certain limits governing the extent of his abilities can be broken."
  • "Only then the destructive potential of a weapon truly be achieved."
  • "The heartfelt reunion can wait until we are safe off this ship."
  • "What of the window?"
  • "You need not worry about me, Sumo. I can still hold my own."
  • "I shall stand vigil here and make certain no once notices the lady missing."

Boy (Menos)

  • "Herds of chocobos once roamed the plains, but now only a few of the noble birds remain."
  • "People who have visited the northern wood say they've seen nests, but I don't believe them."

Boy (Topple Residence)

  • "A party from the castle was here eariler looking for a girl."
  • "You think it has something to do with this Tree of Mana everyone's talking about?"

Boy (Wendel Residence)

  • "My ma doesn't believe me, but I's seen dwarves hidin' in yon mountains to the west. Honest!"


  • "This is Kett Manor."
  • "The count is taking his rest beyond and I cannot allow you to enter."
  • "However, his lordship welcomes travelers to seek respite in one of the manor's many other rooms."
  • "The count welcomes travelers to seek respite in one of the manor's many available rooms."'
  • "And it just so happens a chamber in the west wing is currently unoccupied."
  • "Hm? Your companion have gone missing? Quite odd, indeed..."
  • "Th–that mirror! Get it away fom me!"


  • "Sir Bogard sent word of your coming. I am Cibba of the Gemma Knights."
  • "So it is true... your pendant bears the mark of Mana."
  • "Step forward into the sacred circle, and the pendant will reveal unto you your fated path."
  • "By the gods! It is the Lady of the Van–the warrior who led us against the empire!"
  • "Impossible!"
  • "Wait. Who was that and where did he take the Lady Fuji?"
  • "At last, you've come to."
  • "Calm yourself. Julius saw the lady aboard his airship before departing westward."
  • "Then you'd best prepare for the journey. While young, you exhibit many of the traits of a Gemma Knight. Take this."
  • "If you find yourself inflicted with corruption, this spell will draw the taint from your body."
  • "The airship was last seen flying west. You must find them, or I fear the worst for Lady Fuji."

Count Lee

  • (???) "Ahhh, I smell the blood of a maiden."
  • "Many moons have I waited for a true maiden to call. I will not give her up so easily!"

Dark Lord

  • "Have you found what I seek, Julius?"
  • "And how, pray tell, am I to reach this shrine?"
  • "I am no fish returning upstream to spawn."
  • "Do you mock me, Julius?"
  • "Your visions have yet to steer me untrue. Very well. Find the girl and bring her to me."
  • "Who is it that dares spy on me!?"
  • "You will tell my secrets to no one!"

Deckhand 1 (Airship Upper Deck)

  • "You see the girl we picked up in Wendel? Quite the looker, that one, Don't believe me? Visit the brig!"

Deckhand 2 (Airship Middle Decks)

  • "Repairs to the engine are almost complete. You'd best return to your post or the commander'll have your head."

Deckhand 3 (Airship Bilge)

  • "The archmage Julius commands this vessel, but little is known of him."

Dwarf 1 (Dwarf Cave)

  • "Might you be lost? This here's the home of us dwarves?"

Dwarf 2 (Dwarf Cave)

  • "Looking to follow that airship into the western lands? Then you'd best get an airship of your own."
  • "Or, if you plan on going by foot...well, then the only means is trough Gaia pass."

Dwarf 3 (Dwarf Cave)

  • "When I was young, I'd race mine carts with Watts in the old abandoned shafts."
  • "I reckon all the carts are rusted by now."
  • "Nothing a little oil couldn't fix, mind ye. There's a peddler to the south who sells the stuff."

Dwarf 4 (Dwarf Cave)

  • "Legend says Gaia Pass is actually an ancient beast turned to stone to stop her from devouring the mountain's mythril."
  • "Well, it is if you're inclined to believe such fairy tales."

Dwarf 5 (Dwarf Cave)

  • "Watts would rather explore the abandoned mines than work at the forge with the rest of us."
  • "He's conviced that somewhere in the tunnels still slumbers a great vein of mythril."


  • "Whaaat is this foul taaaste in my mooouth!?"
  • "<spit>"

Elder (Menos)

  • (Older Voice) "How now? A boy from the heavens? He's lucky to be alive after a fall like that. 'Twas my thatch roof saved him."
  • (Older Voice) "You know this lad?"
  • "The boy fallen from the heavens finally awakes! You're in Menos if you were wondering."
  • "Your lady-friend left the village at dawn all hurry-scurry. Amanda, she said her name was."

Elder (Topple Residence)

  • "From high above the clouds, the Tree of Mana watches..."
  • "...ever protecting us from the evils of the world."

Elder (Wendel Residence)

  • "If I've one regret in life, it's that I never laid eyes on the sacred Tree of Mana. They say it is a thing of sheer beauty."

Girl (Menos Residence)

  • "Amanda seems distracted lately. I wonder if something's happened to her brother."

Girl (Wendel)

  • "The Grand Cathedral lies ahead."


  • (Maiden) "Help! Someone! Anyone!"
  • (Maiden) "Hasim! HASIM!"
  • (Maiden) "Hasim... You cannot leave me. Not here. Not now."
  • (Maiden) "Without you I am lost–a stranger in a strange land."
  • (Maiden) "Truly? I would be in your debt."
  • "I am Fuji."
  • "If you are injured, do not hesitate to tell me."
  • "I have spells that will ease your wounds."
  • "Let me see to your wounds."
  • "Sir Bogard of the Gemma Knights! It is an honor to meet you."
  • "This pendant was my mother's I had it since I was born."
  • "Sumo. Now that we've become better acquainted, I was thinking..."
  • "...that perharps you could benefit from learning some curative magic."
  • "What do you say?"
  • "Wonderful. You may study the cant from my grimoire. I've already memorized it."
  • "Well, good night!"
  • "Oh, Sumo!"
  • "I was so frightened..."
  • "I sense a great evil has been lifted from the manor..."
  • "No. I am unhurt...thanks to you, Sumo."
  • "Shall we continue our journey south to Wendel then?"
  • "Mother!"
  • "Mother..."
  • "Thank you."
  • "But how, exactly, do we get off this ship? I've tried the door. It won't budge."
  • "I might be able to squeeze through, but where would I go? I see only a narrow catwalk."
  • "Please do be quick. Once out, I fear I will not be able to keep my balance for long."
  • "Here. Keep the pendant, just in case I–"
  • "Sumo! Hold on!"


  • "Kind traveler... I am not long for this world..."
  • "You must escort the lady to Wendel and...into the care of...Sir Bogard..."

Injured Man (Wendel)

  • "Ugh... someone hit me from behind... It was him! That crimson-cloaked knave!"


  • "Yes, my lord. The Tree of Mana is indeed located within a shrine atop the Great Waterfall."
  • "Why, a miracle, of course."
  • "Of course not, my lord. There is a young maiden. I have sensed her power. She will lead us to the shrine."
  • "As you wish, my lord."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "I heard your friend has gone missing. If the locals are to be believed, disappearances are not uncommon."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "They also whisper that the young victims are kept in caskets in the manor cellar. You wouldn't be thinking of going down there alone, would you? Perhaps I can help."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "It is said there are creatures dwelling in this cavern that cannot be harmed with mere stone or steel."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "Should our paths cross with such abominations, I shall use my magic to send them back to the pit whence they came."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "Some walls can be destroyed by with a Mattock or Morningstar."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "These wall will sound different when you strike them with your weapon."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "If that mirror is indeed what people claim, I believe it may show us the Kett Manor butler's true colors."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "It has been fun, but I must be off. I wish you the best of luck in locating your displaced companion. Farewell!"
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "Our paths cross again! An I see you have found you missing maiden."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "Oh? Your flushed cheeks would suggest otherwise."
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "An imperial airship approaches!"
  • (Mysterious Traveler) "Come, milady. I shall see you to safety!"
  • "Though frequent, my visions are not always clear. I needed to learn more, and that required a disguise."
  • "I was not completely certain that Lady Fuji was a direct descendant of the line of Mana..."
  • "That is, until I witnessed the rite at the Grand Cathedral."
  • "And now, the girl is ours."
  • "Or you'll what? You sorely underestimate my powers, boy."
  • "Not so fast."

Man (Jadd)

  • "Jadd used to be a nice town...until Davias showed up and took control."

Man (Kett Manor)

  • "I wander the world in search of rare and valuable artifacts."
  • "Rumors of an enchanted mirror capable of dispelling magical glamors have brought me to this land."
  • "It seems, however, the fine count of Kett Manor has locked the thing away in a nearby peat cellar."

Man (Topple)

  • The Dark Lord is a tyrant. I'd leave this place...if there was anywhere else to go."

Man (Wendel)

  • "Greetings, travelers. You are welcome in the holy city of Wendel."

Man (Wendel Residence)

  • "Cibba is a great sage, and the city's most prominent figure. It is said he fought against the Empire in the Mana War."

Motherly Figure

  • "My, how you've grown, Fuji."
  • "Listen carefully, for what I am to tell you is of great import."
  • "You and I are of the line of Mana."
  • "We are both seeds fallen from the Tree of Life, tasked with Her protection against the myriad evils of the world."
  • "The once-mighty Empire of Vandolewas amongst those evils."
  • "I used the pendant to seal the tree atop Mt. Illusia and ensure none could ever draw near."
  • "But now the Duchy of Glaive threatens to revisit a dark chapter into our land's history."
  • "As your mother, I beseech you."
  • "Join with the Gemma Knights and see that the Dark Lord's foul plot bears no fruit."


  • "Aren't you the slightest bit intrigued by what Will said? If you are, then I think I might be able to help."
  • "The gate through which the beasts enter the coliseum leads directly outside the castle. That gate is unlocked after each match to let it the next creature."
  • "Try slipping out in the confusion after your own match. It may be your only chance for escape!"


  • "Don't die on me, Will!"
  • "Will, we can talk about this later!"
  • "Gemma Knights? Tree of Mana? What are you–? Will! WILL!!!"
  • "I won't forget this, Will."
  • "I guess It's now or never!"
  • "The Dark Lord and his court mage, Julius!"
  • "What are they doing here?"
  • "Time to make my exit!"
  • "I–I'm alive! But where am I?"
  • "If it's Bogard you seek, I may be able to help."
  • "I wouldn't think of leaving you alone out there, what with the duchy's minions about. My name is Sumo."
  • "Pardon me, sir, but I seek a man named Bogard. Might you know where I can find him?"
  • "Thinking?"
  • "Oh! Uh...yeah. I was thinking the exact same thing."
  • "Right... Good night..."
  • "Fuji! She's gone!"
  • "Fuji!"
  • "Let's get out of here. Seomthing feels wrong about this place."
  • "I say we don't stick around to find out."
  • "Are you alright? The count didn't...I mean..."
  • "She's not my maiden..."
  • "My what...? Ah!"
  • "...Mother?"
  • "The what?"
  • "A traveler who helped me back at Kett Manor. I'll find where he went!"
  • "Fuji! Where are you!?"
  • "Julius? But you've been helping me! Why?"
  • "Let her go, or I'll–"
  • "Fuji..."
  • "Wh-Where am I? Where's Fuji!?"
  • "I'm going after them!"
  • "My thanks, Sir Cibba."
  • "Ugggh... That'll hurt in the morning..."
  • "I am in your debt. Might you be Watts?"
  • "Sir Bogard! Forgive me. I wasn't able to protect Lady Fuji..."
  • "Fuji!"
  • "I'll circle around and wait for you on the other side!"
  • "Wish me luck!"
  • "We must hurry. The ship is about to take off."
  • "Gah!"
  • "I... I can't..."
  • "Wh-Where am I? The pendant! It's gone!"
  • "Was I dreaming? I could've sworn I heard Amanda's voice... But that's impossible..."
  • "What was that!?"
  • "Oh, hello there!"
  • "Stop following me!"
  • "You think I'm your mother! Alright then, come with me!"


  • "Where did you come from? I though I was the only one down here!"
  • "The one and only! Are you here to help me search for mythril? When then, lead on!"
  • "I have a tool for every occasion!"
  • "Just imagine all the wonderful things I could create with this!"
  • "Why, a full suit of mythril armor might even fool Gaia! I must hury back to the forge!"
  • "Sumo! Behold, my new creations!"
  • "Equip yourself in these, and Gaia is certain to let you pass."


  • "Sumo... Listen carefully..."
  • "The Tree of Mana is in danger..."
  • "Seek out Sir Bogard near the Great Waterfall."
  • "He is one of the few remaining Gemma Knights and must be warned. He will know what to."

Woman (Kett Manor)

  • "Don't venture too far south, lest you stumble across that infernal nest of lizards."
  • "The only reason that the count doesn't do away with the creatures is that they guard the key to his peat cellar."

Woman (Menos)

  • "Amanda's younger brother Lester is a bard of considerable talent."
  • "He plays the harp in the nearby town of Jadd."

Woman (Menos Residence)

  • "The desert is said to be littered with ancient relics, such as grimoires containing magic spells."

Woman (Topple)

  • "Welcome to Topple."

Woman (Topple Residence)

  • "Some people say the woodcutter who lives up by the waterfall used to be a great knight."
  • "I say he's naught but a stubborn old man too proud for his own good."

Woman (Wendel)

  • "The land's rivers all share a common source–the Great Waterfall."
  • "From the base of the Tree of Mana does this cataract flow, bringing life to all the realm."
  • "Without her waters, our land and all living things in it would wither and die."

Unnamed Characters


  • "Sumo is one of countless gladiators indentured to the Duchy of Glaive."
  • "Each day, he and his ill-fated companions are dragged from their cells and bade to fight exotic beasts for the amusement of the Dark Lord."
  • "If victorious, they are thrown back into the dungeons with just enough bread to tide them over until their next match."
  • "But a body can only take so much, and it is never long before the weary captives succumb to their cruel fates."
  • "Will slumps to the ground."
  • "The light slowly fades from Hasim's eyes."
  • "The vision fades."
  • "The ground begins to tremble."
  • "The mine cart is covered in rust."
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