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Microsoft Windows

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Microsoft Windows, often referred to simply as Windows, is a family of operating software for personal computers, game consoles, smartphones (formerly), and other smart devices created by Redmond, Washington-based technology conglomerate Microsoft. Dating back to 1985 as a graphical overlay ("shell") for the company's earlier MS-DOS and PC-DOS operating systems, Windows has grown to power more than 90 percent of PCs worldwide over the course of its 40-year-plus evolution. The OS is so tightly woven with IBM-compatible PCs that "Windows" and "PC" are often used interchangeably. The current version, Windows 11, was released in October 2021.

Gaining significant market share with version 3.1 in 1992, the foundations of modern Windows can be said to have been laid three years later, in 1995. Windows 95, released in July, established a number of paradigms that continue to carry forward into the present day. In September of the sane year, Microsoft began development of its DirectX framework APIs, providing PC games with a solid foundation for higher stability and accelerated performance. Following a further six years of development as separate "consumer" and "business" platforms, Windows was unified under a common foundation with 2001's Windows XP.

Windows has since evolved to be adapted on portable devices (Windows CE, Windows Mobile, and Windows Phone), video game consoles (Xbox, Xbox System Software), infrastructure (Server), and IoT-enabled appliances (Embedded).

As a PC operating system, Windows hosts thousands of games that can be purchased and installed via the Windows Store or third parties such as Steam.

Mana titles on Windows[edit]

Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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