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Popoi --"I'm baaack! ..? What the...? The Sandship article is in shambles!"
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First appearance Secret of Mana (1993)
Latest appearance Secret of Mana HD (2018)
Inhabitant(s) Admiral Meria (temporarily) • Commander Morie (temporarily) • Sergo (temporarily)

The Sandship, also known as Admiral Meria's Sandship, is a location in Secret of Mana. It's a large metallic ship sailing through Kakkara Desert and is managed by Admiral Meria.

The party hops onboard escaping the desert heat after being shot from the Great Forest Cannon Travel Center.


Secret of Mana[edit]



Content(s) Location
Whip Orb Defeat Mech Rider


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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