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Duelist (Visions of Mana)

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Visions of Mana 3D render
First appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Latest appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Japanese name デュエリスト
Elemental vessel Undine Flask
Weapon type Greatsword
Role type Melee
Class strike Serpent Surge
See also: Duelist (disambiguation)

The Duelist is one of Val's eight elemental classes in Visions of Mana, corresponding to water. It can be switched into by obtaining the Undine Flask during chapter 1.


“Wielding heavy blades, this water-based class makes a perfet front-line fighter, and can even stun opponents with powerful attacks.”
In-game description

Elemental Plot[edit]

Name Required EP MP Cost Power Type Description

Charge Slash
0 0 0 Physical "Press and hold Power Attack to build up energy and unleash a powerful sword strike. Keep hoding down Power Attack to unleash two slice attacks in a row."

Spirit Circle
5 3 45 Ninja Moves "Channels inner fighting spirit to deal non-elemental damage, high chance of stunning enemy."

10 0 0 Passive "Lowers enemy DEF and MGC DEF by 10% when a special attack connects. The effect cannot be applied multiple times to the same enemy."

Ice Saber
15 7 0 Magic "Uses the power of water to imbue an ally's weapon with water elemental damage."

Water Elemental Break
20 0 0 N/A "Unleash the power of water spirits once your mana gauge is full. Covers all the enemies inside the battle arena in bubbles."

Frigid Talon
40 0 0 Passive "Grants a 5% chance of freezing an enemy when a normal attack hits."

60 0 0 Passive "Grants a 10% chance of freezing an enemy when a special attack connects."

Ice Saber +
70 18 0 Magic "Uses the power of water to imbue the entire party's weapons with water elemental damage."

Frostscale +
80 0 0 Passive "Grants a 20% chance of freezing an enemy when a special attack connects."

Dragon Fervor
100 0 0 Passive "Harder to be knocked back by an enemy attack."

Frigid Inferno
100 0 0 Passive "Grants a 15% chance of instantly destroying a frozen enemy. Does not trigger on boss monsters or Nemeses."


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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