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Majesty (Visions of Mana)

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Visions of Mana 3D render
First appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Latest appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Japanese name エンプレス
Elemental vessel Luna Globe
Weapon type Boots
Role type Range
Class strike Moon March

The Majesty is one of Palamena's eight elemental classes in Visions of Mana, corresponding to the Moon. It is one of Palamena's four default classes upon joining during chapter 2, the others being Monarch, Rune Seer, and Grand Diviner (Visions of Mana).


“A melee, moon class equipped with boots specialized for combat. They unleash powerful stomping moves and offensive magic to stop adversaries in their tracks.”
In-game description

Elemental Plot[edit]

Name Required EP MP Cost Power Type Description

Shattering Stomp
0 0 0 Physical "Press and hold Normal Attack to crush your enemies with a mighty axe kick."

Moon Slice
5 3 90 Magic "Unleashes a crescent-shaped light disc. Deals moon damage to enemy."

10 0 0 Passive "Increases the damage any party member deals to an enemy by 5%. Does not trigger when attacking boss monsters."

Moon Rend
15 6 330 Magic "Unleashes a half-moon shaped arc of light. Deals moon damage to enemy."

Moon Elemental Break
20 0 0 Passive "Unleash the power of the moon spirits once your mana gauge is full. Slows down the movements of all enemies within the battle arena."

40 0 0 Passivity "Grants an 80% chance of instantly reflecting a stat decrease back at an enemy."

New Moon
60 10 600 Magic "Beams of moonlight barrage the area. Deals moon damage to enemy."

70 26 0 Magic "Uses the power of the moon to fully restore an ally's HP"

Moon's Mystique
80 0 0 Passive "Increases the entire party's MP recovery from items by 10%."

100 0 0 Passive "Restores 5% HP and MP for entire party after winning a battle."

Moonlight Mandate
100 0 0 Passive "Grants a 50% chance of boosting the entire party's MAGC ATK and MGC DEF at the start of battle."


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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