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Visions of Mana 3D render
First appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Latest appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Japanese name ウォーロック
Elemental vessel Luna Globe
Weapon type Wand
Role type Range
Class strike Florid Moonlight

The Occultist is one of Julei's eight elemental classes in Visions of Mana, corresponding to the Moon. It is one of Julei's seven default classes upon joining, the others being Custodian, Piper, Scholar, Gatekeeper, and Hunter.


“A moon class that can conjure up floral projectiles with a wand and use offensive magic to wipe out enemies.”
In-game description

Elemental Plot[edit]

Name Required EP MP Cost Power Type Description

Bud Bullet
0 0 0 Physical "Anytime during a basic attack combo, stagger press Normal Attack to shoot a spiraling flower bullet forward."

Petal Pistol
5 0 0 Physical "Press and hold Normal Attack to shoot a large projectile ahead of you."

Moon Slice
10 3 90 Magic "Unleashes a crescent-shaped light disc. Deals moon damage to enemy."

15 0 0 Passive "Grants a 40% chance to knock back an enemy when a normal attack hits."

Moon Elemental Break
20 0 0 N/A "Unleash the power of the moon spirits once your mana gauge is full. Slows down the movement of all enemies within the battle arena."

Moon Rend
40 6 330 Magic "Unleashes a half-moon shaped arc of light. Deals moon damage to enemy."

Magic Whack
60 0 0 Passive "Reduces the damage that Magicali enemies can deal by 20% and increases the damage that can be inflicted on them by 20%."

Moon Spiral
70 20 1050 Magic "Spawns a giant field of Lunar energy. Deals moon damage to enemy."

80 0 0 Passive "Increases the damage of normal and special attacks by an amount based on Julei's MGC ATK."

100 0 0 Passive "Grants a 20% chance of nullfying damage taken."

Witching Hour
100 0 0 Passive "Increases the damage of magic attacks by an amount based on Julei's ATK."


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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