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Visions of Mana 3D render
First appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Latest appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Japanese name ビーストテイマー
Elemental vessel Dryad Sprig
Weapon type Flail
Role type Range
Class strike Thistle Thrash

The Beastleader is one of Palamena's eight elemental classes in Visions of Mana, corresponding to wood. It can be switched into by obtaining the Dryad Sprig during chapter 4.


“Having tamed avrious monsters to call forth in battle, thsi wood-aligned class can increase the strength of its summoning spells and use flails to overpower its foes.”
In-game description

Elemental Plot[edit]

Name Required EP MP Cost Power Type Description

Charging Chain
0 0 0 Physical "Press and hold Normal Attack to spring backward whil extending the end of your flail forward."

Summon Rabite
5 6 330 Magic "Summons multiple Rabites, dealing strike damage to enemy."

10 0 0 Passive "Increases the damage of summoning magic by 60%"

Summon Howler
15 8 390 Passive "Summons multiple Howlers, dealing slash damage to enemy."

Wood Elemental Break
20 0 0 N/A "Unleash the power of the wood spirits once your mana gauge is full. Turns the battle arena into a space with healing properties."

Feral Favor
40 0 0 Passive "Raises DEF and MGC DEF by 50% when casting."

Summon Needlebeak
60 12 585 Magic "Summons multiple Needlebeaks, dealing strike and wind damage to enemy."

Summon Axe Beak
70 22 1110 Magic "Summons an Axe Beak, dealing fire elemental damage."

Kindred Spirits +
80 0 0 Passive "Allows summoning magic to be cast instantly."

Survival Sense
100 0 0 Passive "Allows survival at 1 HP when struck with a blow that would otherwise be fatal, as long as Hp is at 30% or above. Can only activate once per battle."

Harmonized Harm
100 0 0 Passive "Grants a 80% chance of inflicting an extra effect when summoning magic connects. The extra effect changes depending on the summoning magic used."


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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