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Piper (Visions of Mana)

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Visions of Mana 3D render
First appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Latest appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Japanese name ハーメルン
Elemental vessel Sylphid Boomerang
Weapon type Umbrella
Role type Buff-support
Class strike Scatter Cyclone

The Piper is one of Julei's eight elemental classes in Visions of Mana, corresponding to wind. It is one of Julei's seven default classes upon joining, the others being Custodian, Occultist, Scholar, Gatekeeper, and Hunter.


“With the power of wind, this class can use their umbrellas to reduce the amount of damage the party receives from certain monster types and increases the damage dealt to them.”
In-game description

Elemental Plot[edit]

Name Required EP MP Cost Power Type Description

Blitz Flight
0 0 0 Physical "Anytime during a basic attack combo, stagger press Normal Attack to open up your umbrella an thrust forward."

Summon Rabite
5 6 330 Magic "Summons multiple Rabites, dealing strike damage to enemy."

10 0 0 Passive "Reduces the damage that Animal and Flying enemies can deal to the entire party by 5% and increases the damage the entire party can inflict on them by 5%."

15 0 0 Passive "Restores 5% HP every 10 sec. for the entire party during battle."

Wind Elemental Break
20 0 0 N/A "Unleash the power of the wind spirits once your mana gauge is full. Generates wind vortexes that ensnare all opponents within the battle arena."

Summon Chobin Hood
40 12 585 Magic "Summons multiple Chobin Hoods, dealing slash damage to enemy."

Hard Thrash
60 0 0 Passive "Increases the damage of summoning magic by 60%."

Summon Fullmetal Hugger
70 19 1020 Magic "Summons Fullmetal Hugger, dealing light elemental damage."

Cacophony +
80 0 0 Passive "Reduces the damage that Animal and Flying enemies can deal to the entire party by 10% and increases the damage the entire party can inflict on them by 10%."

100 0 0 Passive "Restores 5% MP every 10 sec. for the entire party during battle."

Harmonies of Harvest
100 0 0 Passive "Restores 10% HP to entire party when any party member defeats an enemy."


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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