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Elemental Vessel

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Val using the Sylphid Boomerang

Elemental vessels are a set of eight mystical relics imbued with powers of their respective elemental. They are integral part of gameplay both on the overworld and during battle.


Elemental vessels can be used while exploring the world of Qi'Diel and fighting enemies. Each vessel has different functions and effects and can be used to solve puzzles or deal magical damage. Players can assign a vessel to a player character by going to the Gear/Skills Menu. Equipping a character with said vessel will trigger a surge of energy enabling a Class change of the corresponding element. Doing this on a character for the first time will unlock a path on its Elemental Plot. Each elemental class has its own abilities, class strikes, weapons and abilities to use.

Pressing the right trigger button (R2 or RT) where available will activate a vessel. This also allows party members to swap vessels and classes in the Main Menu while idle.

In Battle[edit]

Players can perform what is known during battle as an Elemental Break when their Mana gauge is full. While an Elemental Break is in effect, magic and moves of the same element deal increased damage and have reduced casting times. Furthermore, the normal effects of the elemental vessel are enhanced. Using vessels often has a better chance to yield glowing orbs on the field which can replenish MP on contact.

On the Overworld[edit]

Players can activate elemental triggers should they have the corresponding vessel. This is allow a change in the environment, often creating a path for the party to proceed. Interacting with an Elementite will also replenish mana and elemental points. Elementite will only be activated if the party has the matching vessel in possession. Elemental aeries of a matching elemental vessel can also be unlocked by interacting with it.

List of Elemental Vessels[edit]

Elemental Vessel Element Location Overworld use Combat use

Sylphid Boomerang
Wind Aery Passage
(Chapter 1)
  • Creates updrafts that lift party members up
  • Lifts airborne boulders to create a path
  • Activates wind tunnels (Tempest Trails) for use as ziplines
  • Creating wind gusts that trap enemies for a while
  • Raining down blades of pressurized air on trapped foes
  • Shorter cannon reload period during Garethe's fight

Luna Globe
Moon Lefeya Drifts
(Chapter 1)
  • Slows or reverses time around an area for a while
  • Turning sandglasses in Castle Cresceno will allow players to move between past and present
  • Creates a spherical zone where enemy reaction time is slowed down
  • Allies entering the zone will see their casting time shorten and attacks extecuted more quickly

Undine Flask
Water Illystana
(Chapter 2)
  • Allows allies to move around in floating bubbles to reach higher ground. Each bubble will maintain integrity as long as water remains.
  • Splashing water at the water sphere on the elevator in Luka Ruins will create healing and attack bubbles
  • Spraying water on lava in Dorpher Volcano will cool it down, creating new paths
  • Sprays enemies down with jets of water
  • Enemies hit with the current will be blown away and caught in a bubble
  • Attacking trapped enemies inside the bubble will cause it to burst, creating splashing damage around it; the same effect also applies when the bubble hits the ground or walls

Salamando Candle
Fire Tsaata
(Chapter 3)

Allows party leader to mount the vessel and use it like a rocket to traverse obstacles. Running out of mana or colliding with a wall will stops the vessel in its track

  • Set the user ablaze and charge at the enemy
  • Any foes caught in the onslaught will be burned

Gnome Shovel
Earth Gudju
(Chapter 4)
  • Allow players to control golems in Garmuda Mines creating previously blocked paths and other utiliarian tasks such as punching and stomping
  • Create a dome-shaped rock wall around the caster
  • Allies within the dome will see their damage intake reduced

Dryad Sprig
Wood Verdeus Borough
(Chapter 4)
  • Grow large blossoms acting as platforms allowing passage
  • Create a healing aera, allowing allies to progressively restore HP while inside

Lumina Lantern
Light Zawhak Desert
(Chapter 5)
  • Create light beams onto prisms, allowing it to be reflected and bounced off by multiple prisms, unlocking mechanisms inside Wendel Temple
  • Reveal unseen paths by bouncing off light off certain prisms
  • Cast luminous lanes to bridge gaps in the darkness
  • Hurling the lantern at an enemy will encircle with light. Linking multple enemies together will make them share the same damage when one is struck

Shade Sight
Darkness Log'grattzo
(Chapter 5)
  • Warp to previously unreachable areas
  • Use gravitational force to manipulate objects around
  • Use gravity grapple to swing across gaps
  • Show/hide grapple points
  • Reveal fracturable points/weaknesses of certain enemies
  • Allow lighter enemies to be pulled toward the user
  • Larger enemies will pull the user toward them