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Elemental trigger

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Elemental triggers are part of an important gameplay element in Visions of Mana. They are clusters of elemental energy allowing player characters to traverse their environment.


Appearing on the overworld as flock of miniature elementals hovering around the ground, players can interact with them should they possess the requisite Elemental Vessel. Depending on the element and the environment, triggers will allow temporary action until depleted. Payers can use elemental triggers indefinitely as they do not consume EP (elemental points) on activation. While most triggers are permanently on once activated, some may switch off after a their time limit and need to be reset.

List of elemental triggers[edit]

Type Location Effect Description
Water Charred Passage Bubble float Near the waterfall on the beach.
Water Charred Passage Bubble float Next to some rock formation by the beach.
Wind Charred Passage Ascending updraft Atop a cliff.
Wind Charred Passage Ascending updraft Atop a cliff.
Fire Charred Passage Launch Next to the main path to Dorpher Volcano. Needed to pick up a large batch of Grizzly Syrup on the crags.
Wind Aery Passage Ascending updraft Next to the main path near the exit to Charred Passage.
Wind Aery Passage Ascending updraft Atop a wodden structure.
Water Aery Passage Bubble float In a pond in the wetland area.
Wind Mt. Gala Ascending updraft Near the broken bridge.
Wind Mt. Gala Ascending updraft On a lone island in the middle of the ravine.
Wind Mt. Gala Ascending updraft Next to a river.
Wind Mt. Gala Ascending updraft At the edge of a narrow bridge.
Wind Mt. Gala Ascending updraft At the edge of the cliff near the ruins.
Wind Lefeya Drifts Ascending updraft Next to a large pillar of ice.
Water Lefeya Drifts Bubble float Near the end of a ledge.
Moon Rime Falls Slowing time Near the icy river.
Moon Rime Falls Slowing time Near the icy river.
Moon Rime Falls Slowing time Near another icy river.
Moon Rime Falls Slowing time Near another icy river.
Dark (x8) Fallow Steppe Magnet Pull Used to climb the lighthouse.
Wind Fallow Steppe Ascending updraft On the main path.
Moon Rime Falls Time Shift Used to rewind time to get chest content.
Moon Rime Falls Time Shift Used to rewind time to get chest content inside ruins.
Water Pritta Ridge Bubble float Near the large dam.
Wind Pritta Ridge Ascending updraft On the eastern beach.
Water Pritta Ridge Bubble float On the western beach.
Water Pritta Ridge Bubble float In the middle of the western beach.
Water Ahrvet's Pasture Bubble float At the bottom of the southern waterfall.
Moon Rime Falls Time Shift Next to an opened chest in the middle of the river.
Wind Dura Gorge Ascending updraft Halfway along the path.
Wind Dura Gorge Ascending updraft In the clearing reached by dropping down from the cliffs above.
Wind Dura Gorge Ascending updraft At the edge of the cave.
Wind Dura Gorge Ascending updraft On top of a rock near a large skull.
Dark (x5) Khaswia Moors Magnet pull At the bottom of a sheer cliff face.
Dark (x6) Khaswia Moors Magnet pull Between two cliffs in the middle of the area.
Water Khaswia Moors Bubble float Next to a lake.
Wind Khaswia Moors Ascending updraft Near some rocks on the beach.
Dark (x5) Khaswia Moors Magnet pull Appears after triggering the dark elementals on the stone pillar nearby.
Wood Khaswia Moors Flower bloom Atop a cliff near near the green section north of the map.
Fire Tatoh Temple Launch At the beginning of the curved corridor.
Fire Zawhak Desert Launch Sends you to the opposite side of the central sand pool. You can collect a bunch of Grizzly Syrup along the way.
Wind Zawhak Desert Ascending updraft Atop some abandoned buildings in the southern part of the map.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control In front of the main tower.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control On the path leading to the southern area.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control Surrounded by purple crystals.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control Next to some breakable scaffolding.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control On the path leading to the northern area.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control Next to some breakable scaffolding.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control On a small pedestal.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control Surrounded by purple crystals.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control At the beginning of the second area.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control On a small pedestal northern room of the second area.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control Tucked in a corner in the southern room of the second area.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control On a pedestal in the southern room of the second area.
Earth Garmuda Mines Golem control On a pedestal in the western room of the second area.
Wood Mylos Woods (southern area) Flower bloom At the edge of a plant’s roots.
Wood Mylos Woods (southern area) Flower bloom Halfway along a large plant root.
Wood Mylos Woods (southern area) Flower bloom On top of a large plant root.
Light Mylos Woods (southern area) Path making On some low-down rocks in the poisonous swamp.
Wood Mylos Woods (southern area) Flower bloom At the edge of the cliff.
Light Mylos Woods (southern area) Path making Next to some ruins.
Wood Mylos Woods (southern area) Flower bloom Due south of the map.
Light Mylos Woods (southern area) Path making Next to a beam of light.
Wood Mylos Woods (southern area) Flower bloom At the end of the southern path.
Wood Mylos Woods (southern area) Flower bloom Near the path leading to the Sanctuary Entrance.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Portal In the first room. Link with the following trigger.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Portal In the second room. Link with the previous trigger.
Dark (x3) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the first corridor.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the second corridor.
Dark (x2) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the second corridor. Needed to ascend.
Dark (x2) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In a large room at the end of the second corridor.
Dark (x2) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the first void area.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Portal Atop the winding staircase. Link with the following trigger.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Portal Inside a large room in the second area. Link with the previous trigger.
Dark (x7) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull Inside a long tunnel in the second void area.
Dark (x4) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the second void area, following the tunnel.
Dark (x5) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the second void area, going toward the next portal.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Portal Atop a large platform. Link with the following trigger.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Portal In a small room. Link with the previous trigger.
Dark (x5) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the third void area, following the previous portal.
Dark Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the third void area, going to the twin platforms.
Dark (x2) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the third void area, going to the left platform.
Dark (x2) Passagean Tomespire Magnet pull In the third void area, going to the right platform.
Light Temple of Wendel Path making Next to the temple's entrance.
Light Temple of Wendel Path making On the main path.
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection Activate this to create a light beam. Afterwards, go to the mirror to the east.
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection First, activate the trigger to the west. Turn the mirror so the light beam is facing towards the door.
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection Turn this mirror so it’s facing the crystal straight ahead (to the north).
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection Turn this mirror so it’s facing the center, making the light beam zig-zag north.
Light Temple of Wendel Path making Teleports you to the next floor.
Light Temple of Wendel Path making Teleports you to the next floor.
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection To progress, turn this mirror so it’s facing directly north, creating a light bridge nearby. You will also need to turn the mirror to the west.
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection To progress, turn this mirror so it’s facing north-east, creating a light bridge along the right side of the chamber. You will also need to turn the mirror to the east.
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection To reach this mirror, you need to turn the bottom left and bottom right mirrors to create light bridges along the right side of the chamber. Afterwards, turn this mirror towards the central crystal to create the last light bridge.
Light Temple of Wendel Path making Teleports you further ahead.
Light Temple of Wendel Prism reflection Turn this mirror to reveal the hidden platforms. As the characters mentioned, the platforms are always there, even if you can’t see them.
Light Temple of Wendel Path making Teleports you all the way up.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft Near a broken bridge.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft Near the broken bridges.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft On a ledge reached by activating the other elemental trigger nearby.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the top of some stairs.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft Near a broken bridge at the top of a rocky climb.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the end of a large broken bridge.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the top of a rocky climb accessed via the other elemental trigger nearby.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the end of the half-broken bridge.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the edge of the island.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft On a low-down ledge reached by jumping down from the left side of the island.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the end of a broken bridge.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft On a ledge near the broken bridge.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the end of the path.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft Near the broken bridge, reached by jumping and dodging over from the island to the south.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the edge of the island.
Wind Wind Sanctum Ascending updraft At the edge of the island.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift Next to the Castle entrance near some bookshelves.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift In a small corridor.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift In a small corridor.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift In a small room.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift In a long carpeted corridor.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift In a large communal room.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift At the beginning of a long corridor leading to Tor Marne's lair.
Moon Castle Cresceno Time Shift In a long corridor leading to Tor Marne's lair.
Water Luka Ruins Undertemple Bubble float Not far from the dungeon's entrance.
Water Luka Ruins Undertemple Bubble float Next to the water basin.
Water Luka Ruins Undertemple Bubble float On the stone ledge on the other side of the basin.
Water Luka Ruins Undertemple Bubble float On the bridge next to Gandoom's lair.
Wood Floating Isle of Ulul Flower bloom On a steep hill, used for collecting Grizzly Syrup.
Wood (x3) Floating Isle of Ulul Flower bloom At the edge of a cliff overlooking the pond.
Wood Floating Isle of Ulul Flower bloom Used to cross a small pond.
Light Floating Isle of Ulul Prism reflection At ground level. Activate this trigger to make a light beam appear. Afterwards, follow the light beam to the mirror.
Light Floating Isle of Ulul Prism reflection At ground level. After activating the Elemental Trigger to the east, turn this mirror all the way right, so the light beam zig-zags to the next mirror.
Light Floating Isle of Ulul Prism reflection At ground level. Leave this mirror alone. If you moved it before, rotate the mirror so it’s orientated back towards the center.
Light Floating Isle of Ulul Prism reflection Near the top of the slope. You need to activate the light beam at ground level first, then make the light beam strike this mirror. Afterwards, rotate this mirror so it’s facing left, creating a bridge of light upwards.
Light Floating Isle of Ulul Prism reflection At the highest point. Teleports you to the final area.
Fire Dorpher Volcano Launch Next to the pool of orange lava.
Fire Dorpher Volcano Launch In a corner next to the orange lava pool.
Water Dorpher Volcano Bubble float In the western area next to lava.
Water Dorpher Volcano Bubble float In the western area next to lava.
Fire Dorpher Volcano Launch In a corner at the end of the western area.
Fire Dorpher Volcano Launch At the edge of the main pathway from the entrance.
Fire Dorpher Volcano Launch At the edge of a plateau.
Fire Dorpher Volcano Launch On a small island right before the fight with Vaulchibel.
Dark (x2) Distorted Sanctuary Magnet pull In the Rime Falls area. Use this to swing across the river.
Dark (x3) Distorted Sanctuary Magnet pull In the Rime Falls area. Use this to swing across the river.
Wind Distorted Sanctuary Ascending updraft Creates a stream of wind that you can ride south-east.
Wind Distorted Sanctuary Floating platforms Generates floating platforms to bridge the gap.
Wind Distorted Sanctuary Ascending updraft Generates a gust of wind.
Wind Distorted Sanctuary Ascending updraft Generates a gust of wind.
