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Wanderer: Of course!</font>
Wanderer: Of course!</font>
(As Wanderer is about to leave the village, a voice is heard.)
Voice: Wait...
(The eight Mana spirits appear behind Ferrik.)
Wanderer: What is it?
Gnome: You're heading to the Mana Tower, are you not?
Wanderer: That's right.
Dryad: A turbulent force surrounds the tower. It's dangerous.
Wanderer: But Tess is still inside!
Undine: So you're diving in all alone? Don't be so reckless!
Wanderer: But someone must help her get out of there!
Salamander: Now, now. Calm down.
Shade: Yes. It's always darkest before the dawn.
Wisp: Wanderer, we're here to offer you our help.
Wanderer: Excuse me?
Luna: We can't just stand back and watch while Tess is in danger.
Wanderer: Really?
Jinn: You can have one of us whisk along with you.
[Mana spirit selection]
Wanderer: Thanks!
[Selected Mana spirit dialogue]
Wisp: Let the light guide you, [Player]!
Wanderer: All right!

(Wanderer heads to the Mana Tower.)  
(Wanderer heads to the Mana Tower.)  
{{Children of Mana}}
{{Children of Mana}}
[[Category:Game scripts]]
[[Category:Game scripts]]

Revision as of 01:54, October 19, 2023


Opening Scene

'Tis a tale of long ago, when the Mana Tree was newly born. Illusia Isle floated the middle of a sea in the center of the world. Above it towered the great Mana Tree. I'm sure you've heard many stories about the Mana Tree and the Sword of Mana. The story you're about to hear tells of the only time the holy sword ever dared to defy Mana. This is how it all began…


(Ferrik is speaking to Moti inside his house after his sword training.)

Moti: That will be all for today.

Ferrik: Moti, could you teach me more often? I want to train more so I can get better fast!

Moti: Hahaha. Those fiery eyes... They look just like your father's.

Ferrik: Oh?

Moti: Your father was a captain in the Holy Infantry of Wendel. He was a fearless swordsman–

Ferrik: That's right. And I want to be a swordsman just like him. That's why I need more training!

Moti: There's no need for impatience. In the catalcysm ten years ago, monsters swarmed the land. The world today is very different.

Ferrik: Yeah, but–

Moti: Train to hard and you'll injure yourself. No more lessons for today.

Ferrik: Fine. I guess I'll go see what Tess is up to.

Moti: Wait just a moment. It's almost time for Tess to go and offer prayers at the Tree of Mana. You mustn't keep her from her duties.

Ferrik: Prayer? There must be no harm in skipping them now and then.

Moti: The prayers to the Mana Tree are a sacred ritual to give thanks to the Mana goddess. Skipping them is not an option.

Ferrik: Well, if you put it like that...

Moti: Do not bother Tess. Understand?

Ferrik: All right. I won't. Well, I'll see you next time! Bye, Moti!

(Ferrik joins Tess near the village's central door.)

Ferrik: Hello, Tess.

Tess: Oh, hi, Ferrik.

Ferrik: Isn't time for you to go and pray soon?

Tess: Yes, I was just about to leave.

Ferrik: Doing more research today?

Tess: Yes. I've noticed more troubling things lately...

Ferrik: Like what?

Tess: Well, maybe it's just my imagination...but something strange is going on with the plants and animals. They seem restless, almost as if they're afraid of something.

Ferrik: Really... I can't really tell, but I hope it's nothing.

Tess: Me too... Oh, yeah. would you mind taking this to Moti for me?

Ferrik: To Moti? Why don't you–

Tess: I'm going to be late for prayers. Please? Pretty please?

Ferrik: You don't take no for an answer, do you?

Tess: Tell him they're the notes he wanted on abnormal plant growth. He'll know what you mean.

~Received Tess's Notes from Tess.~

Ferrik: Okay, I'll make sure he gets them.

Tess: Thanks! I'll see you later!

(Tess leave for the Mana Tower while Ferrik heads to see Moti.)

Moti: Ferrik, is something the matter?

Ferrik: Just delivering notes from Tess. Something about plants.

Moti: Oh, very good. Thank you, Ferrik.

Ferrik: See you, Moti.

(As Ferrik turns to leave, Watts enters.)

Watts: Anybody home?

Moti: Watts! Good to see you.

Watts: Ah, Moti.

Moti: It's been a while. How are you doing?

Watts: Can't complain. Ye're lookin' mighty good yerself.

Moti: As good as I can be, thank you.

Watts: Hm? Is that ye, Ferrik? Ye were just a bairn when I last saw ye. How ye've grown!

Moti: Really? I've gotten better with the sword, too!

Watts: And yer head's grown too, it has!

Moti: At any rate, this is a pleasant surprise... A visit from the king of the mines himself!

Watts: Well there's something that worries me a wee.

Moti: What's the matter?

Watts: Have a look at this.

(Watts places a red crystal on the table.)

Moti: What is it?

Watts: A geode. It's sort of a gem, if ye will. One of my lads got it from somewhere. But this is no ordinary stone, mind ye.

Moti: What do you mean?

Watts: It's got uncanny powers, it does. By Professor Bomb's way of it, it can alter the essence of any living thing.

Moti: Alter living things? Professor Bomb said that?

Watts: Aye.

Moti: Then could it be... The evil spirits... The power of Mavolia...

Ferrik: Evil spirits? Power of Mavolia? Not good! But weren't they contained ten years ago?

Watts: Aye, indeed they were. The gates to Mavolia were sealed shut ten years ago by the Mana goddess herself.

Moti: Then why is this happening?

Watts: I don't know. That's why I'm here. I'm thinking there might be something strange happening here on Illusia.

Moti: I see... Well, something about the Mana Tree has caught my attention rencently...

Watts: And what might that be?

(An earthquake is felt.)

Watts: By criffins! An earthquake!

(Pete barges into Moti's place.)

Pete: Come quick! It's the stone!

Moti: What's wrong with the stone?

Pete: Please, just come and see! Hurry!

Moti: Ferrik, go on ahead. I'll be there shortly.

(Ferrik, Moti & Watts, along with several other villagers are gathered around the stone.)

Watts: What in the name of the goddess...

(The stone glows for a moment, then a strong light shines, leaving the stong full of cracks.)

Moti: The stone has cracked! But how?

Watts: And what the devil was that white light?

(Nana runs toward the villagers.)

Nana: Help! the Mana Tower!

Moti: What is it?

Nana: The tower... It was swallowed by a white light!

Watts: A white light, ye say?

Nana: I...I got scared and ran back here. But Tess is still there! She's inside!

Moti: Is she all right?

Nana: I was late for prayers, so Tess went ahead alone.

Ferrik: I'll get her out of there!

Watts: Hold on, Ferrik! Take this with ye. It's one of Professor Bomb's inventions: the gem frame! Ye can use it to harness the latent powers hidden within gems. Select "Gems" from the menu on the bottom screen, and then insert gems into the frame. If ye want to know more, head to the Silver Mermaid and ask Professor Bomb's lads. They should be able to help ye.

~Received Gem Frame from Watts.~

~Received Crystal of Strength from Watts.~

Moti: This may be familiar territory, but you must start alert. Something is clearly amiss. You won't have the luxury of changing you equipment during battle. So prepare yourself well before heading to the tower. And should you ever feel your life is in danger, use this. It's a magic rope that will return you here instantly, even from the deepest cavern.

~Received Magic Rope from Moti.~

Ferrik: Thanks, both of you.

Watts: Be careful, my lad.

Ferrik: Of course!

(As Ferrik is about to leave the village, a voice is heard.)

Voice: Wait...

(The eight Mana spirits appear behind Ferrik.)

Ferrik: Hm?

Gnome: You're heading to the Mana Tower, are you not?

Ferrik: That's right.

Dryad: A turbulent force surrounds the tower. It's dangerous.

Ferrik: But Tess is still inside!

Undine: So you're diving in all alone? Don't be so reckless!

Ferrik: But someone has to get her out of there!

Salamander: Now, now. Calm down.

Shade: Yes. It's always darkest before the dawn.

Wisp: Ferrik, we're here to offer you our help.

Ferrik: Huh?

Luna: We can't just stand back and watch while Tess is in danger.

Ferrik: Really?

Jinn: You can have one of us whisk along with you.

[Mana spirit selection]

Ferrik: Thanks!

[Selected Mana spirit dialogue]

Ferrik: All right!

(Ferrik heads to the Mana Tower.)


(Tamber enters Mana Village, Granny Hannah waiting for her.)

Granny Hannah: Ah, you're back, Tamber.

Tamber: Granny Hannah! You've been waiting here for me?

Granny Hannah: Well, I did ask you to go into the woods for me, after all. I'm so sorry.

Tamber: Don't mention it! It was the perfect morning walk.

Granny Hannah: I'm sure it was, but–

Tamber: Besides, you're alway taking good care of me. This is the least I can do. Here, these are the herbs you wanted.

Granny Hannah: Oh, thank you. They should help soothe my old wounds.

Tamber: From the cataclysm ten years ago?

Granny Hannah: Yes, when a beast attacked me. The pain still comes back from time to time.

Tamber: If they start hurting again, you let me know. I need you here for a long time to come. I want you to live the long life my parents couldn't.

Granny Hannah: You're so kind, dear. Say, why don't you come to my place for some tea?

Tamber: I'm sorry, Granny. I have to go see Tess.

Granny Hannah: Tess?

Tamber: She asked me to gather some plants for her research. I have to deliver them to her.

Granny Hannah: Wait just a minute, there. It's almost time for Tess to go and offer prayers at the Tree of Mana.

Tamber: Oh, right...

Granny Hannah: The prayers to the Mana Tree are a sacred ritual to give thanks to the Mana goddess. You musn't get in her way.

Tamber: I know, I won't get in her way. I'll see you later, Granny!

Granny Hannah: Thank you for the herbs, dear.

(Tamber joins Tess near the village's central stone.)

Tamber: Hi, Tess.

Tess: Oh, hi, Tamber.

Tamber: I've brought you one of the plants you wanted.

Tess: Sorry you have to do this all the time. I'd go myself, but...

Tamber: Don't worry about it. I'm better at this kind of thing anyway. You just concentrate on your Mana studies.

Tess: Thanks, Tamber.

Tamber: Doing more research today?

Tess: Yes. I've noticed some troubling things lately...

Tamber: Like what?

Tess: Well, maybe it's just my imagination...but something strange is going on with the plants and animals. They seem restless, almost as if they're afraid of something.

Tamber: Really... that doesn't sound good.

Tess: Me too... Oh, yeah. would you mind taking this to Moti for me?

Tamber: To Moti? Why don't you–

Tess: I'm going to be late for prayers. Please? Pretty please?

Tamber: You don't take no for an answer, do you?

Tess: Tell him they're the notes he wanted on abnormal plant growth. He'll know what you mean.

~Received Tess's Notes from Tess.~

Tamber: Okay, I'll make sure he gets them.

Tess: Thanks! I'll see you later!

(Tess leave for the Mana Tower while Tamber heads to see Moti.)

Moti: Tamber, is something the matter?

Tamber: Just delivering notes from Tess. Something about the abnormal growth of plants.

Moti: Oh, very good. Thank you, Tamber.

Tamber: See you, Moti.

(As Tamber turns to leave, Watts enters.)

Watts: Anybody home?

Moti: Watts! Good to see you.

Watts: Ah, Moti.

Moti: It's been a while. How are you doing?

Watts: Can't complain. Ye're lookin' mighty good yerself.

Moti: As good as I can be, thank you.

Watts: Hm? Is that ye, Tamber? Ye've become quite the looker!

Tamber: Oh, Watts. There you go again...

Moti: At any rate, this is a pleasant surprise... A visit from the king of the mines himself!

Watts: Well there's something that worries me a wee.

Moti: What's the matter?

Watts: Have a look at this.

(Watts places a yellow crystal on the table.)

Moti: What is it?

Watts: A geode. It's sort of a gem, if ye will. One of my lads got it from somewhere. But this is no ordinary stone, mind ye.

Moti: What do you mean?

Watts: It's got uncanny powers, it does. By Professor Bomb's way of it, it can alter the essence of any living thing.

Moti: Alter living things? Professor Bomb said that?

Watts: Aye.

Moti: Then could it be... The evil spirits... The power of Mavolia...

Tamber: Evil spirits? Power of Mavolia? But weren't they contained ten years ago?

Watts: Aye, indeed they were. The gates to Mavolia were sealed shut ten years ago by the Mana goddess herself.

Moti: Then why is this happening?

Watts: I don't know. That's why I'm here. I'm thinking there might be something strange happening here on Illusia.

Moti: I see... Well, something about the Mana Tree has caught my attention rencently...

Watts: And what might that be?

(An earthquake is felt.)

Watts: By criffins! An earthquake!

(Pete barges into Moti's place.)

Pete: Come quick! It's the stone!

Moti: What's wrong with the stone?

Pete: Please, just come and see! Hurry!

Moti: Tamber, go on ahead. I'll be there shortly.

(Tamber, Moti & Watts, along with several other villagers are gathered around the stone.)

Watts: What in the name of the goddess...

(The stone glows for a moment, then a strong light shines, leaving the stong full of cracks.)

Moti: The stone has cracked! But how?

Watts: And what the devil was that white light?

(Nana runs toward the villagers.)

Nana: Help! the Mana Tower!

Moti: What is it?

Nana: The tower... It was swallowed by a white light!

Watts: A white light, ye say?

Nana: I...I got scared and ran back here. But Tess is still there! She's inside!

Moti: Is she all right?

Nana: I was late for prayers, so Tess went ahead alone.

Tamber: I'll go rescue her!

Watts: Hold on, Tamber! Take this with ye. It's one of Professor Bomb's inventions: the gem frame! Ye can use it to harness the latent powers hidden within gems. Select "Gems" from the menu on the bottom screen, and then insert gems into the frame. If ye want to know more, head to the Silver Mermaid and ask Professor Bomb's lads. They should be able to help ye.

~Received Gem Frame from Watts.~

~Received Crystal of Thought from Watts.~

Moti: This may be familiar territory, but you must start alert. Something is clearly amiss. You won't have the luxury of changing you equipment during battle. So prepare yourself well before heading to the tower. And should you ever feel your life is in danger, use this. It's a magic rope that will return you here instantly, even from the deepest cavern.

~Received Magic Rope from Moti.~

Tamber: Watts, Moti, Thank you.

Watts: Be careful, my lass.

Tamber: I will!

(As Tamber is about to leave the village, a voice is heard.)

Voice: Wait...

(The eight Mana spirits appear behind Ferrik.)

Tamber: Hm?

Gnome: You're heading to the Mana Tower, are you not?

Tamber: That's right.

Dryad: A turbulent force surrounds the tower. It's dangerous.

Tamber: But Tess is still inside!

Undine: So you're diving in all alone? Don't be so reckless!

Tamber: But someone has to get her out of there!

Salamander: Now, now. Calm down.

Shade: Yes. It's always darkest before the dawn.

Wisp: Tamber, we're here to offer you our help.

Tamber: Huh?

Luna: We can't just stand back and watch while Tess is in danger.

Tamber: Really?

Jinn: You can have one of us whisk along with you.

[Mana spirit selection]

Tamber: Thanks!

[Selected Mana spirit dialogue]

Salamander: All right, [Player]! Let's burn!

Shade: Embrace the darkness, [Player]!

Tamber: All right!

(Tamber heads to the Mana Tower.)


(Wanderer is speaking with Millionaire in his store.)

Wanderer: I've taken everything to the port storage, as you requested.

Millionaire: That's it for today. Good work!

Wanderer: Whew... you certainly know how to treat a niccolo hard.

Millionaire: If you don't work, you shan't eat! You should be grateful that I'm giving you work.

Wanderer: I am. You've always taken good care of me through thick and thin.

Millionaire: We've both gone through a lot since we've lost everything in the catalysm ten years ago...

Wanderer: We certainly have.

Millionaire: Maybe it's time you stop your wandering and just settled down on this island. What do you say?

Wanderer: I'll give it some thought. I do like this place...

Millionaire: Any plans for tonight? Can you stay for dinner?

Wanderer: Actually, I have to go see Tess.

Millionaire: Tess?

Wanderer: I found a pretty seashell at the port. I want to give it to her.

Millionaire: Wait a minute. Tess should be on her way to go offer her prayers.

Wanderer: Prayers?

Millionaire: The prayer to the Mana Tree are a sacred ritual to give thanks to the Mana goddess, so don't bother her.

Wanderer: I won't bother her. I'm just giving her a seashell. I'll see you soon!

Millionaire: Don't be late for work tomorrow!

(Wanderer joins Tess near the village's central stone.)

Wanderer: Hello, Tess.

Tess: Oh, hi, Wanderer.

Wanderer: Here's a gift for you.

Tess: My, what a lovely seashell! Thank you so much.

Wanderer: Doing more research today?

Tess: Yes. I've noticed some troubling things lately...

Wanderer: Like what?

Tess: Well, maybe it's just my imagination...but something strange is going on with the plants and animals. They seem restless, almost as if they're afraid of something.

Wanderer: Really... That doesnt' sound really pleasant.

Tess: No... Um, Wanderer? I need to ask you a favor... Could you take this to Moti for me?

Wanderer: To Moti? I don't mind, but–

Tess: I'm going to be late for prayers. Please?

Wanderer: I could never say no to you, Tess.

Tess: Tell him they're the notes he wanted on abnormal plant growth. He'll know what you mean. I really appreciate it!

~Received Tess's Notes from Tess.~

Wanderer: All right. I'll make sure he gets them.

Tess: Thank you! I'll see you later!

(Tess leave for the Mana Tower while Wanderer heads to see Moti.)

Moti: Wanderer, is something the matter?

Wanderer: Juste delivering notes from Tess. Somthing about abnormal plant growth.

Moti: Oh, very good. Thank you, Wanderer.

Wanderer: Goodbye, Moti.

(As Tamber turns to leave, Watts enters.)

Watts: Anybody home?

Moti: Watts! Good to see you.

Watts: Ah, Moti.

Moti: It's been a while. How are you doing?

Watts: Can't complain. Ye're lookin' mighty good yerself.

Moti: As good as I can be, thank you.

Watts: Hm? Is that ye, Wanderer? Ye're still on this isle? Isn't that a wee unusual for a vagabond like ye?

Wanderer: And what of it? I like it here. It's rather comfy.

Watts: Comfy, eh?

Moti: At any rate, this is a pleasant surprise... A visit from the king of the mines himself!

Watts: Well there's something that worries me a wee.

Moti: What's the matter?

Watts: Have a look at this.

(Watts places a yellow crystal on the table.)

Moti: What is it?

Watts: A geode. It's sort of a gem, if ye will. One of my lads got it from somewhere. But this is no ordinary stone, mind ye.

Moti: What do you mean?

Watts: It's got uncanny powers, it does. By Professor Bomb's way of it, it can alter the essence of any living thing.

Moti: Alter living things? Professor Bomb said that?

Watts: Aye.

Moti: Then could it be... The evil spirits... The power of Mavolia...

Wanderer: Evil spirits? Power of Mavolia? But weren't they contained ten years ago?

Watts: Aye, indeed they were. The gates to Mavolia were sealed shut ten years ago by the Mana goddess herself.

Moti: Then why is this happening?

Watts: I don't know. That's why I'm here. I'm thinking there might be something strange happening here on Illusia.

Moti: I see... Well, something about the Mana Tree has caught my attention rencently...

Watts: And what might that be?

(An earthquake is felt.)

Watts: By criffins! An earthquake!

(Pete barges into Moti's place.)

Pete: Come quick! It's the stone!

Moti: What's wrong with the stone?

Pete: Please, just come and see! Hurry!

Moti: Wanderer, go on ahead. I'll be there shortly.

(Wanderer, Moti & Watts, along with several other villagers are gathered around the stone.)

Watts: What in the name of the goddess...

(The stone glows for a moment, then a strong light shines, leaving the stong full of cracks.)

Moti: The stone has cracked! But how?

Watts: And what the devil was that white light?

(Nana runs toward the villagers.)

Nana: Help! the Mana Tower!

Moti: What is it?

Nana: The tower... It was swallowed by a white light!

Watts: A white light, ye say?

Nana: I...I got scared and ran back here. But Tess is still there! She's inside!

Moti: Is she all right?

Nana: I was late for prayers, so Tess went ahead alone.

Wanderer: I'll go get her out of here!

Watts: Hold on, Wanderer! Take this with ye. It's one of Professor Bomb's inventions: the gem frame! Ye can use it to harness the latent powers hidden within gems. Select "Gems" from the menu on the bottom screen, and then insert gems into the frame. If ye want to know more, head to the Silver Mermaid and ask Professor Bomb's lads. They should be able to help ye.

~Received Gem Frame from Watts.~

~Received Crystal of Defense from Watts.~

Moti: This may be familiar territory, but you must start alert. Something is clearly amiss. You won't have the luxury of changing you equipment during battle. So prepare yourself well before heading to the tower. And should you ever feel your life is in danger, use this. It's a magic rope that will return you here instantly, even from the deepest cavern.

~Received Magic Rope from Moti.~

Wanderer: Thank, both of you.

Watts: Be careful, my lad.

Wanderer: Of course!

(As Wanderer is about to leave the village, a voice is heard.)

Voice: Wait...

(The eight Mana spirits appear behind Ferrik.)

Wanderer: What is it?

Gnome: You're heading to the Mana Tower, are you not?

Wanderer: That's right.

Dryad: A turbulent force surrounds the tower. It's dangerous.

Wanderer: But Tess is still inside!

Undine: So you're diving in all alone? Don't be so reckless!

Wanderer: But someone must help her get out of there!

Salamander: Now, now. Calm down.

Shade: Yes. It's always darkest before the dawn.

Wisp: Wanderer, we're here to offer you our help.

Wanderer: Excuse me?

Luna: We can't just stand back and watch while Tess is in danger.

Wanderer: Really?

Jinn: You can have one of us whisk along with you.

[Mana spirit selection]

Wanderer: Thanks!

[Selected Mana spirit dialogue]

Wisp: Let the light guide you, [Player]!

Wanderer: All right!

(Wanderer heads to the Mana Tower.)