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Lumina Icon

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Lumina Icon
Lumina Icon EOM sprite.png
Echoes of Mana artwork
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Location(s) Various
Effect Deals light damage to enemy
Related items
Light Coin

The Lumina Icon, also known as Wisp Icon is a recurring item in the Mana series. It usually casts an offensive light-elemental spell upon consumption.


Trials of Mana[edit]

HD icon

The Lumina Icon is an elemental coin dealing light-elemental damage to one enemy2D or to an area3D. Its corresponding move is Lucent Beam.

Buy 40 lucre2D/500 lucre3D
Sell 20 lucre2D/125 lucre3D
Effect Deal light-elemental damage to one enemy2D or to an area3D.
Power ?2D/2503D
Places to buy Beiser's Night Market
Item Drop Marmpoto
Magic Pot Yes (Magic Seed2D/Item, Silver, Gold, or Rainbow Item Seeds3D)

Sword of Mana[edit]

The Wisp Icon is a trait coin that inflicts a foe with Charm. It can only be obtain through monster drop.

  • Buy: N/A
  • Sell: 20 Lucre
  • Effect: inflicts a foe with Petrify.
  • Places to buy: N/A
  • Item Drop from Kid Dragon, Poto

Echoes of Mana[edit]

The Lumina Icon was to be a wildcard unit used to increase the level cap of Light elemental units via Ascension. As no available quest awarded this item, it went unused despite being marked as available.


Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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