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Medical Herb

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Medical Herb

Artwork from Secret of Mana
First appearance Final Fantasy Adventure (1991)
Latest appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Location(s) Various
Effect Cures status aliments
Related items
Unicorn Horn

The Medical Herb, also known as the Prestoveggie or Pep Root, is a recurring recovery item in the Mana series. Available since the very first game, this strange root resembling a radish or common carrot is known to cure various status ailments not directly caused by magic. It cannot reverse magic effects such as time manipulation, defense breakdown, or offense breakdown.

A much weaker variant, the Antidote, debuted in Final Fantasy Adventure, where it was called a Potion of Pure, with the icon for a potion set to the left. Its only function is neutralizing poison.


Adventures of Mana[edit]

The AntidoteAoM (originally PureFFA) is used to cure Sumo from the poison status. It can be used three times per item.

Secret of Mana[edit]

The Medical Herb can cure a single party member of all status aliments. The Undine spell Remedy has the same effect.

Trials of Mana[edit]

HD sprite

Medical Herbs once again cure an ally from all status aliments but death. The Lumina spell Twinkle Rain has the same effect. The plant can be bought for 10 lucre in stores for the 2D version and 20 lucre in the 3D one.

In the 2D version, medical herbs can be grown from the Magic Pot by planting an Item Seed. In the 3D version, they can also sprout from the magic pot should the player use either an item seed, a silver, gold or rainbow item seed. They can also be found by collecting sparkles or by breaking red urns.

Buy 10 lucre2D/20 lucre3D
Sell 5 lucre
Effect Cure an ally from status effects.
Places to buy AlrantAltenaAstoriaBeiserBeiser's Night Market3DDiinDiorDwarf VillageJadd StrongholdMaiaMintasPaloPeddaSirhtanTomato TownValsenaWendel
Item Drop Assassinant, Beelancer2D, Bulette2D, Chess Knight2D, Dark Batmo2D, Eggatrice2D, Evil Sword2D, Frost Dragon2D, Gremlin2D, Howler2D, Imp2D, Kid Dragon2D, Kid Drazombie2D, Ladeeb2D, Mushboom, Parpoto2D, Pricklebeak2D, Sahagin2D, Shape Shifter2D, Silver Knight2D, Slime, Specter2D, Succube2D, Tremorkin2D, Zombie
Magic Pot Yes (Item Seed2D/Item, Silver, Gold, or Rainbow Item Seeds3D)
Astoria (3) • Beuca Island (1) • Beiser (1) • Burning Sands (1) • Cascade Cavern (2) • Daria (1) • Dark Castle (1) • Duskmoon Forest (1) • Dwarf Tunnels (1) • Ghost Ship (3) • Jadd Stronghold (1) • Koropokkur Woods (1) • Lampbloom Woods (1) • Laurent Secret Base (1) • Molebear Moors (2) • Nevarl Fortress (1) • Sirhtan (1) • Rabite Forest (2) • Valsena (2)

Sword of Mana[edit]

A Prestoveggie will cure an ally from many status effect. Below is a list of status aliments cured by the item:

Name Curable Name Curable
Bedraggled Poison
Bewitched Pose
Charm PowerDown
Confusion Silence
Darkness Sleep
Death Snowman
FireMan SpeedDown
Numb Toxin
Petrify Wimp

Children of Mana[edit]

A Pep Root will cure the hero from any status effect, save from poison or ghost.

Behind the scenes[edit]

The original Antidote is based on the recurring item in Final Fantasy. As well, concept drawings render it as a small bottle filled with the substance. Antidotes were redrawn for Adventures of Mana; they now resemble the modern Medical Herb. The rationale behind this particular change is not known.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese プイプイ草
Puipui kusa
Puipui Grass
Spanish Vegeantídoto
Italian Verzura
Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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