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Heroes of Mana script

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Opening Credits

It was a long, long time ago--
Even before the Mana Goddess was born.
A great witch from a realm yet unborn brought darkness to the world.
Anise was her name. The odious witch was defeated by the guardians of the great tree--
But legends tell that her darkness and curse seeped through realms and spread over to many worlds.
And yet another legend has it--
When the world was still covered in darkness--
The Mana Goddess used the Sword of Mana to defeat the benevodons that would lead the world to doom...
Then sealed them into eight stones.
This is who darkness retreated and the world was created.
After completing her creation, the Mana Goddess turned herself into a large, wizened tree.
It is told that the Mana Tree and the sword continue to watch the world from the forbidden Sanctuary.
Time has passed--
Valsena, the kingdom of green fields
Ferolia, the kingdom of Beastmen
Altena, the kingdom of sorcery
Wendel, the holy capital
Laurent, the aerial fortress
Nevarl, the fortress in the sand
The nations of the world were shrouded in a peaceful but fleeting slumber...

Chapter 1: Raid on Splendor's Wings

-Deck of the Nightswan-

Qucas: Roget... What do you make of your mission?

Roget: What do you mean?

Qucas: Something ain't right. They say the Beastmen are acting a little suspicious, but they live on that contient. What business is it of island troops like us to be checkin on' em?

Roget: I don't know. What do you think, Captain?

Yurchael: I agree--there is something strange about this reconnaissance mission to Ferolia... But then again, those of us in the ranks are never going to understand ou superior's true intentions. This is, however, a top-secret mission. There's surely something important in what they're doing... Probably in Pedda's national interests.

D'Kelli: Oh boy oh boy oh boy, Captain! To think that I've been assigned to my very first top-secret assignment! I'm honored, and flattered, and I must admit, a little overwhelmed, sir!

Gemière: I proud flock of sacrificial lambs we are.

D'Kelli: Yeah, sacrifi-- Wait, what?

Yurchael: Ha-ha. Come now, Gemière. You're the chancellor's niece! Nobody would ever consider you disposable.

Gemière: Hpmh. Whatever. This mission's a sure thing as long as I'm here. The rest of you can cower belowdecks as long as you stay out of my way.

Qucas: Ho-hoo, well then! I guess there ain't no point in a hired gun like yammering about my take on things. As long as I get paid right, I ain't complaining.

D'Kelli: Ohh, Qucas! You try to sound like you're all business, but you know you're a softy...

(D'Kelli jitters presumably from Qucas roughing her up.)

D'Kelli: Waaa! Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! Stop! Please! Stop that!

Gemière: Wait... Hey, look over there.

Roget: Hm... What do you suppos those are?

D'Kelli: Ooo... They look like eagles to me!

Qucas: Eagles...? More like Eagle Ships! It's the Beastmen! They're coming toward us!!!


(The Beastmen Ships open fire at the Nightswan. Roget and crew take refuge in the control room, but the ship is hit pretty badly. It ultimately plummets in Duskmoon Forest.)


Roget: Ohhh... Ouch... That's gonna leave a mark... Where are we... did we land in Ferolia? Guys? Hey! Where are you guys?!

Chapter 2: In the Forest of Beasts

-Duskmoon Forest-

(Roget stands next to the Nightswan and a crouching Yurchael.)

Roget: Captain, how's your leg?

Yurchael: It's just a sprain. Don't worry, I'll live. Ouch...

(Both look at the Nightswan.)

Yurchael: The Nightswan... Luckily for us, it looks like only the armor was damaged. It can still fly.

Roget: This may sound strange... But I had a feeling the Beastmen were waiting for us. Could they have known that we were coming? Or could there have been a leak? Or maybe even spies...

Yurchael: I wouldn't go that far. It's hard to imagine any Beastmen successfully sneaking into Pedda. Well, whatever the case may be, now we know that they're ready to start a war. We should retrieve the rest of the crew and return to Pedda as soon as we can.

(A rustling sound is heard.)

Roget: Wait! Did you just hear something?

(Roget looks around for clues.)

Roget: Hm, I could have sworn there was someone nearby... Qucas and the rest of the crew might be nearby. I'll go find them.

Yurchael: Be careful. Beastmen scouts could very well be watching us from the shadows. I'll stay here until I can get back on my feet. As soon as you find anything suspicious, let me know.

Roget: Got it.

Yurchael: Actually, this may be the perfect opportunity to tell you the Nightswan's real objective.

Roget: It's real objective?

Yurchael: One step at a time. First, go and find Gaia.

Roget: Gaia? You mean the stone spirit from the fairy tales? You really think I'd find something like that in a place like this?

Yurchael: Gaia is the earth itself. And crystallized forms of Gaia's power are all over this land. We only need to borrow a bit of that power.

Roget: I'd be lying if I told you I fully grasped what you just said... Well, so, I just need to go and find Gaia, right?

Yurchael: Yes, that's right. I'm sure you'll find him in no time.

-Explore the field and find Gaia!-

(Roget moves a couple of spaces forward, revealing Gaia.)

Roget: Captain, I think I found Gaia.

Yurchael: Ah! Well played. Now we can get serious about salvaging our situation.

Roget: What do you mean? What are we going to do with this thing?

Yurchael: The Nightswan is actually a carrier that can summon ally units by using Gaia's stones.

Roget: Summon...units?

Yurchael: Yes. Such power was only intended as a last resort in an emergency... But with our situation as it is, I don't think we have a choice.

Roget: I guess that explains why the ship only had a five-person crew when it was on a mission to Ferolia...

Yurchael: Now then, we should summon some units to gather the stones. Please use the stones we already have inside the Nightswan to build a gatherer unit base.

-Build a gatherer unit base!-


Touch the ship icon on the lower left of the screen to board the ship.

Next, select the one of the eight circles inside the select a spot for your facility.

It doesn't matter which circle you select. Pick your favorite spot.

When you choose a spot, you will see a list of facilities.

For now, select the gatherer unit base.

When you have selected the facility, touch the Build icon.

When the gauge fills, the facility is ready.

Touch the ship icon again to return to the battlefield.


Yurchael: You've build the base. Good. Now let's summon the unit from this facility.

Roget: Right. I'm going to use the gatherer unit base to summon a unit...

Yurchael: That's right. I think a rabite is what we need. Rabites are exceptionally skillful at transporting Gaia's stones. Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it in no time.

-Summon a rabite from the gatherer unit base!-


Touch the ship icon on the lower left of the screen to board the ship.

Let's summon a rabite, a gatherer unit.

Touch the gatherer unit base that we had previously built.

Now you will see a list of summonable units.

Touch the rabite.

Now touch the Summon icon.

When the gauge fills, the unit has been summoned.


Yurchael: You summoned the unit. We've covered the most basic step. Now let the rabite gather Gaia's stones. Just order it to go to Gaia, and it will take a stone and carry it back.

-Order the rabite to go to Gaia and gather Gaia's stones!-

(Roget orders the rabite to gather Gaia's stones. The creature brings on ore back to the vessel.)

Yurchael: Well done, rabite! You brought a stone from Gaia. A unit will repeat the same movement over and over unless you give it different orders. Let this rabite keep gathering stones. Now please look for Treant.

Roget: Treant? That's the giant tree spirit from legend. So there are crystallized Treants all over the lands, just like Gaia?

Yurchael: That's the right idea. Treant is rooted all over the earth to protect the land together with Gaia. We need some of Treant's power to summon our units. Treant's power is crystallized in Treant's berries. As you've just seen, units like the rabite do not require Treant's berries, but most others do. Well, we don't want to spend too much time here. Let's find Treant!

-Explore the field again to find Treant!-

(Roget walks a couple of steps forwards, revealing Treant.)

Yurchael: I knew it. Now, let's summon another rabite and order it to gather berries from Treant.

-Summon another rabite to gather Treant's berries!-

(After a while, Roget is spotted by a Beastman.)

Beastman: Hm?! There you are, humans!

Roget: Oh, damn! A Beastman! They've found us!

Yurchael: The rabites are skilled gatherers, but not suited for combat. You'd better fight him, Roget.

-To win: Defeat the beastman scout!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Yurchael is incapacitated.-


Press START to confirm the mission objectives. Pressing STARTS also allows you to save your game.

-Start Mission-

(Roget defeats the Beastman scout.)

Roget: Whew... One lone scout isn't all that bad.

Yurchael: But now it's only a matter of time before they notice something's wrong, and send more troops our way. We should summon some combat units before they arrive. Let us build a ground unit base with the stones we've gathered so far. Then use the base to summon a mushboom. It's not as strong as you are, Roget, but it can put a decent fight.

Roget: Okay. It's gonna be a struggle against time. We'd better get ready before those Beastman troops arrive.

-Build a ground unit base and summon a mushboom!-


Now let's summon a ground unit. The process is the same as when we summoned the rabites. First we'll board the ship and build the facility.

We cannot use the gatherer unit base to summon a ground unit.

We need to build a ground unit base.

Touch one of the remaining circles inside the ship.

From the list of facilities, select the ground unit base.

When the base has been selected, touch the Build icon.

When the gauge fills, the facility is ready.

Now touch the ground unit base.

A list of ground units is displayed on the bottom of the screen.

Touch the mushboom.

Now touch the summon icon.

When the gauge fills, the unit has been summoned.

The process is the same for other units such as heavy and missile units.

Touch the ship icon to return to the battlefield.


Yurchael: Listen, Roget. As long as there are Treant's berries, you can summon up to 25 units, including the leader units. But we can't take the summoned units to other locations. We also are unable to take any of Gaia's stones or Treant's berries with us, either. It is wiser to use up all the resources you are able to gather.

(After a while, Roget and crew are discoverted by other Beastman scouts.)

Beastman: I knew it! Cursed humans! Leave Ferolia! Now!

Yurchael: There must be a number of them, Roget. It's hard to see where they might be hiding. Be careful!

-To win: Destroy all enemy units!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Yurchael is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

(Roget eventually defeats all enemies.)

Yurchael: Whew... Looks like we were able to fend them off. All thanks to the Nightswan, mind you.

-Mission Accomplished-


(D'Kelli enters the scene.)

Roget: D'Kelli!

(Gemière enters the scene.)

Roget: Gemière!

(Qucas enters the scene.)

Qucas: Captain! Roget!

D'Kelli: We're in trouble!

Gemière: We'd better get out of here right now. Beastman soldiers are all over the place.

Yurchael: We must have landed right in the middle of Ferolia. There's certainly no need to overstay our welcome!

Gemière: Hm?

(Two beastmen airships come flying by, with one landing right next to Roget's crew. Multiple beastmen come out of it, surrounding them.)

Roge: Gr...

Gemière: We must have been followed...

Qucas: Well this is a bit of a pickle we're in.

D'Kelli: Eeeek! No! I'm too young to die!

Beastman: Say your prayers, humans!

???: Wait!

(A regal-looking beastman steps down from the ship.)

???: I want to ask those wretches a few things first. You humans... I thought you humans had more brains and brawns than to try tu pull off a dirty surprise attack against Ferolia.

Gauser: You're from Pedda. Why should we be the target of a surprise attack by the Peddans?

Roget: A surprise attack? We heard you Beastmen were planning to start a war against us humans! We only came here to see if those rumors were true!

Gauser: Us? Plan war? Against humans? Well, this is a new one. Not good, but new. These guys are so stupid, they can't even make up a decent excuse--

(A big explosion from afar is felt.)

Beastman (1): Whoa!

Beastman (2): Wh-what's happening?!

(Another explosion detonates.)

Gauser: What is that?!

(A gigantic airship is seen flying in the sky.)

Gauser: What the...? I've never seen such an enormous carrier before...

(The carrier flies nears the battlefield.)

Yurchael: That... That's the Vel Vimana! Pedda's destroyer-class warship!

Roget: What's a ship like this doing in Ferolia?!

(A stray Beastman comes to talk with Gauser.)

(Stray) Beastman: Lord Gauser! Lowenburg... Our castle has been surrounded by the enemy fleet!

Gauser: What?!

Beastman: You mean that these humans aren't the...?

Gauser: Dammit, We've been tricked! Back to the castle! Hurry!!!

(A battalion of Beastmen flocks to their ship while other runs back to Lowenburg by foot.)

Roget: An attack...on Lowenburg?

Qucas: What the hell's going on?

Yurchael: Well... We weren't just sacrifical lambs, after all...

Beastman (1): Lord Gauser, what about these humans?

Beastman (2): Let's just get rid of them all, now!

Gauser: Leave them be. We have more important things to do. Now hurry! We shall not stand silent as our castle, and our people, are trampled on by the humans!!!

Beastman: Graaawww!!!

(Gauser and his personal guard hop on his fleet and fly back to the Beastmen's capital.)

Roget: We should go to Lowenburg, too.

Qucas: Roget! Are you serious?

Roget: Yeah. Staying here isn't going to do us any good. Besides, we might see one of our own guys there.

Yurchael: Indeed. This might be the wisest course of action at present... But we may have to fight the Beastmen yet again. We should be fully prepared to counter their attacks if they come.

-Qucas, Gemière, and D'Kelli join you!-

Chapter 3: Stirrings in Lowenburg

(The Peddan military is nuking the Beastmen's capital.)

Roget: Look over there.

Qucas: No mistaking them. That's the Peddan military.

Roget: I thought we were on a reconnaissance mission! What are we doing here?

Gemière: Whatever the reason it, we've got to join un with the main unit. Let's go.

(Roget and crew meet up with Peddan soldiers en route to Lowenburg.)

Peddan Soldier: Stop! Identify yourselves, now!

Roget: Hold fire! We're on your side! We're Peddan scouts! We're on a top-secret mission, and--

Peddan Soldier: A top-secret mission, huh? I haven't caught wind of anything like that. Let's try this again. What are you really doing here?

Qucas: Oh, come on! You had to have heard about us! We almost got killed back--

Peddan Soldier: "Eliminate anyone not part of the Peddan army." Those are my orders. Sorry, but it's nothing personal!

(The Peddan soldier threatenly walks toward Roget.)

Roget: Whoa, whoa! Wait a minute!!!

(The Peddan Soldier strikes his weapon against Roget.)


-To win: Lead Roget to the gates of Lowenburg!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(Roget and crew defeat the Peddan Soldiers.)

Roget: "Eliminate anyone...?" They were really going to kill us... Gods! What are we doing, fighting against our own guys?!

Gemière: We should probably get used to it. I get the feeling everyone around this castle is gonna be just as hostile.

Yurchael: Perhaps we've been pulled into a bigger mess than we could have imagined...

D'Kelli: Umm... What should we do?

Roget: Maybe we could track down the operation's commander and explain ourselves.

Yurchael: Yes. But we can't overlook the fact that this is a battlefield. Let us first summon about four rabites, and have them quickly gather Gaia's stones and Treant's berries. There's no harm in being careful.

(After creating a few rabites, Yurchael notices a Goblin lurking around.)

Yurchael: Hm, I see goblins out there. Goblins are missile units. Roget, are you familiar with the power balance of units?

Roget: Um, no, not really...

Yurchael: Then it's time to learn. This will be the basic combat strategy, so be sure to listen well. Let's start with ground units, which are strong against missile units.

Roget: Okay, so ground units like mushbooms have an advantage against missile units like goblins.

Yurchael: That's right. I you see a goblin, let a mushboom fight against it.

(Further up ahead, Yurchael notices a cobra.)

Yurchael: We're up against cobras now. Cobras are ground units. D'Kelli, you're familiar with the power balance of units?

D'Kelli: Yes, of cours-- Uh,

Yurchael: Then it's time to learn. This is part of basic combat strategy, so be sure to listen well. This is about heavy units, which are strong against ground units.

D'Kelli: Ummm, so... We should send heavy units to fight against ground units. Am I right?

Yurchael: Yes. That's exactly right. So let us summon boreal hounds from the heavy unit base and exterminate the cobras.

-You can now build a heavy unit base!-

(A few step further, Yurchael discovers a hook stuck in the ground.)

Yurchael: Ahh, I see there's a hook over there.

Roget: A hook?

Yurchael: A hook keeps the Nightswan anchored to the ground.

Roget: Why is that so important?

Yurchael: Because we can summon units only when the ship is anchored.

Roget: I see... So if the ship is anchored to a hook near the enemy units, we can send our units to fight as soon as we summon them.

Yurchael: Exactly. But we do have to be mindful of the Nightswan taking damage itself. Roget, set the destination of the Nightswan to that hook. The Nigthswan will move and anchor itself to that hook.

-Move the Nightswan to this hook.-

(Peddan Soldiers come to the scene.)

Peddan Soldier: What's with all the racket...? Wh-what the...?! Enemy units on the field! Get them!!!

(An enemy war machine has been destroyed.)

Yurchael: I see you've destroyed a special weapon. Qucas, do you know all the unit classes?

Qucas: Of course I know! I wouldn't have survived all the battles I've been in if I didn't!

Yurchael: Oh, pardon me. Then I should address D'Kelli, who most certainly hasn't studied up on her unit classes yet.

D'Kelli: Yes, sir!

Yurchael: There is a total of seven types of units. The ones you see most are ground, missile, heavy, and flying units. The remaining three are gather, special, and leader units.

Qucas: Gatherer units like rabites can gather Gaia's stones and Treant's berries. The weapon we just busted up was a special unit. And we're the leader units. That includes even you, D'Kelli!

D'Kelli: Hmmm, I'm learning a lot today...

Roget: Well, we couldn't find the commander on the field. Maybe he's inside.

(Roget walks toward the fortress.)

-Mission Accomplished-


-Lowenburg - Throne Room-

Roget and crew have managed to make their way through attacking Peddan units to arrive at the throne room in Lowenburg. What they discover there are lifeless bodies of Beastmen piled up on top of one another...

Qucas: Damn... This is a friggin' massacre.

Gemière: ...

Roget: This isn't supposed to happen on a scouting mission! This... This is...

???: War.

Roget: General Baxilios?

Baxilios: Hmph. I should commend you on your mission performance.

Yurchael: So it was you, after all. I know that it's not exactly wise for the commander to be in the vanguard in enemy territory.

Baxilios: This is just who it works. Nothing you should concern yourself with.

Qucas: So right from the start, the plan was to invade Ferolia?

Gemière: What about the chancellor? A moderate like him would never have agreed to something like this...

Baxilios: The chancellor died shortly after you departed for your mission. A stroke, or some such thing. It was quite sad, I must say.

Gemière What...? I don't believe it! How could you, General?!

Baxilios: Hmph. Don't waste your breath on things you know nothing about. I think I've had enough time pleasantries. I hereby declare that from hereon, Ferolia shall be under the rule of the Kingdom of Pedda!


(An ominous mirror comes our of black energy.)


Roget: Wh-what is that?!

Baxilios: Esina's black mirror.

Roget: Esina...?

Baxilios: Here begins Operation Psi, in the name of His Highness, Inath, King of Pedda! The invasion of the Beastmen's land is but the first step. The whole world will soon go down on its knees and hail the glory of Pedda as a new era begins!

Roget: What the hell is Operation Psi...?

Baxilios: We have the incomparable strength, the iron will... And the great guidance...from the mirror of Esina!

Gemière: You're declaring war against the world? Are you insane?!

Baxilios: I'm sorry to say that it's time for your exit. You shall die here alongside the Beastmen.

Peddan Soldier (1): Hehehe...

Peddan Soldier (2): There's no place for you to run.

Roget: We're surrounded...

D'Kelli: Oh, no! We're in real trouble now!

(Someone slays one of the Peddan Soldiers from behind.)

Peddan Soldier: Gah!

Roget: Gauser...?

Gauser: Well, come on, you fools! Let's get out of here!

Peddan Soldier: You're still alive, Beastman King? I'll take care of that!

Gauser: You don't know who you're dealing with.

(Gauser defeats the Peddan Soldier.)

Peddan Soldier: Ooof!

Gauser: Hurry! This way!

(Roget and crew flee the scene.)

Baxilios: So they got away... Well, we'll see them again...

(The crew watches aboard the Nightswan as the Beastmen's capital is burning away.)

Gauser: Lowenburg has fallen... My kingdom is in ruins!

Qucas: Operation Psi? Esina's black mirror? Would someone please tell me what all that gibberish was about?!

Gemière: Is she serious about starting a war against all of the countries in Fa'Diel? She's lost her mind!

Roget: With things the way they are now, I don't think we can go back to Pedda...

Yurchael: Pedda's forces are most likely heading for Mintas. We still might be able to help the villagers in time. Let us hurry!

Gauser: Why are you trying to help me? You humans can go anywhere you want to, unlike us.

Yurchael: If you hadn't helped us escape from the throne room, we would all have been dead by now.

D'Kelli: Oh, yes! You saved our lives! I am forever in your debt!

Gauser: Hmph... I just wouldn't be able to sleep if I'd let women and children die in front of me.

Chapter 4: The Moon Howls over Mintas


Moving Units

1. Touch the unit.

First, let's learn how to move your units.

Use the stylus to touch the unit you want to move. The unit will flash as as target cursor appears.

2. Touch the unit's destination.

Next, touch where you want the unit to go, and the unit will start moving towards its destination.

If you select an enemy or a resource as the target, the unit will take the appropriate action when it reaches its destination.

3. Touch Cancel to deselect unit.

Touch the Cancel icon <"C"> to deselect the unit while it continues its actions.

Field of Vision

1. Enemies/resources in dark areas are invisible.

At the start of a mission, you will see no other units besides your ally units.

As ally units cover more ground, your field of vision on the battlefield expands. When enemy units and resources enter an ally unit's field of vision, they are shown on-screen.

2. Position your allies to expand you overall field of vision.

Once a section of a battlefield is covered, you will be able see units and resources in that area.

On te 2D map, the area surrounding ally units is dark. As you cover more ground, the map becomes brighter.

If a spotted enemy happens to enter an area of the map you have not covered, the enemy will vanish from your map.


To build bases: Gaia's stones ; To summon units: Treant's berries

You will need Gaia's stones to build bases and Treant's berries to summon units.

Gaias and Treants can only provide only a limited amount of resources. Both will eventually deplete after continuous extration.

HP Gauge and Face Icons

HP Gauge: Expression and color change with HP percentage.

The face icons at the bottom of the screen show the status of all ally units.

The expression and color of the icon change as the unit loses HP. Depleted HP can be restored through magic or the healing house.

1. Touching a face icon will select the corresponding unit.

You can select a unit by touching its corresponding face icon. When a unit dies and fades away from the field, its face icon also disappear.

2. Press the X Button to switch to icons that indicate unit types.

3. Touch a unit type icon.

4. These units are selected.

Touch a unit type icon to command all units of that type.

Battle Flow

Gather resources and strengthen your troops.

You can summon up to 25 units, including leader units.

As the game progresses, you will be able to summon stronger units. These stronger units will cost more resources to summon.

Moving Multiple Units

1. Touch the group icon to open group command mode.

You can command multiple units at once. Touch the group icon at the right of the screen to enter group command mode.

2. Use the stylus to circle multiple units and move them as a group.

Use the stylus to circle multiple units. Ally units in the selected range are ready for your commands.

3. Touch the group icon again to exit group command mode.

Touch the group icon once again to exit group command mode.

Controlling the Camera

Touch the compass to the upper left of the screen to rotate the camera 90 degress to the right. Or press the L and R Buttons to rotate the camera to the left or right at 90-degrees increment.

Use the +Control Pad to move the camera up, down, and sideways.

Power Balance of Units

There are four basic types of combat units. There are ground units, missile units, flying units, and heavy units. You'll find a certain types are strong or weak against another.

For example, an attack by a ground unit against a missile unit deals twice the damage of a regular attack.

Additionally, a gound unit takes only half the damage of a regular attack from a missile unit.

However, a ground unit will take twice the damage from a heavy unit, and can only take twice the damage against it, so be careful.


For example, an attack by a heavy unit against a ground unit deals twice the damage of a regular attack.

Additionally, a heavy unit takes only half the damage of a regular attack from a ground unit.

However, a heavy unit will take twice the damage from a flying unit, and can deal only half the damage against it, so be careful.

Summoning Units

1. The airship icon will not appear unless the ship is anchored.

2. Units can be summoned when the airshio icon is displayed.

Damage to the Ship

1. Attacks on the hook deal damage to the ship.

2. Unanchored ships can be attacked by missiles and flying units.

Special Weapon

Capable of dealing long-range, high-powered attacks. Slow to move and costly to build.

Special units and leader units do not fit in the power balance. That means these units can fight against any type of unit.