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Heroes of Mana script

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Opening Credits

It was a long, long time ago--
Even before the Mana Goddess was born.
A great witch from a realm yet unborn brought darkness to the world.
Anise was her name. The odious witch was defeated by the guardians of the great tree--
But legends tell that her darkness and curse seeped through realms and spread over to many worlds.
And yet another legend has it--
When the world was still covered in darkness--
The Mana Goddess used the Sword of Mana to defeat the benevodons that would lead the world to doom...
Then sealed them into eight stones.
This is who darkness retreated and the world was created.
After completing her creation, the Mana Goddess turned herself into a large, wizened tree.
It is told that the Mana Tree and the sword continue to watch the world from the forbidden Sanctuary.
Time has passed--
Valsena, the kingdom of green fields
Ferolia, the kingdom of Beastmen
Altena, the kingdom of sorcery
Wendel, the holy capital
Laurent, the aerial fortress
Nevarl, the fortress in the sand
The nations of the world were shrouded in a peaceful but fleeting slumber...

Chapter 1: Raid on Splendor's Wings

-Deck of the Nightswan-

Qucas: Roget... What do you make of your mission?

Roget: What do you mean?

Qucas: Something ain't right. They say the Beastmen are acting a little suspicious, but they live on that contient. What business is it of island troops like us to be checkin on' em?

Roget: I don't know. What do you think, Captain?

Yurchael: I agree--there is something strange about this reconnaissance mission to Ferolia... But then again, those of us in the ranks are never going to understand ou superior's true intentions. This is, however, a top-secret mission. There's surely something important in what they're doing... Probably in Pedda's national interests.

D'Kelli: Oh boy oh boy oh boy, Captain! To think that I've been assigned to my very first top-secret assignment! I'm honored, and flattered, and I must admit, a little overwhelmed, sir!

Gemière: I proud flock of sacrificial lambs we are.

D'Kelli: Yeah, sacrifi-- Wait, what?

Yurchael: Ha-ha. Come now, Gemière. You're the chancellor's niece! Nobody would ever consider you disposable.

Gemière: Hpmh. Whatever. This mission's a sure thing as long as I'm here. The rest of you can cower belowdecks as long as you stay out of my way.

Qucas: Ho-hoo, well then! I guess there ain't no point in a hired gun like yammering about my take on things. As long as I get paid right, I ain't complaining.

D'Kelli: Ohh, Qucas! You try to sound like you're all business, but you know you're a softy...

(D'Kelli jitters presumably from Qucas roughing her up.)

D'Kelli: Waaa! Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! Stop! Please! Stop that!

Gemière: Wait... Hey, look over there.

Roget: Hm... What do you suppos those are?

D'Kelli: Ooo... They look like eagles to me!

Qucas: Eagles...? More like Eagle Ships! It's the Beastmen! They're coming toward us!!!


(The Beastmen Ships open fire at the Nightswan. Roget and crew take refuge in the control room, but the ship is hit pretty badly. It ultimately plummets in Duskmoon Forest.)


Roget: Ohhh... Ouch... That's gonna leave a mark... Where are we... did we land in Ferolia? Guys? Hey! Where are you guys?!

Chapter 2: In the Forest of Beasts

-Duskmoon Forest-

(Roget stands next to the Nightswan and a crouching Yurchael.)

Roget: Captain, how's your leg?

Yurchael: It's just a sprain. Don't worry, I'll live. Ouch...

(Both look at the Nightswan.)

Yurchael: The Nightswan... Luckily for us, it looks like only the armor was damaged. It can still fly.

Roget: This may sound strange... But I had a feeling the Beastmen were waiting for us. Could they have known that we were coming? Or could there have been a leak? Or maybe even spies...

Yurchael: I wouldn't go that far. It's hard to imagine any Beastmen successfully sneaking into Pedda. Well, whatever the case may be, now we know that they're ready to start a war. We should retrieve the rest of the crew and return to Pedda as soon as we can.

(A rustling sound is heard.)

Roget: Wait! Did you just hear something?

(Roget looks around for clues.)

Roget: Hm, I could have sworn there was someone nearby... Qucas and the rest of the crew might be nearby. I'll go find them.

Yurchael: Be careful. Beastmen scouts could very well be watching us from the shadows. I'll stay here until I can get back on my feet. As soon as you find anything suspicious, let me know.

Roget: Got it.

Yurchael: Actually, this may be the perfect opportunity to tell you the Nightswan's real objective.

Roget: It's real objective?

Yurchael: One step at a time. First, go and find Gaia.

Roget: Gaia? You mean the stone spirit from the fairy tales? You really think I'd find something like that in a place like this?

Yurchael: Gaia is the earth itself. And crystallized forms of Gaia's power are all over this land. We only need to borrow a bit of that power.

Roget: I'd be lying if I told you I fully grasped what you just said... Well, so, I just need to go and find Gaia, right?

Yurchael: Yes, that's right. I'm sure you'll find him in no time.

-Explore the field and find Gaia!-

(Roget moves a couple of spaces forward, revealing Gaia.)

Roget: Captain, I think I found Gaia.

Yurchael: Ah! Well played. Now we can get serious about salvaging our situation.

Roget: What do you mean? What are we going to do with this thing?

Yurchael: The Nightswan is actually a carrier that can summon ally units by using Gaia's stones.

Roget: Summon...units?

Yurchael: Yes. Such power was only intended as a last resort in an emergency... But with our situation as it is, I don't think we have a choice.

Roget: I guess that explains why the ship only had a five-person crew when it was on a mission to Ferolia...

Yurchael: Now then, we should summon some units to gather the stones. Please use the stones we already have inside the Nightswan to build a gatherer unit base.

-Build a gatherer unit base!-


Touch the ship icon on the lower left of the screen to board the ship.

Next, select the one of the eight circles inside the select a spot for your facility.

It doesn't matter which circle you select. Pick your favorite spot.

When you choose a spot, you will see a list of facilities.

For now, select the gatherer unit base.

When you have selected the facility, touch the Build icon.

When the gauge fills, the facility is ready.

Touch the ship icon again to return to the battlefield.


Yurchael: You've build the base. Good. Now let's summon the unit from this facility.

Roget: Right. I'm going to use the gatherer unit base to summon a unit...

Yurchael: That's right. I think a rabite is what we need. Rabites are exceptionally skillful at transporting Gaia's stones. Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it in no time.

-Summon a rabite from the gatherer unit base!-


Touch the ship icon on the lower left of the screen to board the ship.

Let's summon a rabite, a gatherer unit.

Touch the gatherer unit base that we had previously built.

Now you will see a list of summonable units.

Touch the rabite.

Now touch the Summon icon.

When the gauge fills, the unit has been summoned.


Yurchael: You summoned the unit. We've covered the most basic step. Now let the rabite gather Gaia's stones. Just order it to go to Gaia, and it will take a stone and carry it back.

-Order the rabite to go to Gaia and gather Gaia's stones!-

(Roget orders the rabite to gather Gaia's stones. The creature brings on ore back to the vessel.)

Yurchael: Well done, rabite! You brought a stone from Gaia. A unit will repeat the same movement over and over unless you give it different orders. Let this rabite keep gathering stones. Now please look for Treant.

Roget: Treant? That's the giant tree spirit from legend. So there are crystallized Treants all over the lands, just like Gaia?

Yurchael: That's the right idea. Treant is rooted all over the earth to protect the land together with Gaia. We need some of Treant's power to summon our units. Treant's power is crystallized in Treant's berries. As you've just seen, units like the rabite do not require Treant's berries, but most others do. Well, we don't want to spend too much time here. Let's find Treant!

-Explore the field again to find Treant!-

(Roget walks a couple of steps forwards, revealing Treant.)

Yurchael: I knew it. Now, let's summon another rabite and order it to gather berries from Treant.

-Summon another rabite to gather Treant's berries!-

(After a while, Roget is spotted by a Beastman.)

Beastman: Hm?! There you are, humans!

Roget: Oh, damn! A Beastman! They've found us!

Yurchael: The rabites are skilled gatherers, but not suited for combat. You'd better fight him, Roget.

-To win: Defeat the beastman scout!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Yurchael is incapacitated.-


Press START to confirm the mission objectives. Pressing STARTS also allows you to save your game.

-Start Mission-

(Roget defeats the Beastman scout.)

Roget: Whew... One lone scout isn't all that bad.

Yurchael: But now it's only a matter of time before they notice something's wrong, and send more troops our way. We should summon some combat units before they arrive. Let us build a ground unit base with the stones we've gathered so far. Then use the base to summon a mushboom. It's not as strong as you are, Roget, but it can put a decent fight.

Roget: Okay. It's gonna be a struggle against time. We'd better get ready before those Beastman troops arrive.

-Build a ground unit base and summon a mushboom!-


Now let's summon a ground unit. The process is the same as when we summoned the rabites. First we'll board the ship and build the facility.

We cannot use the gatherer unit base to summon a ground unit.

We need to build a ground unit base.

Touch one of the remaining circles inside the ship.

From the list of facilities, select the ground unit base.

When the base has been selected, touch the Build icon.

When the gauge fills, the facility is ready.

Now touch the ground unit base.

A list of ground units is displayed on the bottom of the screen.

Touch the mushboom.

Now touch the summon icon.

When the gauge fills, the unit has been summoned.

The process is the same for other units such as heavy and missile units.

Touch the ship icon to return to the battlefield.


Yurchael: Listen, Roget. As long as there are Treant's berries, you can summon up to 25 units, including the leader units. But we can't take the summoned units to other locations. We also are unable to take any of Gaia's stones or Treant's berries with us, either. It is wiser to use up all the resources you are able to gather.

(After a while, Roget and crew are discoverted by other Beastman scouts.)

Beastman: I knew it! Cursed humans! Leave Ferolia! Now!

Yurchael: There must be a number of them, Roget. It's hard to see where they might be hiding. Be careful!

-To win: Destroy all enemy units!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Yurchael is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

(Roget eventually defeats all enemies.)

Yurchael: Whew... Looks like we were able to fend them off. All thanks to the Nightswan, mind you.

-Mission Accomplished-


(D'Kelli enters the scene.)

Roget: D'Kelli!

(Gemière enters the scene.)

Roget: Gemière!

(Qucas enters the scene.)

Qucas: Captain! Roget!

D'Kelli: We're in trouble!

Gemière: We'd better get out of here right now. Beastman soldiers are all over the place.

Yurchael: We must have landed right in the middle of Ferolia. There's certainly no need to overstay our welcome!

Gemière: Hm?

(Two beastmen airships come flying by, with one landing right next to Roget's crew. Multiple beastmen come out of it, surrounding them.)

Roge: Gr...

Gemière: We must have been followed...

Qucas: Well this is a bit of a pickle we're in.

D'Kelli: Eeeek! No! I'm too young to die!

Beastman: Say your prayers, humans!

???: Wait!

(A regal-looking beastman steps down from the ship.)

???: I want to ask those wretches a few things first. You humans... I thought you humans had more brains and brawns than to try tu pull off a dirty surprise attack against Ferolia.

Gauser: You're from Pedda. Why should we be the target of a surprise attack by the Peddans?

Roget: A surprise attack? We heard you Beastmen were planning to start a war against us humans! We only came here to see if those rumors were true!

Gauser: Us? Plan war? Against humans? Well, this is a new one. Not good, but new. These guys are so stupid, they can't even make up a decent excuse--

(A big explosion from afar is felt.)

Beastman (1): Whoa!

Beastman (2): Wh-what's happening?!

(Another explosion detonates.)

Gauser: What is that?!

(A gigantic airship is seen flying in the sky.)

Gauser: What the...? I've never seen such an enormous carrier before...

(The carrier flies nears the battlefield.)

Yurchael: That... That's the Vel Vimana! Pedda's destroyer-class warship!

Roget: What's a ship like this doing in Ferolia?!

(A stray Beastman comes to talk with Gauser.)

(Stray) Beastman: Lord Gauser! Lowenburg... Our castle has been surrounded by the enemy fleet!

Gauser: What?!

Beastman: You mean that these humans aren't the...?

Gauser: Dammit, We've been tricked! Back to the castle! Hurry!!!

(A battalion of Beastmen flocks to their ship while other runs back to Lowenburg by foot.)

Roget: An attack...on Lowenburg?

Qucas: What the hell's going on?

Yurchael: Well... We weren't just sacrifical lambs, after all...

Beastman (1): Lord Gauser, what about these humans?

Beastman (2): Let's just get rid of them all, now!

Gauser: Leave them be. We have more important things to do. Now hurry! We shall not stand silent as our castle, and our people, are trampled on by the humans!!!

Beastman: Graaawww!!!

(Gauser and his personal guard hop on his fleet and fly back to the Beastmen's capital.)

Roget: We should go to Lowenburg, too.

Qucas: Roget! Are you serious?

Roget: Yeah. Staying here isn't going to do us any good. Besides, we might see one of our own guys there.

Yurchael: Indeed. This might be the wisest course of action at present... But we may have to fight the Beastmen yet again. We should be fully prepared to counter their attacks if they come.

-Qucas, Gemière, and D'Kelli join you!-

Chapter 3: Stirrings in Lowenburg

(The Peddan military is nuking the Beastmen's capital.)

Roget: Look over there.

Qucas: No mistaking them. That's the Peddan military.

Roget: I thought we were on a reconnaissance mission! What are we doing here?

Gemière: Whatever the reason it, we've got to join un with the main unit. Let's go.

(Roget and crew meet up with Peddan soldiers en route to Lowenburg.)

Peddan Soldier: Stop! Identify yourselves, now!

Roget: Hold fire! We're on your side! We're Peddan scouts! We're on a top-secret mission, and--

Peddan Soldier: A top-secret mission, huh? I haven't caught wind of anything like that. Let's try this again. What are you really doing here?

Qucas: Oh, come on! You had to have heard about us! We almost got killed back--

Peddan Soldier: "Eliminate anyone not part of the Peddan army." Those are my orders. Sorry, but it's nothing personal!

(The Peddan soldier threatenly walks toward Roget.)

Roget: Whoa, whoa! Wait a minute!!!

(The Peddan Soldier strikes his weapon against Roget.)


-To win: Lead Roget to the gates of Lowenburg!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(Roget and crew defeat the Peddan Soldiers.)

Roget: "Eliminate anyone...?" They were really going to kill us... Gods! What are we doing, fighting against our own guys?!

Gemière: We should probably get used to it. I get the feeling everyone around this castle is gonna be just as hostile.

Yurchael: Perhaps we've been pulled into a bigger mess than we could have imagined...

D'Kelli: Umm... What should we do?

Roget: Maybe we could track down the operation's commander and explain ourselves.

Yurchael: Yes. But we can't overlook the fact that this is a battlefield. Let us first summon about four rabites, and have them quickly gather Gaia's stones and Treant's berries. There's no harm in being careful.

(After creating a few rabites, Yurchael notices a Goblin lurking around.)

Yurchael: Hm, I see goblins out there. Goblins are missile units. Roget, are you familiar with the power balance of units?

Roget: Um, no, not really...

Yurchael: Then it's time to learn. This will be the basic combat strategy, so be sure to listen well. Let's start with ground units, which are strong against missile units.

Roget: Okay, so ground units like mushbooms have an advantage against missile units like goblins.

Yurchael: That's right. I you see a goblin, let a mushboom fight against it.

(Further up ahead, Yurchael notices a cobra.)

Yurchael: We're up against cobras now. Cobras are ground units. D'Kelli, you're familiar with the power balance of units?

D'Kelli: Yes, of cours-- Uh,

Yurchael: Then it's time to learn. This is part of basic combat strategy, so be sure to listen well. This is about heavy units, which are strong against ground units.

D'Kelli: Ummm, so... We should send heavy units to fight against ground units. Am I right?

Yurchael: Yes. That's exactly right. So let us summon boreal hounds from the heavy unit base and exterminate the cobras.

-You can now build a heavy unit base!-

(A few step further, Yurchael discovers a hook stuck in the ground.)

Yurchael: Ahh, I see there's a hook over there.

Roget: A hook?

Yurchael: A hook keeps the Nightswan anchored to the ground.

Roget: Why is that so important?

Yurchael: Because we can summon units only when the ship is anchored.

Roget: I see... So if the ship is anchored to a hook near the enemy units, we can send our units to fight as soon as we summon them.

Yurchael: Exactly. But we do have to be mindful of the Nightswan taking damage itself. Roget, set the destination of the Nightswan to that hook. The Nigthswan will move and anchor itself to that hook.

-Move the Nightswan to this hook.-

(Peddan Soldiers come to the scene.)

Peddan Soldier: What's with all the racket...? Wh-what the...?! Enemy units on the field! Get them!!!

(An enemy war machine has been destroyed.)

Yurchael: I see you've destroyed a special weapon. Qucas, do you know all the unit classes?

Qucas: Of course I know! I wouldn't have survived all the battles I've been in if I didn't!

Yurchael: Oh, pardon me. Then I should address D'Kelli, who most certainly hasn't studied up on her unit classes yet.

D'Kelli: Yes, sir!

Yurchael: There is a total of seven types of units. The ones you see most are ground, missile, heavy, and flying units. The remaining three are gather, special, and leader units.

Qucas: Gatherer units like rabites can gather Gaia's stones and Treant's berries. The weapon we just busted up was a special unit. And we're the leader units. That includes even you, D'Kelli!

D'Kelli: Hmmm, I'm learning a lot today...

Roget: Well, we couldn't find the commander on the field. Maybe he's inside.

(Roget walks toward the fortress.)

-Mission Accomplished-


-Lowenburg - Throne Room-

Roget and crew have managed to make their way through attacking Peddan units to arrive at the throne room in Lowenburg. What they discover there are lifeless bodies of Beastmen piled up on top of one another...

Qucas: Damn... This is a friggin' massacre.

Gemière: ...

Roget: This isn't supposed to happen on a scouting mission! This... This is...

???: War.

Roget: General Baxilios?

Baxilios: Hmph. I should commend you on your mission performance.

Yurchael: So it was you, after all. I know that it's not exactly wise for the commander to be in the vanguard in enemy territory.

Baxilios: This is just who it works. Nothing you should concern yourself with.

Qucas: So right from the start, the plan was to invade Ferolia?

Gemière: What about the chancellor? A moderate like him would never have agreed to something like this...

Baxilios: The chancellor died shortly after you departed for your mission. A stroke, or some such thing. It was quite sad, I must say.

Gemière What...? I don't believe it! How could you, General?!

Baxilios: Hmph. Don't waste your breath on things you know nothing about. I think I've had enough time pleasantries. I hereby declare that from hereon, Ferolia shall be under the rule of the Kingdom of Pedda!


(An ominous mirror comes our of black energy.)


Roget: Wh-what is that?!

Baxilios: Esina's black mirror.

Roget: Esina...?

Baxilios: Here begins Operation Psi, in the name of His Highness, Inath, King of Pedda! The invasion of the Beastmen's land is but the first step. The whole world will soon go down on its knees and hail the glory of Pedda as a new era begins!

Roget: What the hell is Operation Psi...?

Baxilios: We have the incomparable strength, the iron will... And the great guidance...from the mirror of Esina!

Gemière: You're declaring war against the world? Are you insane?!

Baxilios: I'm sorry to say that it's time for your exit. You shall die here alongside the Beastmen.

Peddan Soldier (1): Hehehe...

Peddan Soldier (2): There's no place for you to run.

Roget: We're surrounded...

D'Kelli: Oh, no! We're in real trouble now!

(Someone slays one of the Peddan Soldiers from behind.)

Peddan Soldier: Gah!

Roget: Gauser...?

Gauser: Well, come on, you fools! Let's get out of here!

Peddan Soldier: You're still alive, Beastman King? I'll take care of that!

Gauser: You don't know who you're dealing with.

(Gauser defeats the Peddan Soldier.)

Peddan Soldier: Ooof!

Gauser: Hurry! This way!

(Roget and crew flee the scene.)

Baxilios: So they got away... Well, we'll see them again...

(The crew watches aboard the Nightswan as the Beastmen's capital is burning away.)

Gauser: Lowenburg has fallen... My kingdom is in ruins!

Qucas: Operation Psi? Esina's black mirror? Would someone please tell me what all that gibberish was about?!

Gemière: Is she serious about starting a war against all of the countries in Fa'Diel? She's lost her mind!

Roget: With things the way they are now, I don't think we can go back to Pedda...

Yurchael: Pedda's forces are most likely heading for Mintas. We still might be able to help the villagers in time. Let us hurry!

Gauser: Why are you trying to help me? You humans can go anywhere you want to, unlike us.

Yurchael: If you hadn't helped us escape from the throne room, we would all have been dead by now.

D'Kelli: Oh, yes! You saved our lives! I am forever in your debt!

Gauser: Hmph... I just wouldn't be able to sleep if I'd let women and children die in front of me.

Chapter 4: The Moon Howls over Mintas

Mintas is a small village located to the northeast of Lowenburg. The Ferolian in the village are docile, preferring a peaceful existence to one of conflict against humans. Beastman soldiers injured in Lowenburg have sought refuge in this village. But Pedda's ground troops arrive at the village soon after, like bloodthirsty hounds in the moonlit night...

(A Peddan Officer stands in the middle of the village.)

Peddan Officier: Ahem. Uhh... All right, you animals! Prick up your big ears and listen good! You can either surrender unconditionally and become our slaves, OR...die like the pitiful animals you are! Either way, I DON'T CARE!

(Gauser apears before his personal fleet.)

Gauser: How many times do you have to ask, you one-track imbecile? We will never become your slaves!

Peddan Officer: Uh, ahem... Uhh...fine. Have it your way. I'm through negociating with you! All hands, prepare for battle! Let not one insect leave Mintas alive!!!

(A house is set on fire by a missile.)

Gauser: Humans, leave while you still can. The five of you can easily sneak out of here without being caught.

(Roget and crew are on the other side of the map, Qucas tries talking some sense to the Peddan Soldiers.)

Qucas: So you know what you're getting into? Are you really prepared to fight against your own countrymen? The scuffle at Lowenburg--we got sucked into that one. But this is different. This is going to be inexcusable. Roget, you've got a lady back home, don't you? Listen--fighting theses guys here means you're putting the lives of your loved ones at risk. Sure, the Peddan here are scum--but after what I just told you, could you still go in and fight them?

(The Peddan Officer talks to his troops.)

Peddan Officer: Uhh, listen, guys. When you smoke them out, be sure not to let anyone get away. If you do, It's half rations for a month!

Peddan Soldier: Yes, sir!

(Another missile is shot at the burning house. A villager tries to get out, but is immediately slain by a Peddan Soldier.)

Peddan Officer: Heheheheh... Look, look! It's a beastman roast! Nice! Very nice! Let them burn! Burn the whole place down! Roast them all!!!

Roget: Elena... Juhani... If I go forward with this, I may even meet you on the battlefield someday... But I can't just let that happen... I have to help these Ferolians. You'll understand, won't you...?

(Roget takes a few steps forwards.)

Qucas: Roget!

(Qucas turns to the crew.)

Qucas: I'll right then. I'm in. There's no turning back now.

D'Kelli: I'm in, too!

Gemière: Of course I'm in. I don't care for their method one bit. I'm gonna beat the crap out of everyone of those scumbags.

Yurchael: This is what happens when you have a group of selfish surbordinates. What have I done to deserve this...? Very well... I'm with you till the end.


-To win: Eliminate all Peddan troops!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Gauser is incapacitated. All the villagers are killed. The Eagle Ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(An ally unit is hit by the enemy.)

Yurchael: Looks like you've sustained some injuries while engaging the enemy. We should build a healing house.

Roget: A healing house? How does that work?

[Healing House Tutorial]

Roget: Wow. That's an important facility. We'd better make good use of that!

(A flying unit attacks an ally.)

Yurchael: Hmm...Now they've got flying units. Roget, let's summon missile units.

Roget: Missile units... According to the power of balance, right?

Roget: I get it. A unit in the air can be taken down by using arrows. Let's summon some chobin hoods!

(After a while of fighting, only a few Peddan Soldiers remain on the battlefield.)

Gauser: Hang in there, my brothers! Victory is almost at hand! Fight!

(Multiples ghosts are seen flocking a the edges of the map.)

Peddan Soldier: Hahahahahaaa! Reinforcements are here! Kill the Beastmen and the traitors! Kill them all!!!

(The Peddan troops are eventually all defeated.)

Gauser: We've defeated all the Peddan soldiers. Let's take a deep breath now...

-Mission Accomplished-

[Mission Results]

(Roget and crew, along with surviving Beastmen are gathered in the village.)

Roget: Yes! We got through it!

Gauser: It's a little too early for celebrating. They'll soon be back with more troops. And we no longer have what it takes to hold them back.

Roget: ...

(Roget walks toward Gauser.)

Roget: It would probably be best to abandon the village and run.

Gauser: Run? You say? Where? Who is going to take us Beastmen as refugees?

Roget: Wendel.

Gauser: Wendel...

Roget: That's right. Wendel should warmly welcome anybody, whether you're human or Beastman.

Gauser: I was driven out of my own castle... I lost Mintas...and you expect me to seek aid from humans? After so many of my brethren have fought bravely against the enemy and fallen... You expect the king of the Beastmen to spare his own life, turn his back to the enemy, and run?!

Yurchael: It also takes pride to retreat, sir. You have not lost everything yet.

Gauser: ...

Beastman (1): My lord, you can return when the war is over.

Beastman (2): That's right. We just have to brush ourselves off and start over. We can build another Mintas and another Lowenburg--bigger and more beautiful than they were before!

Gauser: Yes. I suppose you're right. As long as we have our lives, we can start over. As many times as we want to... All right, my brethren. We abandon Mintas and head for Wendel.

Yurchael: The other countries must be notifed of this atrocity. Someone has to spread the word.

Roget: That's right. General Baxilios seems to be planning a war against the world. To other countries are going to have to prepare for battle.

Yurchael: If it's all right with you. We can be the messengers...

Gauser: You?

Gemière: I just don't want to be stuck in place like Wendel.

Qucas: I don't care where I'm going. As long as I'm getting paid, that is.

D'Kelli: I'll accompany everyone, too! We're all in the same boat!

Gauser: Hmm... But the other countries may have a hard time accepting your story. You, yourselves, are soldiers of Pedda.

(Gauser gives out orders to his fellow Beastmen.)

Gauser: I want you to head for Wendel with the villagers. I want you to ask for an audience with the Priest of Light, and inform him of what has happened. I will accompany these people.

Beastman: My lord. You need not worry about us. We will safely escort the survivors to Wendel.

Gauser: I'm counting on you.

(Roget and crew embark on the Nightswan.)

Roget: We don't have a place to go back anymore, do we...?

Yurchael: Where this battle is headed, I do not know. But there is no going back to the way things were before. Not for us, not for the world...

Chapter 5: Dragon Wings of Reunion

Roget and the Nightswan crew leave Mintas with Gauser. In order to notify all countries in the world of Pedda's baneful scheme, the crew decides to first head to the impregnable citadel in Laurent.

-Galura's Chamber-

(Galura is near her throne, accompanied by three fellow warriors. Before them is the Nightswan's crew.)

Galura: So I am to believe... The small nation of Pedda is making war with the rest of the world?

Gauser: Our castle, lowenburg, has already fallen into their hands. Those who survived the attacks have become refugees, and are now heading for Wendel as we speak.

Yurchael: We think that if we cut the troops' supply line from the homeland, Pedda would eventually have to give up on their martial ambitions. But we cannot achieve this without your ambitions, Lady Galura.

Galura: ... Master Yurchael, Master Gauser... Is not that I doubt what you are telling me... But it is far too little information to justify a move on our part. Whether or not a small country such as Pedda is indeed intent on carrying out this war against the world... And whether or not this Baxilios character is indeed driven by such folly was world domintation... We will need more time to know for sure. All we can do is send emissaries to all the countries, and watch how events unfold. Please accept this as Laurent's official reply.

(Roget and crew head back outside near the Nightswan.)

Gauser: Fro crying out loud... We cannot sit around and wait for them to strike. We must start taking preemptive measures now! How does she not understand that?

Yurchael: Lady Galura has worked tirelessly for Laurent's growth through diplomacy, while also protecting her tribe. But ever since the incident during a diplomatic meeting with the Nevarlans, the situation has been tense near the Nevarlan border.

Gemière: So it would be hard for Laurent to take any immediate action when it's got Nevarl pointing a knife at its back. I guess I can see why she would be reluctant to help us out.

D'Kelli: Wow. Grownups always have such complicated problems, don't they?

Qucas: ...

(One of Galura's private guard enters the scene.)

Alma: A leader must exercice caution in any undertaking in order to protect the people.

(Alma comes near Gauser.)

Alma: Please be sympathetic to Lady Galura

Qucas: Alma...?

Alma: It's been a long time, Qucas! I thought it was you!

Qucas: Good to see you, Alma! How's it goin'? Getting a little doughy 'round the middle, aren't ya? Haha!

Alma: Oh, stuff it, you jerk...

(Other two of Galura's guards enter the scene.)

Minerva: Qucas!

Joster: Haven't seen you in a while, you old so-and-so. Thought you'd be long dead by now!

Qucas: Heh heh. It seems I've got a body that just won't quit.

Minerva: Oh, we know how you've always been a sore loser!

Qucas: Whoa! Look who's gotten better with the insults, Minerva! Ahahaha!

Roget: Qucas, how do you know these people?

Qucas: They were friends during my stint here in Laurent. Heh. I just didn't think I'd be back in Laurent under these circumstances.

D'Kelli: I don't think I've ever seen Qucas smile so much!

(Back on the Nightswan.)

Roget: I'm sorry, Qucas. We would have let you stay and catch up with them...

Qucas: Don't sweat it! I can go back and see them anytime. So, were are we headed for next? Are we going to Wendel?

Yurchael: I was thinking more along the lines of Nevarl.

Qucas: Nevarl, huh...?

Yurchael: Yes. In order to get help from Laurent, we would have to remove the knife that is currently pointed at its back.

Roget: I get it. If we could get Nevarl on our side, maybe Laurent would agree to help us, too. If Wendel could join us on top of that, we could contain Pedda and prevent it from making any further advances.

D'Kelli: Wow, you guys are smart! Then Pedda would give up on taking over the world, and everything would be back to normal! Hah! It's easy as pie!

Gemière: If only things worked that way.

D'Kelli: Yeah, if only things work--Wait, what does that mean?

Gemière: Look over there.

(Gemière points at the Laurent Citadel.)

Roget: Damn! Those are Peddan Carriers!

Gemière: They must be in a real hurry to take over the world.

Qucas: They're heading straight for Laurent!

Yurchael: Laurent must not fall into their hands. We return to Laurent at once!

(Once back in the citadel, they find Alma dealing with two Peddan Soldiers.)

Qucas: Hey, Alma! Joster! Looks like you're in trouble! Need some help?

(Joster is found a a bit further, dealing with a enemy equipment.)

Joster: Qucas!

Alma: I don't need your help! Not with small fries like these!

(Alma proceeds to impale both Peddan soldier with her spear.)

Alma: But really, thanks for coming back.

(Several enemy fleets cough out reinforcement.)

Qucas: Hey, save the thanks 'til after we get through this mess. Let's go!


-To win: destroy all enemy units!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Alma is incapacitated. Joster is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

(After defeating some enemy troops, a carrier comes into the scene.)

D'Kelli: Uh-oh! More enemy troops!

Yurchael: But that's not a Peddan carrier... That's from Nevarl! It's the Borledoon--the Nevarlan flagship!

Qucas: Yeah, no mistake there. I've seen it once before. That ship belongs to Olbex! The Nevarlan must have cut a deal with Pedda already!

Gemière: Well, there goes our trip to Nevarl.

Roget: Looks like they're headed straight fro the citadel. We've got to hurry!

(After a while, Nevarlan troops come in reinforcement.)

D'Kelli: Ack! Looks like we have the main units from Nevarl coming for us!

Gemière: Good. I just got done warming up. This is where the real fun begins!

Yurchael: Roget, the Nevarlans are ground units, so we should ready heavy units to fight against them. But the Nevarlans have no problem leaping over minor bumps on the ground. Let us proceed with caution!

(Roget and crew defeat a good chunk of the Nevarlan forces.)

Joster: Looks like we've regained some control over the situation. Thanks, Qucas.

-Mission Accomplished-


(Qucas is seed talking with Alma and Joster.)

Qucas: I never thought that Nevarl would side with the Peddans...Are you two all right?

Joster: We're fine...but the Nevarlans have already gone into the citadel! Lady Galura and Minerva might be in trouble. You must help them, Qucas!

Qucas: All right. I'll catch you later, Joster.

(In the next scene located in Laurent's throne room, Lady Galura is seen wincing in pain from the Nevarlan assault, with Minerva at her side.)

Galura: Ugh... Grr... Agh... Even if I...were to perish here... The will...of Laurent...shall never die!

(Galura slumps on the floor!)

Minerva: Mother!!!

(Minerva comes to her rescue.)

Olbex: Hmph. She could have avoided dying like this if she had only shaken hands with Nevarl or Pedda. Just goes to show how royal pride can be deadly to a country sometimes.

Minerva: How could you kill her, you bast--

(Minerva gets taken away by Nevarlan soldiers.)

Minerva: Grr... Let...go of me! You're nothing but dogs! Peddan mongrels!

(Roget and crew storms the throne room.)

Qucas: Minerva!

Minerva: Qucas?!

Olbex: Hold it right there. One wrong move, and the princess loses her pretty little head.

Roget: You maggot...!

Qucas: Lady... Lady Galura?! No... Dammit! We're too late...

Olbex: Hm? Wait a minute... Qucas... Your Qucas? Ha! Who would've thought I'd find you in a place like this? You know that I've been looking all over for your ass, don't you?

Qucas: Oblex...

Roget: More Pedan troops on the way... Qucas, what do we do now?

(The next scene shows Alma and Joster struggling to keep up with their assailants.)

Alma: Dammit... I slay them and slay them... and still there's more...

Joster: ...The winds...

Alma: What? What about the winds...? They've stop blowing... The ceaseless winds of Laurent... They've ceased...


(Just like in Lowenburg, Esina's Mirror appears from a black mist.)


(Laurent is shrouded in a thick veil of darkness. Back in the throne room.)

Roget: That's Esina's mirror! Another one, here?!

Olbex: It's showtime.

Joster: Grraaahhh!!!

Alma: Out of my way!!!

Nevarlan Agent (1): Gah!

Nevarlan Agent (2): Ow!

(Alma and Joster enter the throne room.)

Minerva: Hands off, you pigs!

Nevarlan Agent (3): Whoa!

Nevarlan Agent (4): Ooof!

(Minerva slays the Nevarlan agents and raises her spear toward Olbex.)

Olbex: Hmph. As brash and hard-nosed as Galura was. Like mother, like daughter.

Minerva: You... You will not get away with this.

Qucas: (To Nevarlan agents) Stand back! Or your boss's life is mine!

Olbex: Well now... It looks like we have a stalemate. What next?

Minerva: Make way! Let them and the survivors go free!

Olbex: Heh. You don't really think I would just let everyone go, do you?

Minerva: You shall have your hostage. So please... Let them go.

Joster: No, Minerva!

Alma: Lady Minerva, please don't!

Olbex: Hehehe. We have a deal. Put you weapons down, boys! Let them all out of the citadel! The citadel now belongs to Nevarl, anyway.

(Alma, Joster, and Qucas are seen exiting the citadel under Olbex's watchful eye.)

Olbex: Oh, by the way, Qucas... Listen... I'll have my match with you at another time. I'm gonna get you back for my baby brother. Don't you forget it. You got that?

Qucas: ...

-Alma, Amazon of Laurent, joins the fight!-

(Roget and crew fly to Wendel, the holy capital.)

Roget and the Nightswan crew depart from Laurent to Wendel to talk to the Priest of Light about the recent events.

D'Kelli: Oooooh! It's so glittery and gorgeous...

Beastman Soldier: Lord Gauser! We've been waiting for you!

Gauser: My brothers!

Beastman Soldier: We have talked to the Priest of Light about what has happened to us. Both the Priest of Light and the Oracle of Shadows are waiting for you in the Temple of Light.

Priest of Light: So after Ferolia, they have taken Laurent...

Gauser: It seems the Nevarlans had joined hands with Pedda behind the scenes.

Priest of Light: I see you are citizens of Pedda. For what reason do you fight against your own country?

Yurchael: It is out of love for our country. We suspect the cause of the violence can be traced to General Baxilios, the right hand to the king. Before, the moderate chancellor used to be able to control the general, but...

Gemière: ...

Roget: In reality, it is General Baxilios who has the real power in Pedda. If we could stop her somehow, perhaps we can stop to war from spreading any further...

Priest of Light: ... Master...Yurchael, I believe your name was. As you well know, Wendel is a permanent neutral state. You must understand that we cannot provide you with aid for warfare.

Yurchael: ... Have you heard of...Esina's mirror?

Priest of Light: Do you mean...The cursed black mirror of Esina?

Yurchael: If I were to tell you that Pedda is taking advantage of that ancient evil power bring doom upon this world... What would you do?

???: Esina's mirror... Are you absolutely certain about this?

D'Kelli: It's true! We're not lying! We saw it with our own eyes!

Gauser: I saw it, too. Looking into it, I sensed something...unspeakable about its ominousness...

Alma: I saw it with my own eyes as well. When that black mirror emitted that light...the unceasing winds of Laurent suddenly ceased.

???: So the cursed mirror has been found...

(A Wendellan soldier notices an intruder coming into the Temple of Light.)

Wendellan Soldier: Stop! Who are you? The Temple of Light is a sacred place! Hey! You can't enter uninvited!

Nevarlan Soldier: Please... Please let me through... Your Eminence, please! I need your strength...

Wendellan Soldier: I am sorry about this. Allow me to lead him to the door right away...

Priest of Light: It's all right. Let him stay. I see that you are from Nevarl. And you are injured. What could have inquired you to come all the way thsi way in the state that you are in?

Nevarlan Soldier: I am but one of many who learned the deal made between Pedda and Nevarl, and had decided to desert Nevarl. We were chased by a platoon under the command of Flamekhan into the Burning Sands, and cannot move any further. I received word of a group of Peddan deserters, much like ourselves, who take refuge in Wendel. I come here to request your aid. I beseech you to lend us your strength. Please... Please help my people!

???: If only there could be a guarantee that this isn't some sort of trap...

Nevarlan Soldier: If my words cannot be believed, and my brethren die because of it, I may as well be dead myself. May my words be accepted as truth, or may this dagger pierce my heart!

Roget: Wait! I'll go. I don't care if this is a trap. I believe this person.

Yurchael: Roget...

???: Forgive me for having doubted you. I am Belgar, Wendel's Oracle of Shadows. Wendel may be unable to grant military aid, but I doubt my lending a hand would cause any problems. Take me to the Burning Sands with you. I would not be a burden to you.

(Roget and crew, with its new addition of Belgar, head to the Burning Sands.)

Chapter 6: Falcon of the Burning Sands

Roget and crew head for the Burning Sands with the Nevarlan deserter as their guide.

(The party is standing near the entrance of the desert.)

Roget: They must be around here somewhere. We're running out of time. Let's hurry!


-To win: Search for the Nevarlan defectors!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(After scouting the Burning Sands for a while, a group of people appear.)

Roget: There they are! I've found the Nevarlan deserters!

(One of the deserters spot Roget and crew.)

Falcon: Great, we've got more trouble... Damned numbskull Peddans!

Roget: Wait! We met one of your guys, and we're here to help you!

Falcon: ... You mean Larkbone? Then you're from Wendel! Thank you! You've just made it in time.

Sandarrow: Yes, but we're surrounded by the enemy. Sorry we can't give you a warmer welcom.

Falcon: We have reinforcements from Wendel, everyone! Hang it there. Let's send our enemy running back home!


-To win: destroy all enemy units!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Falcon is incapacitated. Sandarrow is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

(After defeating the Nevarlan troops, enemy reinforcement comes on the field.)

Falcon: Now they have more troops, too. Damn. Father...

Sandarrow: They're sending sergeants after us. Looks like Lord Flamekhan isn't about to let us slip matter what.

(Roget and crew eventually manage to defeat the Nevarlan troops.)

Falcon: Did we manage to fend them off?

-Mission Accomplished-


Roget: Whew, I'm glad we made it in time!

Belgar: Yes. I'm gladto see that everyone is all right.

Flacon: Sorry, but let's save the introductions till later. They're still coming!

(Nevarlan agents are seen on top of a dune.)

Nevarlan Agent: Over there!

Qucas: Man, where are they coming from? I've slashed enough already! Why does every Nevarlan I meet have to be so damned persistent...? Whoa! What the--

(An earthquake starts.)

D'Kelli: Wh-wh-what is happening to this place?!

(A beam of light comes out of the middle of the area, then materialized into a giant glowing stone.)

Roget: What the hell is this?

Falcon: Could it be...the legendary Mana Stone?

Gemière: Mana Stone?

(A ball of fire swirls in front of the Mana Stone, revealing it to be a fire spirit.)

Salamander: One of the eight bringers of doom, sealed by the Goddess of Mana a long time ago. That's what it is!

Roget: Whoa! And who are you?!

Salamander: I'm Salamander, the spirit of fire! I live below the ground here, but I just had to come out and see what all the ruckus was about. Looks like you're having fun! I can help you guys, if you want me to. And I'll tell you something else... It's the first time the Mana Stone's ever become so restless.

(Roget walks toward the Mana Stone.)

Qucas: You're the spirit of fire...? Roget? Hey! What are you doing?

Roget: I hear a voice... Coming from...the stone? The stone's speaking to me...

Xan Bie: I am hellfire incarnate, one to bring doom to the world. Xan Bie is the name.

Roget: Xan Bie?!

Xan Bie: There is nothing in this world powerful enough to warrant the release of us benevodons. Not yet, that is. But I am willing to lend you part of my strength for your purposes.

Roget: Lend us you strength? Why would you want to do that?

Xan Bie: It seems we now have forces in our midst working to bring forth a rather unwelcome situation. And I see a shadow behind you... A faint image in the mirror...

Xan Bie: Perhaps you are the one to lead us to that cursed black mirror.

Roget: What...? What do you mean by that?

(Flamekhan is seen on the edge of the map along with his personal guard.)

Flamekhan: So I find you still crawling around here, after I'd assumed you'd have made your escape to Wendel. Flacon! No matter what your reasons may be, you will not be forgiven for deserting Nevarl.

Flacon: Father...

(Roget and crew are seen being ambushed by Nevarlan troops on all corners of the map.)

D'Kelli: Oooh, this must be our end for sure...

Flamekhan: Only death awaits those who break the law. Even if it were my own daughter. Now that you have betrayed Nevarl, we can never be father and daughter again! Are you prepared to die, Falcon?

Flacon: If that is my fate, so be it...

Flamekhan: Hmph. So you choose to throw away your past and walk down the thorny path... We're done for the day. But do not ever think this is the end. There is no escape from the law. Not for you, not for Sandarrow, not for Hawkeye...

(Flamekhan walks away.)

Flamekhan: We return to the fortress!

Nevarlan Agent: ...?! Are you letting them go, Lord Flamekhan?

Flamekhan: Someday... I am going to make them wish they had been killed today. All hands, pull back!

Nevarlan Agent: Y-yes! My Lord!

(Flamekhan and his troops leave the area.)

Falcon: ... Sandarrow! We've fended off the pursuers. We're all right now. Let's treat that wound.

Sandarrow: Don't worry about me, Falcon. How's Hawkeye?

Hawkeye: He's fine. Sleeping like he didn't notice a thing. Our dear child is doing fine...

Sandarrow: Good. I'm glad t-- *cough* *cough*

Falcon: Sandarrow! Don't talk! Don't move!

Sandarrow: I-I'm sorry, Falcon... I'm sorry I got you into this mess...

Falcon: What are you saying? I blame nobody. This was my choice... For me and my family...

Roget: They may be more pursuers on the way. If you're able to move, you should head for Wendel right now. If you're been hurt, please get on our ship!

Falcon: Okay. All right, everyone! I know it's been rough, but we're almost there. Hang on!

(The party, along with Nevarlan deserters, head for the Nightwing.)

-Falcon, the secret agent of Nevarl, joins the fight!-

You escort Sandarrow and the injured safely to Wendel.

(The party now heads for the Golden Road.)

Chapter 7: A Farewell Ambush

The crew obtain information from Sandarrow that a carrier from Nevarl's main unit has flown north. They suspect the Nevarlans have gone to join with Peddan forces to start their invasion of the northern continent. Meanwhile, a new alliance is being formed between Valsena and Altena in the northern continent. They have decided to make preparations to counter a Peddan strike. A battle between the two forces is about to begin...

(Roget and crew a seen on the Golden Road's main path.)

Falcon: Golden Road... I had always heard that Valsena was surrounded by mountains, and that this was the only way in... It's so green and beautiful... a far cry from the sands of Nevarl.

Roget: Both Pedda and Nevarl would have to take this road to reach Valsena. if they're ahead of us, we're going to have to square off with them. We'd better move ahead with caution.

(A single soldier is seen across a bridge on lower grounds.)

Juhani: I've been waiting for you, Roget. I had received word from a scout that they spotted a suspicious carrier.

Roget: Juhani?! What are you doing here?

Qucas: This is bad...

Yurchael: Do you know him?

Qucas: Yeah, he's really close to Roget. Almost like a younger brother.

Yurchael: Is that so...

Qucas: And his sister and Roget..

D'Kelli: Hoo-hoo! Talk about being on a bed of corns!

Gemière: ...You'd better mean "a bed of thorns."

Juhani: What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here, Roget? I heard you helped out the Beastmen in Mintas to fight against our troops... Is that true?

Roget: ... Yeah, It's true.

Juhani: What...? How could you? How could you betray your own country? How could you betray my sister?!

Roget: No, please, Juhani! It's not like that. You have to listen to me!

Juhani: Shut up, you traitor! I'm not going to listen to a dirty backstabber like you! You made it this far by spitting on Pedda and killing your own people. There is nothing you can do to change that! Well, I'm not like you. I'm laying my life on the line to defend the ones who I love... The country that I love!

Roget: Wait! Please wait, Juhani!

Juhani: Die, you traitor!!!


-To win: Defeat Juhani!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

Yurchael: Hm... I see heavy units up ahead. Roget, we should summon some flying units. Flying units can fight effectively against heavy units.

Roget: I see. Even heavy units are no match for the aerial attacks from flying units.

(After a while, several Peddan Sergeants come in reinforcement.)

Roget: Hm?! Enemy units waiting in ambush! Watch out!

(A Pedan Soldier spots the deserters from across the bridge.)

Peddan Soldier: There they are! The traitors against Pedda!

Juhani: Ah, reinforcements! Great! Get them!

Roget: Juhani... Why do we still have to fight? There's no reason to keep fighting like this! Don't you see?

Juhani: How many times do I have to say this? You're a traitor! There's nothing you can do to change that! You're an enemy of Pedda!!!

(After a grueling battle, Juhani is defeated.)

Juhani: Urgh... Aagh!

(Juhani slumps to the ground.)

Roget: Juhani!

-Mission Accomplished-


Juhani: Gr... Damn you, Roget! Remember this... I will never forgive you. Never! You don't have any place... or anyone...waiting for you to return! If you live as a traitor... You're going to dies as a traitor!!!

(Juahni backs off toward the ravine.)

Roget: Juhani?!

(Roget tries to prevent Juhani from jumping into the abyss.)

Qucas: Roget, no! You'll fall if you go after him!

(Juhani lets himself fall into the ravine.)

Roget: Juhani!!! Juhani...

(Roget and crew decide to go to Molebear Moors.)

Chapter 8: Clashes and Quakes

Roget and the Nightswan crew take the Golden Road to arrive at Molebear Moors. Upon arrival, they see the allied forces of Valsena and Altena facing off with the Peddan-Nevarlan alliance.

Roget: Damn. Looks like they got here first.

Gemière: The Valsenan troops should be fighting nearby. Make one stupid move, and they'll mistake you for the the enemy and strike you down. Got that?

D'Kelli: No stupid moves! Roger that!

Yurchael: It looks like the Valsenan troops are beyond that cliff over there. Units such as sahagins and tonpoles can move through water, so they should be useful to us. It's important to have a firm grasp on the unique characteristics of our units, and to take advantage of them in battle.

Roget: Sahagins, huh? Okay. Let's give them a shot.


-To win: Search for the Valsenan troops!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(After scouting the area, a small group of Valsenan soldiers are discovered on the map.)

Richard: The enemy must be vanquised here. Neither Pedda nor Nevarl shall set foot on Valsenan soil!

Valsena soldier: Raaahhh!

(Richard notices Roget and crew.)

Richard, are you from Pedda, too?

Yurchael: We are Peddan who have deserted our homeland. We have come here to notice you of Pedda's advances...but perhaps we were a little too late to arrive.

Richard: I am Richard, Prince of Valsena. I thank you for visiting us all the way here. I wish I could ask you to enjoy your stay... But I'm afraid you've caught us at a bad time. Let them taste the blades of the Silver Knights of Valsena!

Roget: Let us fight with you! We can't let Pedda continue on this rampage!

Richard: Hm! Well, then. I don't understand your situation, but I appreciate your help. Don't fall behind!


-To win: Destroy all enemy units!-

You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Richard is incapacitated.

-Start Mission-

(A familiar face shows up on a corner of the battlefield.)

Yurchael: My, my... I had a feeling you would be showing up sooner or later. I was actually hoping I could avoid facing you...Celestan.

Celestan: You should have kept going on with your ignorant ways, but you just had to get smart, didn't you? You brought this on yourself, Yurchael.

Yurchael: Anytime you'd let us through, for old times' sake?

Celestan: Haha. No way. She'd kick my ass if I did that.

Yurchael: Then I suppose there is no choice. Fate does work in mysterious ways sometimes--

D'Kelli: Woah! Look!!!

(A giant red dragon an his army appears before Roget and crew.)

Roget: Those are Dragon folk from the Quon contienent! Don't tell me the general has joined hands with the Dragon Lord, too!

Yurchael: Cutting a deal with those dragons is far too reckless... How could you?!

Celestan: Hey, Yurchael! What are you looking at? You've gotta focus when you're on the battlefield!


-To Win: Defeat Celestan!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Richard is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

Qucas: This is getting a bit too much, guys! Isn't there something we can do?

Yurchael: Roget, our abilities can only take us so far! Let us borrow Xan Bie's powers to obliterate the enemy in one swoop. We can take advantage of the Nightswan's facilities to summon Xan Bie!

Roget: Got it! Damn we don't have enough stones...

Richard: If it's Gaia's stones you want, feel free to take ours. We were wandering what to do with them since our carrier was shot down. There all yours.

Roget: Thank you. This is going to save us!

(Celestan is eventually defeated.)

Celestan: These dragons were useless! Do you have any ideas of the trouble I had to go through to get them here? Ahh, screw it. You win?

-Mission Accomplished-


Celestan: Heh. Well, no use hanging around here for too long. I'll be on my way. Pull back!

Yurchael: We certainly appreciate that--?!

(The ground starts shaking.)

Celestan: What the--?

(A Mana Stone emerges from the ground as a clumn of light circles it.)

Roget: It's another Mana Stone!

(A rock falls from the sky, revealing an earth spirit.)

Celestan: Whoa... What the hell is that thing?!

Gnome: My goodness! How is an old man supposed to get a nap with all this noise going around?

Roget: Are you a spirit, too?

Gnome: Indeed. I am Gnome, the spirit of the earth. And this is the Mana stone of the earth.

Celestan: Spirit? What are you guys talking about? Hello? Can someone tell me what's going on?

Yurchael: Unfortunately for you, things this time are far deeper than you can probably fathom.

Celestan: Ahhh, the hell with it. I knew things would get out of hand with you involved. I'm getting outta here before I get stuck in this mess...

(Celestan and his private guards leave the area.)

Gnome: Hm? Well, well... I see Salamander has already joined your party. The nosy little rascal... Perhaps I could come along as well. I couldn't very well leave Salamander all by himself.

(Gnome joins the party while a Valsenan soldier reports to Richard.)

Valsenan Soldier: Prince Richard! The enemy has broken through our line of defense! They have entered Castle Valsena!

(A still image shows dragons breathing fire to the castle.)

Richard: Hmph. Broken through the gates, too, have they? We have no choice. Return to the castle and join with Loki.

(The party heads to Castle Valsena.)

Chapter 9: The Fall of Valsena

(Roget and crew enters Castle Valsena.)

Richard: Loki! Forgive me! I could not stop our foe from their advance.

Loki: Never mind that, Richard. I'm just glad our prince is all right. Please don't be so reckless.

(Loki looks at Roget and crew.)

Loki: And who are these people?

Yurchael: We came to notify you of Pedda's march into this land, but we arrived too late. Your enenmy is the same as ours. Let us fight together.

Loki: I see. We appreciate the help. I am Loki, on of Valsena's knights. And this is Valda, princess of Altena. Altena has sent us reinforcements so that we may vanquish the Peddan-Nevarlan alliance.

Valda: It looks as though you have Laurentian soldiers and Beastmen in your party...

Richard: Let's save the details till later. Our priority is to beat our enemy out of our castle!

Loki: This battle in Valsena will decide the fate of our world. Let us see each other alive at the end of the day!


-To win: Destroy all enemy units!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Richard, Loki, and Valda are killed.-

-Start Mission-

Yurchael: Roget, listen. With Gnome in our party, we are now able to summon special units, called molebears.

Roget: What's so special about them?

Yurchael: Special units are immune to all status aliments. Speaking specifically of molebears, they dig undergroud to move, making them immune to any damage while moving.

Roget: Wow. That's amazing...

Yurchael: However, they are low on HP, so they are not exactly suited for combat. They are more useful for exploring the battlefield.

Roget: I see. In that case, we can use them to search for Gaias and Treants, or to see where the enemy is.

(Roget notices some strange blue enemy unit.)

Roget: What are those units?

Yurchael: I believe those are gatherer units. We should assume there is a Peddan carrier nearby. Let us be careful.

Roget: Wait... So does that mean they can gather resources and summon units, too?

Yurchael: I'm afraid so. We should assume that their carrier has the same functions as the Nightswan does. It may be wiser to eliminate their gatherer units first so that they won't have the chance of summoning many units.


-To win: Sink the Gulbatte!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Richard, Loki, and Valda are killed.-

-Start Mission-

(Celestan joins the battlefield.)

Celestan: Let's see now... How's the battle going over there? Oh, man. What are they doing here? This is going to be messy...

(Celestan in defeated.)

Celestan: Man, this isn't just my day. Hoo boy... I'm outta here.

(After defeating several enemy troops, Olbex enters the area.)

Olbex: Hmph. Are the Valsenans putting up a better fight than we expected?

Alma: Olbex!

Olbex: Hehehe. It's a hero's welcome, boys! Let's give them what they're asking for!

(Olbex is defeated.)

Olbex: Grr... Maybe I got carried away... I'll leave the rest to the Peddans for now. But we'll meet again...

Roget: We've defeated the Peddan and Nevarlan commanders! All that's left now is their ship! To the ship, everyone! Let's sink the carrier!

(The Gulbatte is down.)

Roget: All right! We took down the ship! We saved Valsena...

-Mission Accomplished-


(Enemy carriers are seen approaching on the horizon.)

Roget: What the... there's more?!

Yurchael: THat's a mighty big fleet. This doesn't look good for us...

The attack by the Peddans is endless and fierce. The Valsenan-Altenish alliance is starting to show signs of distress...

(Roget and crew are gathered in the central courtyard, trying to fend off the horde of enemy troops.)

Richard: Grr... As much as I love fighting on the battlefield, this is getting ridiculous...

Qucas: We don't stand a chance when they come at us with sheer numbers like this. Whaddya think we should do, Captain?

Yurchael: Hmmm... I don't know. Do you think they'd stop if we apologized?

(An earthquake is felt.)

Gemière: Stop kidding around!

(A giant Peddan carrier lands near Roget and crew, with Baxilios leaving it.)

Roget: ...?!

Baxilios: Hmph. You're still alive, I see. I am impressed by your persistence. But play time is over.

Loki: Are you the Peddan commander?

Baxilios: Any attempt at resistance is futile. Valsena has fallen.

Richard: What?! You think you can say anything--


(Another of Esina's mirrors appear out of black mist.)


Richard: Hm?!

Valda: That cannot be...

Yurchael: The third mirror of Esina...

Baxilios: You shall get in my way no more. Surrender without condition, and I'll spare your lives. Unless I change my mind.

Gemière: Bite me!

Yurchael: No, Gemière!

(Gemière lunges at Baxilios, but is immediately knocked back by the general's powers.)

Gemière: Ugh...!

Baxilios: Do not mock me, girl. (To her crewmen) Kill them all. Leave no one alive.

(Baxilios leaves while Peddan soldiers march toward the party. The Silver Knights of Valsena arrive on the scene.)

Valsenan Soldier: Prince Richard!

Richard: My brothers!

Valsenan Soldier: We'll hold them there! Please! Leave the castle now!

Loki: Let's hurry, Richard!

Richard: But the king and queen are still inside!

Loki: I you go in now, you'll die along with them!We have to retreat! Please, Richard!

Richard: Grr... I will be back. I swear on my sword that I shall one day return to take back Valsena.

Loki: Behold the oath of the Silver Knights! The day will come when you invaders will learn the true meaning of wrath!

(Roget and crew manage to escape Castle Valsena. The entire city is covered in ominous black clouds.)

Gnome: What in the world is that black mirror and that evil aura coming out of it?

Salamander: See? This is serious!

Gnome: Hmmm... This is quite a bit more complicated than I first thought. We just may need to call on the other spirits too...

-Loki, knight of Valsena, joins the fight!-

(The party heads to Castle Altena.)

Chapter 10: Tears Frozen in a Chant

The party escapes to Castle Valsena, after barely surviving the fall of Valsena. But there is no rest for them as the invading forces loom near...

Roget: Four out of the six major powers of the world are now under the enemy's rule. The only one left are Altena and Wendel... We can't let Altena fall. We just can't.

Richard: But frankly... It would be impossible to to counter the invading forces with this country's military. The troops are tired, and the their morale is low. Some of them are already starting to surrender the enemy.

Valda: Then what do you suggest we do? Should we all surrender and hand the castle over to them?

Loki: Don't be ridiculous. We will do no such thing.

Qucas: But how are we going to stop them? Even if we holed ourselves up here and drew out of battle, we'd only be making it harder for ourselves.

Queen of Altena: You need not worry. Nature is on our side. The Goddess of Mana is always with us.

D'Kelli: The Goddess of Mana...?

Queen of Altena: Yes.

(Meanwhile, Peddan Troops are seen marching in Frostbite Fields while a snowstorm rages on.)

Peddan Soldier (1): Whoa, what the--?!

Peddan Soldier (2): The sun was out just a second ago! What's going on?

Peddan Soldier (1): It's just a storm. Calm down.

(The storm blows the Peddan troops backward, despite their best attempt to press on.)

Peddan Soldier (1): Maybe this isn't...just another...storm...I...can't...move...

(The storm transforms the soldiers into snowmen. Roget and crew are watching from Castle Altena's balcony.)

Yurchael: A fine example of when even the strongest military might is powerless against the forces of nature.

Richard: We can defeat them now!

Loki: Yes! Let us take this opportunity to vanquish them!


-To win: Destroy all enemy units!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Valda and Richard are killed. The enemy breaks through the castle gates.-

-Start Mission-

(After a while, Baxilios enters the battlefield with her battallion.)

Baxilios: Hmph. I was wondering what was taking so long...

Roget: Baxilios!

(Her troop marches toward the Castle, but are quickly turned into snowmen.)

Baxilios: So the fox fancies herself clever with Mana's elemental magic... Don't flatter yourself. You shall soon see...that the Mana Goddess's powers amount to nothing!

(Baxilios summons one of Esina's black mirror, who instantly defrost the Peddan soliders.)

Loki: What just happened?!

Queen of Altena: I do not believe this... Could the black mirror counters the Mana Goddess's powers?!

Roget: This is bad! We have to reorganize!


-To win: Defeat Baxilios!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Valda and Richard are killed. The enemy breaks through the castle gates.-

-Start Mission-

Baxilios: Now then, It's high time we settled this once and for all... All units, charge!

Roget: The enemy is near the castle gates! Don't let them in!

(If the enemy breaks into the castle.)

Roget: No! They've broken into the castle...

Queen of Altena: This is the end...

-Game Over-

(Baxilios is defeated.)

Baxilios: Pesky rebels...

-Mission Accomplished-


Baxilios: This was quite a battle. But not good enough to defeat us. Behold the might of the Peddan military!

(Baxilios calls in reinforcement who breaks into the castle.)

Queen of Altena: the end... Valda, you must run with the others. Make your way outside the castle. I will do my best to stop the intruders.

Valda: No! I want to fight with you! Let me fight alongside you! Please, mother... Let me stay with you till the end...

Queen of Altena: Valda... No, my child. This will not do. You have your duties, as I have mine. I am giving you an order as the queen. Go, Valda. Altena's future is yours.

Valda: ...

Queen of Altena: We're running out of time. Hurry!

(Roget and Yurchael exit the scene, with Richard waiting for Valda to escape with him. Valda reluctantly complies.)

Queen of Altena: (To the Peddan army) Come hither, you heretic... You blasphemers against Mana... This queen's last spell...shall be your death knell!

(The Queen of Altena slowly walks forward the advancing Peddan army as the screen fades to black. Roget and crew fly to Frostbite Fields.)

Chapter 11: White Flames of Despair

The fall of Castle Altena... The death of Altena's queen... The dark gleam from the mirror had shattered the light of hope, leaving only despair in the endless snow... The party heads for the seashore as they flee from the enemy's pursuit... But pursuing them without relent was a different but familiar figure...

(Roget and crew watch as they are being followed by Celestan and two red dragons.)

Celestan: You know, everybody's gotta give up and accept the end at some point...

Roget: Celestan!

Celestan: Stop fighting it, Yurchael. Why don't you make it easy for the both of us?

Yurchael: *sigh* You are a persistent one...

(A red dragon lunges at the party.)

Richard: Gr...!

Loki: Hear me, dragons! I do not know what kind of promises were made between you and the Peddan brutes. But know this: As long as I am alive, none of them shall be fulfilled! Do you hear me?!

Richard: Valda! Snap out of it!

Valda: ...Mother...

Richard: It's no use. She's in a state of shock. Just when we need her sorcery...

Loki: Richard, you're just going to have to guard the princess. Leave the enemy to us!


-To win: Sink the Gulbatte! Protect Valda!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Richard is incapacitated. Valda is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

(Celestan is defeated.)

Celestan: Why are these guys so crazy tough? I'd better get outta here for now...

(After a while, Celestan is seen near the Gulbatte.)

Celestan: You're as tenacious as ever, Yurchael. I'll give you that much. But I'd say your luck has run out.

(Multiple red dragons come ambushing the party.)

Yurchael: ...This just may be the end for us...

(Valda walks toward the dragons.)

Valda: Power! The power of sorcery runs in my blood! The Altenish blood inherited from my mother!

Roget: Valda...?

Valda: Remember this, assaliants against Altena...

Celestan: ...What the hell...?

(The earth starts to rumble.)

Valda: The wrathful fire... of an Altenish witch!!!

(Valda casts a powerful explosion magic, decimating all the dragons on the field.)

Celestan: Retreat! Retreat!!!

(Celestan hops aboard the Gulbatte and exits the battlefield.)

Richard: Valda, that's enough! Stop! Stop, Valda!

(Valda collapses.)

Richard: Valda, are you all right? Talk to me!

Yurchael: Now is our chance. To the ship! Hurry!

-Mission Accomplished-


(Roget and Crew watch as Castle Altena burns away.)

Roget: Altena has fallen... The black mirror of Esina...

Qucas: So now all the land's major powers have fallen under Pedda's rule...except Wendel.

Valda: Mother...

-Valda, Princess of Altena, joins the fight!-

(The party heads to Wendel.)

Chapter 12: King in the Light of Old


Priest of Light: So... Valsena and Altena have also fallen...

Valda: ...

Richard: The Peddans should be coming to invade Wendel any day now. But Wendel lacks the military power to fend them off. Even with a strong defense, the best we can hope for is to buy time.

Loki: Of course, a delay by itself is not going to prevent the invasion without a proactive countermeasure.

D'Kelli: Oooh, what could we do...?

Priest of Light: ... Perhaps the elemental spirits...and the Mana Stones...could help us.

Roget: Yeah... We're going to have to rely on the spirits and the benevodons to fight against Esina's mirror. It seemed like the benevodon Xan Bie wasn't pleased with the mirror's presence. We might be able to get to the other benevodons to help us as well...

Priest of Light: Hm... So our hopes for survival hang on legendary creatures...

Gemière: Any of you know where these Mana Stones can be found? We don't exactly have time for a leisurely treasure hunt, you know.

Belgar: Not to worry. The locations of the Mana Stones have been kept as secret knowledge in the Temple of Light since the days of old. Allow me to lead the way.

(The party heads for the Shimmering Ruins.)

Belgar: Here we are. The Mana Stone of Light is said to be lying dormant here in the Shimmering Ruins.

Yurchael: It doesn't seem like the enemy is here, but we should always be ready to fight. Don't let your guards done, everyone.


-To Win: Search for the Mana Stone of Light!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(After searching of some time.)

Roget: Anyone find the Mana Stone yet?

Alma: Not over here. What about you?

Qucas: Where the hell is it? We've looked everywhere we could.

Belgar: Hmmm... I suppose it's not as easy to find as one is led to believe...

Valda: Perhaps legend is just that, after all...

Yurchael: ...Shh! Quiet!

(A metallic noise is heard.)

Roget: What is that noise...?

Yurchael: Could it be the engine of a Peddan carrier...?

(A giant Peddan carrier appears in the area.)

Yurchael: That's the Guldrea--the Peddan flagship! What business could he have in place like this...?

(A man gets off the ship.)

Roget: Inath... Your Highness... What are you doing here?

D'Kelli: Inath? Highness? You mean he's THE king of Pedda?

Inath: Hmmm, what am I doing here...? Maybe I thought it was a nice day for a picnic!

Roget: Cut the crap! You tried to get rid of us under the pretense of a scouting mission, didn't you?

Inath: Me? Get rid of you? Oh, please, Roget! If I were serious about that, you'd all be lying in the dirt by now.

Roget: ...

Inath: By the by, Roget... I thought I should ask you just in case... How about you join my side? It's still not too late.

Roget: Forget it!

Inath: Wall, that was a quick reply! Fine. Have it your way.

(Inath summons enemy units.)

Inath: Let's see how you get out of this! Get ready, Roget!


-To win: Defeat Inath!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(Inath is defeated.)

Inath: Oww... I guess this is chekmate. Dang it...

-Mission Accomplished-

(Inath is speaking with Roget.)

Inath: I can't believe how easily they beat my troops. Who has use for weak soldiers? I'm going to have to--

(The earth starts shaking.)

Inath: ...Huh?

(Gnome appears.)

Gnome: Hm. The ruckus must have awaken her. Watch.

(A giant beam of light makes a Mana Stone appear. A Mana spirit also materializes near it.)

Wisp: Oh, hi, Grandpa Gnome! Is something going on, here?

Gnome: Yes, indeed there is. I think we're going to need everyone's powers.

Wisp: Seriously? Well, that's a bit of a drag, but I guess we have no choice, huh?

Inath: Wow! So that's what everyone's been talking about--the elemental spirit and the Mana Stone!

(Inath walks toward the Mana Stone.)

Inath: They have told me about a funny-looking stone suddenly popping up from the ground... I didn't think it was true! I doubt you can break the stone's seal and release what's inside, though. The best you can hope for is to get the stone's guardians on your side. Does that sound about right, Roget? Come on, what are you fighting so hard for? It's not like you're going to make any difference. No matter what you're trying to do. Let's try this again... come and join my side, Roget. For a new world--OUR world. What do you say?

Roget: I've seen to many things. I can't go back and pretend as if they didn't happen.

Inath: Huh... Well, it that's the case... I guess it can't be hepled. We're going to fight each other with all our might...

Roget: ...

Inath: Someday. I'll be leaving now. I'm looking forward to the next time we meet.

(Inath walks away.)

Roget: ...

Yurchael: Well, we found the Mana Stone of Light. Let us return to Wendel.

(The party returns to Wendel.)

Priest of Light: You've found the Mana Stone of Light! I am glad to see that you have all returned safely...

Belgar: There are now five stones remaining--water, wood, wind, the moon, and shadow. The closest one from here is the Mana Stone of the moon in Ferolia. Next is the Mana Stone of wind in Laurent.

Yurchael: They are both in enemy territory. It would be impossible to simply waltz into those areas.

Roget: How could we get them...?

Belgar: Let us leave those two for later. I think we should go to the Woods of Wandara and search for the Mana Stone of wood. We want to gain as many of the spirits' power as we can before Pedda makes its move.

Roget: Yeah... That makes sense.

Belgar: Then we can head for the Labyrinth of Ice in Altena, where the Mana Stone of water is said to be. Altena is also enemy territory, but the labyrinth is hidden in the mountains. We may be able to sneak in by flying low. The enemy is becoming increasingly aware of the the Mana Stones. We will be risking our lives in search of them.

Roget: I know. But we can't just sit on our hands and watch Pedda wreak more havoc.

Yurchael: As long as there is a possiblity of countering Esina's mirror with the help from the spirits, we'll have to try.

(Roget and crew fly to the Woods of Wandara.)

Chapter 13: Have-nots Unforgiving

D'Kelli: Ahhh... The rustling of the leaves... The singing of the birds... I feel so alive in the jungle! Oh, how my heart swells from the nostalgia, like the inner wild child answering nature's call...

(Qucas slaps D'Kelli.)

D'Kelli: Owwww!

Qucas: Shut the hell up and look for the Mana Stone, will ya?

D'Kelli: I know, I know...

(D'Kelli tries to lead the group by sensing the Mana Stone.)

D'Kelli: ... Something in the air has changed...

Gemière: Yeah, they're here.

(Nevarlan agents pop out of nowhere.)

Falcon: Nevarlans! Are you with Flamekhan?!

Nevarlan Agent: We cannot allow a precedent to be set by a deserter live forever. Prepare to die, Lady Falcon!


-To win: destroy all stealth burrows!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Falcon is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

Falcon: They've got stealth burrows!

Roget: Stealth burrows?

Falcon: Those holes are connected to another place. They'll keep sending more troops our way unless they're closed. We have to smash them fast!

Roget: All right. Let's do it!

(All the stealth burrows are destroyed.)

Falcon: Looks like we destroyed all the stealth burrows...

(Flamekhan appears on the map.)

Flamekhan: Falcon! In how much more of your kin's blood must your hands be soaked?

Falcon: Father... I must ask Nevarl's greatest general, Flamekhan... How could you, of all people, have been wheeled by the likes of Pedda?!

Flamekhan: ... Greater nations are blessed with fertile lands, with which the people flourish and accumulate even greater wealth. But in their shadow, the world is slowly depleted of Mana--Nevarlan soil runs dry, drowning in the desert sands. We have been left with no choice but to live like worms, groveling in a corner of that empty shell of a land. Understand, Falcon...That the have-nots must be freed from the invisible shackles placed on them by the wealthy and the bloated!

Falcon: You have been merely deceived by that cursed fox of Pedda! How could you be so blind as to not see that?

Flamekhan: I ever Pedda is to betray us, their people shall fall on their knees, cower in fear, and beg for they see for themselves what Nevarl's wrath can bring.

Falcon: You do not know the power that Pedda possesses--The power of Esina's black mirror. When the Peddan could easily bring ruin to the military might of Valsena and Altena... Do you really think Nevarl could stand a chance against Pedda?!

Flamekhan: I have heard enough of your talk!


-To win: Defeat Flamekhan!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk. Falcon is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

(Flamekhan is defeated.)

Flamekhan: Grr... You put up quite a fight...

-Mission Accomplished-


Flamekhan: Falcon... The haves will not care, no matter how much you and your friends are bruised or felled. You are the ones being used by them! When are you going to open your eyes?

Falcon: Father...

Flamekhan: This will decide your fate. Are you ready to accept it, Falcon?

Flacon: I have no choice. Do to me what you must!

(Falcon & Flamekhan engage in a duel, but Flamekhan is faster with his blade and wounds Falcon.)

Falcon: Grr...!

(A rumble is felt.)

Flamekhan: Hm?!

Falcon: Ah...

Flamekhan: Is it a Mana Stone?

(A beam of light makes a Mana Stone appear, along with the wood elemental. Gnome pops up near her.)

Gnome: Oh, Dryad! So, you've decided to wake up, eh?

Dryad: Oh, it's Grandpa Gnome! It's sure been a long time. Is something the matter?

Gnome: Yes. It looks like the time has come for us spirits to join hands.

Dryad: Oh, my! Well, I don't know if it would be of much help, but I would be happy to join the party!

Falcon: Look, Father. The Mana Stones of legend are awakening, and the elemental spirits are trying to unite their powers. The land--nature itself--has determined Pedda's schemes to be evil.

Flamekhan: What have the Mana Goddess or the spirits ever brought for us? With what have they blessed or comforted the Nevarlans who wander forever in the desert sand?

Falcon: If it weren't for the Mana Goddess or the spirits, we would have long been the very grains of sand on which we walk. The waters and trees in the oasis... The workings of animals and humans... All are blessed by Mana. Please, Father... Please open your eyes.

Flamekhan: We are determined in our course. The Peddan king's plans are well underway as we speak. The day is not far away when the haves will be the ones groveling on the dirt like worms! Do not ever forget that, Falcon.

Falcon: Father...

(The party leaves the woods for the Labyrinth of Ice.)

Chapter 14: The Ambivalence of Death

Dryad, the spirit of wood, leads the party through Altenish territory to arrive at the labyrinth of Ice. It is a maze of natural caves covered in permanent ice.

Roget: So this is where the Mana Stone of water is supposed to be... It doesn't seem like there's any Peddan troops around. Let's hop it stays that way.

Qucas: But MAN, it is cold in here! Why would anyone want to put the Mana Stone in a place like this?

Gemière: Stop whining and stop looking.

Qucas: Yes, ma'am.

???: A-CHOO!

Roget: ...Don't tell me...

(Celestan comes out of his hiding place.)

Celestan: Brrrr... It's about time, you lazy bums. I've been freezing my ass off in here.

Yurchael: Well, we certainly didn't ask you to wait for us.

Celestan: Heh, you got that right. But it's my job. What can you do? You know, there's something I still don't quite get about this picture. Why were you, off all people, assigned to be the captain of the recon mission? Why would Baxilios want to purposely drag you into this mess?

Yurchael: I don't know. Maybe she wanted to get rid of me because I was in her way?

Celestan: Hm. Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter. You couldn't bring your carrier in here. That means you won't have your precious Nightswan to summon your pesky units. If I was going to settle our fight, I knew this was the place to do it. So here I am.

Yurchael: My, my... You've thought of everything, haven't you?

Celestan: I most certainly have. Prepare to get your ass kicked, Yourchael!


-To win: Defeat Celestan!-

-You lose it: Roget is incapacitated. Yurchael is incapacitated.-

-Start Mission-

Yurchael: Roget, like Celestan said, we cannot rely on the Nightswan in here. We cannot summon any units. We must fight very carefully.

Roget: Yeah, I know. But this is going to be a rough one if we can't even heal ourselves...

Yurchael: Oh, we can heal ourselves. We have the goddess statue in this cave.

Roget: The goddess statue?

Yurchael: Yes. When you go near a statue, I will gradually restore your HP. But the statue don't care if it's our HP or the enemy's. You must exercise caution when an enemy is near a statue.

Roget: Got it.

(A Peddan Sergeant is defeated.)

Celestan: Dammit... Come here, you losers.

(Celestan calls in reinforcement.)

(A red dragon is defeated.)

Celestan: Huh... They weren't any good, either... Bring it on. I can't lose this one!

(More reinforcement comes in.)

(Most of the reinforcement is defeated.)

Celestan: Grr... These guys are inhuman... Well this oughta do it! All units, attack!

(All units are defeated.)

Celestan: What the--?! It ain't over yet! Get them!

(Skeleton Archer units come on the battlefield.)

(Celestan is defeated.)

Celestan: Oh, come on... What are you guys eating to be so freaking strong?

Yurchael: Are you done?

-Mission Accomplished-


Celestan: So, you can put up a fight and win without the Nightswan. Unbelievable...

Yurchael: I guess it's no so much what we eat, but what we've been through.

(An earthquake begins, making large icicles fall from the ceiling.)

Roget: Woah! Earthquake?!

(A large column of light makes a Mana Stone appear near Roget and crew, along with the elemental of water. Gnome comes to talk to her.)

Undine: Well, if it isn't my Old Man Gnome! I haven't seen you in a while! What brings you here?

Gnome: Oh, there you are, Undine! A lot has been happening lately...

Undine: Oh, let's leave the formalities aside. Whatever you guys are doing, I'm in! The more the merrier, right?

(Icicles are still falling.)

Celestan: Whoa, I don't want to be buried alive in a place like this! Time to make tracks! We'll settle this another time, Yurchael.

(Celestan tries to leave the area, but Yurchael follows him.)

Celestan: Yurchael... Why does she wants you dead? Does she hates you that much? What happened between you two to make her wish you were dead?

Yurchael: ...

Celestan: Ah, never mind. I'll be seeing ya. Oh, by the way, the Peddan-Nevarlan alliance has started on their invasion of Wendel. Just thought I'd let you know. See ya!

(Celestan leaves the Labyrinth of Ice.)

Roget: Wendel's under attack!

Qucas: Hey, come on! We gotta get outta here, too!

(A strong rumble makes a big vessel come out of the ground.)

Roget: What is this?!

Valda: I don't believe it... It's the Luzio Malis--the ancient Altenish fortress! What perfect timing! Please, everyone! Hurry inside!

Roget: This is incredible... we're in a giant fortress that floats in the air by the power of magic...

D'Kelli: The Peddan fleet has nothing against us, now! Woo-hoo!

Gemière: Save the cheers till later! We've gotta get back to Wendel fast.

Yurchael: I only wish we could have gathered all the spirits before Pedda's attack on Wendel commenced... Let us hurry.

-The ancient Altenish magic fortress Luzio Malis is at the ready!-

(Roget and crew fly to Wendel.)

Chapter 15: Battle over the Holy Capital

(Wendel is being besieged by Peddan forces.)

Baxilios: The major powers of the world are in my hands. Wendel is the only one that remains. The time approaches for the world to be swallowed by Psi... Hehehe... Ahahahaha!

(Inside the Temple of Light.)

Priest of Light: So here she comes... I supposed she saved us for last so that she can crush the remaining areas in one fell swoop.

Qucas: Bleh. Her personality's so rotten, you can smell it all over everything she does.

D'Kelli: Hee-hee! Yup, she has that air about her!

Roget: Please hide the women and children deep inside the shelters and guard them the best you can. We're going to sink the Vel Vimana. You've got to hold out until we do.

Priest of Light: Wathever you do...spare your lives. I am not abore surrendering Wendel to them, if it comes to that. These lands have already seen innocent blood spilled on them...

Roget: I understand... But we have to try everything we can. Please pra for everybody's safety, Your Eminence.

Yurchael: Let us go, then, shall we? Target: The Peddan warship, the Vel Vimana! We will use the warp cannon on the magic fortress to gain the upper hand--before we unleash a full-on assault. Our goal is to sink the warship!

Roget: Stay alive, everyone!

(Roget and crew gather outside the temple.)

Valda: Everyone, please listen! The magic fortress Luzio Malis has a powerful weapon on board called the warp cannon. Firing the cannon at maximum power may yet give us a chance to turn this battle around in our favor. The problem is that we need a massive number of Gaia's stones to fire the cannon. I must ask you to gather the stones. I suspect that it would take time to gather all we need... Please hold back the enemy's attacks until we have full charge!

Yurchael: The Nightswan has be docked in a safe place for now. We wouldn't want our ship to take any residual damage from the warp cannon. I have summoned some units that I thought would be useful. You are free to use them as you see fit. But please be careful not to lose all of the gatherer units!

Roget: All right. Are you guys ready? Let's go!!!


-To win: Fire the warp cannon!-

-You lose if: Roget is incapacitated. The Luzio Malis is sunk. The Priest of Light is incapacitated. All of you gatherer units are destroyed.-

-Start Mission-

(After gathering some of the required Gaia's stones.)

Valda: We need 15 more stones to fire the warp cannon! The enemy units seem to be growing in numbers. Please be careful!

(After gatering more stones.)

Valda: We need 10 more stones to fire the warp cannon! We're at the halfway point! Please hang in there, everyone!

(After gathering more stones.)

Valda: We need just a few more stones to fire the warp cannon! Stay sharp, everyone!

(After gatherinf enough stones.)

Valda: We have full charge! Everyone, please take shelter! Warp cannon, fire!!!

-Mission Accomplished-


(The warp cannon is fired at the Vel Vimana, who starts smoking.)

Baxilios: Grr...!

Peddan Soldier: Starboard quarter hit! Engine power failing! Entering the D-zone! General, we are in danger. We should evacuate and reorganize.

Baxilios: The ancient Altenish magic fortress--so that is what Celestan was talking about. I does possess an amazing power... Yurchael... I suppose there is no choice. We must fall back for now. Order all ships in the fleet to return to base.

Peddan Soldier: Yes, General!

(Roget and crew watch as the Peddan forces retreat.)

Yurchael: Cecilia...

Wendellan Soldier (1): Hey, look! They're retreating!

Wendellan Soldier (2): Yes! We won! We have defended Wendel from those evildoers!

Priest of Light. It seems we have escaped immediate danger.

Belgar: Yes... But we cannot afford to be jubilant. The enemy is sure to return at any moment. If this goes on, we will only continue to was te away...

(Back at the Temple of Light.)

Loki: We should take preemtive measures against Pedda before they come back!

Richard: But the troops are tired from the fierce battle they had to endure. They need to rest. We also need time to repair our equipment and replenish our supplies.

Roget: In that case, we should use this time to search for the other Mana Stones. Only three remain--the moon, wind, and shadow. We have to find as many Mana Stones as we can.

Belgar: I'm afraid we don't have any knowledge on the whereabouts of the Mana Stone of shadow...nor of Shade, the shadow spirit. They seem to have gone missin a long time ago. Even the spirits don't know where they are.

Yurchael: Then that leaves us with the moon and the wind.

Belgar: The Mana Stone of the moon should be in Chartmoon Tower. The Mana Stone of wind is said to be found at Gusthall.

Gauser: Chartmoon Tower is in our beloved Ferolia. However...

Yurchael: The enemy has set up a frontline base in Ferolia to conquer Wendel. Let us leave that for later and head for Gusthall first.

Roget: Where is Gusthall?

Joster: It's in Laurent. I can take you there.

Alma: Lady Minerva... I hope you're all right...

(The party boards the Nightswan for Gusthall.)

Chapter 16: Requiem in the Winds

Joster joins the Nigthswan crew and leads them to Gusthall. Time is of the essence... But the Nevarlan are only on a hunt for the Mana Stone of wind...

Joster: Wait!

Alma: Nevarlans!

(The crew spots a Nevarlan soldier scouting the area nearby.)

Alma: Looks like they're on the lookout...

Yurchael: We may have been late to arrive, but yielding to them is not an option.

Roget: We'll just have to force ourselves in!

Qucas: You bet!


-To win: Search for the Mana Stone of wind!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-

(A Nevarlan agent spots a crew member.)

Nevarlan Agent: ...?! Enemies! We're under enemy attack!

-To win: Destroy all enemy units!-

-You lose if: Roget is killed, or the ship is sunk.-

-Start Mission-


Moving Units

1. Touch the unit.

First, let's learn how to move your units.

Use the stylus to touch the unit you want to move. The unit will flash as as target cursor appears.

2. Touch the unit's destination.

Next, touch where you want the unit to go, and the unit will start moving towards its destination.

If you select an enemy or a resource as the target, the unit will take the appropriate action when it reaches its destination.

3. Touch Cancel to deselect unit.

Touch the Cancel icon <"C"> to deselect the unit while it continues its actions.

Field of Vision

1. Enemies/resources in dark areas are invisible.

At the start of a mission, you will see no other units besides your ally units.

As ally units cover more ground, your field of vision on the battlefield expands. When enemy units and resources enter an ally unit's field of vision, they are shown on-screen.

2. Position your allies to expand you overall field of vision.

Once a section of a battlefield is covered, you will be able see units and resources in that area.

On te 2D map, the area surrounding ally units is dark. As you cover more ground, the map becomes brighter.

If a spotted enemy happens to enter an area of the map you have not covered, the enemy will vanish from your map.


To build bases: Gaia's stones ; To summon units: Treant's berries

You will need Gaia's stones to build bases and Treant's berries to summon units.

Gaias and Treants can only provide only a limited amount of resources. Both will eventually deplete after continuous extration.

HP Gauge and Face Icons

HP Gauge: Expression and color change with HP percentage.

The face icons at the bottom of the screen show the status of all ally units.

The expression and color of the icon change as the unit loses HP. Depleted HP can be restored through magic or the healing house.

1. Touching a face icon will select the corresponding unit.

You can select a unit by touching its corresponding face icon. When a unit dies and fades away from the field, its face icon also disappear.

2. Press the X Button to switch to icons that indicate unit types.

3. Touch a unit type icon.

4. These units are selected.

Touch a unit type icon to command all units of that type.

Battle Flow

Gather resources and strengthen your troops.

You can summon up to 25 units, including leader units.

As the game progresses, you will be able to summon stronger units. These stronger units will cost more resources to summon.

Moving Multiple Units

1. Touch the group icon to open group command mode.

You can command multiple units at once. Touch the group icon at the right of the screen to enter group command mode.

2. Use the stylus to circle multiple units and move them as a group.

Use the stylus to circle multiple units. Ally units in the selected range are ready for your commands.

3. Touch the group icon again to exit group command mode.

Touch the group icon once again to exit group command mode.

Controlling the Camera

Touch the compass to the upper left of the screen to rotate the camera 90 degress to the right. Or press the L and R Buttons to rotate the camera to the left or right at 90-degrees increment.

Use the +Control Pad to move the camera up, down, and sideways.

Power Balance of Units

There are four basic types of combat units. There are ground units, missile units, flying units, and heavy units. You'll find a certain types are strong or weak against another.

For example, an attack by a ground unit against a missile unit deals twice the damage of a regular attack.

Additionally, a gound unit takes only half the damage of a regular attack from a missile unit.

However, a ground unit will take twice the damage from a heavy unit, and can only take twice the damage against it, so be careful.


For example, an attack by a heavy unit against a ground unit deals twice the damage of a regular attack.

Additionally, a heavy unit takes only half the damage of a regular attack from a ground unit.

However, a heavy unit will take twice the damage from a flying unit, and can deal only half the damage against it, so be careful.


For example, an attack by a missile unit against a flying unit deals twice the damage of a regular attack.

Additionally, a missile unit takes only half the damage of a regular attack from a flying unit.

However, a missile unit will take twice the damage from a ground unit, and can deal only half the damage against it, so be careful.


For example, an attack by a flying unit against a heavy unit deals twice the damage of a regular attack.

Additionally, a flying unit takes only half the damage of a regular attack from a heavy unit.

However, a flying unit will take twice the damage from a missile unit, and can deal only half the damage against it, so be careful.

Summoning Units

1. The airship icon will not appear unless the ship is anchored.

2. Units can be summoned when the airshio icon is displayed.

Damage to the Ship

1. Attacks on the hook deal damage to the ship.

2. Unanchored ships can be attacked by missiles and flying units.

Special Weapon

Capable of dealing long-range, high-powered attacks. Slow to move and costly to build.

Special units and leader units do not fit in the power balance. That means these units can fight against any type of unit.

Healing House

1. Build a healing house inside the ship.

2. When the ship is anchored, the HP of allies near the ship will be regenerated.