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Huntin' Du'Cate

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Huntin' Du'Cate
Appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Japanese 獣王LoM
Beast KingLoM
Cactus Diary entry Entry 8
Character(s) Hamson
Location(s) Jungle
Boss(es) Du'Cate
Reward 500 Lucre
Sand Rose Artifact (If player give 500 Lucre prize money)
Prerequisite(s) Medallion Artifact
Quest(s) unlocked The Murmuring Forest
“Today my master saw a really big tree-hanging monkey and a really BIG red animal with really BIG attitude. Why can't they be like me?”
Cactus Diaries, entry 8

Huntin' Du'Cate is a quest in Legend of Mana.


While exploring the Jungle, the protagonist overhears Sotherbee, Skippie, and Hamson, discussing about catching a Du'Cate's tail for a considerable sum of money, effectively clearing out their debts. Sotherbee clarifies that Skippie's debt would only go down from 10,000,000 lucre to 9,980,000, making the sly little man think that the anthropomorphic dog has deceieved him and Hamson. The tiny canine rectifies his acolyte that they must pay for all the objects they broke. The duo leave Sotherbee by running off deeper inside the lush jungle. Interacting with the dog will inform the main character that he will reward 20,000 lucre for each Du'Cate tail he/she brings him. Moments later, a lilipea dashes around Sotherbee, the latter shouting that each of them are worth 100,000 lucre and that the protagonist should try catching them. The little fellow scurries away before anyone can claim their prey, however. Further down the road, a mysterious penguin casts a spell on the main character so they won't lost in the everchanging forest maze. After a while, the hero reunites with Hamson and Skippie, the latter having found a big animal that could be worth a lot of money. The beast is revealed to be Rosiotti, the Jungle's guardian. He tells the protagonist that Du'Cate has been causing trouble around lately and that he might be easier to catch with a partner. The main character teams up with Skippie and Hamson, eventually cornering the humongous ape. The hero is then tasked to defeat the beast and sucessfully returns the tail back to Sotherbee, who give his thanks by rewarding him/her 500 lucre. Should the protagonist donate the money to the acolyte instead, the dog will be impressed and give out the Sand Rose Artifact instead.


Talk to Sotherbee to begin the quest. Go Right and return immediately to try to catch the Lilipea. You can't catch it, and this seems to have no point, but you will probably become lost because the Jungle shifts randomly. Eventually you'll encounter a character who casts a "spell" on you, telling you it will prevent you from getting lost.

With this spell cast on you, continue wandering around until you encounter Skippie. Talk to him and agree to help him--if you suggest including Hamson, he will refuse. Once you have Skippie, find Hamson and agree to help him also.

With both Skippie and Hamson in tow, follow them generally rightward and go up when you can't go right. Eventually you'll reach a clearing with the Du'Cate, a giant bear-monkey hybrid thing.

The Du'Cate fight is relatively straightforward as he can be kept stunlocked with most weapons by simply continuously attacking at a moderate pace.

Fight and defeat Du’Cate to get a 500 Lucre reward. Choose to give the money to the others to get the Sand Rose AF.
