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Legend of Mana (quest)

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Legend of Mana
Appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Japanese マナLoM
Cactus Diary entry None
Character(s) Pokiehl
Location(s) Mana Tree
Boss(es) Mana Goddess
Reward None
Prerequisite(s) Sword of Mana
Quest(s) unlocked None

Legend of Mana is a quest in Legend of Mana.


The main character finally venture into the last land of Fa'Diel, the Sanctuary of Mana, where the fabled Mana Tree is said to live. Upon entering, he/she is welcomed by Pokiehl, who procceeds to recite a poem telling that the Mana Goddess was the light, and thus She could not see Herself. She decreed that some of Her light become shadow, and first saw Herself. She gave birth to this univers and all within it by thought alone. Thus everything we see and feel has a common beginning - her light. Ans so the desire to know oneself is the shadow that separates us from Her radiance. The Wisdom then advise the protagonist to not fear darkness and let him/her pass. The proceeds to ascend the humongous tree, ultimately reaching the Mana Goddess's lair. She tells him/her that she will make him/her a hero if he/she can defeat her dark side. The protagonist eventually defeat her, prompting a Sproutling to glide in front of him/her, telling that it will heal the Mana Tree. Meanwhile, every Sproutling from Fa'Diel is called to reunite with the Mana Tree, as they are all connected to its roots. As they don't have a soul the Sproutling never truly disappear, contrary to mortals. Niccolo is seen wondering how he can make a profit once all the little green guys are gone and proceed to visit the main character's house.


Enter the Tree of Mana.

Talk to Pokiehl and work on climbing the tree. It’s pretty hard to get lost in this land because there is really only one path that leads all the way to the top.

When you get to the Ruins-like area you need to find 4 sets of monsters and defeat them. The Ruins area is set up like a grid (3×3). After you defeat all 4 sets of beasts you will be taken to the Mana Goddess.

Get ready for a tough battle if you are playing this game through for the first time. I recommend leveling up as high as you possibly can before taking her on. The Diamond room on the 3rd level of the Bejeweled City has a Machine Golem that drops lots and lots of experience if you need to level quickly.

Good luck and have a happy end game. Don’t forget to watch all of the credits and save your game at the very end. When you load this game+ save data you get to start all over again but you get to keep all of your items, workshops, pets, and orchard. You can also go to the library in your home and read the Forbidden Tome to change the difficulty of the game. Changing the difficulty increases the experience dropped and the chances of rare items being dropped. Now the game starts to get even more fun!!!
