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“It's... a pool of magma.”
Morley while visiting Dorpher Volcano

Magma, also known as lava is a recurring lethal hazard in the Mana series.


A product of volcanic activity, magma, a superheated mixture of molten stone and metals, is found within lands blessed by Salamando as well as other more fearsome locales. As magma flows to the surface and becomes lava upon breaching the surface, it can burn any flesh it comes into contact with, causing victims to bleed away their HP at an accelerated rate over other status conditions. However, magma does not typically KO those who touch it, instead leaving potential victims with just a few HP. If struck by an enemy in this state, they may be KO'd by enemy attacks.


Final Fantasy Adventure/Adventures of Mana[edit]

Lava appears in the Undersea Volcano. The damage uptake varies greatly between the version. In Final Fantasy Adventure, the hero will lose about 10% of its max HP is he step into it. In the Japanese-exclusive mobile version, he will take more than half his max health worth of damage. In Adventures of Mana, Sumo will lose half his HP in damage for each time he steps into a pool of lava.

Sumo won't take damage while performing a MAX attack if he lands on safe ground.

Secret of Mana[edit]

Lava is present inside Gaia's Navel. It doesn't deal damage since it cannot be stepped on and rather acts as a barricade the player must avoid or find their way in through solving a puzzle. A large pool of magma blocking the path to Dwarf Village can be extinguished by hitting a nearby switch. Watts also uses a lava basin to temper his weapons inside his forge.

Elinee has blocked the entrance to the Underground Palace with a lava field. Randi must must first ask her to remove the seal before proceeding. It turns out the witch as run out of magic by the time she reverts back to her old self after the party defeats her pet tiger. The crew has no other choice but to seek the help of Undine the Mana spirit of water to open the path.

The broth inside the cauldron Randi finds himself in when he gets captured by goblins uses the same tileset as lava.

Trials of Mana[edit]

Magma appears as a decorative background element inside the Fiery Gorge. Its design can be considered closer to fire than actual molten rock.

The 3D version introduces a revamped dungeon with a large pool of lava and several platforms for the character to hop on. Falling into a pool of lava will deplete a character's HP and inflict the burn status ailment. Fire geysers will also come out of the ground and walls to do the same type of damage, with an additional knockback from the hazard that may push the player toward further harm.

Visions of Mana[edit]

Dorpher Volcano has many lava pools in its eastern reach. Touching any active red lava will burn the victim for a time. Blue lava counts as a pitfall and will return the party to its last known safe ground. Sinking stones allow the party to cross in some areas, but will drop quickly as the player stands on them.

Legend of Mana[edit]

Magma is found flowing through The Underworld. It is part of the background and is purely aesthetic.

Sword of Mana[edit]

The Subsea Volcano has large pools of magma dotting the dungeon in addition to geysers. The protagonist will lose a tiny fraction of damage while stepping in them or when hit by lava plumes. Magma is also found in the background of the same location.

Rise of Mana[edit]

The Valley of Fire has magma in it. During Chapter 16: The Red Ending, the Children of Heaven learn from Calcao that Cacao has been taken to Homura Volcano by Vibra and Toryu. They intend to sacrifice her into the crater, but the party manages to rescue her in time.