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The Wisdom of Gaia

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The Wisdom of Gaia
Appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Japanese ガイアの知恵LoM
Gaia no chieLoM
Gaia's wisdomLoM
Cactus Diary entry Entry 3
Character(s) Daena
Location(s) Domina
Luon Highway
Boss(es) None
Reward Forbidden Ring
Prerequisite(s) Niccolo's Business Unusual and Heaven's Gate should not be completed.
Quest(s) unlocked None
“A big face on a mountain? It's hard to believe, but my master saw it, so I guess it's true. It knows and doesn't know lots of things. What an amazing world.”
Cactus Diaries, entry 3

The Wisdom of Gaia, called The Wisdom of Gaeus in the original version, is a quest in Legend of Mana.


While wandering in Domina, the protagonist stops at the "Mana's Blessing" inn and find a lone monk soldier named Daena in a room. She asks the main character is he/she knows about the Mana Tree and what happens to people's soul as they die. Should the player answer that they live forever, Daena agrees that, even though she's been hurt hundreds of times, no foe has even hurt her soul. She then wants to meet with Gaia, the Earth's face in Luon Highway, and Shiloh/Serafina happily agrees to lead her to him. The team enventually make their way to Gaia's lair and the moutainous spirit gives them a warm welcome. He then asks his visitors the reason of their pilgrimage, to which Daena discloses that a friend of her is dying from a demon's curse and that she would like to know how to help her. Gaia replies to do what her friend wants her to do, but the feline warrior replies by saying her mate doesn't ask for help and that's how things are meant to be. The rocky face answers back by telling Daena that she should honor her friend's wishes to the dismay of the monk soldier who sees her friend as giving up on life. She then adds that her friend was strong before that demonic curse and that she only want to help her get back to her old self. Unphased by her words, Gaia tells Daena that people have the power to make their own decisions and that is precisely what she is trying to teach her. While Daena begrudgingly accepts the wise words, Gaia turn his attention to the protagonist by informing him/her that an ancient tree lurking near his house might give him many rewards. After bidding farewell to Gaia, Daena thanks the main character by offering him/her a Forbidden Ring.


Enter Domina. Go to the Inn (the top left door in the center of town). Enter the room on the right on the bottom floor. Talk to Daena and say that Souls are Forever. Tell her that you will go with her to see Gaeus and she will join your party.

Enter Luon Highway and follow theses directions to get to Gaeus:

Right Right Lower Right at Fork Right Right Right

Talk to Gaeus and Daena will give the Forbidden Ring which will share experience with all of your party members.
